This will be my first Harry Potter story so it may not be all that great. It might just be a one-shot. I don't really know at this point. Feel free to review and let me know if I should continue. All constructive criticism is welcome.

Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. I used one quote.

At the Bethlem Royal Hospital in South London Dr. Albus Dumbledore was making his final rounds for the night before his shift ended. He listened to his own footsteps resound through the hallway as he walked the long corridor. Most of the children in the long-term unit were sleeping but Albus knew of one that would most likely still be awake. He arrived at the last door on the left and opens it slowly so that he does not startle the child who resides inside.

Albus watched the boy who is presently standing on his bed gazing out of the window into the night sky, his bright green eyes sparkling with amazement as if he is seeing something extraordinary for the first time.

Dr. Dumbledore whispers his name several times before he catches the young boy's attention.

The boy bounces down onto his bed and turns to the doctor with grin.

"I finally did it!"

"What did you do Harry?"

"I mastered the patronus charm; the one that fights the dementors!"

Albus nods his head at the child to indicate that he remembers the particular imaginary creature that he speaks of. Harry had added a "Care of Magical Creatures" class to his unique reality last September. Every year his stories become more detailed. Harry often sits in his room, or in a corner in the day room, by himself, lost in his alternate reality.

"I knew I could do it all this time," said Harry, "Because I'd already done it... does that make sense?"

"I'm not sure. Why don't you explain it to me better?"

"When the dementor's were sucking out our souls, someone's patronus saved us. I thought it looked like my dad, but it was actually me. Hermione and I went back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak using the timeturner. When no one showed up when the dementors were attacking I realized that it was me who had done it the first time. I knew I could do it again since I had already saved myself once before."

"Why did you think it was your father?" The doctor enquired.

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment before he speaks again.

"I guess I look like my dad. That's what everyone says. I should have known it wasn't him though. My dad died when I was a baby."

This is the part of Harry's story that always makes Albus Dumbledore's heart ache, fore Harry's parents are very much alive. They and their other two children visit on the weekends. Often Harry's father comes during the week after work and brings him candy or a new toy with hopes that his son would realize who he is. Each time he leaves the facility disappointed.

Sometimes there are snippets of the truth in Harry's world. There is a nurse named Sirius Black that works the day shift that is rather fond of Harry, but he hasn't ever been accused of murder, nor has he spent twelve years in prison surrounded by monsters who feed on the happiness of others.

Hermione is a friend of his sister, Judith. Judith likes to fill some of their visiting time telling Harry about what's going on in her life. Hermione and Judith are close so she is featured in many of the tales she tells. Judith was almost delighted when Hermione started featuring in Harry's delusions over two years ago. Their parents were not as thrilled.

"Sirius asked me if I wanted to live with him but, as long as he is still a fugitive, it won't be possible. You just missed him." Harry glanced up and pointed at his small window, "He flew away on Buckbeak. I hope they get away safely."

"I'm sure he is safe. Who knows? You may even see him tomorrow at breakfast."

Harry laughs. "I don't think so, but I hope he writes to me this summer."

"Perhaps he will." Dr. Dumbledore sighs. He looked at his watch and realizes that his shift ended over an hour ago. He finds it so easy to get sucked into Harry Potter's world. Sometimes he doesn't want to leave the magical existence that the boy has created.

"Well Harry, it is time for me to go home and it is time for you to go to sleep."

The small thirteen-year-old boy with black hair and green eyes crawles under the blankets on his bed.

"Goodnight Professor."

Albus Dumbledore is too tired to try to convince Harry that he is not the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry tonight.

"Goodnight Harry."

He can always try again tomorrow.

Thanks for Reading!