Sorry for taking so long to update it. I've been super busy with school and work. BTW there is smut in this chapter so if you don't like it then you can just wait for the next chapter. I don't know how well the scene is written cause this is my first time writing it. Anyways hope you guys like it.

"Make sure you have enough clothes, and toiletries for the weekend. Oh and don't forget your bathing suits."

Belle and Beau were going to spend the weekend with their mom's parents. They spent one weekend a month with each pair of grandparents. It was easy since they lived in the next town over.

"Papa Ritsu. This isn't the first time we have gone to our grandparents. We know what to bring. Besides, if we leave anything, we always have extra supplies at their house." Bella giggled at how flustered Ritsu was.

The doorbell rang and the twins ran to the door. An elderly couple, dressed in fancy clothes, walked in and embraced the children. The children were smiling ear to ear. Suddenly a brown blur whipped past the group hug and headed straight for Ritsu. He was knocked backwards and landed on the floor. Feeling a heavy weight on his chest he opened his eyes. His gaze met the blue eyes of a pit bull, a smile on his face. He was all brown except for a few spots of white on his ears and snout. The dog leaned down and started licking Ritsu's face. Laughing, he put his arms up to protect himself.

"I guess Rocco has a new friend," Masamune said entering the foyer, laughing along with everyone else. "Beau, can you get that crazy pup off Ritsu." Beau nodded and called to Rocco.

The dog stopped and his ears perked up. Turning around, he ran over to the kids showering them with kisses. Ritsu stood up and dusted himself off. Holding out his hand he introduced himself to the grandparents. Then the kids said their goodbyes and headed out the door.

Noticing the other man's damp hair, Masamune chuckled. Ritsu turned and looked at the taller man. "What's so funny?"

"Sorry about Rocco. He loves new people and he is very affectionate."

Pointing to his wet hair Ritsu laughed. "I noticed. I'm gonna go wash this... affection off." With that he headed upstairs to take a shower.


A loud crash and someone calling his name woke Ritsu from his sleep. With heavy eyes he looked around his room. A loud crack of thunder shook the house and a flash of lightning lit up his room. Jumping out of bed he ran to the window. Rain was pounding down, trees were uprooted, wooden fences were scattered, and the streets were starting to flood.

"Ritsu." His door flew open and Masamune burst in. He noticed Ritsu by the window and ran over to him. "Come on. We have to get to the storm safe room. It's the only place we will be safe." Grabbing Ritsu's hand, he led him down the stairs and towards a large metal door.

Once safely inside, Ritsu leaned back against the wall gasping for air. "That is one violent storm. Does Mother Nature want to kill us?"

Masamune walked over to one of the cupboards and pulled out a radio. Turning it on, he tuned it in to a station.

"We are getting reports that this is a category 4 hurricane. We advise all to stay in doors and stay away from windows and doors. We will bring more news as the storm progresses."

Ritsu slumped down against the wall. Masamune opened a closet and pulled out an air mattress, blankets, and some pillows. He inflated the

mattress and laid out a sheet. Placing the two pillows side by side, Masamune got into the bed and laid down.

"You might as well get some sleep too." Ritsu looked quizzically at Masamune. "If this bed could hold my entire family then it can hold both of us. Besides, you'll catch a cold if you sleep on the floor."

Ritsu shrugged and got into the mattress opposite of Masamune. The blanket was warm and the mattress was comfortable. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.


Slowly opening his eyes, Ritsu was met with the sleeping face of Masamune. He was startled at how they had ended up so close together in the middle of the mattress. The taller man was warm in comparison to the coldness of the room. In fact the air in the room was freezing. Rolling over, Ritsu looked around. None of the appliances were working. The power must be out.

He shook Masamune awake. The taller man sleepily sat up. "The power is out."

Masamune looked around. Getting up he walked to the door and put in the code. Nothing happened. Turning to face Ritsu, he gave a nervous smile. "Funny story. You're gonna laugh when you hear this. We are stuck in here."

Ritsu's eyes widened and he jumped up. "WHAT?!" Suddenly the cold hit Ritsu and he started to shiver. Feeling dizzy, he started to fall over.

Masamune rushed over and caught him. Ritsu's cheeks were flushed and he was sweating even though it was freezing. Placing a hand on his forehead, Masamune noticed Ritsu had a fever. Placing him in the bed, he grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink. He dug through it until he found the cold medicine and poured some in a cup. Propping Ritsu's head up, he tipped the cup spilling the contents into his mouth. Ritsu swallowed then laid back down to sleep. Masamune grabbed some more blankets and covered Ritsu. With the remaining blankets, he covered himself and fiddled with the radio.


A few hours later, Ritsu opened his eyes and sat up. The room felt slightly warmer. Looking around, his eyes landed on Masamune sitting with his back to him while reading. The taller man was shivering slightly, only two blankets covering him. Ritsu noticed that all the blankets were over him. Masamune must have put them on Ritsu after he fainted because of his fever. Quietly getting up, Ritsu grabbed the mass of blankets and walked over to where the other man was sitting. Taking a seat next to Masamune, Ritsu wrapped half the blankets around their shoulders and placed the others on their laps.

Scooting closer to conserve the heat, Ritsu peered at the book in the tall man's large hands. "What are you reading? It looks good." The other man was silent. Turning to look at him, Ritsu noticed Masamune was staring right at him. His eyes were even prettier up close. "What is that-"Ritsu was cut short by the other man pressing his lips against his. He was surprised at first, but his desire got the best of him and he began to kiss back.

Masamune pulled Ritsu into his lap and wrapped his arms around his waist pulling them close together. Ritsu parted his lips and allowed for the other man's tongue to enter his mouth. Moving his hands upwards he tangled his fingers in the taller man's raven hair. A small moan escaped Ritsu's lips. The taller man rolled over so that the smaller man was laying on his back. Masamune pulled back supporting himself on his elbows.

Ritsu could feel his hardened member pressing against his pants. Masamune noticed too as he smirked.

Ritsu blushed hard and covered his face. Masamune moved his arms away and kissed the younger man. "We don't have to if you don't want to?"

Ritsu grabbed on to the older man's shirt and shook his head. "No. I want to. It's just..." Masamune then realized that this was the younger man's first time. Smiling Masamune gave Ritsu a light kiss on the lips.

Slipping off the younger man's shirt, Masamune trailed kisses along his collar bone and all down his torso. This received a pleased moan from the younger man. Ritsu grabbed the hem of the older man's shirt and pulled it over his shoulders revealing his muscular torso. The older man pulled off his lover's pants exposing the hardened member. Ritsu's blush deepened. Masamune trailed soft kisses up the length of his lover's member. Ritsu moaned his lovers name. Masamune kissed his lover passionately and Ritsu could feel the older man's equally hard member pressing against his stomach.

"Stop teasing me," Ritsu said between kisses.

Masamune slipped off his pants, exposing his erection. Spreading his lovers legs apart, he stopped and looked at him. "If you don't want to just tell me."

Ritsu was nervous, but he was ready. "I want to."

The older man thrust his hips forward, earning a moan from the younger man. Masamune continued thrusting his hips back and forth, slowly at first, but speeding up gradually. Both men moaned with pleasure.

"Masamune, I'm gonna..." The younger man's words were interrupted by a pleased moan as his torso developed a thin blanket of semen.

Shortly after Masamune came too. Both men lay panting next to each other. Masamune had his arms wrapped around Ritsu's his face in the younger man's soft brown locks, Masamune closed his eyes.

"Masamune?" The older man muttered a yes into the younger's hair. "What does this mean for us? I mean what's gonna happen with our relationship?" The older man was silent. "Sorry. I was just saying what was on my mind." Ritsu started to get up only to be pulled back down by the other man.

"When my wife died, I never thought I would be able to love again and thought if I did I would betray her. That was until I met you. At first I thought it was just respect for you because I never thought of loving another man, but spending time with you I realized that I was falling in love with you. I love you Ritsu."

Ritsu was speechless as he stared into those warm hazel eyes. Smiling he rested his head against the older man's chest. "I love you too." Looking up again he was met with a warm look. "But what about Beau and Bella? Won't it be weird for them."

"They will be just fine. They already love you and of course they want me to be happy." Masamune smiled as he leaned down and planted a kiss on his lover's lips.

Suddenly the lights popped on and the room started to get warmer.

Both men got up and walked to the door. Opening it, they felt a gentle breeze. There was about an inch of water covering the floor and some of the windows had been smashed to pieces. Grabbing some spare shoes from the closet, Masamune handed a pair to Ritsu and slipped the other on his own feet. Walking out they could see that trees trees had been uprooted, cars smashed, and the neighborhood was partly underwater. The men stood looking out at the destruction almost in a daze.

Suddenly the phone started ringing. Masamune moved as fast as he could without slipping and picked it up. "Hello." There was a pause as the person on the other line spoke. "Yes Belle. Both of us are fine. How are your brother and grandparents?" Another pause. "That's good. You guys will have to stay there until the roads are not flooded and we have the windows fixed. It will be close to a week. I know. Just keep watching the news. Okay here he is." Masamune turned and held the phone out to Ritsu.

Taking it, he held it up to his ear. "Hello. Yes I'm fine. We both are." There was a long pause as Belle asked a long list of questions. "Yes we will call each day to give you updates on the house. Be good and don't give your grandparents a hard time. Alright. We will call you tomorrow. Bye." Ritsu set the phone down and turned to face the other man who was smiling. "What?"

"It's nothing. You just sounded like a father on the phone." He walked over and planted a kiss on the younger man's forehead. "I'm hungry. Let's make some dinner and watch a movie."

Ritsu nodded as they headed into the kitchen. There was a huge fridge filled with ingredients and a pantry with even more. They ended up making spaghetti and meatballs with some garlic bread. After it was all made they headed for the screening room, popped in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and sat down to eat.

Halfway through the movie, Ritsu's eyes started to feel heavy. He tried to stay awake, but sleep overtook him.

Masamune looked at the man who's head was resting in his lap and chest was rising and falling slowly. Smiling he bent down and kissed the younger man's cheek. "You are like a child sometimes," he whispered. Shifting his position slowly as to not wake the sleeping man, Masamune laid down beside him. Placing his arms around the other man's waist, Masamune tried to watch the rest of the film. Sleep soon overtook him and both men slept peacefully curled up on the couch.