To apologize for not updating in a while I wanted to give you this wonderful mental picture. Robbie Kay dressed in his Peter Pan costume singing Animals by Maroon 5 while chasing you through a forest. FORGIVE ME! Super sorry for not updating in awhile.

I want to apologize in advance for the crappy time passer sentences in this chapter. I am really tired and just wanted to get it up today.

Disclaimer: I do not own OAUT if I did, I would be in it, Peter would be alive and he would not Rumples father.

SORRY: for any spelling or grammar mistakes that may appear in this story.

Oh Shit You Got Dreamshaded

Spending the next few days with the rescue gang was not fun. They never let her out of their sight it was driving her crazy. Could she not go to the bathroom alone without anyone making sure she wouldn't run away? God. On the bright side her bondage had gotten much lighter. They no longer tied her up to a tree whenever they stopped. Now, she just had ropes tied around her wrists. It was good that they were starting to trust her again but she still had her 2doughts.

"Come on we have to keep moving." Hook's voice dragged her out of her thoughts.

Honestly the only thing anyone ever seems to do on Neverland is walk, she thought.

Looking ahead she noticed once again, the tall dark trees of Elkwood Grove. It was the fifth time they had walked through it today. She thought of mentioning it to the others but she had a feeling her observations would not be seen as true. They were all clueless. From the corner of her eye she saw Peter smirking at her. She abruptly stopped and gave him the middle finger. He mouthed the words 'your right'.

"Come on lass," Hook pushed her forwards.

She stuck her tongue out at Hook before looking back to find that Peter was gone.

"I'm getting tired. Maybe we should take a break." Mary suggested.

"We have to keep moving." Regina pushed

"We have been walking for awhile, I think we should stop too." Emma agreed.

"Who made you in charge?" Regina questioned agitated.

"It's been four hours." Anica argued

"I agree with Emma." Hook said.

With that, the group stopped for a break. Today they had walked about twenty miles today and she was exhausted. The long distance really bothered her because she knew Neverland was not that big. When she was with Peter it only took them five hours to walk from one side of the island to the other. She had a feeling that he had put some type of spell on the aria to make itself bigger than it actually is. Her seeing Peter today confirmed her suspicions.

Sighing she sat down on a near by log. Looking over, Anica noticed Hook and David walking away from the group. She looked back to make sure no one was looking before she followed them.

She couldn't hear what they were saying nor knew what they were talking about until Hook lifted David's shirt. There, was a nasty gash that was starting to turn black.

"Oh shit you got dreamshaded." She commented rather loudly.

They turned and looked at her. She walked forward and proceeded to examine his wound.

"It's not that bad right now but I would say you only have two days left." She said

"What do you mean only two days?" David questioned.

"As I'm sure Hook here was about to tell you, whatever you got nicked with was laced with dreamshade." She explained. "Its a deadly poison. I'm surprised you haven't collapsed already."

"How do you know so much lass?" Hook asked

"As the mother" said using quotation marks around the word mother, "Of the lost boys I unfortunately had to treat many dreamshade wounds."

"How many?" David questions.

"Frankly, boys are stupid. If you tell them not to do something chances are their going to do it." Anica stated

"They cut themselves?"

"You catch on quickly." She inquired

"Hook, David. We can't find Anica." Called Emma's voice.

"You need to make up an excuse so we can take him to the falls." She told them.

"I don't usually take orders from women but in this case I agree." Hook replied.

"Do I get a say in the matter?" Asked David

"No" Hook and Anica said at the same time.

"There you guys are." Emma sighed, clearly exhausted.

"Here we are." Hook replied with a goofy grin on his face.

"We better get moving again if we want to reach Pan's camp." Regina interjected.

She groaned, "We've been walking for hours."

"Now Anica, it hasn't been that long." Said Mary.

"When we started the sun was near the East Mountains. Now they're nearly at the west sea, it will be night in a matter of minuets." She wined

"You can't lose light that quickly." Regina insisted.

"Were you seriously not paying attention these past few nights?" Anica asked, "In Neverland its like someone turns off the lights and it's just dark. Poof. Suns gone bro."

As if on queue Neverland fell into darkness.

"You have to admit that was pretty awesome" She gloated. "I so called that."

"How did she do that?" She heard Emma mutter to Mary.

"I so fricken nailed that." She whispered to herself

With that, the five adults and herself set up camp for the night.


The next morning Anica woke up just in time to hear Hook's excuse.

"Last night I remembered something that can help us stop Pan." Hook announced

"What is it?" Asked Mary

"It's called a Sextant. It can freeze any magical being for an good amount of time."

"This Sextant could be our change to grab Henry and escape." Emma inquired

"Yes," Hook continued. "Me and the prince will go as well as Anica."

"Why her?" Regina questioned.

"She happens to know where it is." Hook told them.

They all looked towards her.

"Uhh ya I do." She said as she scrambled out of her sleeping bag.

"How?" Asked Regina.

"I know the cave where it's located. It's going to take a few hours to get there though. We won't be back until sundown."

"We better leave now then." David said.

"Yes." She agreed.

Anica stopped Hook. "Really Hook."

"What?" He questioned.

"What if one of them had been sailing before and knew what a sextant really was?" She asked.

"You've seen them haven't you? The only ship the have been on is mine." Hook replied

"Still, you could have blown our cover."

Hook was about to grumble something else but she walked ahead of him leading the way.

"How much longer until we reach this cave?" Asked David.

"A few miles more." She replied.

Without Mary or Regina they traveled much quicker. Honestly though, Regina was trying to hike through the forest in heels. Anica had tried to persuade her otherwise but it did not change Regina's mind.

A few hours later they had finally reached the base of Deadmans Peak.

Looking up she tried to swallow her nerves. She was not keen on heights since the incident. Taking one last deep breath she began to climb the rope. About halfway up she heard voices. Peter was trying to make a deal with Hook. She shimmed up the rest of the rope but she couldn't quite pull herself up onto edge.

"A little help here." She asked

She was shocked to see Peter come over to her and pulled her up onto the cliff. Looking down she felt very uneasy so she ran to the nearest rock wall.

"When I see the princes dead body I know then that you agree." Peter spoke

She needed to lighten the mood. It was getting real scary up there.

"Poke." She said, walking up to Peter and poking him on his left cheek.

This should annoy him, she thought. Smiling evilly.

"Poke." She did it again.

"What are you doing?" he asked


"Stop it." He growled.

"Hehe no."


"That's it." He yelled.

"Poke" she said

"Poke." he retaliated angrily

It was an all out poke war.











"Enough." Hook yelled.

Peter and Anica turned to Hook and laughed.

"Is there a problem?" They heard David call from below.

"No." Anica shouted back.

"As I was saying." Peter continued, "Do we have a deal?"

"Don't hold your breath." Hook replied.

Hook turned his back and began to pull David up.

Peter was about to leave but she stopped him.

"I'm happy that there's still a good part of you left in there." She said smiling genuinely.

"I'm still the villain." He replied sourly, "And you better never do that again."

"No villain would ever participate in a poke war." She giggled.

"You keep trying to mess me up." Peter said

"No." She replied

"You do."

She looked down trying to build up courage for what she was about to say next.

"Maybe it because I know you don't need Henrys heart." She started "You could give it back and we could both stay on Neverland together with the lost boys."

"You don't understand." He argued

"You don't need dark magic."

"Anica." he protested

"Please Peter?" She asked

"I have to go." He said before disappearing.

"Why do I keep falling for that." She muttered, "He's just going to end up choosing the wrong thing in the end."

"You ok lass?"

She turned around and put on a fake smile, "Yes"

"Where is the entrance?" Asked David.

"Over here," Anica said directing the two men to the entrance of the cave.

"Watch out for the thorns." She instructed.

Anica lead them through the short tunnel that leads to the cavern.

"The antidote is water?" David asked.

"Not just any water." She said. "It part of Neverland's core and the center of all magic on Neverland."

David bent down to drink some of the water.

"Wait." Anica shouted.

David froze.

"Magic always comes with a price are you willing to pay it?" She asked

"What is the price?" David inquired.

"You can never leave Neverland mate." Hook interrupted.

"David signed. "If that is the price then I must pay it. He bent back down again and took a sip.

"How do you feel?" asked Hook.

"Great." David replied. "I feel like a new man.

The men exited quickly wanting to return to the group. She went to follow, but a bramble reached out and snagged her forearm.

"Aw shit I cut myself." She yelped.

Hook and David turned back.

"How?" Hook asked checking her arm.

"It just reached out and grabbed me." She exclaimed.

Taking a first glance down at her arm, it looked like a normal cut.

"This is how all of them start out." She said.

"Maybe we should wait here awhile." Hook suggested.

"Ya that's a good Idea..." She agreed.

She waited for the pain of the dreamshade to kick it but it never did.

"I just don't get it." She whispered admiring her arm. "You should be turning grey with infection."

About an hour later Hook walked over to her.

"Let's take a look lass," Hook said picking up her forearm. "It looks completely normal."

"How is that possible?" Asked David, "An hour after my cut turned black."

"Why don't you just bring an extra canteen of the water back to camp just in case." She suggested.

David went back and got some water while Anica and Hook started there descend down the cliff.

A few hours later they reached camp.

"Your back!" Mary exclaimed.

"We are," David said pulling her into a long kiss that was very awkward for everyone else.

"Ehem," Regina Coughed "Where's the Sextant?"

"Pan got to it before we could." Hook replied

"Damn we really needed an upper hand." Emma yelled

"We only missed it by seconds." Anica added, acting aggravated.

"That really is too bad." Mary said.

"There's something I need to tell you." David said.

Immediately knowing that David was going to give away their cover she tried to stop him.

"No you don't have to." she insisted.

"Please mate." Hook protested

"But I do." David argued.

"What is it?" Mary asked.

"Anica and Hook saved my life." David announced. "We where attacked by the lost boys during the journey. Anica took an arrow for me and Hook pushed me out of the way of another one."

"That's so sweet." Mary said. "Anica are you ok?"

"Um ya..." She said looking down to where she had been cut by dreamshade and not harmed one bit. "I'm fine."

I know it's been like a week but just in case you didn't watch it, SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4 EPISODE 8/9







OH MY GOSHHHH. The feels. Where. So. Intense. That bit when Elsa stopped Emma from giving up her powers! So cute! We finally found out what happened to Anna and Kristoff but them being frozen in Arendelle leaves me feeling unsettled. I wish the righters had done more with that. Completely loved the Outlaw Queen in this episode! That bit in the beginning. God I was trying to keep my composure but it just wasn't happening. Then the book page. *squeals* And the last part when we found out that this sorcerer guy is probobly the author of the book. Who do you think it is? Personally I think it's going to be the protector of the hat guy. He's probably also Merlyn. Honestly though, they should so make either Walt Disney or Mickey Mouse the author. That would be amazing.

Thanks for reading! Rate & Review!