Disclaimer: All characters, names, settings etc belong to their respective copyright holders. I'm just wandering around in their universes.

Ulysses stepped out of the travel capsule and into the oxygen and nitrogen rich air of the blue planet. Earth was how many of its inhabitants knew the planet as.

Looking up at the sky he could see none of the familiar sights; Pazithi Gallifreya, Karn, slowly making its way around their star. None of the familiar sights that one would see if they looked up to the sky of his home planet. Though there were few that would be interested to look up and really study the sky, the space beyond their planet and there would be far fewer who would wish to explore those stars and those times that were up there. Observe, that was what they of their ilk were to do.

Behind him, as he mused on the sky he notice just out of the corner of his eye, his travel capsule shimmered and changed to take on the appearance of one of the poles that supported a light that illuminated the patch of paved land that he was on. The street.

The native population changed so much, it was almost breathtaking to see, to look upon and to walk on ground of this planet it almost gave his hearts pause for thought.

Then he became aware of a curious sight and sound, though it was something more, something that appealed to his extra-temporal senses, the sense that everyone on his planet had, though many lacked the training to put into practice.

There was a young being laying outside the domicile, the home on this cold street , It was not the done thing to leave young beings out like this, he knew much of the cultures of this planet and none would have this done, at least not in a civilised culture.

As he approached and could see the small being, a child more closely he could feel his sense become aware of the being. The child had a strong Arton energy presence, where it sat, where he sat, there was a presence of Arton energy, and more so, something else.

He had felt it before in some students at the Academy and from his own son, and also his brother.

He paused for a moment and stopped himself from the action, or rather the inaction he was about to take. Ulysses wanted to turn around and return to his travel capsule and dematerialise.

That was what those back in the Capitol would do, those who were content to observe.

Ulysses was not one of those people, however. They, in the Academy called him 'reckless'.

His son and his brother however had different opinions of what he did. They were barely Time Tots, only somewhat older than this being, in appearance at least.

Instead he turned back to the young being in the woven reed basket. He was wrapped in a blanket and seemed content where he lay, beyond the conscious world in sleep.



There was a notice attached within the basket, many of the words he recognised. The names were though easier for where they were placed. He had come to know many of the languages of this planet, and if he let it, his travel capsule would translate what was on the page for him. But Ulysses was a scholar and to know a language was to understand it, not just have his travel capsule do the operation for him.

The name for this young being was 'Harry Potter'. A bold name for such being with such potential.

Looking up at the domicile before him, there was nothing inspiring in it, nothing that could complement the being that he found he was now holding in one arm, wrapped against the cool air of the night.

Then, as the moments passed Ulysses walked back to his travel capsule with the young boy in his arm, the woven reed basket in the other.

The door to his travel capsule opened as he approached and then he was inside, back within the warming humming interior of the travel capsule.

He walked slowly and decisively into the interior, he could feel the craft's presence waiting ready, expectantly,

The room was where he intended it to be, where he knew it would be, a place to set the child down. To set Harry Potter down to rest while he piloted the craft back to his home planet.


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There had been some questions of where the young boy was from. The Academy did take in students from beyond the borders of their star system, from their trading partners. Though that was some centuries ago.

Though no one could argue against the Artron energy readings that the boy presented. He presented an affinity for the energy, more so even than some Time Lords.

The Academy had accepted Harry Potter for preliminary entry to the Academy, an entrance he would take up when he passed his maturation, moving beyond that of a Time Tot.

His wife chastised him, she was the only one he confided in, revealing some, though not all of where he had recovered the boy from.

She though admitted she felt something for the boy, and, as he made contact with her and she revelled in his memory, his experience of the blue planet on which they had both stood earlier in their lives, there was something...something he had missed about the domiciles. The homes there. A uniformity that was even alien to the Gallifreyan mindset.

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Several mega-spans later...

He stood looking at the tall imposing figure, the figure's cloak was textured, the carver of the statue had gone to great lengths to ensure its accuracy.

The young boy could be found to be standing here before the statue or others like it, on his way to his studies or from them.

"Harry Potter, I see you are here again, looking at these old men." He, the young man turned and smiled at the man whom he had come to know well, even more since his father had disappeared.

"Savar." The young boy said in greeting. Most Time Lords upon first meeting called him Lord Savar. Though some avoided him all together, because of what had happened in the past.

"I seem to find you before a different statue here." He said as he paused behind the younger man. For several moments, though both men knew precisely how long they had stood there, they remained in silent contemplation.

Today found the young boy standing before the statue of Pandak. Reading the inscription in High Gallifreyan and thinking of the man, one of the six founders of modern Gallifrey. After the time of Pythia and the Dark Time.

"Following a time of chaos, these Gallifreyans stepped out into the cities of Gallifrey and forged a new path through the destruction and mysticism of Pythia." Savar spoke softly.

Harry had heard the stories of the ancient Gallifreyans many times, Gallifrey's vast empire, their trading partners even more than they had now. And the time of Pythia, when Gallifrey was ruled through all knowing telepathy and the power of Pythia. When the Menti Celesti were worshipped.

Gallifreyan history was something that Harry found fascinating, and that of the histories of the other planets that the had visited.

"Come now Harry, I do believe you have classes in a few spans. Let us stop watching statues of those who came before." Savar gestured to the long corridors that led away from the Panopticon.

"Yes Lord Savar." He said in a humorous tone as he took one final look at the inscription below the statue.

"The statue and its inscription will remain Harry, there is no temporal manipulation that could reach to change those things." Savar said.

"Gallifey's ancient past is time locked, no time ship, TARDIS, time ring or time craft can breach the Dark Time, Time of Empire or the Time of Chaos." Harry said in a calm tone, reciting from memory the things he had learnt and read; from the great archives and learnt from his tutors in the Academy.

"Very good Harry." Savar said as the passed out of the Panopticon. "I heard from my cousins that you spent Othermas at Lungbarrow. Your brother and his did not attend?" Savar turned to the younger, much younger depending on measurement.

"They've been there many times, they seem to want to study." Harry said, smiling at the memory of being outside of the Capitol. "I saw the Hermit again."

"Your brother's Hermit?" Savar asked an amused tone in his voice. "Did he tell you stories as he did your brother?"

Harry nodded. "Some he's told before, but others are new. I also hiked Mount Cadon alone."

"Something your cousins had cautioned you against in the past?"

"My brother would always come with me. But..." He paused.

"But?" Savar pressed.

"He said, being able to stand atop Mount Cadon, looking out to the night sky, it was as though he could touch the sky, and go further." Harry paused as they a transportation platform arrived than they stepped in. "But no one would ever let him."

"We must observe but not interfere. It is the Time Lord way." Savar calmly responded.

"It's not the way my brother wants to do things." Harry said as they stepped out.

"Some of us are drawn to things we cannot understand Harry and there are prices we pay for that." Savar said softly. Harry had heard some Time Lords and some students in other Chapter Houses speaking in whispered tones about Savar. How he had travelled far beyond Gallifrey, and how he had been injured. He had gone through more than one regeneration since then.

Savar never spoke of it, but had indicated that his incarnation that had done those things had been reckless and dangerous.

It was also what some had said had happened to his father, that he had become reckless and departed Gallifrey to explore.

Harry wasn't sure, he had some very clear memories of his father, and mother. One when he and his brother, and his brother were standing out on a warm evening, as the deep yellow orange sky gave way to the great blackness of space. The stars, Pazithi Gallifreya and her twin moon in the sky above. It had been wondrous. He remembered his father laughing at his brother's joy and watching his brother's brother looking around quietly taking in all that was around him. Harry remembered the awe he felt, of the sky, the moons, of space. Of Gallifrey and all her lands. Of his father also, an imposing figure almost like those statues in the Panopticon.

Then one day, shortly after he began the at the Time Lord Academy, he was gone. A TARDIS travel capsule, his travel capsule also gone.

Ulysses, his father was known for this, but had not, for all Harry's life done it before. His brother had left when he had heard the news, running out to live with the Shobogans, and only his brother's brother remained.

They had shared study periods and spoken together, his brother's brother was quieter than his brother. But they spoke amicably. He revealed that he and the others in his Academy year had taken on pseudonyms, alternative names, for when they were together a group of them, rebelling from the rest. 'The Deca'.

Koschei, was what he had decided to call himself.

It was Harry had to admit faster to say than his actual name. While his brother was known especially around the Shabogans as 'Theta Sigma', though those outside the Capitol shortened this name even further to just 'Thete'.

Koschei seemed to find this a little insulting to their name, or perhaps their heritage.

"...Caught in thought Harry?" Savar gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

Harry nodded, he sometimes found himself silent for too long or staring off away from the looks of others as he thought on things. Some of the Time Lords; his tutors, the archivists, commentators and the like didn't notice, they were used to Time Lords caught in thought; musing on the state of the universe.

Not that he was technically a Time Lord yet, you could not be called a Time Lord until you finished the majority of your study, until you gazed into the Untempered Schism.

His brother and others of his year would be completing most of their study and soon be gazing into it. It would not be Harry's turn for several mega-spans yet.

"Do not let yourself be stuck within your mind. The Matrix awaits when those transcend life and move beyond the physical. At the end of their lives."

"And I am just beginning mine." Harry said playfully, it was something Savar felt that he should remind Harry of. With what Savar had gone through in his early incarnations and all.

"Go now, you do now wish to make your tutors angry."

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Several spans further more...

Koschei had been changed by looking into the Untempered Schism. Harry tried to tell his brother this. But his brother would not, or could not listen, he seemed possessed by possibility, by what lay beyond Gallifrey.

When they had been taken, in the past on observation trips to other times, other worlds his brother had been joyful and sometimes obsessed by exploring. Ulysses, before he had disappeared knew to keep a good eye on his brother, on the few occasions when Ulysses had persuaded those in power to allow private trips of exploration, 'day trips' his mother had called them.

But when their tutors allowed observation for their studies they could not go far, but his brother always wanted to go, explore, interact, see the planets, space stations or other places.

Now though as his brother and the rest of his Academy year gazed into the Untempered Schism, they each saw something, something different. His brother had seen the potential, the other worlds, he had been inspired, like many of his year. Ushas he had heard also had been inspired by what she saw.

She was always friendly and curious about him, his brother somewhat less so. From what she had not said it seemed his brother annoyed her with his lack of focus.

It was from Ushas that he had heard that Mortimus had giggled with glee after his time before the Schism. Ushas' scientific studies were important, that was why she respected him for they both could be found in the Gallifreyan archives. Though Ushas was somewhat like his brother's brother; Koschei. Focused as was Drax would say, too focused to have a good time.

Though like his brother Drax would spend time with the Shobogans. Maybe it was the way he turned his voice that annoyed Ushas, Koschei and Vansell.

All were part of the Deca, though Harry wasn't, he was younger than them all, but his brother's connection and his being part of the Prydonian chapter allowed him to interact with them.


Harry didn't feel he could speak with Savar about the Untempered Schism. Experiences such as those were best left to young Time Lords and Savar had already more than once experienced inspiration, madness and the drive to run to and away from things. Whenever those of the Academy experienced the Schism Harry knew that Savar would spend time out of the Citadel in the House of his cousins. Or maybe out exploring collecting seeds of the Madevinia aridosa flower, the Schlenk Blossom and seeds of the Cadonwood tree for his experiments and for the gardens within the Capitol.

Though Harry knew that they did not grow well within the Capitol, it was better when they grew outside, amongst the Great Houses and old in the wilds of Gallifrey.

He loved walking through the forests of Cadonwood, their silver leaves all around him, the flutterwings flying between the trees and out into the fields of Schlenk Blossom. Whenever he went out, with Savar and occasionally alone he would bring back some Schlenk Blossom for his brother, he always said it was amongst his favourite smells.

Instead he decided to transmat to the house of his cousins the House of Lungbarrow, to speak with Kithriarch Ordinal General Quences, or as he insisted all newcomers to the house call him at least once Ordinal General Quencessetianobayolocaturgrathadadeyyilungbarrowmas.

He was a stern man and Time Lord and took his role of Kithriarch seriously to all who were related to the House of Lungbarrow, which included Harry and his brother.

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Ordinal General Quences looked up when his door was knocked upon, he had already been informed by the House a cousin had visited upon them. It was not unusual for cousins to visit, especially now, when Academy students gazed into the Untempered Schism. His house had had its share of madness induced by the Untempered Schism, The mind of some Gallifreyans and even Time Lords could sometimes not cope with the possibilities presented by the Schism.

But it was surprising that it was not the wayward one, nor his brother who sometimes visited from his own house of Oakdown.

It was the quiet, yet powered one. The one who would not look upon the Untempered Schism for several more spans yet.

"Harry Potter. What has brought you to my rooms, all the way from the Capitol?" The young cousin did well to hide his features, but Kithriarch Ordinal General Quences could read the cousins of his House, and did not need to use his psychic powers to do so.

Not that he was as gifted as some, their cousin Innocent was particularly gifted in that field.

But he still knew something troubled his young cousin.

"I'm worried Ordinal General Quences." He said as he walked in, using his full title he knew that the young cousin was worried.

Quences waved a hand over to his library, it was somewhere that the young cousin Harry Potter had asked him to explore when he had visited with his brother. Not that the older cousin was as interested in books.

He preferred to get his information from the Hermit who told tales and stories. Sometimes Quences wondered at the expense that the Hermit cost his house. But the Hermit had also inspired many cousins of the house to go on into Gallifreyan society. Many had gone into the Patrex Chapter House of the Academy, that which produced the artists and the aesthetes.

Though he was still unsure of what Harry Potter's brother would do into the future, there was wild almost untamed passion that he had. A passion to change things that could not be changed, against society. A revolutionary. He had warned Ulysses about that, but Ulysses would never listen.

"Now young Harry, what has you so concerned?"

"Koschei is changed, more so than the others by the Untempered Schism." Koschei, the name taken by Harry Potter's brother's brother. He was part of a group that had formed within the Prydonian Chapter, he had been reliably informed that they called themselves 'The Deca' a pooling of multiple talents and interests of study. It was something of a new phenomena. New for in the past 300 years at least. Quences did not enter the Capitol often however, he and the other Kithriarchs of the houses remained outside it, dealing with their own business.

"All Gallifreyans are changed by gazing into the Untempered Schism Harry. It is what makes Time Lords great." He paused. "Or mad." There was no use in deceiving the young cousin. He knew that Harry frequently spoke with Savar and his madness in a previous regeneration was well known.

Harry shook his head. "I don't think he's been unsettled, but he has changed."

Quences looked to the young cousin. He was more perceptive of some things than others within the Academy. He also showed a great aptitude for tele-psychic transference, not that he knew it yet. It was a skill not even Innocent possessed. But it was something that was documented although not many of his or other houses could complete a successful transference for many millennia. But in the Dark Time and during the Time of Empire it was one of the many great powers their ancestors possessed.

"What of your brother?" Quences asked as Harry shifted looking around the library. Quences tapped his foot on the ground. The young cousin could get caught in his thoughts sometimes, not a great issue. Thought and thinking were better than reckless actions. Something his brother was prone to do.

"He has become..." The young cousin paused but did not seem to allow himself to get distracted this time. "Changed, but not as much as Koschei. He is excited about the possibilities the future holds." He said carefully. Quences mused on that for a few moments. That was sometimes good in a cousin. Excitation concerning the future was something that drove Time Lords, gave them a sense of empowerment.

Although Harry's brother was always quite excitable, especially by the tales from the Hermit.


Harry returned from visiting the House of Lungbarrow and speaking with Ordinal General Quences feeling somewhat better. The man was imposing but speaking with him he felt better about his brother, and his brother Koschei.

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Many spans later...

It had been some time since the 'renegades' had left Gallifrey. Each taking a travel capsule; a TARDIS and leaving Gallifrey behind.

His brother had been one of the first to leave. Harry still had the letter.

He knew his brother had been disappointed at what he could do, where he might go, what to pursue after gazing into the Untempered Schism. Harry had even seen him looking at the TARDIS cradles longingly, looking at them sitting there in their unhidden states, their camouflage units inoperative as they sat waiting in their cradles.

His brother had left, signing the letter with his name and the name he had adopted for himself some spans before his departure; the Doctor.

Harry knew the term, an individual of healing, learning and exploration. That suited his brother. He could tell just from the letter and how it was crafted, the hand in which it was written, that his brother had been excited, too excited to wait.

The High Council did not know when the renegades departed. Many spans had passed before anyone noticed their departures.

His brother, Ushas, Mortimus, Drax, Magnus and Koschei had all departed, each using a TARDIS that had been in-operative or decommissioned and was therefore not monitored.

The High Council was concerned of Magnus, his knowledge and skill with temporal engineering and the temporal travel capsules. Though his knowledge was mostly theoretical.

Ushas had caused many problems for the High Council before she left, pursuing her science experiments from what Harry knew.

Koschei, Harry was relatively sure had left after his brother 'the Doctor'. Perhaps annoyed that his brother had done such a thing.

After the group had left the High Council had declared them all renegade Time Lords, as the High Council stated they all departed to break or had broken the Time Lord and Gallifreyan laws some of the highest order.

Harry was unsure how to react to this. His brother and the others of the Deca had become somewhat different from their experiences at the Academy and with the Untempered Schism.

Harry had decided not to mourn the departure of his brother, Koschei, Ushas and the others, but to be pleased for them, that they had decided to pursue their chosen directions in their lives.

Harry was still somewhat unsure of the direction he was to take. His tutors thought he had the makings of a great Historian.

But he, like his brother also wished to explore, not just Gallifrey's past.

There was also the blue planet, Sol 3 in the Mutter's Spiral. Earth. The planet his father said he originated, but he was now and had been for most of his life a child of Gallifrey.


Today was a different day. Today would be the day he gazed into the Untempered Schism. He had spent the morning in contemplation between the great statues of the Panopticon. Gallifrey's founders, represented in statue form.

They had not gazed into the Untempered Schism, these men who had shaped Gallifrey's early history after the time of Pythia. They had not needed to gaze into the Untempered Schism, they went out into the universe, waging wars, changing civilisations.

Omega created his Hands of Omega and mastered stellar manipulation, Rassilon's feats were wide and varied, before Omega's mastery of stellar manipulation the Time Lords waged war against the Vampires. Some accounts stated it was the results of this war that lead to Omega's Hands.

Harry wished he could see a bow ship, the mighty weapons of the Time Lords during this time against the Vampires. None had survived from that time.

Harry breathed a soft breath of the cool air around him. It was time, not to think on the past but for his future.

Harry knew when it was time to go to the chamber that held the Untempered Schism, you would not be much of a Time Lord if you could not determine the time.

Other Time Lords nodded to him as he walked towards the chamber. He was wearing the robes of initiation, the robes one wore to the Untempered Schism, the stripes and the colour, a deep ultraviolet indicated his initiation.

The doors to the chamber opened at the appointed time. His tutors were present too, some would accompany him in, but only he would know that he saw within the Untempered Schism. It was a deeply personal and individual experience to gaze into it.

But he had prepared and made himself ready for it.


Around the Untempered Schism were seals of the founders of Gallifrey, the Seal of Rassilon with its never ending lines, the Seal of Omega he who created the Eye of Harmony, there were many others those that many Time Lords did not acknowledge, who did not have their Seal in many places like Rassilon or a feast for them like Omega. Apeiron, Pandak and Eutenoyar. The Other's seal was absent, but many texts indicated he did not have one, or that it was lost to history.

Words of High Gallifreyan were spoken it was one of the languages his father had taught him and his brother. He knew the language as just another language now. It had been most useful as he discovered Gallifrey's history.

Then as the words were spoken the the Time Lords stepped away into the darkness Harry felt alone, as it should be and stepped up to the Untempered Schism and felt the vortex open itself to him.

He felt the vortex open and the possibilities reveal themselves. He could, not so much feel, but the sensation was present, the not there sense of time, the temporal flow of the vortex.

It was said that Time Lords were linked to time, the time vortex. Biodata changed through experience with the time flow. Harry knew the theory and had even put it into practise, temporal projection using his biodata as a source, you could project yourself forward or backward, just by tapping into the connection of time that they shared. Gallifrey's gift, the gift of time.

There was very little written about the specifics of the experience of the Untempered Schism, and now he knew why, it was personal, it was as though he touched the vortex with every fibre of his being. But it was more than that, it was as though a huge book, as large as the universe and even then its size could not be communicated. It had opened and revealed the wonder, the questions, the curiosities of itself and he revelled in its brilliance for a moment, or it could have been eternity, each breath of air felt like it both lasted no time and lasted until the end of this universe and the beginning of the next.

And then it was over, he could feel his extra-temporal senses withdrawing from the onslaught, his other senses becoming aware of the surrounds, aware of the Time Lords in their robes and collars who had stepped back into the chamber.

None questioned what he had experienced, it was not their place to question, merely check for the signs of great instability. There had not been many Time Lords in the past 1000 years or so who had been turned insane by their experiences, though he knew of a handful who had been force-regenerated, their minds unable to cope with their experiences.

Harry felt none of this, a sense of lightness, of completeness, and even a sense of longing, to see, to feel the vortex again.

The Time Lords gave him leave of the chamber, any analysis done as he departed, they nodded, greeting in friendly tones as he departed. This was one of the final steps in completing the Academy, and he had passed.

Harry did not know what to do, as he walked through the corridor of the Capitol.

It was a strange feeling, and he was worried that he had been too concerned for his brother and for Koschei, or as Harry now corrected himself 'the Doctor'. That was the name some of the Time Lords referred to his brother as. He had heard whispers of his brother's actions out in the universe. Interfering and exploring. Two things that Time Lords did not do. TARDISes and other travel capsules were for observing and research.


It was strange, the longing that he felt that he'd dwelled on, the want to explore beyond Gallifrey, he had felt he belonged here, that as Gallifrey's secrets slowly revealed themselves to him he would feel more tied to this world. But Gallifrey had spread her wings of influence throughout the universe. Rassilon's war against the Vampires had touched many worlds. Omega's search for the perfect stars for his stellar manipulation had taken him throughout the universe. Something Savar knew all too well. Apeiron and Eutenoyar both had travelled and lived on more worlds than Gallifrey knew of, they were some of the least known founders. Pandak became an inspiration for some, despite Pandak III only reigning for a few hundred years. Then there was the Other, the least known of the founders Gallifreyan society, yet his influence and his presence seemed to spread to many, many worlds.

Then there was the infinite complexity of the universe, that was out there, beyond Gallifrey's transduction barriers, beyond her view and scope, and it was all out there to see, and he'd seen it, felt it, as he'd gazed into the Untempered Schism. It was...inspirational. As it should be, that was, one of the things that was said of the Untempered Schism was that it would inspire Time Lords to go on from the Academy. Some of Gallifrey's past presidents had been greatly moved by their experience with the Untempered Schism.

For now though Harry was not sure what he wanted to do, something to calm his mind and body.

Returning to his chambers and changing from his robes to something more suitable he made his way to the transmat.

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Walking through the forests of the Cadonwood trees, their silver leaves flickering in the wind, the orange sky overhead, it allowed his body and mind the calm, and give him time with only the noise of the wind and the of his footwear on the ground to suggest his presence. It gave him time to reflect on his experience alone, away from the Capitol and from the older Time Lords talking amongst themselves, out here, even in the day light it was possible to see the things that lay beyond Gallifrey. Pazithi Gallifreya was often visible as the moon orbited Gallifrey, some of the trading spacecraft could also be seen as they awaited entry to Gallifrey's transduction barriers.

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A few more spans later...

Harry was walking back from one of his final exams at the Academy when he felt it. He presumed all the Time Lords felt it, it was huge in temporal terms and likely had registered high on the Bocca and Kodicek scales. But very few of the Time Lords that were in the Panopticon as he walked through seemed to notice. Though for Harry it felt like something, something...he wasn't sure what, had arrived on Gallifrey.

Those that he saw had noticed something quickly returned to what they had been doing, like shaking off the snow in the winter or batting away a flutterwing during their breeding season when they were most prolific.

When he returned to his chambers he turned his screen to the Public Register Video, but there was no information about the temporal event, nothing at all to explain what he felt.

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Harry stood as close as he could to the top of the Capitol, looking out to the east of the Capitol where Olyesti lay a short distance away.

He had had disturbing dreams for the past few nights, he had put them down to the concerns of completing his Academy study, though they were not normal dreams, if dreams, the contents of dreams could ever be considered normal.

He knew some Time Lords and Gallifreyans tried not to dream, or trained their minds to lock away their dreams. Some did not want to visit upon their inner psyche, past incarnations making themselves known while the body was resting. Savar he knew was like this, he often took himself away from the Capitol, sometimes spending time at his House with his cousins, sometimes with the Shobogans.

Harry had come to this point high above the Watchtower and the Capitol of Gallifrey to think on Gallifrey, on the Capitol, on his future.

And on his dreams that had been so disturbed since the temporal event. There had been the briefest mention of a temporal differential event that had supposedly originated from the Penansulix Structure.

But Harry knew that the Penansulix Structure was still being constructed and while its outer frame was mostly finished the inner structure that would hold the science developments were not yet present.

In any case temporal based researches would not primarily take place there, and what he had felt was most definitely temporally-based.

From this vantage point he could see the peaks of many of the mountains against which the great Houses were built beside. Shifting slightly he could just make out the peak of Mount Perdition, somewhere near it he knew lay the estates that Koschei's family held.

Harry mused that he should be sad that they, Koschei, his brother, Ushas weren't present for his graduation, but it was not a celebratory matter. They had pursued a goal that they wished to.

Although the High Council had branded them renegade Time Lords for doing so.

Rassilon, Omega, Apeiron, Pandak, Eutenoyar and the Other had each set out towards goals of their own and had shaped Gallifreyan society, they were all held in high regard, despite only three being remembered by almost all of Gallifrey's populous.

Harry paused in his musings as he heard a swish of a Chancellory cloak and turned to see the commander of the Chanellory Guard standing before him.

"My Lord Potter."

"Commander?" Harry asked curiously.

"I was just checking, you've been here for some time." He said, Harry looked back to the mountains and realised it had quickly turned from day to twilight, night would soon be approaching as Gallifrey's rotation brought an end to the day.

"I've just been thinking, seems I let my thoughts get away from me." Harry smiled, the commander nodded.

"I'll leave you Lord Potter." He said turning to leave.

Harry looked back to the view but found his thoughts could not come together again.

"I'll return down with you Commander."

"Sir." He sounded uncomfortable as they stepped into the lift down from the vantage point. "I'm sorry if I-"

Harry cut him off. "I would have spent the night caught up in my thoughts Commander."

"Sir." He still had a controlled tone to his voice.

"Don't concern yourself Commander, I wasn't formulating a new method of propulsion or recalculating how many dimensions we have in my mind." Harry paused. "Just thinking on the past."

"Yes sir." He sounded relieved.

When the lift reached ground level Harry stepped out first with the commander following. "A calm evening I hope for you Commander." Harry said.

The commander nodded. "And for you Lord Potter."

Harry paused slowed his passage as he walked away from the commander as the Commander tapped his communication pad on his wrist.

"Watchtower clear." Was all Harry caught.

He dismissed it, the Castellan of the Chancellory Guard was by his position a fastidious individual, and Harry had often seen him prowling the corridors rather than sending the Chancellory Guard to do that job.

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It was only later, much later in fact that night that he was once again assaulted by intense dreams. This time however he could make out more of them, as he awoke early the next morning he could feel that that were more than dreams, they had been assaulting his telepathic areas of his mind.

Harry knew he could discover what had lain within his dreams to so assault him during his sleep, though not within the Capitol where his chambers were. While he knew of Time Lords, many of whom could meditate here, he found he still needed to be away from the other telepathic influences of the Time Lords, and even some of the TARDISes, though their telepathic centres were far more controlled than anything else on Gallifrey.

Making his way to the transmat control he keyed in his destination; the foot of Mount Solace and Mount Solitude, twin mountains of Gallifrey. So named for their isolation and isolating properties, he knew of many who had sought respite from Gallifreyan society and the Capitol here, like the area around Mount Perdition the slopes of these mountains also grew the fine red grass. Whose seeds were edible, if ground and formed into a bread-like dish. He remembered his father and mother making a fire on a cool night and mixing a the dish there. Harry had occasionally gone to the taverns of the Shobogans to consume a similar bread to evoke a memory of times gone by when his father was still on Gallifrey.

Mount Solitude was his choice today, he needed to isolate himself to discover what lay in his dreams; so influenced and directed through his telepathic centres.

Hiking up the rough path he knew his destination, there was a hut about half way up the mountain built of ancient Cadonwood trees. Harry did not know how old the trees were, his father had said that they were from the time of Rassilon, but Harry wasn't sure if he was joking. When he was out here with his brother and himself, and his mother he always remembered his father as smiling.

The hut was where it always was, where he remembered it to be. Inside was a single room, a bed, neatly made by the last person who was within its walls. A place for a fire and a chair and a table.

Harry mused between all the surfaces for a few moments, before removing his travelling cloak and sitting on the ground. The Cadonwood was not as cold as the outside, though through his clothing he could not feel much cold.

Closing his eyes he allowed his mind to shut off all outside input and focused on his inner mind.

All Time Lords were taught this form of meditation, it was useful in many situations and could be useful later, much later in their lives if they needed to commune with their past incarnations.

Harry, like all those who had been at the Academy in his year had not regenerated. It was considered that you were very clumsy or unfortunate if you regenerated whilst in the Academy, although it did happen.

He also knew of games that were played by students of the Academy, games like the Eighth Man Bound, a particularly dangerous game of regeneration identity crisis. It was rumoured that his brother had played it, along with others of 'the Deca'. When Harry had asked him about it, he'd brushed it off as though nothing had happened. Although Koschei had confided in him once and said his brother had come close to ending his life, permanently.

Harry concentrated on his breathing as his mind and memories swept around and tried to ignore the random thoughts that one was prone to, such as his thoughts on the Eighth Man Bound and onto his dreams.

Then they came, as he found his telepathic centre in his mind and touched it triggering an almost physical response in his memories.

Concern, worry, terror, pain.

They came in rushes, assaulting his mind as he tried to concentrate and calm himself. These were just memories, memories of a dream, and yet they were so focused, so targeted, it was so real.

He winced and forced his mind back through the memories of the dream, there was something else to them, something other than just emotions, feelings, sensations.

Then it hit him, again, a sense of...violation, it was almost repulsive, but it was a feeling, or rather the it was the dream's feeling that had happened before. Harry attempted to invoke the things he had learned and compartmentalise these memories and continue further. Burrowing further down a striped pig bear's burrow of his mind.

Then, with a splash through the emotions and feelings he found himself in a science chamber within the Capitol. Everything was bright, harsh lighting around the middle of the room, but the edges were darkened.

There was also a void in the middle of the room, he couldn't make out, no matter as he tried to move around this mind scape of dream and memory.

In the room was the Chancellory Guard Commander whom he'd seen the previous night. He was speaking, though he could not make out, or understand what he was saying. Much of the sound in this portion of the dream seemed absent, as was much of the colour and many of the features of the room.

Whatever was the source of the dream was, it seemed in the middle of the room where the void was, the missing element. Though it could be somewhere around the walls of the room, where only darkness lay.

There were, Harry realised as he looked around other people in the room. A Time Lady, she wore the robes of the Arcalian Chapter, then as she turned towards the void in the centre of the room Harry had a flittering of a memory or knowledge of her. Though like a flutterwing escaping on the wind currents from him he couldn't quite grab at the memory of who she was.

He did know her, he was sure, and she hadn't regenerated, he'd know that, he like all Time Lords could tell that. This was just memory escaping from him.

Near her nearest to the door, Harry realised with something of surprise was the Lord President.

They were it seemed discussing of some importance and looking to the void in his dream in the middle of the room.

Then with a shunt the lights went out and Harry felt himself being dragged back through, out of his dreams and memories and back into the reality of the hut.

There was still much of the day remaining as he prepared himself to depart the hut. The walk back down to the transmat point he hoped would allow him to work through his memories.

Sitting here was good to meditate and arrive at what he had found, but he found moving, walking allowed his body to have something to do while his mind worked on a problem. This was much unlike other Time Lords who were happy to sit around mumbling to themselves, as though they were trying to speak through their problems to arrive at a solution. Although he knew of Time Lords who could do this through their mastery of block transfer computations he was not sure if those particular Time Lords could do so.

Then as he was caught in thought and nearly tripped on a stray stone he realised who the Time Lady was, Arcalians often pursued temporal research and the Time Lady was Ailla. His brother had teased Koschei more than once about his fascination with her.

As he reached the bottom of the mountain he still wasn't sure what this all meant. Dreams and divining meaning from them was the realms of the past. It was how Pythia ruled Gallifrey, or part of how she ruled Gallifrey.

Then Rassilon and his Neo-Technologists led to the end of her reign.

But this was different, these experiences were too real and from the wrong part of his mind to be mere dreams, these were experiences channelled through his telepathic regions.

Walking to the transmat point he decided there was one way to resolve these conflicting memories, dreams, emotions and whatever else was being channeled at him; to return to sleep and allow his mind to drift; open and his telepathic centres ready to process the assault that would come with it.

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For the moment as he fell into deep sleep there was nothing, he was almost not in sleep, more a deep meditative trance that allowed for the possibility of sleep. Harry wasn't aware of his surroundings, he had closed off all the sensory input of his body's surroundings. For anyone observing he was asleep.

Then it came, like a controlled mass of smoke and fire, of pain and worry, of many other foreign senses, emotions tunnelling through nothingness until it settled on him.

Harry was aware that it was aimed at him, at his telepathic centre, though he did not, could not prevent it from splashing against his telepathic centres, from coming to him deep within his psyche.

It wasn't a coherent thought, it wasn't anything as logical as thought out as that, it was something raw, something primal.

In the portion of his mind that was aware of what was happening Harry thought for the briefest moment that this might be some sort of animal, perhaps a psychic trace brought in on a trading ship. Such things had happened in the past, Harry had heard tales of an aural creature composed of sound that had attacked some of the Chancellory Guard.

But this seemed to posses intelligence, though Harry couldn't figure what from his position as a passive element to his dreamscape.

Then as he was thinking the force, the presence seemed to become aware of his intellect, perhaps his knowledge, no, Harry thought it was something else. It seemed the primal intelligence had become aware that he was aware of it.

Then he was presented with more images, more sounds, the same people that he had seen during his meditation on his dreams, the Lord President saying something, Ailla also there saying something, though he could not make out words, and then the Chancellory Guard Commander nodding to someone else in the room.

"A Shayde will bring the De-Mat Gun in the morning." Said a person he could not see.

Harry recognised both those terms, one was worrying and the second chilled him to the bone, if he were awake to feel such a thing.

Instead what he felt was terror and helplessness, but it wasn't his emotions he was feeling it was the presence in his mind.

Then the doors opened and he searched, or the presence whose memories he realised he was viewing searched. Outside was a painting, computer painted but it was early computer painting.

He knew where it was.


Then Harry woke up with a shudder; sweat pouring down his face.

Carefully he pulled himself out of his bed and wiped his face down, removing the sweat and allowing himself to pause and think on what he was to do with this information.

A Shayde was an agent of the Matrix, the Pariah and the Shaydes were some of many agents that were created from within the Matrix by many physically dead Time Lords whose minds lived on within the APC Net. He knew of only a handful of incidences in which as Shayde was utilised.

This did not feel like one of those circumstances. It was a very personal choice to make, Harry knew. That whatever it was had contacted him, for what reason he did not know. He knew strongly that he was not being controlled.

Koschei had taught him that, one of Koschei's skills, one that he excelled in, far more than his brother and indeed much of his other classmates was the skill in control. Control over the minds of others. Koschei had taught him what it felt like and how to fight it. Something that his brother could do and something, much to Koschei's annoyance his brother showed his other classmates how to do as well.

Walking over to one of his storage areas he removed a satchel, it was something his father had given him, it was on first glance a satchel of a simple woven material, but it woven into it was the block transfer computations of dimensional transcendence, it wasn't infinite, but it was something that he had used when he was younger, much younger and his father would take himself and his brother outside to watch the skies, see a meteor storm or see to simply see the birth of a single flutterwing; and see it take flight for the first time.

Opening it he looked around his chambers. Harry had a feeling that when he left his chambers he might not return for a while, or perhaps he would return the following day. He knew, without knowing why that he was going to help something, even though had he been asked to prove it, he would not have been able to say.

Looking around there were few things that he thought he should take with him, where ever he might be going he didn't know.

It was more a feeling, he could, he knew if he stretched out and allowed his telepathic abilities to wander feel the presence, the intelligence still seeking him, his mind out. It was stronger now, now that he had acknowledged it.

He placed a travelling robe into the satchel along with the Molenski Univarius that his father had given him, it had been a most useful tool. His brother had one also, though had seemingly made more use of it than he had so far in his life. The Chancellory Guard had concluded his brother had used it, or something like it to gain access area where the disused TARDIS cradles lay, and from there he'd powered up one of the old TARDISes.

Moving to his study where several tomes still lay, unread for the past few days he saw the writing instrument that his mother had given him and picked it up, levelling it in his hand. Sitting at the desk and taking a piece of paper he wrote a note to Savar.

He did not know where Savar was, he was still wandering the plains Gallifrey, the Capitol too much for him, he had confided in Harry once or twice that removing himself from the Capitol and from the Time Lords helped him not stray into the parts of his mind that lay in the past.

He wrote a concise, though somewhat vague letter to him, Harry did not know where he was going or what might happen to him when he did. But Savar was someone who would care of him if he disappeared suddenly, and if he were caught by a De-Mat Gun blast there would be nothing that remained of him, of his existence.

The paper and ink were temporally stable, and wouldn't most likely be affected by any such manipulations, it was in fact Savar who had given them to him during a Feast of Omega some spans ago.

He wrote the note in High Gallifreyan, a language they both shared a knowledge of, though many Time Lords still had a passing understanding of it, it wasn't as frequently used as modern Gallifreyan.

Placing the writing instrument into the satchel along with some of the paper and a spare bottle of ink he cast a final look around his chambers, and then departed.

There were few Time Lords walking the corridors or the Panopticon at this hour of the night, although some did not sleep, they also did not like to wander around at night. Gallifreyan nights were cool, even cold to some people.

Harry sometimes felt the cold, though usually only on the coldest of Gallifreyan winters when snow and wind forced themselves through the Capitol itself, decorating everything with a pale white sheet of cold.

He nodded to the few Time Lords he saw as he walked to Savar's chambers, he knocked, but no one came to the door, as he knew.

There was a slot beside the door, for such letters as his and other works that Savar sometimes received from traders and others that he could receive even if he was not present for them. Harry pushed his letter through there and heard it fall into a basin that Savar kept underneath it.


Harry breathed in slowly as he prepared himself for where he was walking to next, deep in the current science and temporal researches building, he had walked past the painting many times, and many other times he had stopped to admire its work. It was why he'd recognised it in the dream that had been forced upon him.

If it weren't for that he doubted he'd know where to go. While he might have been able to follow the telepathic spores, he very much doubted he would have been able to do it within the time that seemed to be allotted to whatever intelligence was going to be set upon by a De-Mat Gun.

As he walked he encountered fewer and fewer Time Lords until he reached the corridor where the painting lay. Opposite was a wall, with an entry coder, though the door it seemed was hidden behind a perception filter. One that had been mis-aligned, as the logical thing would have been to hide the entry coder as well as the door that it was no doubt hiding.

Harry looked at the entry coder for a few moments and then withdrew from his bag his Molenski Univarius, and used its molecular fine blade to remove the front of the coder.

It was possible that he could guess the code to gain entry, but he doubted it. He knew that there 4 or more people who could have set the code, of them he only knew the Lord President well enough and then only in passing because, like himself the Lord President had a fascination with Gallifrey's history.

But there were far too many numbers and symbols in Gallifrey's history to attempt to guess the code.

The simplest method was to bypass the code and force the doors to open.

His brother had a knack for these sorts of things, though why he had decided to take a Type 40 time travel capsule TARDIS, Harry was not sure. He knew there were higher models of TARDIS, newer more advanced ones. Ushas he had learnt had taken a far newer model one that contained highly detailed scientific facilities which several temporal engineers had spent much time with the architectural configuration to create; preparing it for a long survey mission, and then Ushas stole it while it was most of its systems were offline during a systems check.

Harry stared into the coder's systems and put away the Molenski Univarius' blade and withdrew a finer instrument to tease out the micro-wires within.

He'd never done this before, but he understood the systems within it. So far in his life there'd been no reason to break into anywhere on Gallifrey. The Archives were not protected, even the Record of Rassilon one of the original copies was not held behind any security fields. He had even, after speaking with the Archivist been allowed to handle and read the Record of Rassilon. Written interestingly in old High Gallifreyan, though a fairly modern form, which had suggested to him at the time it wasn't the original Record of Rassilon or that Rassilon had written it late in his reign, but even then more information should have been present if it were from a later period.

Then there was a noise of something shorting and the doors slid open.

Harry smiled himself and stepped into the room as the doors slid shut with a noise that indicated the safety seals had engaged. It indicated that he could not leave through the same way that he entered.

Harry took a moment to take in the room, it was as it was from his dream, or his telepathic incident, the darkened walls all around, even the doorway through which he'd come was dark, and the in the middle of the room, where he had not been able to see was the cause of his dreams.

It was a woman.

Or at least that was what his eyes, through the simplest of wavelengths suggested.

But his other senses, his temporally aware ones screamed at him, he felt goosebumps and sweat form along his back and arms.

The woman, was was held in position. Her eyes were closed as though she was meditating, though her body suggested she was aware.

Harry looked hard at what was holding her in position; it was dwarf star alloy. A lot of it, Harry hadn't seen so much dwarf star alloy used in one place at such high densities. It was interesting that it had not collapsed the floor there was so much in use.

Then the whatever it was, the woman, the being, communicated, though she didn't speak or open her eyes Harry felt it. The telepathic distress that went through him almost pushed him off his feet, it was like nothing he had ever felt. A collection of emotions; fear, terror, sadness, wanting, and many others that he couldn't, wouldn't allow himself to feel, lest he be dragged along with it, and then it stopped. The being before him seemingly gathered herself control once more. Now she did open her eyes and Harry had a chance to look at her.

Though he did not look into her eyes, there was still much conflicting telepathic messages coming as waves off of this being.

Her eyes darted to a control panel that Harry had not seen to the side of him. he recognised it from his dream where Ailla had been standing.

The controls here were for measuring different temporal readings and also controlled the restraints, he knew this because they were showing an energy reading of engagement on the panel.

Harry looked to the being and wondered if he was doing the right thing, he could still he supposed leave.

But there was something about this being, something about the dreams that weren't dreams, something made him feel for her.

Harry pushed the button trying not to think at all and went to stand in front of her as the restraints disengaged.

Then as they took their time, various restraints some that he had obviously not seen disengaged from her and her eyes went wide.

Then Harry felt it, another piercing telepathic probe going right through his mental defences and a sudden realisation that he knew, even though he had never experienced it what it was. It was something he had read of, from Rassilon and Omega and from TARDIS builders, pilots and other Time Lords, it was the sensation of a bond forming between TARDIS and Time Lord, he had read of it being broken and the anguish it caused, but the formation took time, this however was not something that...

Then as Harry was trying to gather his thoughts his mind cut off all stimuli in an effort to contain the sensations and he collapsed, yet was caught by something.

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Marie watched the young Time Lord enter the chamber she was in. It was the same young Time Lord she had seen in her dreams.

He had bright curious eyes, and the signs of the telepathic contact, from her she assumed. Since she had arrived here she had not been able to control many of her systems.

The Time Lords here, the Lord President had authorised the use of a De-Mat Gun. She knew that was for her, even with few of her external sensors operational, she knew that was for her. Authorisation of her destruction.

Then the young Time Lord had come through the doors of the chamber she was held within, he did not seem surprised to find her. He must have been where her dreams her terrors had found purchase.

She forced her eyes to open seeking out the young Time Lord but he failed to make contact, but she indicated to him, the release controls.

Dwarf star alloy, one of the few things that could hold her, though these Time Lords seemed to have no knowledge of her.

That was perhaps why they had authorised her destruction, much of her databanks since she arrived here were unaccessible.

The young Time Lord operated the controls and came to stand before her.

As her systems reawakened she realised with a shock, and a shock to her systems that the young Time Lord had much Atron energy, an almost affinity for it, and his psychic abilities were far in excess of any that she had known previously.

It caused her telepathic areas to seek him out.

A bond between TARDIS and Time Lord took much time to form, but in times of battle or warfare it could be formed in moments, though there was some trauma for both TARDIS and Time Lord.

The young Time Lord collapsed, his mental and bodily defences activating. She held him and brought him within her dimensions.

And then with a breath of freedom she dematerialised.

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Harry awoke with a shudder and looked around; startled.

The first thing he realised was he was lying on a bed, it had the same density and softness as the one in his chambers.

The second thing he noticed was he could feel something, the soft hum of a TARDIS in flight.

No, he corrected himself, it was a TARDIS that was in the vortex, but it didn't feel like they were going anywhere in particular.

It had been part of his Academy education; understanding the states of a TARDIS in flight, it was not part of the standard course, but he was encouraged by his brother, not to spend all of his time in the Archives.

Though he did point out to his brother that he also spent time outside the Capitol not with the Shobogans, but wandering the forests and visiting their House. Something his brother seemed somewhat reticent to do.

Even Koschei, who was sometimes not one to leave the Capitol visited his family's estate on occasion.

Now as he became accustomed to being awake he looked around and opened his senses slightly to the room he was within. It was a large sleeping chamber within a TARDIS, the walls of the chamber were similar to the TARDISes he'd been in during his study, patterned with the roundels, but they were far more...Harry wasn't quite sure, they seemed much more subtle. Less defined than the Type 50 TARDISes that he had travelled in previously, and much less defined than his father's TARDIS. Though he never knew what sort of TARDIS his father had used.

The bed that he was lying on was of a similar design to the one in his chambers in the Capitol. It was interesting that it was of a similar density to the one he slept on.

His satchel was lying beside him, it could not have been opened. Part of its weave included a biodata lock that would only open for his biodata.

Pushing himself off the bed he stood and considered for a moment. Gravity and air quality was as far as he could tell Gallifrey normal. Perhaps slightly warmer than normal, like a summer's day.

He stood at the door that would likely lead out into the corridor for several moments. The door, much like the roundels was subtly different to what he knew of TARDIS design.

It was interesting, though without further information with which to frame it he couldn't make further conclusions.

The outer corridor was much as the chamber he had been within, understated, calm, the TARDIS's hum, it's being of in the vortex was slightly more pronounced in the corridor.

He turned, knowing where to go. A Time Lord knew how to navigate through the areas of a TARDIS, all were laid out in similar ways and anyone could navigate the corridors of a TARDIS if they knew how they functioned, the corridors that led off from the control room were designed so any occupants could navigate back there, easily and if necessary with speed.

The control room held the console and some side alcoves around it, it too seemed to be subtle, with each of the alcoves indicating smooth functionality.

Walking over to the console he walked around it, reflecting and noting the areas of the console he recognised.

It was of a familiar design; six sides with the central time rotor which reached up to the ceiling. This was a design which he had not seen before. Within the time rotor were interlaced prongs which pulsed and interlaced with power. Much as other time rotors in other TARDISes rose and fell with the ebb and flow of power.

The console reflected Gallifreyan technology, but it was of a design that he was not immediately familiar with. As he walked slowly around the console he came to a panel that he was not familiar with, and yet he was familiar with its function.

They were weapons.


There were few temporally active powers in the universe at the moment, though Harry was aware that agencies within Time Lord society were aware of developing powers.

But there was no need for most TARDISed to be armed. There were only a few he knew of that had defensive weaponry.

This TARDIS appeared to be very well armed with several weapons whose design he could not immediately fathom.

The only weapons he was familiar with were of the ancient past.

He moved away from this section and after one orbit of the the console returned his attention to the rest of the room.

Like all the TARDISes he had been in in the past on one side of the room, the opposite site to the door he had entered through were two double doors that would lead to the exterior of the TARDIS. On another side of the room was a frame where he could see the wall of the TARDIS, but what he presumed was the scanner for the TARDIS. Walking back over to the console he completed another orbit of the console before arriving at the control for the scanner and operated it. The frame that he had accurately surmised was the scanner flared into life and then displayed the swirling beauty of the time vortex. Seeing the vortex he allowed himself to relax marginally, the sight of the vortex was a relaxing sight for any Time Lord.

Though it was not their natural habitat like it was for a TARDIS it was a sight of beauty to see it, even a representation of it via the TARDIS's scanner. It was then as he relaxed the tension that he had been holding since he had awakened that he felt the telepathic presence in his mind.

It was something he had not noticed; too caught in exploring this new space that he had found himself in.

The telepathic presence exuded a sense of calm, both from it and for him to remain calm.

He was, he thought quite calm, considering that he was not aware of where he was or in whose TARDIS.

"You are in your TARDIS Lord Harry Potter." Said a voice behind him.

Harry turned slowly around to find a woman dressed in plain almost militaristic clothing in front of him.

It was the same woman he had seen in the chamber on Gallifrey.

He studied the figure and almost immediately realised she was not real; a holographic representation of the woman.

"And who are you?" Harry paused and then he found he knew the answer, provided by the bond he realised had been finalising as he had awakened.

"Marie." They said together.

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Marie smiled and relaxed as she breathed in the time vortex. Not that it was breathing, but that was the language that some people, even Time Lords used to describe how a TARDIS reacted in the time vortex.

But this was such a different time vortex to the one she knew, as was the Time Lord she was now bonded to.

This time vortex teemed with life; Chronovores fluttered past her, Vortisaurs screeched as the flew around time eddies, swarms of Chronomites paused devouring slivers of debris from engine exhaust from a badly tuned time engine, Time Roaches swam after the Chronomites hoping for something dislodged to feed upon.

It was not like the time vortex she had known, ravaged by millennia of war, a war that had taken her bonded pilot.

Her databanks had been corrupted somewhat by the explosion that had thrust her into this universe, much of her internal dimensions likewise had been disrupted.

She recalled her primal systems had engaged sending her back to Gallifrey's coordinates, it had been surprising to find Gallifrey where it had stood.

When she had been there her systems had reacted mostly on instinct, seeking out a Time Lord to assist her.

It was only as more awareness came to her that she realised that this was not her universe, but one far away from hers, a parallel timeline.

Where Time Lords were similar yet different to the ones she had known.

The Time Lord she was now bonded to was especially different, he had held out a surprisingly long time during the uncontrolled bonding process. And was now unconscious within one of her reconstructed sleeping chambers.

The Time Lord; Harry Potter had a surprising amount of Artron energy within him, and also psychic abilities far in excess of the Time Lords and Lady who were present in the chamber she had been held within.

As he awoke she monitored him, she would not normally monitor Time Lords within her structure so carefully, but the bonding had been uncontrolled and violent.

Lord Harry Potter had an ordered calm mind as he analysed the room he was in. His actions indicated he had been within a TARDIS before.

She could not use her telepathic circuits to gaze deeply into a Time Lord's mind, not without express actions on his part; connecting with her console.

He spent several minutes analysing the chamber that he was in, then once he was in the outer corridor he made his way to her control room. His swift passage further an indication of the knowledge of being within a TARDIS before.

He circled her console several times, and it seemed shocked to discover that she was armed. As well armed as any other TARDIS in Gallifrey's fleet. Though it seemed not this Gallifrey.

Lord Harry Potter had discovered the scanner, though he seemed to make another circle of her console to be sure of which control to operate it. The controls on a TARDIS be it hers or an ancient TARDIS were broadly the same, meaning a pilot proficient in a War TARDIS could control a president's TARDIS if need be.

Lord Harry Potter visibly relaxed and relaxed his mental and telepathic defences when he saw that they were within the time vortex. She relaxed and had been joyous upon finding herself in such a vibrant time vortex.

As he relaxed he also became aware of her telepathic presence, the bond was mostly complete, although she had not been in contact with a Time Lord with such formidable psychic abilities such as he had. She could not remember but was sure none such as he existed from where she came from.

She attempted to present a sense of calm to him as he cast his abilities around him.

A sense of a question presented itself to her telepathic circuits and she decided to manifest herself as a hologram in her console room for him and to answer his question.

"You are in your TARDIS Lord Harry Potter." And he was, they were bonded, Time Lord and TARDIS.

"And who are you?" He asked looking to and through her holographic presentation. She made her name available to him, within her telepathic circuits, but prepared to say it also, just as he spoke.


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Harry recognised as they said her name together the completion of something he had only read about, it was something that for the most part still existed as a theoretical concept, the bond that formed between pilot and TARDIS. Time Lord and TARDIS.

TARDISes had a form of sentience, but it was not something that allowed interaction, as he had just had. Although some particularly active in the psychic field Time Lords had very occasionally reported a communion with their TARDIS, a sense of it knowing them interpreting their actions and needs.

But this TARDIS was standing before him and when they said her name he realised far more, much more than he could process in his active mind at that moment.

He staggered over to the console.

"I think..." He started as he moved over to the coordinate entry panel. "I would like..." He started and then looked back as he realised. "This hologram is your outer shell."

She indicated an affirmative. "I think I would like to interact with that, not your representation." He said as he focused on the coordinate entry panel. There were few coordinates he knew that he could confidently key in.

One that he knew, that his father had taken him and his brother once was Barastabon, a planet almost completely dedicated to baked confectionary and culture based breads.

Keying in most of the coordinates he left some of the temporal ones open, a TARDIS even a Type 30 could use the temporal information from Gallifrey to key in the rest. Then he stumbled to one of the alcoves to sit again. The strain of the completed bond making him feel weak.


Marie smiled and disengaged her hologram as Lord Harry Potter operated her console, keying in coordinates even in his dazed state at the completion of their bonding.

She recognised the coordinates as Barastabon, a planet that had remained mostly untouched by the wars of her own universe.

Here it seemed to hold significance to Lord Harry Potter.


Harry blinked awake from his rest, not sleep, simply resting his mind as he felt and heard the rematerialisation of the TARDIS.

A tone signalled that they had landed.

He felt better than he had as he walked over to the console to check out outside environment. Warmer than Gallifrey with breathable atmosphere, he checked the scanner which revealed an open field with a city some distance away.

Then he looked around the console and settled on a control for the doors and strode towards the doors.

There was the briefest moment of disorientation as he stepped out of the TARDIS and turned back and was shocked at what he saw.

Bright light as the woman he had spoken to, the TARDIS; Marie, had her arms parted and she had split apart and now...she was reformed.

"I...you..." Harry found unable to speak. He knew TARDISes could operate their chameleon circuits at will to disguise themselves or they could be user operated from within. But he did not know of any TARDIS that could take on the guise of a being.

Harry decided to sit down feeling the soft grass beneath him as he sat. He could smell the crush of the grass against his robes.

He indicated to Marie. His TARDIS to join him, sitting opposite.

In one fluid movement she was seated opposite him.

"..." Harry began and then changed his mind. Then he decided to ask his question. "You're not a TARDIS I am familiar with."

"No. Lord Harry Potter."

Harry shook his head, while he was used to being called Lord Potter he did not think that something, such as a TARDIS should call him that. "Harry."

She looked at him briefly and then nodded.

"I am a Type 103 TARDIS." She stated.

Harry put his hands behind his back and leaned back on them, supporting his body as he mused on this information.

The most advanced TARDIS he was aware of was a Type 55.

Then a wave of concern went through him. "Are you from the future?" Interacting as he had done and indeed as she had done with the past was terrible, a violation of the Laws of Time.

She looked at him seriously and said no. "Not exactly." She said displaying an awkwardness that almost suggested her humanoid and failed to communicate the vast dimensions she held within her.

"I am from another universe, another time." She said and then explained.

Her world, her Gallifrey had been caught in decades long war. She was the result of selective breeding of TARDISes.

That concept; breeding of TARDISes was so alien to him, it shocked him. That Time Lords would do such a thing.

She had been caught, or perhaps stayed with her pilot as he destroyed a planet.

Harry had needed to make some conclusions of his own as she explained, most of her story was through words, but he caught images, telepathic traces.

"There are gaps in my databanks." She explained.

She said she found herself falling, through a CVE or perhaps through a black hole bridging dimensions.

"My systems were operating on instinct when I materialised on Gallifrey." She explained.

"Why me?" He asked, why had she sought out him. She told him he had unique abilities.

That was true. Ordinal General Quences had said he had advanced abilities, even in advance of Innocent, and she was considered 'gifted', though being labelled gifted was sometimes a curse. Some Time Lords called Savar in his previous incarnation gifted.

"What happens now?" Harry paused looking around them. He hadn't been here since he was very young. It was strange seeing grass so green. "Do you wish to attempt to return to your universe." He paused and then admitted. "Though I do not know if such a thing would even be possible."

Marie, the TARDIS before him tensed and he sensed a negative. "No Harry. You are the Time Lord I am bonded with." She paused and a wave of sadness, or at least he thought it was sadness cascaded from her and then was shut down abruptly as though she became aware of his awareness of it. "He is dead, and I am here."

Harry nodded and then made to stand up, Marie stood in one fluid motion and offered him her hand as he stood, he stood without her assistance.

"Now what?" Harry asked her as he looked around.

She seemed puzzled by the question and said so.

Harry shook his head. His brother and his brother had left Gallifrey to escape its structures. Ushas had left for her experiments, supposedly. Others of the Deca, the group his brother had been a part of had also left, pursuing whatever renegades did. There were no renegades that he knew of in his year. His brother's year of the Academy had the highest rate of renegades and other activities for much time.

There were places he wished to explore, knowledge to seek, histories to know.

He now had something, someone to take him, a companion to go with him to explore.

Though, in a corner of his mind Harry also knew he had to be careful. From what Marie had said and the telepathic contact from the memories she had relayed she was still...damaged from her experiences.

"There are some places I wish to explore." Harry said as he looked around and then looked to Marie slightly uncomfortably.

When he had entered TARDISes previously there had been a key, or a Time Lord would use a palm print. But here, with her, he wasn't sure. "How do I...?" He asked.

She smiled. "I know who you are Harry." She said and opened her arms.

Her body seemed to just split down the middle as her outer shell parted and allowed him entry to the dimensions held within her. He walked forward and as he entered saw the doors close behind him.

He mused in his mind he found it somewhat odd, entering a TARDIS, like this and said something to that affect out loud.

"It is something some humanoids also acknowledged." Marie said, though she didn't manifest herself as a hologram within the control room.

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A very long opening chapter to this story. I've been thinking of it as the extended movie length opener to the story. The other chapters probably won't be as long as this.

I'll also explain what's going on, a little bit.

This is my stab at the 'Harry is the Doctor's brother' story.

This is going to be very Doctor Who heavy for a while. I do intend to get Harry to Earth and Hogwarts eventually. But it'll something of a long voyage around the Doctor Who universe(s) until then.

The universe that this story takes place in isn't the standard Doctor Who universe. Not entirely. For this universe it's quite AU as I'm shoving together several bits of the Doctor Who universe, and some things which aren't entirely.

Marie is a humanoid TARDIS, she originates in a Doctor Who novel called Alien Bodies.

I've shifted a few events around, like the Untempered Schism, which happens at the end of Harry / the Doctor's Academy study rather than at the start. Just for me it makes more sense for them to go in prepared, following their study than at the start. Because if it has the capacity to make you insane, then that's a lot of study with a mad person.

The Master, here known as Koschei, is referred to by Harry as his brother's (the Doctor's) brother. Which doesn't come from anything Doctor Who universe exactly, but from some unproduced movie proposals in the 90s. Though not quite.

What it means is that Harry and the Doctor are brothers, their father is Ulysses. The Master is the Doctor's brother, but not Harry's.

Just to pre-empt some questions that might be explained later, yes Harry is a Time Lord.

He doesn't have a second heart, not yet. Time Lords get that when they regenerate.

I will possibly explain this back story (or possibly not as Harry's already knows some of it). Basically Harry starts out as a somewhat out of the ordinary baby on Earth. But growing up on Gallifrey modifies and manipulates your biodata making him a Gallifreyan. Sort of like a super-advanced River Song biology wise.

If anyone's confused/interested about any of the Gallifreyan terms / references I'd suggest searching for them on the Tardis Data Core, Doctor Who Wiki. I had to double check several things in writing this chapter.