
"I need an anchor
I need an anchor"

Donna sat on a little white swing set in an apple orchard wearing a pretty white dress. She fiddled with a small bouquet of white flowers in her hands.

She looked up at the setting sun and leaned her head against the metal strand of the swing.

Will he come?

She glanced down at the simple silver band hanging from a chain around her neck. Memories of the last seven years flashed before her eyes. The good and the bad - they were the happiest years of her life. One day will also shine a little brighter than the rest.

It was the day after the worst disaster to ever strike Pearson-Specter – but one of the happiest days in Donna Paulsen's life.

Donna and Harvey were both still stuck in an intensive care unit with Mike and Jessica because of a little issue durning an extremely difficult case– however they were high profile enough to get their own personal room – joy.

"I had a song you know? Granted it was a really cheesy song…and you probably would've hit me over the head when I would end up singing it off tune…" Harvey said as he stared up at the boring white tiled ceiling as he lay on the medical bed beside his…fiancé. Damn he liked the sound of that.

"I probably would, but I would've said yes afterwards too." She said softly. He glanced at her with a weary look.

"Really? Because I had this odd feeling that you were going to murder me before you said yes." He said dryly. She gave him a warning glance.

"Don't question me, Harvey – it could still happen." She said ominously. Harvey paled.

"Yes ma'am." He squeaked. She couldn't manage to keep her straight face for too long and ended up rolling her eyes.

"I'm glad you said yes, Donna." He said softly. She smiled and gave their intertwined hands a light squeeze.

"Where would you have asked if we weren't viciously attacked yesterday?" She asked suddenly. Harvey noticed the slightly dejected look in her eyes. Well…there was nothing stopping him now.

"Hey Donna – wanna' go outside with me for a second?" He asked as he sat up instead of answering her question. She gave him a quizzing look – until it all clicked.

"Really?" She said flatly. He gave her a cheeky grin.

"Yup – don't you want to break out of this prison for a few minutes and have a little fun?" He asked wagging his eyebrows at her. She stared at him when she realized he was being serious.

"Before or after Jessica Pearson kills us?" Donna said warily. Harvey shrugged.

"We'll plea insanity. It'll all work out." He said throwing the sheets off of them and picking up his coat and sweater from the chair beside him.

"Here, you can have my coat." He said handing her the dark coat as he pulled his own sweater over his head. She took the jacket from him slowly and gave his thin sweater a wary look.

"You're going to freeze, Harvey." She said shaking her head. He scoffed as he puffed his chest out heroically.

"No, fair maiden – I am made of much manlier substance that the puny little men you've encountered in your life." He said dramatically. Donna gave him a blank look.

"So you're saying you didn't have the flu last week after we got pushed into an ice lake during our last chase with the associates?" She said frankly. Harvey dropped his head in defeat and simply grasped her by the hand.

"Donna, I love you, but you kill my style." Harvey mumbled hopelessly as he dragged her down the hall.

"Why do I have this feeling you don't really mind?" She said with a small smile.

Meanwhile, Doctor May was having a meeting with Jessica Pearson and Mike Ross in the medical bay.

"They're both technically fine – they always consider themselves fine if they're not literally dying in front of you. However I had this feeling that if we don't watch them like a hawk they'll disappear into thin-" Doctor May's analysis was interrupted by a loud obnoxious squeal.

"Oh my god! Is that Harvey Specter getting down on his knee? Oh my God, is he proposing?" Norma squealed as she jumped up and down with her face pressed up against the window.

Everyone froze as they heard the pencil in Doctor May's hand break in half.

Uh oh.

"HARVEY SPECTER, IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE! HOW DARE YOU DRAG MY PATIENT INTO THE COLD?" Doctor May shouted as she stomped out the door and towards the two. Harvey paled as the raging doctor approached. He started to protest when she promptly grabbed the poor lawyer's ear and dragged him away. Donna gave her poor fiancé a little wave as she sat on the cold stone bench with both their chains in her hands. Guess they'd have to do it again later.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" He cried as he was dragged down the snow path.

"You and I have a serious medical date, Specter." Doctor May grumbled as she ruthlessly dragged him like a doll.

"But I'm already taken by prettiest and probably deadliest girl in the world!" Harvey said as he watched Donna laugh with the snow falling prettily on her hair.

"Too bad sucker." Doctor May said darkly.

"Donna I love you! Wait for meeeeeee!" Harvey cried dramatically stretching his hand towards her. Donna shook her head at her fiancé's antics as she sat there wrapped in his dark coat with a small smile on her face.

"How on earth do you propose to your fiancé twice?" Jessica asked incredulously.

"You know, Jessica – those two have a tendency to always do the impossible." Mike replied.

"I'm still mad at you and Louis, you know?" Jessica said glaring at the already bruised lawyer. Mike laughed.

"You're always mad at me, Jessica." Mike said as he waved at Donna to come inside.

"I have this strange feeling you enjoy my anger." Jessica mumbled beside him.

He'll come.

She swung back and forth as she watched the rolling hills on the horizon. A small flicker caught her eyes and she smiled. Harvey Specter was suddenly seen frantically running down the side of the hill looking like he had a mob chasing after him.

"Sorry I'm late! I had to lose every single God damn nosy Pearson-Specter associates!" Harvey called out as he ran across the field. She laughed at his haphazard look. He was half in his suit and half in his messy black tuxedo.

"Even the best Pearson-Specter lawyer has a hard time losing a tail, eh?" She said playfully.

"They're like beasts, Donna! They mobbed me the moment I got out of Jessica's office! I swear they bribed the security agents to hijack the security cameras!" He exclaimed as he ran up to her still fighting with his suit. She laughed at his crazy look and got off the swing to help him out.

He watched her warmly as she combed his hair over and fixed his collar for him. She glanced down at the missing piece of his tux.

"No tie?" She asked curiously. He froze.

"Shit! I knew I forgot something!" Harvey groaned leaning his forehead against her shoulder. She laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay. It makes you look rough around the edges." Donna said warmly. He pouted.

"I always look rough around the edges. I am Mr. Rough-around-the-edges." He muttered. She smiled softly.

"Are you my Mr. Rough-around-the-edges?" She asked softly. He winked at her.

"I am from today." He said holding up a chain with a gold and silver ring hanging from it. She pulled hers over her head and held it in front of her.

"Promise?" She asked staring at him with the past, the present and the future shining in her eyes.

"I promise." He said with every fiber in his being.

And then he kissed her.


Let me know how you liked the story guys!











P.S. Sequel? Maybe something different. If you have ideas let me know and I'll try to whip something up.