Author's notes: Thanks to everyone who's been kind enough to review this story, especially those who reviewed the last chapter. I hope you enjoy this concluding chapter.

After hours of waiting Lisbon's finally allowed to see Jane. She's led to a private room not far from the nurse's station.

"He's heavily sedated and will be asleep for a long time, my advice would be to stay just a few minutes and then go home and get some rest. You'll be more use to him well rested."

Lisbon thanks the nurse and as the nurse walks away Lisbon opens the door to Jane's room. The doctor's report was very encouraging. There was nothing life threatening. He needs skin grafts where the drill has made mincemeat of his flesh but his condition was too weak for them to risk the surgery now, he'd already been in surgery for three hours as they removed the nails and repaired his collar-bone. A little repair was also needed in a part of the shoulder where three nails were driven in the same spot. They'd had to dig to get the last one out. He also has a couple of broken ribs, and his cheekbone and nose are broken. It all adds up to a few months of painful recovery time, and then there's his mental recovery, there's no way to predict that.

He's lying on his back, a cannulae in his nose, the swelling on his face has reduced just a little. She know his left arm's strapped to his chest to help his collar-bone, his right hand is laying on the bedcover, his wrist heavily bandaged. She moves to his bed and takes hold of his hand, bringing it up to her mouth and kissing it. Small gentle kisses all over the back of his hand and then she turns it over and kisses his palm. It feels so good to hold him, she wants to climb up on the bed with him and hold him properly but she knows that has to wait. She contents herself with being near him, watching him breathe, feeling his hand in hers.

She awakens with a start as the door opens, she didn't realise she'd fallen asleep. It's a nurse to record his vitals. After she's finished the nurse looks to her.

"He's doing very well, you ought to go home and get some rest, the doctor's not having him wake up until at least tomorrow lunch time."

"I will, I just want to stay a little bit longer."

Every nurse charged with his care, knows what happened to Jane and she looks at Lisbon full of understanding.

"I know it's hard to leave him, now you have him back. I can get you a cot if you'd like and you can sleep in here with him."

Lisbon, can hardly believe her ears and grabs at the offer.

As she waits for the cot, the door opens and Cho's standing there, much to Lisbon's pleasure.

"Can we come in?"

"Of course."

Following Cho is Abbott, Fischer, and Wiley. Wiley's still looking a little green around the edges. Each one is lost in their thoughts as they look at their sleeping colleague, each one still dealing with the pictures in their heads and trying to replace them with the peaceful picture before them. Lisbon catches them up with his condition and prognosis. They only stay a few minutes longer, they hug Lisbon, squeeze Jane's hand and say a few words of encouragement before leaving. Wiley is the last to leave, he's holding Jane's hand staring down at him. Lisbon touches his shoulder.

Wiley looks at her and Lisbon's shocked by the depth of the anguish in his face.

"I never felt more useless than I did today. Watching Jane being abused like that and all I could do was watch. I wanted to reach into the computer and grab that drill right out of his hand. Fischer had to restrain me from shooting him through the screen."

"It was a difficult assignment Abbott gave you today. You did it well, you saved his life. Without your information Jane might be dead now."

"That's what the boss said, but it doesn't take the images away."

"When Jane discovers we've all seen him naked, he'll sneakily hypnotize us anyway to make us forget."

Wiley laughs.

"No sneaking required on my account."

Lisbon makes a note to talk to Jane about it. As part of his growth as an agent it's not wise for him to forget all he's seen, but maybe Jane can help him cope.

"She sleeps like a log, barely waking up when nurses come to check on him. The days he was gone catching up on her. At six the first signs of light are beginning to make their presence known as she climbs off the cot and stretches. A nurse enters.

"Would you like a shower and I've ordered you breakfast."

"I would love a shower, thank you."

"The doctor will be in shortly."

"Perhaps I'll wait until he's been."

The nurse shakes her head.

"You have time for the shower, it'll just get busier later."

When Lisbon returns the cot is gone and she sits back down on the chair taking a long look at Jane. He looks better this morning, the part of the face she can see isn't as pale and the cheek isn't as hollow. The bruise is darker but the she swears the swelling's gone down a little. She turns as the door opens once more and the doctor walks through, with the nurse following.

He smiles a hello and opens Jane's chart. He moves to the side of the bed and the nurse takes the other. Together they pull down the covers revealing Jane's body. The left arm's secured to his body with bandages to prevent it moving, there are dressings covering the injuries caused by the drill, each one has blood showing through. The doctor checks them and instructs the nurse to change the dressings. They pull the covers up from the bottom of the bed and the doctor checks his work on the injuries to his thighs. Lisbon appreciates them preserving his dignity even though he's asleep.

The doctor then looks towards Lisbon.

"Could you help lift him up so I can check the dressings and stitches on his shoulders?"

Lisbon jumps out the chair and follows the instructions of the nurse. She holds Jane's head so it doesn't flop backwards. After the doctors finished and Jane's laying back down and he inspects his wrists. When he's done he pulls up a chair and sits down next to Lisbon, while the nurse sorts out Jane's bed.

"He's doing very well. His vitals are stronger, his readouts are better. I'm confident to schedule him for more surgery tomorrow to do the skin grafts, as you can see they're still bleeding so need to be dealt with as soon as possible. I'm withdrawing my prescription of the drug keeping him asleep, so he should wake up some time this morning and we'll see how he copes. If he's too distressed I will put him back to sleep again. I don't want him damaging my repairs. The nurses will call me as soon as it happens."

"Thank you doctor."

"You're welcome."

He gives her a smile and is on his way. She stands next to the bed and takes his hand. She knows that time's going to go very slowly as she waits for the effect of the drugs to wear off.

It's the evening, Jane woke up at 11 but remained sleepy for most of the afternoon. They spoke only few words to each other before Jane was back to sleep, but now he's more awake. She helped him to a sitting position and he's tightly holding on to her hand.

"There's no reason to blame yourself."

"I'm not.."

He interrupts her blustering.

"Yes you are, you blame yourself for not finding me sooner, for not protecting me. But there's nothing you could have done to stop him getting me. I was in the airstream having a drink and doing a Sudoku, when suddenly, glass was flying all over the place. I ducked to protect myself but then the room began to fill with gas and I was overcome before I could get to my feet. The next thing I knew I woke up in the cabin alone, chained to the floor."

He looks down at Lisbon rubbing his hand.

"You were there to comfort me. Thinking of you took me away from the hell I was in and gave me the courage to fight for my survival."

His tone is gentle:

"Thank you for that. What was his name? It's funny I never asked him."

"Ralph Dennis, he was.."

"A fellow patient, I remember him, he would sit in a chair all day, he barely looked at me."

Jane's eyes are full of pain.

"You don't have to talk about it? Not yet anyway."

"I know."

A wry smile covers half his face.

"It poetic don't you think that I get tortured by a man who thinks I killed his wife, she was even called Angela, except she wasn't his wife and I didn't kill her."

"He's never been married."

"She was a girl he was infatuated with in high school and he took her to a cabin and raped and killed her."

She looks at him a little surprised and he shrugs.

"He told me as I executed a plan that I hoped would set me free but only got him angry."

"That tends to happen, you ought to give up on those plans."

They both share a smile. Then she's serious.

"It wasn't poetic Patrick. You didn't torture Red John, in the end."

"No I didn't, I changed my mind on that one, killing him was enough."

She's totally surprised now.

"You changed your mind? Why? I thought you just didn't have the opportunity."

He looks at her with eyes so full of love it almost takes her breath away. His smile is warm and gentle.

"You don't know? You did. You made me into a better person."

She looks at him dumbfounded and in shock. A wicked gleam enter his eyes.

"And I'll never forgive you for it."

Author's notes: There it is, I'm not doing the whole recovery bit, been there. It's a happy ever after ending for this story anyway. I appreciate all who've read, reviewed, followed and favorited as I've indulged my dark side.