AN: So this is the first part of my new Avengers series. It's a series of related one-shots that all take in MCU post-New York. Although the story is following the MCU storyline, some parts and details will be taken from the comics, mostly for the backstories though. Please review, follow, favourite or whatever else you feel like doing. Constructive criticism and ideas are appreciated, but if it gets to the point where it's no longer constructive, I will call people out on their comments. Anyway, hope you enjoy what's here so far.

Day 0: Avengers Tower

"You want to do what?"

Tony sighed and-although he hated the thought-repeated himself again. "Fury gave the go ahead, so there's no backing out. A week off duties for team building activities."

Natasha was the first to get up from the kitchen table, followed by Clint. They had both agreed to live at the Tower with everyone else, on the condition that they were still assigned frequent missions by Fury. Neither could handle Tony for more than a few days without wanting to break his neck.

"There's no way Fury agreed to this," Natasha called over her shoulder as she headed towards the elevator. "He needs us too much right now and Clint just got back last night."

Tony smirked. He knew that was Natasha's angle and had thought ahead. "That's exactly why you get the week off. Relax, have some fun, tour around a bit and "learn to work as a team." Those were Fury's words, not mine."

The assassins stop and froze in their tracks. Clint's hand didn't move from the elevator button he was in the motion of pressing. Everyone in the room was on edge. Steve, Thor and Bruce were expecting a knife to come flying at Tony's head any second. Tony was already prepared, holding up a cutting board that covered his face and mini arc reactor.

"Hey Natasha, Clint," Bruce's quiet voice filled the silent room, "it's only for a week. Everyone can pick something they want to do, and Fury can get you both a month long mission at the end if you want."

Clint was the first to move, easing one hand away from the elevator button and the other from the knife in his pocket. He turned around to see Tony still holding the cutting board as his little shield.

Clint smiled and began to walk back to the others. As he walked past Natasha he brushed her arm and nodded. "Nat, anytime now is good."

With a graceful smile, she quickly spun on her heels, and in a blink of an eye, a knife was embedded in the middle of Tony's cutting board. With a smile still on her face, she followed Clint back to the table.

Steve could hardly keep the grin off his face when he turned to Tony and said "I think you can lower the shield there."

Tony's expression was a mix of horror, smugness and the pout he usually put on when either of the assassins threw something at him.

"One condition," Natasha chided, "I get to pick first, and Clint gets the last day."

Steve could sense Tony beginning to protest and quickly intervened. "I believe we have an agreement then. Natasha gets day one, Thor can have day two, Tony can have day three, I'll take four, Bruce gets five, leaving Clint with the last day."

Everyone nodded in agreement. They might not like the idea of team adventures for the week, but each getting to pick the day's activities made it somewhat more bearable.

"Now the rules."

Out of all the Avengers, Bruce was the one to raise concern first.

"Really Tony, you want to be the one to actually have a set of rules?"

"Course I do," he brushed the question off like it was completely irrelevant. "So plans for the next day must be distributed out the night before the day of the event. Day's events that jeopardize the life of an individual are not allowed; neither is leaving the country or putting some one in a situation where another would want to take the live of a teammate. This next part is from Fury. JARVIS would you care to play the message?"

"Certainly," the British Al's voice filled the room. Fury's voice came through the air next.

"Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff: please refrain from maiming a member of the team, particularly Stark. Banner: don't let any of the others get too carried away, and please try and stay calm. Steve and Clint will help with that. Captain Rogers: do try and enjoy yourself, this is not a mission. Thor: leave the hammer at the Tower. I don't want to explain to the council again after what happened last week. And Tony: one foot out of line this week and I will have Barton put an arrow through the suits."

Clint's eyes lit up at the sound of Fury's last remark. He would certainly enjoy watching Stark's face as the suits went down one by one.

"So Natasha, what's the plan for the morning?" Steve's voice was strong, but she could sense the fear in his face. Not fear of her, but more what she had planned.

"Oh it will be fun trust me, Clint and I did it a few years back. I'll send you the information in a few hours once I get everyone registered." With that, she got up from the table and walked towards the elevator to go back to her floor. The bounce in her step and smile on her face put everyone on edge.

Thor was the first to speak. Turning to face Clint he asked, "So what exactly is she meaning my friend?"

Clint shook his head. "Really don't know Thor buddy; she's convinced me to do a lot of stuff for fun over the years. Give me a sec, she might have sent something."

On that cue, Clint's phone vibrated on the kitchen counter where he had put it down last to make coffee. Anxious, he leapt for the phone and quickly unlocked it, seeing that the message was from Nat.


Attached to the message was a picture of Clint, shirtless, covered in mud from his neck to his feet.

"Really Nat, of all the stupid things you could have made us do, you picked this damn one?" Clint couldn't help but curse and shake his head. Of course she wanted to see them all suffer while she got a good laugh.

"Uh Clint," Steve asked, the concern evident in his voice. "You care to elaborate?"

Clint opened the picture Nat had sent him again and slid the phone across the table so Steve and the others could see.

"Ever head of Down & Dirty Obstacle Races?"