A/N: Decided that packing can wait and started writing this early. Please leave a review and let me know what you think, any feedback is much appreciated!

Quinn was sat at her desk in hers and Santana's shared apartment, luckily she didn't have to go to college today as it was one of her days off but that didn't mean that she had a ton of work she didn't have to do.

She was trying to get through this work as fast as she could because tonight when Santana got home from work they were going to go out for a special romantic dinner that Santana had planned. She loved moments like these because Santana usually pulled out all the stops and made her feel like she was the most special girl on the planet.

Quinn never thought that this was how her life was going to go, her high school self never thought that when she was 22 years old she would be insanely in love with Santana Lopez, but ever since Mr Schuesters failed wedding on valentine's day she and Santana had been inseparable.

The past four years had been magical to Quinn, she was in love and she was happy. Santana was her guiding light and she couldn't wait to see what their future would hold for them.

Her phone ringing brought her about of her thoughts, she grinned like a Cheshire cat once she saw that it was Santana who was ringing her.

"Hey baby" She answered the phone cheerfully.

"Hey Q" Santana replied, "I'm just letting you know that I'm gonna leave a little early today"

"How come?" Quinn asked, not that she was complaining, if it meant that she got to see Santana earlier than expected she was definitely okay with it.

"Because I'm having a shitty day so far and the only thing that will make it better if I see your gorgeous face, so I'm going to get out of here around 4"

"Okay babe, I'll see you soon okay?"

"Yeah, see you soon"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Bye baby" they both hung up the phone and Quinn just knew that she would have a huge smile on her face the rest of the day and she knew that it would double the size once she saw Santana walk through the door. She was so in love with that girl she knew that they belonged together and would be together forever.

It was around 7pm and Quinn was getting worried, Santana still wasn't home. She had said that she was leaving work at around 4 and usually it only took her half an hour to get home. Quinn had tried ringing Santana multiple times but she had got no answer.

She was starting to panic, what if something had happened to Santana she couldn't breathe at that thought.

The moment Quinn heard her phone ringing, she lunged to get it hoping that it was Santana who was calling her. Her heart sank when she saw that it was just Brittany.

"Hello" She sadly said.

"Quinn? Where are you?" Brittany's tone of voice sounded urgent, like something had happened.

"I'm at home, why?"

"You need to get to the hospital now! It's Santana, she's been in a car accident"

The moment she heard those words come out of Brittany's mouth she felt like her whole world was crumbling down, she couldn't breathe.

She had to see Santana, she had to get to the hospital.

Quinn rushed out of the apartment, not caring about what she was wearing or how she looked to people who were passing by. She jumped into the nearest cab she could find and told them to take her to the hospital.

She got there pretty fast because she ordered the cab driver to get her there as fast as they could and no one said no to Quinn when she was in this mood and situation.

"I need Santana Lopez's room number" Quinn ran straight up to the nurses station.

"I'm sorry miss, I am not aloud to give that type of information to those who are not family" the nurse replied and if this woman didn't give Quinn the number she was definitely going to be biting some heads.

"I'm her girlfriend" Quinn pleaded and she could tell that the nurse was giving her a sympathetic look, Quinn didn't want to know what that look meant. Right now she just had to see Santana, she had to make sure she was okay.

"She's in room 302"

Quinn gave a quick thank you and ran off in the direction.

She didn't know how to react when she saw Santana lying in that hospital bed, she couldn't breathe, and her knees felt like they were going to cave in. She knew that tears were free falling down her face and they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

"Quinn" someone from behind her said, she knew straight away that the voice belonged to Brittany.

She turned around slightly and fell immediately into Brittany's arms, she needed someone to help her right now because if they didn't she would fall to the ground and she didn't know if she could get back up.

"What happened?" Quinn asked as she let go off Brittany, her tears not stopping.

"A drunk driver drove their car into the sidewalk and hit her" Brittany explained.

Quinn sobbed as she heard the story. Some stupid, irresponsible drunk decided to be reckless and her Santana was now paying the consequences.

"How… how is she" Quinn asked as she reached out to touch Santana's hand, hoping that her touch would fix everything, it didn't though.

"She's in a coma Q, they said they don't know when she is going to wake up, if she's ever going to wake up"

Quinn released a shaky breath, this couldn't be happening, she couldn't lose Santana.

"She has to, she has to wake up"

"Q, they said that she only has a 10% chance of waking up." Brittany sadly told her. "They're waiting for you to make the decision on whether to pull the plug or not"

"No!" Quinn immediately responded, "We're not pulling the plug, she will survive this, she has to survive this"

Brittany knew that Quinn wasn't going to have it any other way, she was glad about that and she was going to be here every step of the way.

"I'll go tell them your decision" Brittany left the room leaving Quinn alone with Santana.

Quinn sat down in the chair beside Santana's bed and intertwined their fingers, it hurt Quinn how Santana's fingers didn't curl in her own, that they didn't respond how they usually did to her touch.

"You have to wake up San, you can't leave me" she cried.

"Please don't leave me" She pleaded. "I can't live without you Santana"

Quinn's visits to Santana decreased over time until they finally stopped all together, it pained her every time she went to go see Santana because every time as the same, Santana was still unconscious.

She didn't know how long she could do this, she needed Santana but it was like she wasn't there. She just couldn't put herself through it all anymore, it broke her every time she saw Santana in her condition.

There was a chance that Santana was never going to wake up and it felt like that chance was getting bigger and bigger, it had already felt like Quinn had lost Santana, she just knew that she wouldn't be able to deal with it if Santana passed. She couldn't be here for that, she needed to move on.

She couldn't put herself through the pain she was feeling, she needed to forget about things. It had been just under a year since Santana's accident.

It was time, for Quinn it was time to move on.

She went to go and visit Santana one last time, one more time and then she would stop her visits for good.

She held Santana's hand extra tight that day, she wanted time to go as slowly as possible, savouring the last moments she would have with Santana.

She knew that it was time for her to leave so she place one last extra-long kiss on Santana's forehead.

"I will always love you Santana"

With that she left the room, tears uncontrollably falling down her cheeks. It was over and now she had to move on. She didn't know how she was going to do it, but she had to start somewhere.

3 years later…

"Hey J, you want to go for lunch soon?" Brittany walked up to her girlfriend Jenna who was stood at the nurses station.

"Yeah, just give me one second. I have to go and check on Santana." Brittany nodded, she loved how her girlfriend treated Santana.

Jenna was a nurse, she had worked at this hospital for the last 2 years. She was assigned to take care and look after Santana and check on her from time to time. That was how she met Brittany actually.

"Okay, I'll be here" Brittany responded, she had just come back from talking to Santana. She did that every week.

She went to the hospital every Thursday to go and talk to Santana, she talked about everything, from how she and Jenna were doing to her job, and she talked about Santana's family. A part of her hoped that Santana could hear the things Brittany was saying and Brittany hoped that one day Santana would be able to respond to them.

Jenna walked into Santana's room.

"Alright Santana, how are we doing today?" Jenna always made a habbit to speak to her patients and keep a positive attitude. No matter what condition they were in she felt like speaking to them would help the situation and make them feel better.

Jenna went over to check Santana's IV, making sure that it was all in place. However when she was checking the point in Santana's arm she did notice how it was shifted a little which was very strange. She quickly fixed it, but as she did something she didn't expect to happen, did.

She looked up and scanned Santana's entire body, she was moving.

Jenna's eyes went wide at what was happening, she never expected this to happen.

Santana was stirring, she was wakening. Her eyes were opening slightly, this was it.

"I need a doctor in here, stat!" Jenna shouted out the door.

Brittany scrunched her eyebrows, she quickly ran to Santana's room. She prayed that it didn't mean that it was time for Santana to go, she couldn't deal with that, not today.

"Jenna, what's going on?" Brittany quickly asked as she rushed into the room.

"She's waking up Britt"

Brittany's heart stopped as she heard this, she looked onto Santana's bed and everything was confirmed. Santana's eyes were opening slowly.

It was a miracle, but then another thought popped into her head. A lot had changed in these past three years and she didn't know how Santana would take it.

For now she would focus on the positive, Santana was waking up. Her 10% chance had pulled through. Brittany knew that Santana would be able to pull through, she had kept up that hope these past three years and now it was paying off.

A part of her wishes that Quinn would have kept up the same hope, but she was drowning she wasn't coping well with any of it. But now she had put herself back together, Brittany just didn't know how well she would cope with the news that Santana was awake, especially now that she was engaged to someone else…