"What? How? B.b. we were careful", Ezra, stuttered out looking at Aria who sat with tears pouring down her cheeks. "I know, but this has happened Ezra and we need to talk about it". Aria reached into her bag pulling out a photo and handing it to Ezra. He took it with his shaky hands. It didn't look like the pictures he'd seen before there was something unusual about the picture he held in his hands. Seeing his confusion Aria cleared her throat, "there's one more thing you should know Ezra before we decide what to do…..it's twins". Ezra just stared at her his eyes only getting wider. "Tttttwins", "yes Ezra and they're ours so we need to decide what we're going to do". Ezra took a deep breath trying to compose himself as he did so. "Aria I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or ever thought I could love anyone. If you're willing I'm going to support you and are two little ones to the best of my abilities." He looked across to Aria "Ezra you know how much I love you, but I'm scared I'm barley 18 what if I can't do this". "Neither do I but we're going to try". Ezra placed the photo of the twins that were now growing inside Aria down on the coffee table and pulled Aria towards him. He held her cheeks in his hands, wiping away her tears with his thumbs, before he began to kiss her at first she pulled away put then gave into her emotions and began kissing him back. As he released her he noticed she was starting to look a little pale, she jumped up and raced off to the bathroom clearly overcome with morning sickness. He went into the bathroom holding her hair back for her; once she had finished he took a flannel running it under the warm water and mopped her face. He picked her up carrying her to the bed where he laid her down before climbing in next to her and planting a kiss on her head whispering that he love her as they both drifted off.