Hello my awkward ducklings! I am moi and you are you. Hope you enjoy my new story!

Disclaimer: I do not own OAUT if I did, I would be in it, Peter would be alive and he would not Rumples father.

SORRY: for any spelling or grammar mistakes. I am apologizing in advance just in case something slipped by me.

Magic Beans suck

After the curse was supposedly lifted and magic was brought back Anica never got her memories. She didn't know who she was, what she did or how she got there. All she knew was the her from Storybrooke; Anica Parkens if that was even her real name. No one in the enchanted forest actually remembered ever meeting her so she didn't know where she was from either. After about a month Snow suggested that she go to see Rumpelstiltskin and ask him if he knew anything. So that's what she had decided to do.

She looked up at the old sign that hung from the building. It read Mr. Gold's Pawnshop. In all her time in Storybrooke she had never actually gone inside. The place just gave her the creeps. When her hand came in contact with the slightly dirty doorknob she cringed. Ugh she just hated trying new things and asking for help. When Anica opened the door the little bell dinged and she was greeted by the musky smell of the old shop.

"Can I help you?" asked a voice from the back or the shop.

She turned around to face Gold. When he looked at her face he seemed surprised. She guessed he might have thought she was Emma, from behind they kind of look-alike. Except her hair is naturally blonde, it was a lighter shade of blonde and her eyes are light blue.

"Yes actually,"

"I don't think I have come in acquaintance with you," he said

"Well back then I tried to avoid you," She mumbled

They starred each other down waiting for the other to speak first.

"You want something," he said looking her straight in the eye. "What is it you want?"

"I want your help," She announced

"That will cost you dearie" he replied

"What's your price Gold?" She asked slightly shocked that he was actually going to make a deal with her.

"Well that depends" he paused for a moment "I don't think you have any use to me at all" he paused again before saying "but I am quite curious, you have no memory of the past am I correct?"

She slowly nodded her head

"And personally I want to know why" he added

"I want to know too," She said

There was another silence but this time she decided to break it.

"Why can't I remember?" Anica asked

"Well dearie" he replied "That is hard to tell. I would need you to come closer and give me your hand."

She followed his directions walking over to him and extending her hand. He took it, closing his eyes. He started to wince slightly, which worried her.

"What's wrong?" she asked, alarmed

"It seems" he winced again "That you have a very powerful spell on you preventing all your memories from coming back."

"Is there any way I could reverse it?" Anica asked a gilt of hope in her eyes.

"Yes... but it's very complicated. You must know something that one very powerful person must want no one to know," he said

"Ok, but you still haven't answered her question." She replied impatiently "How do I break it?"

"You have to go back to where the memories took place to retrieve them again. You will probably get flashbacks but it will be in bits and pieces. Another option is to find the person that cast the spell on you and get them to reverse It." he finished

From that day forward she went to every place in Storybrooke trying to regain her memories. When that didn't work, she had no idea what she was going to do, or how she was going to find this supposed person...


Today probably the last day Anica would probably ever live. Most of the people in Storybrooke where trying to help Emma and the Charming's break the crystal but she had decided to spend her last moment's alone thinking. She was in her usual thinking spot. It was near the dock because she had always loved the ocean.

"Ok so what have we accomplished in these twenty-eight years here Anica?" she asked herself

"Well I guess staying seventeen for twenty-eight years could be counted as an accomplishment but other that I got zip."

"This topic is getting kind of depressing. Lets see what have you done in the twenty-eight years? Umm... We have babysat Henry, explored every damn place in Storybrooke, and been in grade 11 for almost thirty years. Other than that, that's about it. The same routine for almost thirty years. That must have been one hell of a curse I wonder how Regina-"


"What was that?" She asked out loud cautiously "Who is there?"

"Shut up kid and get moving"

She thought she knew that voice.


It sounded like Henry.

"Henry?" She called "Is that you?"

Anica got up from her place on the grass and peaked around the warehouse. She froze when she saw a woman with Henry. The woman was trying to push him towards the docks on the other side of the harbor. She didn't know what to do. Should she follow the woman? Stay here? Maybe Emma didn't know... she finally ran over to them and yelled at the woman.

"Stop" She shouted running towards her, closing the gap between them.

"Back off little girl he's coming with me" the woman growled

"Well Tamara is it? I don't think so," she said bravely

"Stop Anica it's a trap" yelled Henry


"Gocha" yelled a man from behind her. She felt big arms wrap around her, restraining her from moving.

"Get the hell off of me let me go," She screamed squirming trying to make him lose his grip.

"Unfortunately for you my dear, you have seen too much. So it looks like your just going to have to come with us or die. Your choice." he said laughing

"I say you let me go so I can kick your asses"

"Greg what about the mission?" asked Tamara annoyed

"It will have to wait until we get to headquarters." he replied

"Let me go" Anica yelled again

"Not a chance" Greg replied

The two adults dragged her and Henry to the dock. Henry and Anica tried there hardest to make it as hard as possible for them to get there. They finally got Henry and Anica to the docks and through a clear object into the deep ocean of the harbor.

"You are the one's who stole the last of the magic beans?" She asked shocked

They didn't reply. They just stared at the water waiting for something to happen. Eventually it did. The water started to turn green, and it began to move in a circular motion. The rotations got faster and faster. The green color becoming lighter by the second at the moment the center was almost white. It was very beautiful she had to admit. Green had always been her favorite color, though she didn't know why. Then she felt her body moving forward getting closer and closer to it. Her eyes widened.

"Greg are you crazy," She hollered as she, Greg, Henry and Tamara jumped into the portal the bean had created.

Inside the portal was really weird. There was this weightlessness feeling and it just made you happy because there was so much magic. It only lasted for a few seconds but it was just so nice. Another positive was that Greg had let go of her and Tamara had let go of Henry. She could see a dark light at the end of the tunnel. It grew closer and closer until they all it the ground with a big thud.

"Ow" She said rubbing the back of her head. That was going to hurt in the morning.

"My family will come for us," said Henry.

"You don't see any clock towers now do you kid" Greg asked gesturing his hands around.

"Well My family has been in the enchanted forest before they will come back again and find me. We always find each other." Henry said very confidently

"I hate to break it to you kid but we are not in the enchanted forest either" Greg said

"Then where are we?" Anica asked quietly knowing I would not like the answer.

"Neverland" Replied Tamara


She couldn't see. It was pitch black. The black nothingness started to fade and she heard voices.

"Do you think she's dead?" Asked a voice.

"How did she even get here? She's a girl." Said another.

"What's going on here?" Questioned another more assertive voice. "She looks pretty bad what happened?"

"I found he beside the river a few minuets ago, then I dragged her over here." Said the first voice.

She opened her eyes but the light was too blinding. Trying again she finally adjusted to the light.

"It looks like she's waking up." Said the second voice.

"Where the hell am I?" Anica asked, her voice so that raspy it was unrecognizable.

The third voice spoke again, "Your in Neverland girl, get up."


"Anica? Anica? Hello?"

"Huh?" She asked

Her vision came back and she saw Henry standing in front of her.

"What happened?" She asked

"You passed out. Are you alright?" Henry said very concerned

"Ya... I think but I just had the weirdest dream." She replied

"What was it about?" he asked

"There were these voices speaking to me it was all weird..." She trailed off

"Is it possible that it's a memory?" Asked Henry quietly

"Maybe" She replied.

"If you just regained one of your memories them maybe you might have been here in Neverland before the curse hit?" he said excitedly "Maybe your Wendy" he said

"That's not possible." Anica said. "The curse only affected the enchanted forest."

"Well maybe it affected Neverland too. You still could be Wendy." Henry argued.

"Wendy?" She asked, "Who's Wendy?"

"You don't know who Wendy is?" He gasped "Its one of the most classic stories ever."

"Henry, the only fairy tales I listened to where the ones you told me." She explained

"Ok that enough kids." said Greg. "We need to get going."

"And find headquarters" added Tamara

"So you two are here to destroy the magic in Neverland?" Anica asked

"That's our mission" Replied Tamara proudly

"What about getting home?" asked Henry?

"We don't ask questions. We just believe in our cause" Tamara replied

They pushed Henry and Anica into standing positions and led them into the forest. About and hour after they started walked they reached a clearing. This was where they stopped to make camp. Tamara stayed and watched Anica and Henry while Greg went to grab firewood.

"Don't even think about running" said Tamara as she pulled a gun out of her jacket pocket.

Anica could feel Henry tense up so she put her hand around his back and hugged him.

"It will be ok," She whispered "your family will come find us."

Greg returned with lots of wood.

"You making smores?" asked Henry

"No" Replied Greg bending down "it's a signal for home base"

"A home base in the middle of the jungle, how convenient" She mocked.

"Shut up kid. Greg lets check the communicator" Said Tamara

They opened her bag and tried to turn the large walkie-talkie on. When it didn't they opened the battery compartment and sand fell out.

"Good thing you don't ask questions" said Henry cheekily. You had to love the kid for that one. It was a pretty good insult if she did say so herself.

"Greg" whispered Tamara "What if this wasn't an accident?"

"Don't let the kids get in your head," he said sternly

Anica jumped slightly when she heard a twig snap to the far right of her. Tamara and Greg seemed to notice too and stepped towards the source of the noise.

"Who is there?" asked Greg

A group of boy's ages 10-19 led by one with a cloak over is face entered the clearing.

"We're home office" The leader boy replied is a somewhat mocking tone.

So did you like it? Anyway if you are wondering when I will update, I already have the first few chapters written so they will be up pretty soon. After that I was thinking that I would be updating every four or five days.

Thank you for reading! Rate & Review!