Disclaimed: I do not own any of the characters used in this story; or the lyrics/song

This story had lyrics from the cover of Say my name - The Neighbourhood, orignally by Destiny's child.

"Oh…" Piper eyelids fluttered momentarily as her chest caved inward. Her soft lips parted slightly, allowing air to be sucked in her dry mouth. Her blonde hair splayed onto her shoulders and back as her head fell back lazily.

She let out a small moan before her eyelids covered her bright blue irises completely. The blonde bit down on her bottom lip aggressively, struggling to hold in another moan.

She let one hand wander across her smooth chest to grasp onto her left breast. She kneaded the skin underneath until she felt her nipple harden against her palm. Her other hand made its way down her body slowly. The blonde reached between her legs to collide her fingers with a head of long, silky, black hair. She let her long fingers run wild into her lover's hair as she pushed her head further between her thighs, hoping to encourage the woman to speed up her ministrations.

Piper felt a warm ball of pleasure build inside her core. The beautiful woman between Piper's thighs relentlessly continued her efforts in order to push the blonde past the point of return.

The raven-haired woman reached her hand up to touch her sensitive breast. Piper's fingers were still working furiously at her erect nipple. As the taller woman continued to work her tongue in Piper's clit, she intertwined her free hand with Piper's, gripping it tightly as Piper closed in on her orgasm.

Her other hand was preoccupied by thrusting her long fingers into Piper's wet sex while her tongue flicked over her sensitive nub repeatedly.

"Fuck…oh God… I'm coming! I'm-" She was cut off by the impending orgasm rippling through her core. Her writhing body stiffened before shaking with pure pleasure.

She collapsed onto the bed and struggled to control her heavy breathing.

The tall woman between her thighs planted soft, wet kisses along her hips as she trailed up to meet the blonde's face.

"Horrible wasn't it?"

Piper couldn't reply, still under immense effects of the climax. The brunette smirked knowing Piper was speechless.

"Alex," Piper breathed out shakily. She crashed her lips into her lover's with intense passion. She slowed it down after a moment, not ready to start another round of sex. She felt Alex's tongue brush along her bottom lip before she bit down gently and pulled away. She only got a few centimeters before she released the swollen pink lip from her teeth with a slight popping noise.

"Mmm?" Alex wrapped her arms around Piper and pulled her into her warm embrace. Piper laid her head against Alex's heated chest and listened to her heartbeat. She let her hands run freely across her back, relishing in the skin-to-skin contact.

"I-" Piper was cut off by a loud ringing. The sound emanated from her discarded jeans on Alex's hardwood floors.

She frowned and removed herself from Alex's long arms to retrieve the interruption. Piper fished the phone out of her pocket quickly and froze when she saw the caller ID. She slid her finger quickly, knowing the call was almost lost.

"Hello?" She bit down on her lip nervously. Alex slid her thick, black glasses onto her face as she studied the naked blonde in full view of her.

Piper didn't speak for another moment; she sighed lightly and ran one hand through her 'just-had-sex' hair. Alex couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was and smiled lightly at the perplexed look on her perfect face.

"Hey Piper, it's almost 11pm, where are you?'

"Hey, sorry about that, just got caught up, don't wait up for me, I'll probably be back late tonight." Piper glanced nervously at Alex whose expression hardened slightly. She knew who was on the other end, or at least she had a good idea. Piper shifted her weight uncomfortably before retreating to the warmth of the bed. She sat on the edge and shifted the phone to her other hand.

'Probably? Pipes, come on, it's late, and I miss you. Where are you anyways?'

"I'm sorry, I can't leave just yet; I promise, it won't be that long, but I'd rather you didn't wait up." She grew increasingly annoyed. Alex cocked an eyebrow as she studied the planes of Piper's smooth back, which was now tense. The brunette could tell Piper was being vague, not wanting to hurt either parties listening to the conversation.

'Piper, this is like the fourth night in a row that you have been out 'til all hours of the night. What could be so important that you can't come home to your fiancé? I miss you and I love you, please come home to me.'

She sighed deeply, feeling partially guilty and partially uncomfortable to be having this discussion in front of Alex.

"Look, I don't want to argue," Alex frowned, knowing her fiancé was giving her a hard time; she pushed the sheets off her and crawled towards Piper. She moved her hair to the side so she had full view of the blonde's neck. Alex laid soft, sensual kisses on her neck as she pressed her long fingers into her back/shoulders, in attempt to relieve some of the built of tension. Piper's breathing hitched as she tried to continue the conversation. "I told you it was important and I just need you to give me some space, alright?" She spoke as firmly as she could, given the circumstances. Alex continued to kiss and suck as her pulse point. Piper bit down on her lip, suppressing a moan.

'Piper, are you with someone right now?'

The blonde's eyes shot open and her body went rigid. She fought the defensive tone that was rising like bile in her throat. She wasn't prepared to answer that question but she knew if she waited too long, the silence would answer for her. She didn't have time to prepare her tone, but tried to speak calmly when she replied.

"What? No. Why would you ask that?"

'You are being very vague, not saying my name or saying the word home. You keep saying 'I'll be back' instead of 'I'll be home'. You have been out all night for the past week and you barely speak to me anymore. What has changed Piper?'

"I think you're being paranoid. I just needed space alright?" Alex wanted Piper to finish the conversation quickly; she felt desire rising in her as she left soft red marks across Piper's shoulder. She let her hands roam to the front of Piper. Her fingertips ran carelessly across her toned stomach, causing shivers to run down the blonde's spine and her breathing to pick up slightly. Alex moved her hands lower and lower until they rested on her thighs. She drew light patterns into her skin, closing in on the space between her mound and her thighs. Piper involuntarily opened her legs, subconsciously granting permission for Alex to toy with her. She felt a rush to get her fiancée of the phone but didn't want to raise any more suspicion than he already had.

'Say my name.'

"Excuse me?" she blurted out as Alex brushed her fingers along her slit, causing wetness to spread along her folds. She tried to focus on the conversation but Alex's lips continued to kiss the skin on her back and shoulders. Each kiss was tender, full of love and admiration.

'Say my name. If no one is around you, say 'Baby I love you'. If you aren't playing games, say my name.'

Piper hesitated for a moment. "Larry, you really don't trust me?" She couldn't bring herself to say what he wanted. She couldn't make Alex the invisible woman any longer. She spent too many years pretending Alex's didn't exist and Piper was not about to start that again. She gladly withheld the fact that she was with her, but she refused to say 'There is no one with me' It was almost cruel in her eyes and she didn't want to hurt Alex again.

"You're acting kind of shady. I want to know why the sudden change. If somebody's there, tell me who. You're being strange Piper and you still haven't said 'I love you''. He quipped back in defense. He tried to justify his worries, which Piper felt even guiltier about.

Piper felt her temper flair as he insulted her, she grew bored and annoyed of the conversation.

"The person I am with is named Alex. I am not being strange, you are being clingy and paranoid. Are you going to force me to say it, because I'm not sure it really holds much value if you have to force it from me…" Piper knew it was a low blow but she was over the lies and just wanted to hang the phone up.

"Are you cheating on me with this guy?"

Piper sighed impatiently. Alex withdrew her hand for a moment, caressing her hipbones, which raised under her skin slightly. Alex had never said it aloud, but Piper's hips had always turned her on and she loved the feeling of her fingers gliding over her lithe frame, especially along her hips. She missed the feeling and took the awkward moment to indulge in her slight fetish.

"God, Alex is not a guy… I am done with these questions; no, I am done with this conversation. Don't wait up, it would not benefit you. Good night." She hung up the phone and turned it to airplane mode. She took a deep breath and turned her body to face Alex on the bed.

Alex stared into her blue eyes without speaking. Piper gazed back into Alex's emerald eyes, getting completely lost.

"Sorry about that Alex." She sighed and took both of the brunette's hand in her own, rubbing small circles in her skin with the pads of her thumbs.

Alex smiled kindly and shook her head, dismissing the phone call.

"It's quite alright, I'm glad you are staying a little longer." She leaned in to kiss the blonde quickly. Much too quickly, she pulled back and Piper grimaced at the loss of contact. Alex smirked and scooted closer to the naked woman.

"I don't ever want to leave." She replied quietly, gazing down at the silky sheets.

"Then don't." Alex spoke clearly and seriously. Piper's eyes shot up to gauge her expression. "Piper, I love you." Alex laid her head against the pillow as she spilled her confession.

"You do?" She asked with a huge grin. Piper followed suit and laid her head on the pillow next to Alex, their faces inches apart.

Alex laughed lightly and nodded. Piper smile didn't falter but she didn't respond either.

"I don't say that to everyone…" Alex suddenly felt self- conscious for her admission.

She nearly kicked herself as she felt the next words flow out of her mouth.

"You have to say it back."

Without missing a beat, Piper replied confidently.

"I love you too" Piper noted how easily it flowed from her lips, unlike when Larry tried to do the same. It felt wrong, and unnatural. With Alex, she was going to say it back even if the brunette didn't ask her too. She was enjoying the moment, her eyes raking in Alex's true beauty.

They pressed their lips together slowly and shared a passionate kiss; it was not full of lust or need, it was an agreement, a confession that was mutual. The kiss was full of love.

They reluctantly ended the kiss to stare into each other's eyes once more.

"So, will you stay the night?" Alex found her voice after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

A/N This was planned to be a one shot, due to the fact that I was listening to that song and had this idea in my head. I don't think I'll continue it, but let me know what you guys think!