Itachi had just finished handing over the mission that was created specifically for team7. Though he was still against this, Itachi knew Kisame would keep his word about not letting anything happen to them.

"Kakashi can you please stay behind."


The older man looked at him then back to his team.

"You guys go get ready I'll meet you all at the Main gates."

The three young Shinobi disappeared leaving just Itachi and Kakashi behind.

"Is there something more I can do for you, Hokage-Sama?"

"This mission looks simple on the outside but keep a close eye on your surroundings. Something just doesn't feel right."

"If you're worried about Sasuke,"

"No, that's not it. I know Team7 can handle themselves with or without anyone's help. I'm worried about the journey to the destination. Maybe I'm just being paranoid."

"Or you just need more sleep."

Itachi's mouth hung open slightly, and Kakashi continued.

"Look everyone can see it. Somethings weighing on you and it's keeping you up at night."

"No rest for the wicked. This job has no end to it."

"But you do go home at least. You're not staying here all night are you?"

"No, I go home. I fell asleep here once and Yoite had almost all of the Police Force looking for me."

"Yea I heard about that one. Your cousin talks, a lot. He makes jokes more about your issues then anything else."

"I know and I tend to just ignore him."

"It would be a lot easier to ignore him if he would just get off my back. He's been very open about not approving me training Sasuke."

"The Third knew you were the perfect choice. I'll see what I can do about my cousin. In the meantime please take my worries into consideration on this mission."

"I will. And you need to get some real sleep, Itachi."

"Thank you."

Kakashi left Itachi's office just as Shikaku was walking in. The two men nodded in acknowledgment of each other. One left and the other walked in.

"Hokage-Sama, this just came in from Suna."

Shikaku held up a sealed scroll with the Sand Village's symbol on it. He placed said scroll on Itachi's desk then stepped back to allow for him to read it. What was inside was exactly what Itachi had been waiting for.

"This is what we have been waiting for. Will you inform Inoichi and Choza we will be leaving later this evening to a neutral grounds meeting place to met with Suna and their Elders."

"They're really going to admit to their wrongs in attacking the Village."

"They lost just as much as we did in this fight. Orochimaru took them for fools and killed their Kage as well as ours. Our people have something in common with their people. With this alliance other Villages, big or small, will not try anything."

"I don't think it is wise for you to travel from the Village so soon."

"It would be disrespectful if I did not show in person."

"Great precautions need to be taken. Will you allow for me to see to it?"

"Make your best judgement."

Shikaku bowed then left the office so Itachi was alone now. But that was short lived hen someone knock on his door then walked in carrying a very large stack of papers.

"The latest mission reports are in for you my Lord."

The woman placed them down on the desk then wiped the imaginary sweat from her brow.

"Ah, yes hard work bring these to you, Sir. And good luck going through them that is some bad hand writing, the worst I have every seen. Academy students have better hand writing."

"Thank you Yuri."

"Yes Sir,"

She said with a bow then left him as well. It was about an hour or so later when Itachi's eyes began to burn from looking at the mission reports. He had chalked it up to using the Mongekyou too much durning the invasion. He rubbed his eyes as he set a document down, no doubt they were red with irritation. His father had told him not to use it, but in the situation they had been in there was no way around it. He was able to disarm more enemies at once then when he just used the Sharingan itself.

It was almost addicting using that form, but Itachi knew better then to give in to the temptation of over using it. He finished looking through all the reports by the time the sun had begun to turn the sky orange. Time to head home and get ready for the trip to the meeting place with Suna.

The meeting last all of three days, ending with a peace treaty being signed. Suna even offered their services with helping in rebuilding the Village. Itachi accepted such help and was provided with a few to go back with him to Konoha. The Elders of Suna promised more to help in a weeks time. As Itachi and his group prepared to leave they were approached by someone.

"Hokage-Sama, can I speak with you."

"Yes, Gaara why don't we take a walk outside."

Itachi could see there was something he wanted to talk about. When the two made it outside Gaara finally spoke.

"How did you do it? How did you get your Village to accept you as the Hokage?"


Itachi thought for a moment, they were the same in some aspects. But also very different.

"You know my Ancestor Madara Uchiha was once an enemy of Konoha. And in all retrospect the Village truly doesn't trust me because of the things he did. But I have worked so very hard to prove that I am not like him, I'm different. Just be yourself, they will come to trust you in time."

"I do want to prove I am worthy of the title. I don't want the things I have done in the past reflect on what I would like to do in the future."

"I understand how you feel, because I was the same. I didn't want to be compared to my ancestor, especially the actions he took against my Village."

Gaara nodded his head, he got what Itachi was saying. Konoha's Hokage did not allow for the past to dictate the future. He had also heard the tales of Madara Uchiha, certainly not a man you would ever want to take on in a head to head battle.

"Thank you, Hokage-Sama our talk may have been short but it did give me hope that I too can change the view others have of me."

"I am glad I was able to help you."

The two walked for a bit more before Itachi returned to his team and they left, headed back to Konoha. When Itachi returned home he came to find Team7 sitting in his kitchen being served lunch.

"I take it the mission was a success."

"Itachi-Nii-San, it was awesome. We fought against this big blue shark guy. And I kind of feel like I've seen him somewhere before."

"Yea, idiot in the Bingo book. Kakashi said we were supposed to study that."

"Oh, right. Man I just skimmed through it."

"My team mate is a moron."

"Are you hungry Itachi?"

"Yes I am."

"Take a seat, I'll prepare you a plate."

He watched Yoite walk back to the stove to prepare a plate for him. He truly couldn't help watching her every move, still amazed that she loved him for who he was and not what he was. Is this what it meant to love someone whole heartedly, through the good and bad. Because he would love her, he would love her till his dying breath and even beyond that if it were possible. Itachi knew she felt the same, they had loved each other from day one.

"You should really stop looking at Yoite-Chan like a creeper, Itachi-Nii."

Itachi was brought from his thoughts by Sakura's voice, the pink haired member of Team7 had been watching him. She was very perceptive, and rightly so considering who her team mates were. Someone had to always be on their toes if all three of them were going to survive anything.

"I wasn't being a creeper."

"Oh, yea. Then why did it look like you were going to devourer her with just your eyes."

"Why don't you stop paying attention to me and eat your lunch before I do."

Itachi said as he took a bit of her food.

"Hey, I'm a growing girl. I need all the food I can get to keep up with these guys."

"Itachi leave her alone."

Yoite brought his plate to him then reached for Sakura's.

"I'll get you some more sweetheart."

"Thank you."

After they all finished lunch Naruto and Sakura left, Sakura had offered to go over some of the people in the Bingo Book with Naruto and he gladly took her up on it.

"Nii-San, can we train for a bit."

Itachi put his hand up and motioned for Sasuke to come closer. And like always he did without a second thought. In doing so Itachi poke his forehead.

"Sure, it wouldn't do well if I got behind on training."

The two brothers went to the back of Itachi's home to train. At some point in their friendly sparring Shisui showed up to join them in a three man spar. The end result came out to Shisui and Sasuke against Itachi, clearly an unfair match as Itachi took them both out. When evening finally came and it was too dark to see anything was when they called it quits. Shisui went his own way home and Itachi walked his brother home.

"It's different without you at home Nii-San."

"We all have to grow up and move out at some point little brother."

"I know that, I just didn't think it would happen so soon."

"You are more then welcome to come over when ever you like. I know Yoite would enjoy the company."

"Yea I guess. I'll see you around Nii-San."


Itachi returned home and helped Yoite turn things down so they could go to bed. As they laid there Yoite spoke to him.

"Did things go well in Suna?"

"Yes, they are going to have a great Kazekage soon. I missed you while I was gone."

He told her as he pulled his wife closer to him.

"I'm sure you did."

Yoite said while turning to face him, she brought his face closer to her own and kissed him.

"But I'm too tired."

Itachi looked at her with a stunned expression.

"Seriously, one of the few times I have tried an you turn me down."


Yoite turned back around and faced away from him now.

"That's not fair my love. I really did miss you the whole time."

"No not going to happen."

She pushed his hand away. So Itachi tried again.

"I brought something back for you."

That peaked her interest.

"Oh, what is it?"

"No, I'm not going to tell you. I am too tired now."

Faster then Itachi had expected it Yoite had him on his back while she was on top of him.

"Itachi Uchiha you better tell me what you brought back."

"I don't think so. Maybe tomorrow, if I remember."

"Itachi, tell me."

"I'm going to sleep now dear, goodnight."

Yoite was not taking this at all, she was going to get him to tell her what he brought back one way or another. She trailed her hand down his well toned chest and pass the waist band of his boxers. Though she didn't get very far because Itachi stopped her movements.

"I thought you were too tired for that."

"Well I can change my mind can't I."

"Yes, and so can I."

Itachi switched their positions, the ending result being that he made love to his wife to the morning sun came up the next day.