Lol, this's inspired by a song I kept hearing over and over in England that reminded me of Scarlet Vision. The song's called "That girl" by Noisettes. I love this song so much! Hope you enjoy!

"Has she seriously not noticed yet?" Pietro sighed into his cup of coffee as he watched Vision attempt to talk to Wanda. Honestly, if you asked Pietro, the platonic crush had been cute at first, but now it's just exhausting. One more naïve comment from Wanda and Pietro's gonna have to take a quick jog off to Virginia to cool off.

"Noticed what?" Clint questioned upon entering the kitchen for some coffee. He and his family had decided to take their summer vacation at the Avengers' Tower. It was kind of like Bring Your Kid to Work Day. Pietro doesn't even know if that's a real thing or not. Just like how he's pretty sure Budapest is a bedtime story Clint tells his children. And, occasionally, Pietro when he's feeling lazy.

Pietro looked up from his coffee to acknowledge his senior, "Mornin'," Clint just nods and makes himself some black coffee, "I'm talking about Wanda," Pietro nudges his mug in Wanda and Vision's direction, who are now both watching Terminator for the first time. Pietro would join but he decided when he walked in that this will be their first unofficial date, "What hasn't she noticed?" Clint continues, just as Laura walks in running her fingers through her bedhead, "Mornin'…" She groans, while Clint leans over to give her a quick peck on the cheek. She waves him off and makes her own cup of coffee.

"Vision's crush," Pietro responds, finishing the last of his coffee with a smirk at the fact that Laura's making two cups of black coffee. Apparently, Vision's crush is news to Clint from the way he looks as though he sobered up, "Vision's crushing on Wanda?"

"Since when?" Before Pietro could even reply, Natasha asks her own question. The three kitchen-goers look up at Natasha, each giving their own greeting. Pietro nodded his cup at her, Clint mumbled "mornin'," and Laura grumbled something illegible under her breath. But it sounded suspiciously like "where's the vodka?". Pietro is honestly worried about their domestic life, "Morning," Natasha nods back and makes herself her own cup of coffee, "So what's this about Vision crushing on Wanda?" She pulls out a small vial of some sort of clear substance, and pours it into her coffee, "Sh," Pietro hushes, but it's half-hearted as he's too distracted with the Scarlet Vision crisis.

"What's that?" Laura questions, already downing her first cup of coffee. She notices Natasha's wicked and slightly excited grin as she pours in nearly half of the bottle, "Vodka," She simply replies, before it's snatched from her hand and whatever remained was now mingling with Laura's second cup of coffee, "Hey!" But Natasha doesn't have time to argue as she's soon met with a heated glare only Morning Laura could pull off, "I am a mother of three. I deserve this more than you!" She waves the empty vodka bottle in front of Natasha's face. But the Russian assassin's unimpressed. She just snorts, "Not if you've seen the things that I've seen, honey," And she downs her whole cup.

"The women on this team scare me more than whatever nightmare Wanda could pull off," Pietro shivers, before returning to Scarlet Vision, "Anyway, as far as I'm concerned? Since Christmas," It had been so long since the question to that answer had been asked. Clint looks at him with disbelief, while Laura snorts behind them, "Who waits that long? Clint asked me to be his girlfriend on the first date."

"You're nicer without the coffee-vodka combo, y'know?" Clint grumbles against the lip of his mug as he takes another sip, before Darcy Lewis—Thor's friend who's Pietro and Wanda's age—wanders in. She looks as aimless as Alice in Wonderland. Pietro remembers their meeting vividly. She's a big fan of European accents. She punched him in the stomach upon their first meeting. They got over their differences and now she's his best friend-girl-who's-not-his-sister, "Give me coffee," My, aren't they running out of coffee? It'd be a shame if someone came along to ruin all of that.

"Make your own," Pietro orders, but it's ok. They're friends. They bond over accents, horrible puns, and generally being a pain in the neck to Clint. Poor, poor Clint, who got stuck with training Pietro's agility. She shoots him a quick glare, but makes her own coffee, "Anyway," She breathes in the scent of bitterness, "what's this about Wanda and Vision?"

"Scarlet Vision," That's pretty much all Pietro has to say for Darcy to nod, "Ah," Soon, she's a part of the conversation, until Steve walks in. He's probably the only one who doesn't need coffee, but he wants some, anyway, "Good morning," He's a morning person. He tends to take jogs to wake him up. It's because of the ice nap he took, once upon a time. That's Pietro's theory, anyway, "Don't bring sunshine and happiness in here unless you have vodka," Laura hisses. Pietro laughs so hard that he nearly catches Scarlet Vision's attention. But Terminator's better than some guy who's laughing himself back to death, isn't it? Especially your own twin brother.

"Oh," Steve frowns. He obviously feels dejected. It hurts all parties to see Steve sad, so Pietro makes his contribution, "It's ok; I got it," And he's gone. Off to the liquor store, "How long's he gonna be?" Laura questions, but just as Clint prepares his answer, the blue streak is back, "This time I didn't steal it!" He sets the vodka bottle on the table and Laura literally claws the lid off for her third coffee. Pietro's always known there was something to fear about married women and moms. Specifically Laura. So, to avoid the topic of his wife, Clint continues the Scarlet Vision topic, "So, do you think he's got the balls to ask?" He smirks into his unfinished cup. Steve's too innocent, "Ask what to who?" He inquires. Pietro can practically hear bunny making room in their burrows for Steve to fit in, "Vision asks Wanda on a date," It's like watching a Christmas tree light up; Steve's realisation. It flickers once, then twice, before turning on completely, "Oh!" He gasped. Pietro had to jab his side to keep the volume down, "Since when?"

"Christmas," Darcy automatically responds, too entranced with Terminator to deliver proper answers. Pietro knows she's street smart, not people smart, "Oh," Steve says, again, only quieter. "Morning…" Bruce is the only one who doesn't take too much coffee in the morning. He'll normally take a decaf.

"Hey, honey," Natasha winks, and Pietro's not awake enough to think of the wink's proper meaning. But he does catch the blush, "Sup, Doc," He adds, while Bruce clears his throat, "Yes, well, um, what're we talking about?" He pulls a tight and tired smile that simply states "it's too early for your bull".

"Scarlet Vision," Clint answers, actually faster than Pietro for once. There's always some sort of competition between them, no matter how obvious. You know it's a competition when the victor receives a glare from the loser, like the example Pietro is displaying at this very moment.

"Wanda," The kitchen fell silent with anticipation as Vision started speaking, obviously with some degree of shyness as he stared at the ground. Pietro felt pride glowing in his chest. He taught this little android well, "I was wondering…" Every occupant in the kitchen leaned forward as one to listen in on Vision as his volume dipped. Pietro was practically standing on his tiptoes, that's how deep he was leaning in. God, he didn't know his heart could thump this hard, "If…" Vision trailed off. Literally playing in the background was Sarah and Kyle making out. Pietro couldn't have asked for a better place to be inquiring.

Before anything else could happen, the door to the kitchen is slammed in and in steps Thor, grinning like a proud Viking who had just returned from attacking Britain, bringing whom some bears for a meal, with Jane Foster following close behind. Both had bad cases of bedhead and everyone in the kitchen let their imaginations fly free, "Good morning, my friends!" Thor greeted as loudly as a ringing phone at the most intense part of a horror movie.

It might as well have been a horror movie, too. The whole kitchen erupted in a chorus of screams, coffee spilling out of cups and curses spewing like the vodka from Laura's lips. Pietro slumped further more over the kitchen island. So much so that he ended up toppling forward and landing on the floor on the other side of the island. Conveniently out of view from Wanda and Vision. Bruce actually needed Natasha's help to calm down as his skin started to glow with a green essence.

But Thor couldn't take the hint. Instead, he continued, even after Darcy started shushing him, "We have awoken from a tremendous rest in peaceful harmony!" Behind him, though, Jane seemed to get the gist of the panic. She started tugging on the long sleeve of his grey jumper to get him to quieten down. But it was too late.

Wanda, who, along with Vision, had finally noticed them, hesitantly began to speak, "Um… how 'bout you ask me later, Vis?" She turns to smile at him, squeezing his hand in a friendly manner before getting to her feet, "Seeing the poptarts on Thor's pyjama pants reminded me that I should get dressed. Natasha and I are going shopping for some scarves, considering Christmas is coming up, again," She turned her smile to Natasha, who was now leaning on the island Pietro had previously been resting on. Noticing her name, she looked up and pulled a tight smile, raising her cup in a "yep" manner.

Wanda bid one final goodbye to Vision before leaving the room to change. And, from his position on the floor, "Naiba, Thor, I've never seen someone cock-block on a godly level before," Pietro glared up at him.

And, an hour later, Thor still doesn't understand what he did wrong.

~One hour later~

Sitting on the couch with Pietro, watching the second Terminator movie, Vision could distinctly hear a cry of outrage come from the kitchen, sounding awfully like Tony and "where the HELL is the coffee!?"

Apparently, Pietro has no idea what he means.