"So… Do you think he'll really get the police on us?" Hikaru asked as he changed into his pajamas.

"No way, he knows it will he bad for his family reputation. I mean, mom could sue him for it." Kaoru answered.

"I suppose you're right,"

A small grin creeped onto Kaoru's face. "Do you want to tell?"

His twin matched him. "Everyone."

And with that they went to sleep.

Kyoya walked calmly down the hallway to his next class, dismissing all the stares as the

usual heartstruck girls.

"Did you hear…" He heard. "... are going out?"

"No way, really?!"


"I didn't know that."

The girls all seemed to be talking about the same thing, but he couldn't hear as to what. Pushing his glasses up, he continued his walk, marking the strange chatter for later investigation.

Tamaki noticed the same thing, the girls all giggling and whispering in his direction. One girl even started squealing as soon as he went by. They all seemed to be overly excited, way overly excited. The blonde shook it off and walked into his class, spotting his dark haired friend and sitting by him.

"Hey, Kyoya!" He called, smiling like an idiot. "How's everything going?"

The shadow prince pushed his glasses up. "Fine, as usual." he mumbled. But he leaned close to Tamaki's ear and whispered into it: "You've noticed the strange aura around the school too, I assume?"

He nodded slightly, blinking a few times. "Yeah… I have."

"It's your fault."

The king bounced up out of his chair and pointed dramatically at Kyoya. "IT IS NOT MY FAULT! IF ANYTHING IT'S YOUR FAULT!"

Kyoya grabbed onto his sleeve and pulled him back down. "You're just drawing more attention to us."

The girls in the class squealed again.

The dark haired boy sighed, rubbing his temples. "Something tells me this is going to be a long day.

The club was different too. More girls began to hang around Kyoya, and Tamaki was getting more attention than ever. Kyoya was starting to piece it together.

"Excuse me, miss," He smiled at a first year with red hair. "Would you be so kind as to tell me what all the commotion is about?"

She blinked. "You mean, you don't know?" She turned to the girl next to her. "Do you think it's one sided?"


"Well… everybody's been saying that you and Tamaki-Senpai are dating!"

He stopped writing on his clipboard. "I see… If you'll excuse me." He said with another smile and began to make his way to the twins.

"Hikaru! That hurt!"

Hikaru looked surprised and pulled his doppelganger close, their noses almost touching. "I'm so sorry Kaoru, I swear, I won't do it again!"

The girls squealed and danced in their seats, practically with hearts in their eyes.

"Terribly sorry, but I need to borrow them for a second." Kyoya stated, spooking the poor girls.

"What do you want?" Hikaru started.

"Can't you see we're busy?" Kaoru finished.

"Yes, I can see that perfectly well, but it's important."

The twins looked at each other. "Well… if it's that important" They said in sync as they began to follow him into the back room.

Within in seconds he had them backed into a corner. "Did you forget what I told you?"

"more like threatened, 'sides, you can't do anything…" Kaoru said.

"It'd ruin your family reputation." Hikaru finished.

He cursed under his breath. "And now everyone knows…" He mumbled to himself, losing himself in thought, not even noticing the twins leaving. An idea came to him as he walked out of the room. A smile on his face as he made his way to Tamaki, and sitting in the empty spot next to him.

"Of course, my lady, I'd do anything for yo- Kyoya?" He stopped his monologue short, noticing the Shadow prince.

He let a smirk cross his face as he put his arm around the blonde. "What is it… Daddy?"