The five kids stood there in the classroom... Finally back... In their own classroom... Back in the real world... Back in 2-9

They were all elated and spent minutes celebrating and hugging. Hugs were exchanged, smiles all around...

Then the harsh reality dawned on all of them., they may be back in the real world but they lost four amazing people... People they had known as children gone... The smiles faded from their faces as they remembered who had been killed...

Shinohara Seiko, the most chipper girl they had all ever met and their "love expert", her bright smile that would lighten up any situation. She had tried her hardest to lighten up Naomi in Heavenly Host. The happy go lucky girl was gone now, stuck as a spirit in Heavenly Host... Doomed to feel the pain of her death for eternity

Mayu Suzumoto, the drama club student... She was always energetic... She cared for everyone, living or dead. This ultimately led to her death in Heavenly Host. Her caring for everyone led her to befriend Sakutaro. Her energetic attitude gave her the nickname "Suzume"

Sakutaro Morishige, the most mysterious of them all, he always kept to himself and took everything in stride. Mayu was the only one that he considered a true friend. This is the reason he only allows Mayu to call him by a nickname (Shige Nii). He went completely insane at the realization of having lost Mayu in Heavenly Host and committed suicide out of insanity.

Yui Shishido: the best teacher they ever had. The teacher that always played pranks along with students. She hardly ever lost her temper and always helped her students. She continued protecting her students until the bitter end. She gave her life to save one of her students.

They sat there in silence... Just remembering

The silence was broken by none other than Satoshit Mochida himself. "We should probably head home before our parents get anymore worried," he said as he shakily got to his feet.

"Come on Yuka, Nakashima let's go"

Ayumi Shinozaki, the class representative looked in jealousy as Satoshit helped Naomi up.

"Hey, Shinozaki need help?" Ayumi looked up to see Yoshiki Kishinuma staring at her holding out his hand.

"No thanks I'm good" she muttered slapping his hand away.

This action made Yoshiki cringe in the inside but he put his sly attitude back on and said, alright fine whatever you want Shinozaki.

The five kids all stood up and solemnly walked down the hallway of the school.

They opened the outside doors to be greeted with what remained of the culture festival. Crumpled wrappers on the ground some confetti thrown everywhere.

"And to think this all happened just hours ago, it feels like years" Yoshiki sighed

"Yeah, feels like an eternity..." Naomi replied

"Onii chan?" Yuka asked with a small voice

"Yes Yuka?" Satoshit responded

"Yuka needs to use the restroom"

"Oh... Alright"Satoshit replied not wanting to leave the group,"guess I'll see you all sometime" he and Yuka began to leave


"Huh?" He turned around to find the source of the voice and saw it was Ayumi who had spoken.

"We all have to come to school tomorrow... No matter what... Promise?"

"I promise" Naomi replied

"Promise" both Yuka and Satoshit said

Yoshiki was too busy staring at the sky to notice

Ayumi got him out of his daze by snapping her fingers at him. "Kishinuma?"

"Uh?-oh... Yeah sure..." He said snapping out of his daze

"Ok so on time tomorrow" Ayumi said to the other four. "Let's go home"

With those final words from their class rep, they all parted ways headed home unsure of what the future had in store...

AN: sooo... First chapter... For real... Don't worry it won't always be this depressing!

Next chapter the drama starts (oh noes!) Ayumi will try to reveal her feelings for Satoshit (sorry I just don't like him) and I want to know if she should be turned down nicely or roughly, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide! ^_^ this is Broshiki Kishinuma signing out *boop!*