Disclaimer: I do not own TRC, or anything of CLAMP

Chapter 13

Normal POV

"Where are you taking me?" Chii asked one of the palace hands as he gently urged her forward, guiding her with his hands on her frail shoulders.

"You'll see soon enough, Chii," he chuckled, "have patience."

The young Chobit made a face behind her white blindfold. This would be the fifth strangest thing happening to her today; the first was when a palace maid was in Chii's room to greet her good morning.


Chii stirred from her slumber and stretched her body as the bright sunlight trickled into her room from the glass window, where the chandelier hung, above her bed.

"Good morning, Mistress Chii." Came a warm giggle, which surprised the Chobit.

"Huh?" She wondered, blinking her round, brown eyes, to see a maid standing at the foot of her bed with a change of clothes draped in her arms. "Uh, good morning?"

"I trust you slept well?" The maid bowed and offered her the dress.

"Uh, yes I did." Chii replied with uncertainty as she slid off of her bed, slipped her bare feet into her fuzzy slippers, and walked over to the maid. "Th-thank you." She said once taking the brown dress, before glancing at the garment, and looking back up. "What's this for?" Chii asked slowly, but the maid only giggled in reply.

"I am so pleased to hear how much your speech has improved over the course of the years, Mistress."

"Uh, thank you." Chii nodded, still utterly puzzled. "Was there something you needed to tell me?" Despite her progress, there were times when her speech came a bit slowly.

"No." The maid shook her head. "I was simply given instructions to be the first in wishing you a 'good morning'!"

"Oh. . ." She looked down, before giving her a warm smile, "Well, thank you very much, and a very good morning to you, as well."

With a bow and a giggle, the maid dismissed herself, leaving Chii all alone.

She walked over to her white vanity and dresser, and lifted her arms to have the dress fall elegantly in front of her, and her brown eyes widened. It was a lovely piece of clothing: long and brown, with puffy shoulders that slimmed down along the long sleeves, with white cuffs at the end and a thin brown line running around them. White frills outlined a pattern, just stopping above the breast area, and silver buttons ran down until the edge of the squared design. Chii looked down to see a lace-arrangement around the waist, and smooth, brown frills brimming the very bottom of the dress.

Carefully, she slipped it on and buttoned the cuffs on her sleeves, before patting down the dress and brushing her long, cream-blonde hair. Her hair had grown so long over the course of the years, and now it had reached just below her backside. Putting a light and dark brown-stripped bow in the left side of her hair, she looked at herself in the mirror and gave a twirl.

"Oh, wow!" She whispered in awe, her eyes shining. "This is stunning! But, why would I be given such a breath-taking dress on a normal day, such as this?" Pondering things over, she concluded something was going on.

A knock on the door drew her attention. "Yes? I'm coming." She said and began to stride over, when her bare feet stumbled on something, making her gasp and look down. "Just one moment!" She called out while kneeling to take into her dainty, slender fingered, hands a pair of brown heels. Standing, she slipped them on and was about to open the door when another servant did so for her.

"O-oh!" Chii blinked in surprise.

"Good morning, Mistress Chii." He said, his back posed straight. "Breakfast will be served in the garden this morning."

"Oh, all right." This was another new thing. Breakfast was normally served in the dining hall, but Princess Sakura had given proper instruction, therefore, she had to obey. Chii gave a polite nod towards the servant. "Please, lead the way."

The two walked through the quiet halls, seeing a palace hand here and there attending to their daily tasks. The sun shone brightly into the palace and it warmed Chii as it soaked into her long, brown-felted, sleeves.

When they had made it to the garden, the servant, and another, opened the white-framed, glass doors for her and she nodded gratefully before stepping outside. Looking around at the garden, she slowly walked down the stairs, which lead to the grassy area.

"Chii!" Came an excited cry behind her and she flinched when a white fur ball came rocketing towards her.

"Mokona, watch out!" She cried right before it collided into her face, sending her falling backwards off of the second to last step.

"Watch out!" Came another urgent voice and the possessor caught her in a dip.

Chii's eyes remained closed and she groaned for a moment. "Ah Mokona, I'm glad to see you to, but you have to be more careful."

"Sorry." It replied, looking down and circling its foot on the glass table at the eating area to Chii's left.

After she had recovered, she began to straighten herself up. "Thank you, sir. I'm sorry to have-"

Brown eyes met cerulean eyes. The man who had caught her, was none other than Fay D. Flourite himself.

Chii gasped, a light pink coming to her pale face. "Fay! I'm sorry!"

But, he didn't say anything. He stood her up, but continued to hold onto her arms, and she did the same to his. The two stared into each other's eyes, and Chii's face still had its light pink hue.

Fay wore an outfit of which fit for a prince. He wore white pants, with a thick, blue line, running along the cuff, and slightly branching up along the side to form an outline of fancy cross, and he wore black boots. He had a white, long-sleeved tux-like shirt, with a blue and white under-shirt; gold buttons and tassels ran along small white shoulder pads, donned with blue borders. A gold chain hung between two buttons above his shirt's pocket, and he wore white gloves, as well.

Chii couldn't even help herself, but note how handsome he had gotten with age. His pale face, more mature, and his thick, platinum blonde locks hung in his face, as his deep cerulean orbs stared down into her brown eyes. Yet, she couldn't decipher the mysterious look shrouding his gaze.

"Fay?" She whispered, and he gently pulled himself away from her and abruptly padded his way through the grass, up the stairs, and into the palace. This left Chii only to stare after him with hurt in her countenance. Sighing, she walked over to the table and sat down, her hands folded in her lap.

"Would the Mistress care for some Earl Grey tea?" A servant with a silver tray asked beside her; his bushy, grey mustache following the motion of his lips as he spoke.

She nodded sadly as she continued to look down, "Yes. Thank you."

Chii wasn't sure if she should count this as the third strangest thing to happen today, or not. Things had been awkward between the two ever since Fay's fifteenth birthday, when Chii had her episode in the garden with him.

The platinum blonde strode quickly down the halls, his emotions churning inside of him. The way she looked at me. . . He thought as he walked over the marble wall and leaned against it; Fay brought his left hand to cover his eye, and clamped his fingers down. And the way she looked at me, just now in the garden. . . The image of her form from two years, bawling in his chest, came to his mind and he slunk down to the floor. Chii . . . I still can't decipher my feelings for you . . . I just can't. He bowed his head, so his bangs shadowed his face, and his arm lowered to rest in his lap. It's all just too complicated.

Chii had finished her light breakfast and dabbed her mouth with a napkin, before thanking the servants supervising her meal, and wandered off farther into the garden. She looked up to see the unique lights blend in with the sunlight sky. A pair of birds fluttered by and it brought a small smile to the Chobit's face. At least there were somethings occurring today that didn't seem out of the usual. As Chii wandered through the rose-covered shrubs, she pondered the events that had taken place since she had woken up: the maid greeting her, which had never happened before, the outdoors breakfast, and even Mokona's morning greeting was rather odd.

It never threw itself at her like that before. Over the long span of time Mokona knew her, it took into consideration that Chii didn't like such a forward, and sudden, action and restrained its excited, little being. This would be the first time Mokona broke that streak.

Chii looked at her hands, extending her slender fingers. So that would make three strange events that had occurred so far. Fay's attitude wasn't that outlandish, since it was in this garden that Chii had challenged him with the question:

"What is Chii to Fay?! What is she?!"

It's no wonder why Fay seemed slightly distant-minded. The two never had such close bodily contact with one another since that night, and when he had caught her earlier this morning, the image must have come back to him.

Giving a sigh, Chii bowed her head and walked towards a place she had not neared in years.

Chills ran up her spine and fear, along with many other emotions, quickly surged into her body. She had entered the opposing side of the palace, an area that was much like the courtyard of a Roman villa. Chii's breath was uneasy, and her body trembled as it all came back to her:

The night when Sakura, Syaoran, and Kurogane had taken her off of the streets and brought her into the palace for the first time. Chii and . . .

"Freya." Chii choked out when she was at the edge of the pool, its water level a few feet below the half-way point in the giant, rectangular crater in the center of the courtyard as to maintain the water's pure nature, free from human touch.

The youngest sister had not been to her elder sibling's grave since the night Freya had been buried. It was all beyond surreal. The final words Freya had said to her, now, chimed in Chii's head once again since that night:

The eldest sister fell silent and tears flowed from her sister's eyes, leading Freya to close her own as she rested her cheek on her little sister's back. "Please. Live your life. Don't let what happened to us ruin your future. That's all I want for you, Chii. I just want you to be happy and healthy and I know you can do this." Chii looked down as her tears streamed down her face and Freya opened her eyes as she sadly smiled at the floor. "Can you promise me that?"

Chii was silent, but after a long while, she nodded slowly. She was put on this earth to make people happy. That was her and her sister's sole purpose, and she had to stick to her role or else there was no point in her living. Freya smiled. "Thank you, now I can rest in peace with the rest of our people, and we will always be watching over you. We will always be standing behind you; the army of us, even though you won't be able to see us. You'll be able to feel us. Do you understand that, Chii?"

"Chii." Her sister said quietly in reply as she nodded and Freya closed her eyes once more as she continued to hug her sister from behind.

"Thank you, Chii." After saying that, her spirit faded away, leaving Chii standing at the edge of the pool all alone in the darkness of night.

A chill ran up Chii's spine as the memory hit her and she sighed, closed her eyes, and focused on her breathing as she settled herself down. It was quiet for a while, and the Chobit had grown more comfortable with her setting.

Her eyes opened, "H-hello, dear sister." She frowned a little in disappointment, almost as if she wasn't expecting silence to answer her. A few moments of hesitation passed, before the young girl continued. "I know it has been an awfully long time since I have come here," she knelt to the ground and bent forward to bow deeply, "and I truly, and sincerely, apologize for my absence." Large tears began to threaten behind her eyes and she sniffled. "But, something told me I should have come to see you, so, here I am, dear sister." Sniffling, she sat up and wiped her eyes with her sleeve before folding her hands on her lap.

Chii raised her gaze to the sky, unaware someone had noticed her and hid behind a pillar to watch from behind. "I hope you and everyone are doing well up there. . ." She said with a small smile, her heart aching with the memory of the good times she had in her village. "Penelope. . . Pepe. . . Elder Lilla. . . Grandpa Po." The list of names went on forever in her mind, each name matched perfectly with a smiling face.

Sighing once again, she looked down the hole in front of her. "I sure do miss you, Freya." The small smile returned, "You would have loved it here, everyone is so nice. Then again, I'm sure you know all of this, because you're watching over me." A feeble giggle escaped Chii's lips. "And I'm sure you all miss me, too. I'm the only one of our kind not up there with the rest of you all." A few tears pricked her eyes. "But, don't worry. I'll join you when my time comes . . . and something tells me I have a long ways to wait before that happens." She smiled in a melancholy way as she looked at her sister in the water.

Freya was just as beautiful as when Chii last saw her body. Due to the palace's magical air, her body was perfectly intact, and had matured as though the eldest Chobit sister was still alive. She still wore the frilly, black dress, and the gorgeous white, light blue, pale yellow, along with other lightly colored flowers, still blossomed healthily. It was as if no time had passed between then and now; yet it was a seven-year time gap.

Chii lost track time that passed while she knelt in front of her sister. She silently reminisced every memory she had of her childhood, easily forgetting the final hours before her kind's genocide. It was almost as if Freya was speaking to her, too, remembering everything right by her beloved sister's side. Suddenly, Chii felt a gentle, but unexpected, hand on her left shoulder and whipped her head around. No one was there and her heart fell.

A figure with long, black hair watched from the sidelines, her red eyes glimmering with the emotional scene before her. A smile came to her pale face when she saw someone place their hand on the young Chobit's shoulder: a long, cream-blonde-haired girl with a long, frilly, black dress, and flowers scattered about her. She levitated and a secret breeze stirred her hair and garment. Large, beautiful, furry, white ears stood proudly from the sides of her head. Gentle, brown orbs, and a warm smile casted down on the young woman in front of this spiritual entity. Chii didn't know it, but her eyes were looking directly into the eyes of another. Their faces merely inches away.

The black-haired, red-eyed woman smiled. "It's been a while, Freya."

"Chii." The voice echoed, and the younger sister gasped, her ears perked. "I'm so proud of the young woman you have become."

A few tears rolled down Chii's bewildered face. "Freya. . .?" She whispered excitedly. "Is that you?" She reached for Freya, but her hands only met air; that didn't stop her, though. The frail, strong-spirited Chobit hugged the emptiness behind her tightly, tears streaming down her face more consistently now.

The dimensional witch watched as Freya was engulfed in the embrace and placed a hand on her sister's back.

Chii felt something on her back and opened her eyes, her vision blurry from all of her tears. Yet it was through these very tears that she was able to see something clearly: a smiling, and proud face beside hers. Chii gasped. "Freya. . . F-Freya . . . Freya!" She broke down into tears and sobbed openly into her sister's spirit, who gently hugged her, urging her to let it all out.

Yuko observed the two with a smile, and a white fur ball popped its head out behind hers. "So, this is where Chii went."

"It would appear so, Mokona."

"Well, Mokona is glad she did. I haven't seen her come her at all!"

The woman nodded. "It would seem as though her life, now, was distracting her from her past life. She needed this break. And I'm glad I had the blessing to see the last two Chobits reunited once again."

The pair watched the heart-jerking scene unfold before them for a few minutes longer.

"Come on, Yuko. Let's go."

"As you wish, little one." And the two wandered off.

Chii calmed down, but continued to sniffle, and slowly, she felt the invisible warm source depart from her. "Huh?" She blinked her eyes open and looked up. "Freya? No. Please, don't go!" A breeze blowing from behind her, made Chii look and peer down to see her beloved sister's coffin stir in the water below. A wave of comfort washed over the younger sister and she sighed with a smile on her face. "Rest in peace, Freya. I love you with all of my heart." She bowed her head with closed eyes and clasped her palms in front of her, "And tell everyone else up there, that I can't wait to see them again." Another breeze answered her wish, and that gave her closure.

Finally, she stood up and wobbled a little as blood rushed back to her legs. It now dawned on her that she had spent over an hour kneeling at her sister's grave, but it was all worth it. This was to mark the fourth strangest thing that had happened to her today, and it was the best kind of strange.

Feeling satisfied, Chii made her way back into the palace.

"Ah! There you are, Chii!"

The Chobit turned to see a male servant, holding a white blindfold, quickly approaching her.

"Oh, yes, hello there." Chii was, once again, puzzled by his urgent vibe. "Is there something the matter? Do you have something you wish to tell me?"

He smiled, "No, I have something to show you." Chii raised an eyebrow and he offered the blindfold. "May I? It's a surprise."

After pondering it for a moment, Chii nodded and allowed him to tie the white cloth over her eyes, before guiding her forward to a destination unknown.

"Where are you taking me?" Chii asked him as he gently urged her forward, guiding her with his hands on her frail shoulders.

"You'll see soon enough, Chii," he chuckled, "have patience."

The young Chobit made a face behind her white blindfold. This would certainly be the fifth strangest happening to her today. Thankfully, it wasn't long before the two came to a stop.

"And, we're here!"

"Can I take this blindfold off, now?" Chii giggled slightly.

"Yes." He removed the cloth and Chii opened her eyes to see giant, polished, wooden double doors looming before her.

She tilted her head with a raised eyebrow, "Huh?"

"Where are we here?"

She gasped and looked to her left to see Fay standing next to her, holding a white blindfold of his own. Beside him, stood the maid from earlier in the morning.

"Go and see for yourself." She smiled widely.

Chii turned to see the servant standing behind her, who gave her a nod.

Fay and Chii looked at the palace hands, then at one another, before gazing at the door and placing their hands on the door they each stood in front of.

Once the doors had swung open, loud popping noises sounded and startled the two youngsters. They stared at the room with wide eyes: standing around were Kurogane, Syaoran, Yuko, with Mokona perched on her shoulder, and many other palace hands. Princess Sakura stood at the head of the long dining table in front of Fay and Chii.

"W-what is all this?" Fay wondered.

"Happy birthday, you two!" Syaoran smiled from his place to Sakura's right.

"It's a party. That's what it is, kid." Kurogane smirked on the princesses' left, on hand rested on his hip.

"B- wh-why?" Chii asked, looking around. "It isn't either of our birthdays." She said slowly.

"We know," the thirty-year-old brunette soldier said, "but, they're coming close and we wanted the events to be special for you."

"The both of you have come so far in your magical trials," Mokona added, "that's why we wanted to reward you with a surprise party, as well!" It hopped for joy.

"Indeed." Yuko smiled. "Fay, you've been a Master Sorcerer for about two years now, and Chii, you've been improving with every task I give you."

Chii straightened herself and clasped her hands behind her back. "Th-thank you, Yuko!"

The dimensional witch tilted her head slightly and softened her gaze. "Look at you. . . All grown up. And, here, I first met you when you were merely seven-years-old."

Chii smiled sheepishly to the floor. "Well, it's all thanks to Sakura, Syaoran, and Kurogane that I'm here." She looked at Fay by her side. "And Fay, as well."

The platinum blonde's blue eyes widened slightly for a moment, before he smiled warmly back at her. "And the same goes for you, Chii." He petted her head and she giggled.

A sudden 'pop' made everyone freeze and draw their attention to Yuko, who held a large bottle of sake. "Well, enough of this light-hearted stuff. Let's drink up!"

The room rolled its eyes before welcoming the sounds of chatter, praise, and well wishes to the soon-to-be seventeen-year-olds.

Hours passed and everyone enjoyed the company, drinks, and food, but, at one point, a messenger's presence was passed to the royal head. Kurogane and Syaoran were standing by Sakura, when the broad black-haired soldier excused himself to attend to the traveler.

Kurogane walked over to the double doors and stood outside in the hall, to discuss the business of the messenger. He handed the palace guard an envelope, bowed, and was escorted out. The red-eyed man opened the letter and, when he read it, his eyes widened.

The party had noticed his alert return and stopped to watch him regroup with the princess and his fellow soldier. "Princess." Kurogane said, revealing his unease. The room watched with baited breath as to what the news was. At last, the strong man had found his voice and inhaled, "We have just received word . . . that war has broken out in Clow. Soldiers were spotted not too long of a distance from our borders."

Cries of distress immediately broke out, and Sakura's green eyes hardened. "And do we know the cause of this war, Kurogane?"

Her companion nodded. "It would seem their king after Fang Wei has passed on. The struggle for a new leader has begun."

"Oh, no." The maid's hands flew to her mouth.

"Do not be afraid!" Sakura instructed the room, "They will not breach the walls of Celes Country! You are all safe, and I will ensure that this entire kingdom will be protected!"

"We trust you, Princess."

"The royal guards have kept us all safe for as long as we can remember. We know we are in good hands."

Sakura nodded her appreciation and redirected her attention to Kurogane, who was now flanked by Syaoran. The spry soldier's brown eyes burned, and his hand clutched the handle of his sword, as if he was ready to fight and defend his home at any second.

"I ask for you to ready our soldiers. Send them out as soon as they are ready."

Her companions clicked their boots together as they straightened themselves. "Yes, Princess Sakura!" Then, together, they headed out, but they did not fail to pat and exchange smiles with Chii and Fay on their way through the doors.

Chii stared after them with worry and jumped when Fay moved, she saw him take a few steps towards the princess and his head bowed. Fay's eyes were closed as all eyes around the room landed on him. Sakura stared at him in confusion. The magician opened his eyes to reveal burning determination. "Princess," he bowed before her—an action she hadn't seen since his arrival when he was nine, "let me be a pawn in your army."

Gasps and shock exploded in the room; Sakura was absolutely taken by surprise from his sudden desire. "Fay. . ."

"Please, Princess." He lowered his head. "I'm a Master Sorcerer now. I can help us win this battle!"

Even Yuko showed some interest in the matter. All of his training . . . So, it's led up to this. She bowed her head and closed her eyes; Mokona looked at her with concern, its ear drooped. "I am for it."

The crowd looked at the witch, who met their gaze. "Fay has been training hard ever since he was six. He even told the princess, herself, when he first arrived, that he was rather good; and when he was under my authority, he was able to master the skills with little difficulty." Yuko met Sakura's green eyes. "I think he is up to it, Your Highness."

The thirty-two-year-old strawberry blonde stood in silence as she took in the request.


Now, the room drew its attention to Chii, whose bangs hid her face as her head was bowed, and her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

"What did you say, Chii?" Asked the servant who had brought her here.

"I said no!" She cried, shaking her head and tears slipped into the air, and lifted her head to show distress written all over her face, "You can't go, Fay!"

He stared at her with slightly widened eyes, before he relaxed them. "And why's that? I'd be serving my country, Chii."

"But, you just can't." Her body shook, "You . . . can't."

Sakura watched the two, and her heart broke, but she had come to a reasonable conclusion. "I'm sorry, Chii," she admitted with closed eyes, her hands tucked in front of her, in the sleeves of her dress. "But, I have come to a decision. . . Fay," she addressed the magician, "I accept your request." Chii gasped. "You will train with Kurogane and Syaoran, along with the rest of Celes Country's troops."

The platinum blonde bowed deeply, "Thank you, Your Highness. I will serve this country with my every breath."

Sakura nodded in response. It wasn't just Chii who was hurting with this decision. Sakura had grown very fond of Fay over the years of him living with her and her friends, and sending him off into such a large battle was far from easy. She knew Kurogane and Syaoran would prepare him well, though, on top of all of the skills Yuko had taught him. Sakura knew Fay was a large advantage to her defense line.

All the while, Chii stood in the room trembling, her fists still clenched as were her teeth. Her bangs hung in her face and large tears rolled down her cheeks. "How could you. . ." she whispered, before swinging her head up and down, "How could you all do this to me?!" Her wail carried throughout the room and everyone's heart broke at the distress she was emanating. She wanted nothing more than to allow her noodle-like legs to give in on themselves, but she had to get away from the scene. It was making her stomach churn more than it already was; so, she turned and bolted out of the room, sobbing into her hands.

She ran and ran, until she was at her sister's grave once more. There, she allowed her legs to fall into submission and she wailed in solitude under the night sky. The lights above did not shine like they normally did; they, too, must have been grieving the anguished conclusion that Sakura had made in sending the palace's beloved Fay D. Flourite out to a large war, last fought amongst the Chobit people and the soldiers of Clow.

Chii hugged herself and let the tears continue to slip. "What should I do now, Freya?" She said once she had calmed down enough to speak. "I'm going to lose him . . . and he's one of who helped me from my loss of you."

Gentle hands planted themselves on her shoulders again, and Chii felt her sister's presence behind her for the second time that day, "I think you know what you have to do, my dear sister." Freya's arms wrapped around Chii's neck and her lips rested on her tear-stained cheek, "Tell him how you feel." Freya didn't want to say the rest of her thought: 'before you lose your chance.' Such a statement wouldn't sit well with her sister in the state she was in now.

"Yes." Chii said quietly, exhausted from all of her crying. "I must tell him . . . how . . . I . . ." Before, she could finish her sentence, her heavy eyelids came over her eyes and she slowly fell to her side, fast asleep.

Sakura, accompanied by the maid and servant who had guided Fay and Chii, had come looking for her. When the trio found the Chobit, they sighed with sinking hearts. Of course this wasn't easy for poor Chii. Fay had been a tremendous help in Chii's recovering from her sister's loss. The palace hands approached the sleeping girl, and the maid helped the servant take Chii into his arms. The maid gently stroked Chii's hair, before walking with him and Sakura back to the Chobit's room.

Once they had her tucked into bed, the palace hands offered their presence with Sakura until she returned to her own sleeping chamber, but Sakura politely dismissed them.

She looked at Chii, the cream-blonde's face twisted with pain, and her cheeks still wet from the river of tears that had fallen down her face. The princess took a cloth from Chii's vanity and gently wiped away the wet streaks; Chii moaned in reply, her face tightening up with grief.

"No. . ." she muttered in her sleep, "Don't go. . ."

Sakura frowned and stroked the girl's long hair. "I'm sorry, Chii." The princess whispered, "But, sometimes the right decision, isn't always the most favored." She sat there for a while, before leaning down. "I love you, Chii. We all do. Please, remember that." With saying that, she kissed Chii's cheek, ensured she was properly tucked in, and began to walk out.

Just as she was about to exit the room, Mokona jumped up to Sakura, startling her.

"Oh, Mokona!" She cried placing one hand over her chest, and the other serving as a platform for the kind-hearted creature. "You startled me."

"Mokona's sorry, Princess." It pouted, its ears drooping. "Mokona is just really worried about Chii."

Sakura smiled, "You know, I am sure she can really use a friend to cuddle with tonight."


She nodded.

"Okay." Mokona smiled, lifting its ears a little, "Mokona is perfect for nighttime snuggles. It's one of Mokona's 108 secret talents!"

Sakura giggled quietly and turned so it could hop into Chii's room. "Good night Mokona. Sleep well."

"'Night, Sakura." It whispered from Chii's bed before the princess shut the doors. Mokona turned to Chii and frowned upon her sad face, then gave a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry, Chii." The creature made its way over to the Chobit's arms. "Mokona is here to keep you all warm and fuzzy inside."

Groggily, Chii opened her arms and hugged her little friend close. "Thank you, Mokona." She murmured before being fully engulfed in sleep again.

Mokona patted her, "You're welcome, Chii. Pleasant dreams." Giving her a goodnight kiss, the, big-hearted creature relaxed and let sleep slowly approach.

Man, this hurt to write, but I finally have written it! Sorry that it's been a while that I've updated this story, guys. Hope you all had a very Happy Holiday and I wish you all a very Happy New Year! ^^