The Black Butler Oneshot Collection

Hello my fair readers! As you can probably tell, I won't be doing this first come first serve, but instead I'll do them in the order I wish!

Also, I reserve the right to add any pairings or scenes that I wish to any requests I recieve! :D

This request goes out to 'blackrosenamednevermore'. Thanks for the awesome prompt!

I do not own Black Butler.

"This is sickening" William muttered to himself.

"Agreed" Ciel replied.

In front of the two was the scene they never thought would ever happen.

Grell was flirting with Sebastian. That wasn't the part they were disgusted by, though. They were disgusted by the fact that Sebastian was flirting back.

Ciel and William were clearly boiling with jealousy.

"Oh, Bassy~ I could get lost in your ruby eyes" Grell sighed, stroking the side of Sebastian's face. Sebastian chuckled, making Ciel and William almost vomit.

"Well, who's stopping you?" the demon replied in a husky voice, and that did it for the two onlookers. Will grabbed Grell's shoulder and yanked the redhead from Sebastian's arms, and Ciel snatched Sebastian's wrist and pulled him from Grell's reach.

The jealous reaper and young earl glared at Sebastian and Grell, respectively, before storming away in different directions with their not-so-secret loves.

With Grell and William

"Will! Why did you do that?! I wanted to talk with Bassy some more!" Grell whined, trying to pull his arm out of Will's grip. William released Grell, only to turn around and glare at the redhead.

"Why the hell do you like HIM?! Why can't you like someone- Anyone else?!"

Grell stared blankly at William, before giggling creepily.

"Why, Will! Are you jealous?" he asked teasingly.

"So what if I am?!" William replied angrily. Grell shut up immediately.

"So what if I happen to be madly in love with you?! What are you going to do about it?!" the jealous reaper continued to rant. His face was red with a mix of embarrassment, anger and jealousy. Grell simply stared at him for a moment in shock.

"I didn't think it'd work..." Grell muttered finally, confusing William.

"Didn't think what would work?" he asked warily. Grell smiled eerily.

"Well, Bassy and I were tired of trying to figure out if you and Ciel liked us back or not, so we decided to find out by making you jealous. I didn't think it'd work out so well though!" he admitted. William stared at the redhead for a moment.

"So, you don't really like him?"

"Nope! I'm in love with you, Will~!"

William sighed with relief.


With Sebastian and Ciel

As soon as Ciel felt like they were a safe distance from that damn reaper, he released Sebastian's wrist.

"Something wrong, my lord?" Sebastian teased. He knew full well what was going on, he just wanted to hear Ciel say it.

"Of course there's something wrong! You are not to flirt with that stupid, redhead, flamboyant reaper EVER AGAIN!" Ciel screamed, momentarily shocking Sebastian with the volume of his shriek.

"My, my, young lord. Are you jealous?"

"Yes! You are MINE! I love you, and I won't let you abandon me- Especially not for that THING!" Ciel shouted, seemingly not caring that he'd just confessed. Sebastian smirked and lowered himself into a kneeling position, placing his hand over his heart.

"Yes, my love"