A/N: I don't know why, but I really like using the Japanese names for people and English names for Digimon. No honorifics are added because I am not 100% sure when to use certain ones.
Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: Yagamis Are Tricksters

Hikari sighed.

Maybe it was the post-save-two-worlds lull, but high school was much more monotonous than adventurous. That time BlackWarGreymon flung her around the landscape like a ragdoll with a lone Terra Destroyer? She couldn't believe she actually missed that. At least getting her butt handed to her in near-mortal combat was a break from the daily routine that was now polished, immaculate clockwork.

Wake-up to her brother's pestering. Class. Class. Miyako! Class. Gym. Daisuke confesses. Lunch. Class. Takeru! Class. Boy #5264B confesses. Class. Dancing! Pestering brother. Sleep.

Hikari sighed again as she rounded the corner to her locker, hoping that another random guy would not impede her progress. Somehow even the confessions were just another cog in the clock; since the second generation of Chosen entered high school, about 60% of the student body became inclined towards hers and Takeru's bodies. The first time a boy confessed to her, Kari was taken aback by the surprise but now it had become so routine that she might as well carry a tape recorder gently replying:
"I'm sorry, but I don't even know many upperclassmen and underclassmen and thus cannot return your feelings. I wish you all the happiness possible though."

Still, the confessions were becoming taxing on her, especially when certain boys would return for repeat attempts. With each declination, her suitor would become crestfallen and walk away with a feigned smile. It broke her heart just as much to hurt people. How was any of this fair?

Having reached her destination, Hikari shuffled around the contents of her locker before checking the wall clock.
Speaking of repeat suitors. . . .
Any moment now, Daisuke would poke his head around and invite her to a lunch date. It amazed her how the goggle-head could maintain such a strong interest in her every day when she was still sweaty from sprinting around the track all last period.

Five years and that boy held onto his crush. He always insisted that if he was given one chance, he'd make it worth her while but the offer was always met with a shake of the head. She just wasn't romantically attracted to him.
Actually, she just wasn't romantically interested in anyone she could think of so far, even though dating would likely break the dull day-to-day cycle. She just wasn't too keen on anyone who showed an interest in her.


The young Yagami pulled her head from the depths of her locker to find her best friend Takeru with his cheek to his own locker's door, his eyes closed and some mutant hybrid of a gargle and a snore emitting from his drooling mouth.
She smiled.
It was a rarity for Takeru to leave History in time for a full lunch period, as Mr. Miyazawa could normally drone on until the Fifth Period bell. Judging by the blonde's state, he had awoken from his lecture-induced coma solely because a classmate told him, "We ended early. Escape now while you can!"

"Hey, 'Keru," she playfully nudged him. "You can actually eat a full lunch today. Wake up and refuel."
She poked his bellybutton. She shook him lightly by the shoulders. She pulled at his free cheek like it was a rubber band.
When all else failed, she pried open her lunch box and carefully crammed a rice ball into his open gob. Pushing it gently further into his maw, she only stopped when a sudden HURK! told her Takeru was finally awake. The young Takaishi quickly assessed his new whereabouts, his locker in front of him, Hikari beaming, something squishy lodged in the back of his mouth. Realizing it was food, he slowly chewed before smiling back at his best friend.

"Hika, did you make this?" he inquired when his mouth was finally empty.
"Yeah, cooking skills skip generations in my family," she giggled. "Taichi and I lucked out."
"Your kids are going to have to marry gastroenterologists then," Takeru joined her in laughing.

"Hey, Takeru, want to join me for lunch?" the brunette girl asked when the pair finally fished out their materials for their Sixth Period classes. "We almost never get to eat together at school anymore."
Her companion peered into the sack lunch his brother handed him on the way out the door earlier. Inside was 500 yen and a note reading: "It was this or the fuzzy leftovers."
". . . Sure, I just need to stop by a vending machine," Takeru sighed. Maybe if he was lucky, he could mooch off Hikari this time and repay the favor later.


Daisuke excitedly sauntered over to his fellow Chosen. Bundled in his arms was a boxed lunched much too large for a single person. Hikari smile faltered. Despite knowing her platonic feelings towards him, Daisuke was somehow steadily increasing his efforts to woo her.

Lucky Miyako.

Almost like a high school romance flick, after ditching her glasses and cardigan, Miyako had garnered the attention of a throng of boys in her class. However, unlike the Child of Light, the lavender-haired girl was public (and excessively vocal) about her relationship with Ken, effectively pulling both the beauty and the heartthrob off the market. With both Miyako and Ken being unavailable, she was no longer being harassed by confessors left-and-right (although unfortunately for her friends, several boys and girls jumped onto the Yagami and Takaishi bandwagons).

I wish I had a boyfriend. Maybe then it'd be enough to deter Daisuke so I wouldn't have to hurt his feelings and pride every day. . . .

"So Hikari, how about that lunch date?"

Hikari blinked. Daisuke and Takeru were now staring at her, having wrapped up whatever jovial exchange they had while she spaced out.

A thought flashed through her brain.

"Sorry, Daisuke, but didn't you hear?" she declined politely. She reached over grabbed Takeru's arm before pulling him close.

"I'm dating Takeru now."

Like their team leader, her "boyfriend" stared at her in shock.
He didn't know they were dating either.

A/N: I actually started writing this about a month before I found out about the manga "Nisekoi", and even though I love that series (it's now one of my favorite mangas), this story is not based on "Nisekoi"; they just have kind of a similar premise.