No Drama

Jax and Tara had just pulled over at the TM when Gemma saw them. She left a mountain of paperwork she was dealing with on the desk and went to greet them. Jax was helping Tara off her seat, her hand firmly clasped in his.

"Careful. We wouldn't want to shake the baby inside, right?" Jax joked making Tara roll her eyes.

"I'm pregnant. It doesn't mean I'll pop this kid out the minute I make a step or two. You gotta ease a bit with all this or we're gonna have a problem," she raised her brow to indicate how serious she was.

In response, he pulled her flush against him, kissing her cheek then peppering his way down her jaw. His words were spoken so quietly she almost didn't hear them, "I'm just so scared, babe."

Tara cupped his face, making him look her in the eye. His hands immediately landed on her hips.

"I know you are. I am too. But we have to try and get past everything that happened. For us, for Abel, for this baby."

For the last two months, ever since she had another miscarriage scare, Jax had been overly protective of her, even through his jokes. As much as she appreciated the attention and care, sometimes it was overwhelming to have not just Jax but everyone else telling her what to do and how to behave. It wasn't like she wanted to harm her baby, for God's sake. Nonetheless, all her protests and little speeches of independence, it being her body and womb, were in vain.

The guys went out of their way to accommodate her whenever she would come by the clubhouse by, say, turning down the volume of the music at few parties she attended, or making sure they had extra food and sweets in storage just for her.

Donna, Lyla, and Venus went shopping with her for baby clothes, not wanting to leave her alone for a second lest something happened and she didn't have anyone by her side, and Jax worked with the builders extra hard just to finish their house in time before the baby was born.

Gemma forbade all the croweaters - except some of the ones she trusted the most – to show their asses, pussies, and faces at the clubhouse or they would have to face her wrath. Since Tara didn't know Gemma that long, nor did she see her 'scariest side', she didn't exactly know what that entailed. But Donna knew very well and assured Tara croweaters knew it too – that's why none of them dared to even set a foot on the TM soil.

"Hi! Where are you guys goin'?" Gemma asked as she approached them, wrapping her arms around Tara and giving her a kiss before rubbing her well-rounded belly.

"We have an appointment with Tara's ob/gyn. Just a regular ultrasound to see if the baby's ok. We're gonna find out the sex today," Jax answered, pulling Tara to his side, his palm wrapping around hers.

Tara laughed before adding, "Jax is pretty sure it's a girl. And I can't wait to see him proven wrong."

"I'm not pretty sure it's a girl. It is a girl, how many times do we need to have this discussion?"

Tara arched her brow at him, "Until the doctor says otherwise, I'm gonna keep spiting you."

"Fine, but I know I'm right," he answered with a smirk before giving her a peck on the cheek, "I'll just go check on the guys real quick. Be right back".

Jax went inside the clubhouse, leaving Gemma and Tara alone. With her hands on her hips, Gemma cocked her head to the side and asked Tara, "Is it a girl?"

Tara chuckled, hands caressing her bump." I don't know, Gemma. But he's hell bent on it definitely being a girl. You heard him. He even has a name," Tara added exasperatedly, but in reality, she was beyond glad Jax was so invested in this pregnancy.

"Yeah? What is it?"


Gemma seemed to ponder a few moments before replying, "Hmmm, it's a nice name. Wonder where he got it."

Tara grinned, recollecting their moment at the wretched brothel and Jax telling her how much he loved seeing her in that dress. "It was the dress I wore earlier, when we first met. It was purple and Jax said he really liked it."

"Was it the real tight one? The one that came from dry cleaning the other day?" Gemma inquired.

"Yeah, that one. Good memories," Tara beamed, covering her mouth with her hand feeling slightly bashful.

Gemma shook her head in amusement, "Yeah, yeah, I got it. Will you be back in time for the party?"

Tara looked at her in confusion. "What party?"

"Seems like all this alone time with Jax has made your memory a goo," Gemma joked. "Lyla's going away party. Remember now?"

Tara gasped, brows furrowing, "Oh my god, I totally forgot. I'm so sorry. Yeah I think we'll be back by then. Do you need my help with anything? Should we buy something while we're in town?

"Chucky's in the shop. He's already prepared all the cakes and whatnots. Just swing by when you're done."

"Sure thing."

Just then, Abel came rushing to them huffing. He looked pleadingly at Tara, "Can I come too?"

Jax was coming right behind him, wrapping his arms around Tara and smiling sweetly at his son.

"He went nuts when he heard me telling the guys where we're going.

Tara crouched, careful of her bump, so she was at eye level with Abel. She caressed his cheek, taking his hands in hers. "You wanna go with us, baby?"

Abel nodded excitedly, grinning widely at both Tara and his dad. Gemma regarded them all with amusement, caressing the top of Abel's head.

"Yes, pleaseeee. I want to see my brother! Can I come?"

"Yes, honey of course you can," Tara hugged him and Abel wrapped his small arms around her, kissing her cheek all the while giggling happily.

Jax helped Tara stand up, holding her arms. She swayed a little but thankfully, she was holding onto him tightly so she managed to recover her balance.

"Key, then let's go," Jax lead Tara around the car and opened the passenger doo for her. He waited until she settled and put on the seat belt before closing the door. He then made sure Abel was secured in his car seat before sitting in the driver's seat and starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Drive carefully!" Gemma yelled after them, waving.

# # # #

The visit to her ob/gyn was as eventful as Tara hoped and Jax predicted. The second the doctor told them they were expecting a girl, Jax made an air fist bump, shouting 'yes!' and laughing like crazy. Abel stared in wonderment at the screen of the ultrasound before he asked "But how can you tell? It's all just a smudge!" His parents and the doctor laughed at his cuteness before the doctor explained to him, in very simple terms, how they were able to tell whether it was a boy or a girl. Abel listened intently, eyes-wide. Jax took a moment to kiss Tara's forehead, whispering "told you so," with a shit-eating grin on his face. Damn fool couldn't wait to gloat, Tara thought, amused, but she was glad the baby was healthy, no matter what sex it was.

After that, they drove to the shop to pick up the cakes as Gemma asked, then went back to the clubhouse to celebrate Lyla going away party.

The crowd was rowdy, the music blasted from the speakers and everyone was having a good time. Jax couldn't wait to tell his brothers he was right about the sex of the baby and everyone who bet on it being a boy had to pay him up. Tara acted offended they were betting on her child's sex, until they all crowded around her and gave her a group hug. It felt amazing to feel so much support and love from so many people. She was truly blessed.

Abel sat in one of the booths, holding the ultrasound in his hands. He couldn't quite grasp that this was a baby, a real baby, his sister. Nonetheless, he knew he loved her now, even before she was born. He couldn't wait for her to be born because that would mean he wasn't alone anymore. In his mind, he was already planning what books he was going to read to the baby and all the toys he would fill the nursery with and how he would help his mom and dad take care of his baby sister.

Tara already explained to him that babies are quite handful and that they would have to be paying more attention to her, just until she was old enough. Abel understood and was glad they included him in plans regarding the baby.

Gemma came over and sat beside him to check if he was ok.

"Yeah, grandma. I'm just really looking forward to the baby being born."

"Oh sweetheart. We all are. And you are going to be an amazing older brother, I can already tell."

"Yeah, I am," he said with confidence, smiling at the ultrasound.

# # # #

Tara was sleeping contently. She had been sleeping contently for months now, without worrying about Kohn, Collette, or anything else but her family. She was no longer scared her life would be ruined by anyone. She was really, truly happy.

Happy and... She stirred in her sleep as a she felt hot air being blown south of her belly and her skin prickled at the contact of someone's hands on her thighs. Smiling, she opened her eyes slightly, her lashes fluttering as she groggily spoke, "Jax?"

A second later, his head peek from under the cover, a smirk plastered on his lips, his hair sticking in all directions and his eyes twinkling, "Hi, beautiful."

She was still half-asleep, knackered and not all that aware of her surroundings. Was it still night?

"What are you doing?" she asked as she made to turn and continue her adventures in the dreamland.

Jax kissed Tara's stomach, huffing a laugh when the baby inside seemed to stir. He slowly crawled up her body until he reached her sleepy face.

"Waking you up," he kissed her lips, then her cheek.

Tara pulled the cover over her head, still refusing to open her eyes.

"But I don't want to get up. What time is it?"

Jax lay sideways, his drawing circles around her belly button with his finger. "Does it matter? I just wanted to wake you up."

"Have you no mercy, waking up a pregnant woman?" Tara chided but couldn't help the smile appearing on her face.

"I don't remember you complaining last night. Matter of fact, I clearly remember that same pregnant woman being insatiable and making me work overtime" Jax trailed kisses along her jaw, behind her ear, waking goosebumps along her skin.

"Are you complaining?" Tara asked jokingly, pushing her bum against him. Jax nuzzled her neck before his hand found its way to her clit and she gasped, squirming against him.

"No complaint here. I just love waking you up like this."

"I love being woken up this way."

Tara forgave Jax for waking her up after he was so generous in his apology.

(AAAAA is this really an update?! Why, yes it is. Happy holidays, friends. I am soooooo sooooo sorry this took two years to update, but my interest in Jax/Tara and SoA kind of waned so... you get the gist. Anywho, I made a decision: my New Year's resolution is to finish this fic. I expect to finish it in 2018, fingers crossed. January is exam time and I'll only have two weeks free in February but I'll do my best to write another chapter by March. I have to reread this fic since most of it is kind of foggy lol

I hope you enjoyed and please leave a review, they make me so happy and encourage me to write since they let me know there are still people reading my Jax/Tara fics)