A/N: Harry can't find his glasses in the morning. This is just a short quick drabble of an odd morning in the Fifth year Gryffindor boys' dorm. I hope you guys enjoy. RxR. FxF.

Submission for:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry (Challenges & Assignments): Transfiguration Assignment #3 - Write about a "mysterious" disappearance; be it a person or object. Include the word 'vanished'

Hogwarts Fair 2014 Challenge/Competition: Face-Painting

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

"Ron, have you seen my glasses?" Harry asked, pulling the sheets and and pillows off his bed as he searched about the room frantically. It was very hard to find your glasses when you needed your glasses to see your glasses.

A snore met Harry's ears and he rolled his blind eyes. Ron would be no use if he was still dead to the world. It was just him and his best mate left in the dorm, the other boys having gotten ready and dressed earlier and gone down to breakfast. But Harry needed to find his glasses before he could go anywhere. It was if they had vanished off the face of the earth. He had checked the bathroom twice, his bed three times, his trunk and his bookbag, but no glasses. He couldn't remember what he had done with them last. He had been so tired when he stumbled into the dorm last night with Ron. They had stayed up late trying to finish up a Charms essay they had put off for a week while Hermione scolded them for being so careless. Now he was about to be late for Transfig if he didn't find his glasses.

"Ron!" Harry shouted, shuffling through his bookbag once more. His hand ran over pointed quills and crumpled balls of parchment but no glasses. He walked around his bed towards Ron's and shoved his best friend hard. "Ron!" he shouted again, getting a groan as the boy simply rolled over away from his attack. "I need your help," Harry said, rocking his friend back and forth, but Ron just pulled his sheets over his head.

Then Harry shouted, "Hermione, what are you doing in the boys' dorms in your knickers!"

Ron shot up, his hair mussed up, his mouth open with drool rolling down the side but his head spinning wildly as he looked for the scantily-clad Gryffindor girl.

Harry took Ron's pillow and bashed him in the head, "That's our best friend you want to see naked, Ron."

Ron blushed and then stretched. "So, what did you wake up for that was so important?"

"Well besides the fact that class is in the next hour and we haven't even had breakfast yet, I can't find my glasses. They've just vanished," Harry said. He was now searching through the dirty clothes surrounding Ron's bed. Maybe they had gotten over here somehow.

Ron rubbed his eyes. He should have been more perturbed about being late for class but he still had an hour. That was enough time. He opened his eyes and then looked his friend strangely. "Harry," he said.

"What, Ron?" Harry said, bent down at the foot of Ron's trunk. They weren't here. Maybe he should go over to Seamus' bed.

"I know where your glasses are," Ron said with a smile.

"Where!" Harry screamed. He came close to Ron and started looking around. "Where did you find them?"

Ron reached his arms up and above Harry's head before dragging them down onto his nose. He smiled and swung his legs over the edge of his bed, grabbed his robes and walked towards the bathroom, shouting "You're welcome," to an embarrassed Boy-Who-Lived.