It had taken two weeks, countless bribes and begging but Hermione Granger had done the impossible...she convinced Remus to ask out Lily. It was harder than it should be, they were both rather shy and amazingly stubborn, but they so clearly liked each other that they finally caved. So today, a rare sunny day in the Scottish hillside, Remus was escorting Lily to Hogsmeade. It wasn't the perfect first date but out of the limited options it seemed like the best. Although Hermione definitely assumed that they would probably feel a lot more comfortable sitting in the library reading separately together. Of course that wouldn't force them to talk like Hogsmeade surely would. Plus, Hermione, Sirius, James and Peter now have the opportunity to be able to follow the pair the whole time hiding just out of sight amongst the hoard of Hogwarts students (purely to make sure neither of them stuffed it up). But besides them sneakily watching this would technically be the first real time they would spend alone that didn't involve full on studying. Thankfully, and rather weirdly if you asked Hermione, James did not object to Remus going on a date with Lily. Hermione realistically expected that James wouldn't allow it assuming that he was so clearly smitten with her like the stories she had heard said. She expected Remus to make sure James with ok with it and James to ultimately say no and put this to bed. Instead that apparent talk went rather well and there was even a hug and a 'you'll be perfect together' thrown in for good measure. Hermione wasn't exactly displeased with the outcome, her attraction to James seriously giving her a bias opinion and no matter how objective she tried to be her brain was having none of it. But none the less everything turned out rather well and Hermione could let go of that unwarranted jealousy for the time being at least.

The drama had also been serving as a rather trivial way to keep her mind occupied. On her first weekend here she had the duty of attending an Order of the Phoenix meeting. It was of course an honour to see something so influencing in its early days but that just made it all the more daunting. As she expected many members didn't take well to her being there being dubious of her time travelling story. She was forced into a rather rough interrogation examining every inch of her story looking for mistakes. After finding none and with Dumbledore's approval they accepted her in. The most horrible part however was her having to go into detail about the future. She knew many in the room were dead and tried to spare any details around this, they didn't need spoilers, and focus on key dates to stop Voldemort and the death eaters. She obviously wasn't prepared for her journey so she wasn't 100% sure of the accuracy of the information but she did the best she could. The most helpful information however seemed to be the fact that she knew that Tom Riddle was behind it all. The leader had been acting from behind the curtain calling the shots and no one had gotten a good glimpse of the man behind the mask. The Order had a hunch it was him but didn't want to rule out other possibilities just in case. Hermione's confirmation means that all efforts can now be focused. After the meeting officially ended she got to meet some of the members, many for the second time. Seeing Molly Weasley there, who had just given birth to the twins, was rather emotional but Hermione acted calm and didn't mention if and how she knew her in the future. Thankfully finding a time to suit everyone was hard and another meeting was still a while off, she wasn't overly keen to have to do it all again.

Hermione didn't want to think too much on the meeting or what trouble the near future may hold so instead she had focused on being a normal teenager. It had obviously payed off as she was currently watching Remus' goofy face as Lily walked down the stairs looking beautiful. She was wearing typical 70s attire with her crochet crop top, bell bottoms and fringe bag but her wavy hair and natural make up made her eyes and hair pop. Hermione had pre-approved the outfit and she was glad it caused just as much of a reaction as she hoped it would. She could hear the remaining Mauderers giggling from the couch behind her at Remus' dazed expression and Hermione couldn't help but to join in with the infectious laughter as she went and joined them.

"You sure you're all ok with this?" She whispered to James as they watched the happy couple.

"Sure, why wouldn't I be?" He asked genuinely confused. He knew he may have used to like Lily but he had definitely showed no signs of it since Hermione arrived to make her think so. In fact he had basically stopped flirting with girls besides Hermione all together.

"Just making sure," Hermione smiled back pleased with what sounded like a very honest answer.

"Well we better get going before we lose the love birds" Sirius announced as he enthusiastically puled Hermione off the couch and to the door, ending her conversation with James. They headed down to the entrance of the corridor with James and Peter trailing behind them. The four of them managed to slip into a carriage only a few behind Lily and Remus seemingly unnoticed and settled in for the short drive to the town.

The weather wasn't as horrible as the usual early autumn day in Scotland. The sun was out and taking the edge off the cool whip of the wind and melting away the last of the morning frost. The trees were still holding onto their green leaves and the flowers hadn't disappeared for the winter just yet. Hermione had forgotten how truly peaceful Hogwarts can be without the war and devastation. As they approached Hogsmeade she was in awe of how lively the town looked. Every shop was in use, people were bustling about and the whole town looked new and vibrant. Even when Voldemort was thought to be dead it hadn't looked this busy. Locals mixed in with the hordes of teenagers, markets were on selling everything from chocolate frogs to vintage wizarding robes. Some even contained muggle items as she spotted records and muggle books. Hermione kind of wished she grew up in this era, everything was simple and innocent. She knew in less than a year that would all change and she could now see the ripple effect of the first war had taken away the innocence and instead had a stricter, slightly gloomier atmosphere. For now, she would embrace this different wizarding world and do everything she can to make sure that it stays.