This is my first story I am publishing. Please leave reviews and I will try to update it when I can. I am busy with school so it may be every week, or every other week.

"This is the place," Ritsu said staring up at the large mansion.

He had been hired by a wealthy aristocrat, Masamune Takano. The man was a young widower with young twins that were born three months before his wife died in an automotive accident. Ritsu walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened and a tall man in a fancy suit and tie motioned him inside. "You must be the new nanny. is in his study. Please wait here and I shall inform him of your arrival."

The man turned and walked away. Ritsu stood in the foyer looking around. In front of him was a hallway that seemed to go on forever. To his right was a room with double doors. To the left was a magnificent marble spiral staircase.

"You must be here for the nanny position." A tall man, with raven hair and hazel eyes wearing an expensive looking suit, came into the foyer.

"Yes. You can call me Ritsu though. This house is amazing."

"Thank you. Bertram, please go get the children and have them meet us in the living room."

Bertram bowed and walked up the staircase. Masamune motioned for Ritsu to follow and headed down the hall. At the end, he turned and opened a sliding door. The room was huge. This is as big as my whole apartment, Ritsu thought. There were three large couches, four recliners, and a large flat screen that took up an entire wall. On the floor were all the latest game consoles and there was a bookshelf filled with games.

"Daddy." A little boy and little girl ran and hugged Masamune. "Is this our new nanny," the girl asked.

The boy was a spitting images of his father. The girl had curly, dark brown hair that cascaded down her back. Her eyes were as blue as the sea.

"Belle and Beau meet Ritsu. He is going to be your new nanny while daddy is working."

"Can we call you papa Ritsu? Because you are going to be like our papa while daddy works," Beau asked tugging on Ritsu's sleeve.

"Sure you can. Now what do you children like to do for fun?"

"We like to play with our video games, and we have toys in our rooms." Belle played with the hem of her dress as she answered.

"Alright kids. You have homework to now get. Ritsu and I need to talk about the schedule."

The twins ran out of the room. Masamune motioned to one of the couches and Ritsu sat down.

"Your son looks a lot like you. I guess your daughter gets her looks from her mom."

Masamune smiled. "Yeah. She has her spirit too. With her around it's like she is still here."

Ritsu gazed in awe at the wealthy man sitting across from him. He admired how handsome he was when he smiled and how his hazel eyes sparkled as if there were little stars in them. Ritsu realized he had been staring when he noticed Masamune had a curious expression on his face.

"So what are the kids schedules for the weeks?"

"They have school from 8:00 until 3:00. Then they have homework and study time from 3:30 until 4:30. Dinner is at 6:00 every night, and they have free playtime until 8:00 when they need to get ready for bed. On Wednesday they have soccer practice from 4:00 until 6:00. Saturdays they have soccer games from 10:00 until 12:00. The rest of the time they are allowed to play what they want."

"Alright. Sounds good. Anything other notes?"

"There is a swimming pool in the room across from us that you may use whenever you would like. If you need anything you may ask Bertram or any other staff. I hope you enjoy working here. Lucy will show you to your room now. I will see you at dinner," with a wave he left the room and headed back to his study.

Ritsu followed the woman up the stairs. She stopped by a door on the right side of the hall. Opening it she stepped inside and Ritsu followed. There was a large canopy bed, a wardrobe, and a door leading to a full bathroom.

"If you need anything we are here. Master Takano spends all day in his study so that is where he will be if you need him. Your things will be arriving later tonight. In the morning the children need to be woken at precisely 7 and the dining room is the third door on the right in the downstairs hallway." Lucy bowed and left, shutting the door behind her.

Ritsu flopped down on the bed. He had sworn he would not fall for anyone after he had his heart broken all those years ago by Keira. He couldn't be falling for Masamune. They were both guys. It made no sense. Yet when he first saw him his heart skipped a beat, and when he smiled Ritsu's heart jumped in his chest.

But this most certainly was not love. He could not fall for Masamune. For one thing he was his boss, and another they were both guys. It was not love. It wasn't.