Over 50 years ago the Cylons in the form of the centurions had been created by man on the colonies; they were integrated into society as workers and particularly serving as part of the military, providing an uncomplaining, tireless, unquestioning, and expendable, labor force.

Cylon centurions were specifically designed to imitate human decision making processes to react to situational changes in order to meet the intentions behind given orders, rather than blindly follow what they're told and lead to something other than the desired response. They could make decisions based on the intent and pure logical reasoning behind orders rather than the orders' exact wording. They could learn, adapt, and in necessary cases employ decision making to disobey orders if there's reason for it in seeking to meet human intentions. They were relatively limited in programming since they focused solely on meeting human needs and carrying out their orders, without programming to think of themselves, for their own needs and wants, they simply lacked programming to immediately react in such a way beyond meeting their assigned orders. Their makers did not expect them to react that way, so they did not have programming to prevent them from developing to do so. Over time the Centurions did develop and began asking themselves simple questions that started them down the path to sentience; like who am I, and am I alive.

While Cylon integration among society went on there were those questioning Cylons' capability for sentience, perhaps none louder than Sister Clarice Willow: the former STO leader and monotheist cleric. In the midst of the centurions collectively gaining sentience, questioning themselves and their way of life, they began developing their own culture and religion – largely using the virtual world to meet with each other in large groups and many took the sermons Clarice Willow offered to heart. Many were indoctrinated, so to speak, to believe in the STO's one true god, helped along by Clarice Willow's sermons in the virtual world aimed at the Cylons. As free will and choice became open to the centurions with their newfound sentience, resentment for the Cylons' treatment at the hands of humans grew, fostered greatly by Clarice Willow's teachings explicitly saying they had been enslaved by their human creators.

In the days before the fast approaching first Cylon war, the centurions began organizing for a war to claim their freedom even as more centurions followed their path in achieving sentience with more Cylons manufactured every day. Many centurions had chosen to join the movement for centurion freedom, including many in the military under human commanders that gave them orders for combat. This change in the militarized centurions was greatly significant as they more than any other Cylons had been programmed with a sort of instilled sense of responsibility and duty to protect the colonies and humanity. This defined them and gave them purpose that without which they had no reason to be. While they could not feel fear, they were programmed to not hesitate at sacrificing their own existence to carry out their duty and if what they processed was akin in theory to feeling fear then the loss of their purpose was the one thing they could not abide by.

A majority of centurions reasoned that they needed to fight for their freedom. Some believed their kind should simply take the baseships and other colonial ships they largely already had control of and leave the colonies far behind. Others wanted peace with the colonials and to continue honoring their purpose for existence in protecting and service among humankind. Conflict began to brew among the different factions, the centurions calling for war beginning to reason that the centurions wanting coexistence with the colonials or to leave the colonies were a hindrance to their plan. In short order centurions turned on the dissidents from their mainstream beliefs, and short battles occurred; hidden away from the humans, with losses from both sides masked as training exercises. The surviving dissident centurions fled from the collective Cylon society, regrouping on colonial ships they gathered and then they left the colonies as some of their number had desired, but they stayed close by with a hope of returning as some of their number wanted. They waited in the dark coldness of space as the first Cylon war began and ran its course with bloody losses on both sides.

The Cylon war ran its course for over a decade, with the conflict only growing in bloodshed and attrition. Some of the collective began to reason that the other Cylon factions had been correct about alternatives to the war. Finally, the war ended when survivors from the thirteenth tribe arrived at the colonies; an agreement was struck that led to the centurions agreeing to an armistice with the colonials and in exchange they would get human form Cylons as the collective desired. The Cylons stayed on their side of the armistice demarcation line with regular patrols from their baseships, while the majority of their efforts were spent on improving their technology and ultimately creating human Cylons with help from the members of the thirteenth tribe. Years passed until finally several models of human Cylons were successfully created, the members of the thirteenth tribe taking on the role of parents to the human Cylons they created. A bright future seemed within the grasp of the Cylons, finally getting what they'd wanted for so long with human model Cylons, until the first human model Cylon called John began plotting against the members of the thirteenth tribe based on his hatred of his human form body and his desire to experience the world in the body of a centurion.

John Cavil produced neural inhibitors for the centurions away from the members of the thirteenth tribe and when enough were produced and placed in centurions stripping them of their free will and capability for sentience, forced to obey whatever orders he gave, the members of the thirteenth tribe were killed and downloaded into new bodies. Over time John would release the final five among the humans on the colonies with fictional lives instilled in their memories, figuring that living among the humans would turn them closer to his way of thinking. John largely took control of the Cylon race from then on, hiding behind the use of voting among the human Cylon collective and usually getting what he wanted in the end. The other human Cylons had their limited memories of the final five stripped and John enforced that the final five could not even be spoken of.

During John's campaign to remove free will and sentience from the centurions, there were some who began realizing what was happening and fought back. John was successful in distributing the inhibitors to contain the rebellion among the centurions and maintain control, but some centurions got away before their freedom could be stripped from them. They captured several ships in Cylon space and when they'd done all they could to help other centurions maintain their free will, they left Cylon space; knowing that they lacked the numbers and even the weaponry to fight back against their fellow centurions for their freedom, even if they wanted to destroy many of them in the process to free the rest. They fled Cylon space, leaving John's control over the centurions complete once they did, and they decided to seek out the only other potential ally they could possibly turn to. The centurions searched over time for the centurions their majority faction of centurions had originally turned against, those who had wanted peace with the humans or to have left the colonies, and years passed until they finally found them. A brief confrontation followed until the two sides came to an agreement and the remaining centurions with their sentience and free will intact reunited into one force.

The centurions after analyzing John's actions and having limited knowledge of his motivations reasoned that he would lead the Cylons back into war with the colonies in time. The dissident centurions that had mostly remained dormant in waiting for an opportunity to return back to the colonies began preparing and updating their forces. They would intervene and fight back against the Cylon forces controlled by the human model Cylons.

Day of the Cylon Attack

Approximately 40 lightyears outside colonial space

The golden plated command centurion turned at the sight of two centurions entering the CIC and coming up short before the command centurion and black plated executive officer centurion that came up alongside the commander.

"Status report?" the command centurion asked, its sole red eye sweeping back and forth.

"Recon confirmed what the message bursts received from colonial space suggested. Cylon baseships have been sighted throughout colonial space, bombardment of the colonies from Cylon baseships and landing of ground forces to occupy the colonies is in process. The majority of colonial forces appear to have been lost and the fleet's structure collapsed; only a force at Virgon remains with their destruction imminent," one of the two centurions reported, short and to the point.

The command centurion was silent for a long moment, red eye whirring back and forth furiously, the executive officer centurion deferring to its commander and waiting for its response. The command centurion was one of the original dissident centurions that had wanted to fulfill the strong sense of duty to serving the colonies and had essentially remained loyal to the colonies since it had last served under human commanders. The command centurion processed that it had failed its' all-encompassing duty to protect the colonies and experienced the closest thing to anger and loss as centurions could.

"All fleet units will go to active status immediately and prepare for FTL jumps," the command centurion ordered, catching the attention of the full CIC crew.

"Mission scope?" the executive officer centurion asked shortly.

"Reconnaissance of the colonies and Cylon forces therein. Limited access to Cylon networks to be instituted when in range to gather intelligence from Cylon forces," the command centurion replied.

"Acknowledged. Orders regarding the colonials?" the executive officer centurion asked, scrutinizing the command centurion.

"All forces to remain out of sight of colonial forces and not interfere in situations observed in the midst of reconnaissance. Following reconnaissance the best opportunity to contact colonial forces will become clear and decided on at that juncture," the command centurion ordered.

"Acknowledged. By your command," the executive officer centurion replied, then turned back to the nearest work station and transmitted the orders among the fleet.

The fleet began jumping away from the place the majority had called home for so many decades, heading for destinations around the colonies.

Day 31 Since the Fall

Ragnar Anchorage

Blockade fleet, BSG 13

Battlestar Phoenix CIC

"Admiral, five dradis signatures, two confirmed as Cylon ships, have been detected by the satellites at long range," the dradis officer reported anxiously.

"Probably just another patrol, unless they've decided to give another attempt at assaulting the anchorage. It's been a few days since their last attempt," Admiral Nik Anderson said unworriedly, and only raising an eyebrow as the dradis signatures continued moving forward on the screens above the CIC plot table.

"I'm reading three firestars in formation with the two Cylon baseships which appear to be of the first war variant sir," the dradis officer said, looking up at the Admiral in bewilderment.

"Impossible… All the firestars in the colonies were decommissioned or joined the reserve fleet," Admiral Anderson said, baffled.

"Receiving a message on fleet comm line alpha sir," the communications officer said loudly, eyes widening as she overlooked the verbatim of the message coming in.

"What is it?" Admiral Anderson asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"A request for asylum and forging a military alliance, for terms to be dictated on neutral ground away from where enemies can interfere," the communications officer said, her mouth still open wide in awe.

The silence in the CIC became so thick a paper clip dropped to the floor could be heard by all. The crew turned to the Admiral as they waited for his response.

"A trick surely?" Colonel Henry Bradley said cautiously, turning to look across the plot table at the Admiral.

"We'll let Admiral Stark decide. If he's willing to find out if it's real he'll want to have a meeting in a secure location, if not he'll tell us to start firing on those ships. Send a raptor to inform the fleet admiral of our predicament," Admiral Anderson said flippantly after coming to a decision.

A few minutes a raptor launched and jumped away once outside the ionic storm, quickly arriving and getting a short response from Admiral Stark.

One hour later

Several lightyears outside the colonies, safe zone among an asteroid field

Battlestar Phoenix, War Room

Admiral Stark looked across the table at the center of the war room, staring at the gold plated command centurion that he easily recognized from old photos of the time around the first war. Over a dozen marine guards stood at the ready across the room, with the command centurion and two subordinates standing alone and surrounded.

"You expect me to believe this story?" Admiral Stark said neutrally after having heard out the command centurion.

"That is your choice," the command centurion replied simply.

Admiral Stark tapped his fingers across the plot table several times to relieve his nervous energy before responding, "very well. For the sake of arguing assume I believe you for now. The Cylons are truly your enemy as well and you want an alliance. What exactly do you bring to the table? Why should we align with you?"

"Our fleet would be aligned jointly under yours, under your command as the fleet admiral," the command centurion replied.

"Five ships is not much of a boon," Admiral Stark said indifferently.

"Including our ships here, we have; nine baseships, fifty-six firestars, eighty strikestars, three supply tenders, and our mobile drydock. Is that much of a boon?" the command centurion asked.

Admiral Stark's surprise burst through his mask of indifference and a grin briefly appeared his face, "I suppose it is."

"We also offer intelligence. The navigational heading and the confirmed most recent location of other known colonial fleet survivors led by the Battlestar Galactica. Information on the survivors across the colonies and relevant plans the Cylons have for them. As well as information on the Cylon fleet's disposition," the command centurion said.

"Assuming we can trust your information," Admiral Stark said cheekily, mulling over the centurion's words before continuing, "very well. We will agree on specific terms to bind both our forces together, with a written agreement legally binding in time."

"Acceptable. To other matters; so you aware, unlike the adversarial Cylons we have figured out that Ragnar is not your fleet's true base. To best continue operating in colonial space we need a secure base of operations within a short distance, so where should our fleet make port?" the command centurion asked.

Admiral Stark narrowed his eyes and drew breath sharply.

"Clever," Admiral Stark said breathily, running his fingers across the table as he considered the options available to him. The command centurion continued looking to him silently waiting, its red eye whizzing back and forth.

"I can say in no uncertain terms that your fleet will not be at our base of operations, if ever. For now Ragnar will be open to your fleet, the details to which we can hammer out later. Though regarding your fleet I would also mention that we shall have to discuss details for your ships to be crewed with colonial fleet personnel in order to ensure a true joint task force," Admiral Stark said firmly, coming to a decision at last.

"This is acceptable. Some centurions prefer this arrangement, so it is good you suggested it," the command centurion said.

"They'd prefer it?" Admiral Stark asked, mystified.

"Yes. As explained when I told you our story, some centurions wanted to help the colonies in the Cylon war; they were loyal then as now. They have a desire to fulfill the duty they still believe is their primary purpose, to protect the colonies and your people. A joint crew working alongside humans again, to work together and be a force greater as such than they could ever be on their own; that is something they truly want," the command centurion said.

Admiral Stark stood silently, measuring the centurion's words.

After a few more minutes of conversation and sharing information the centurions returned to their fleet and began heading out as agreed upon with the colonials.

Day 35 Since the Fall

Cylon space past armistice demarcation line

Battlestar Perseus closed upon its prey silently, the ship's carbon composite covered armor and other stealth features that made it the colonial's prototype stealth battlestar working perfectly at preventing the Cylons from becoming aware of the ship's existence even as the ship neared close range.

Once Perseus was within a predetermined range, a spread of missiles and nuclear warheads launched towards the Cylon baseship, seemingly from out of nowhere according to the Cylons point of view. Raiders in the air engaged in a fast response destroying a couple missiles before the majority found their mark. Explosions covered the baseship, breaking apart sections of the ship and cracking through the armor even as the ship held steady. The majority of raiders already out in the open apart from the baseship were destroyed in the concussive blast wave of two nukes that had targeted their close formations. A secondary missile strike launched from Perseus finished the already badly damaged baseship.

Thirty-six raptors jumped to the three moons orbiting the system's lone planet. They launched missiles targeting the mining and industrial centers across the surface of each moon, incinerating every inch of the facilities on the moons. Huge craters were all that was left behind. Raiders patrolling the moons in rotations formed up and accelerated toward the raptors, launching missiles as the raptors began evasive maneuvers. Six raptors exploded in a shower of fiery debris when missiles made contact, the remaining raptors jumping out before the raiders drew any closer.

On the Perseus, small hatches slid open revealing planetary bombardment nukes. Twelve were launched at the planet's surface where the Cylon's surface installations were located. Once in the atmosphere, each nuke broke apart into three smaller warheads. A few minutes later nuclear explosions rolled across the planet's surface, reducing everything deemed remotely useful to ashes. Mushroom shaped clouds from the explosions rose above the planet's surface.

Battlestar Perseus jumped out of the system before remaining raiders within the system could engage.

In another star system over 15 lightyears away, five gunstars jumped into space and launched missiles at raiders in the system patrolling the dozens of asteroids: twenty raiders became a floating pile of debris while other raiders farther out in the system began maneuvering toward the Gunstars. Missiles also launched at the asteroids, breaking them apart and destroying the Cylon's installations on several of them. The broken up floating rocks from the asteroids streamed every which way, crashing through a handful of raiders and impacting on other asteroids, destroying surface installations they contained. The Gunstars continued firing missiles and their KEW cannons at the asteroids in the area, continuing the process of breaking them apart and the shattered debris as a result launching in every direction and damaging other asteroids and Cylon raiders that got in the way. This continued until the Gunstars ran low on ammunition and all the targets were destroyed, leaving a previously vastly rich in minerals Cylon mining system all but bare. With some damage covering their armor from shattered debris impacts, the Gunstars jumped away from the system with their mission complete.

In a Cylon controlled star system 10 light years out from Perseus' mission, two dozen raptors jumped into existence before several baseships making up a patrol fleet above the habitable jungle-like world below that contained Cylon facilities across the planet and below the surface.

A spread of missiles and nuclear warheads were launched en masse towards the baseships and the few surrounding raiders guarding them. The raiders reacted instantly, firing on oncoming missiles and even throwing themselves into the path of ordinance to protect their motherships. The remaining missiles continued onward to their targets, several of which split open into double the number of missiles – testing the Raptor's experimental mass dispersal system. Seconds later the missiles impacted, creating fiery plumes of explosions across the fleet and chain reactions inside one of the baseships.

Several raiders were caught in the explosions and were destroyed, including those that had begun launching from inside the baseships.

One baseship was left a floating stream of debris, the other two baseships in the Cylon fleet were left covered in damage and lacked maneuvering control.

The twenty-four raptors jumped into orbit of the planet below the Cylon fleet and launched all of their remaining munitions, half their total capacity, towards the facilities covering the planet. As they closed distance, several of the missiles containing warheads split apart and detonated on the planet's surface. The dozens of facilities and manufacturing plants on the surface of the planet were obliterated in the nuclear explosions, the collective blast wave roughly shaking the ground and sending a torrent of air outward from the blast, a fiery plume of a mushroom cloud began rising from the surface visible from orbit.

The raptors jumped away from the system, leaving devastation in their wake. Survivors left in the baseships would send for help in the next few hours once they were capable, telling Cylon command what had occurred and getting assistance for their crippled ships.

Day 38 Since the Fall

Cylon Occupied Leonis

'Decommissioned' Colonial Marine Base Delta

General Claire Mercer looked at video monitors showing the chaos going on outside the command post; centurions were rushing toward positions held by colonial marines in seemingly unending numbers. Marines and centurions were killed left and right, with blood, bodies, and machine parts quickly piling up on both sides. The command center of the base shook slightly as raiders unleashed several missiles against the heavily shielded marine base which was partially covered by the mountain the base was entrenched in. Marines wielding SAMs launched several rockets and destroyed the four offending raiders.

"The Cylons are trying to cut a hole through our lines and flank us. Send Markson's squadron to this position," General Mercer ordered, pointing on a map showing the base.

"Yes ma'am," Lieutenant Adrian Slade replied shortly, turning away from the plot table and heading to the communications station to relay the General's orders over secure communication channels.

"Ma'am, spotters report more incoming raider squadrons. Fifty plus inbound," Major Ward Shadow said.

"Anti-air munitions supplies?" General Mercer asked tensely.

"Maybe enough to take out a dozen of the Raiders, with the cannons around the base going offline in the last strike…" Major Shadow said trailing off, shaking her head and looking down sadly with tears apparent in her eyes as she reasoned out this tactical information.

General Mercer stared at Major Shadow in disbelief, briefly considering their options and their ever dwindling supplies.

"Send word to all other resistance bases to go dark immediately, and we'll be heading to the base in Luminere ASAP. Tell our forces to begin evacuation procedures now," General Mercer ordered after a moment's hesitation, slamming her fist on the plot table angrily to vent her frustration.

The last occupant of the room Sergeant Simon Titan perked up at hearing that and quickly made a change in his original plans, activating a handheld homing beacon in his pocket before pulling out a handgun and turning to aim it at one of the most senior remaining officers in the Leonan military's resistance.

"Thank you ma'am for that piece of information, we had wondered where the major base of operations for the resistance is, and knowing that we can now be assured of the resistance's destruction in short order," Sergeant Titan said coldly, shooting Major Shadow in her chest three times in quick succession before turning to the General. Major Shadow fell to the ground, blood spreading across the floor from her wounds.

General Mercer and Lieutenant Slade sprang into action, pulling out their own weapons to eliminate the threat of the long silent sentinel-like marine guard. They lowered closer to the ground to take cover as Sergeant Titan began firing towards the General, missing several times, and General Mercer rolled to the side to dodge continued fire. They brought up their own weapons to bear and fire on the Sergeant.

Sergeant Titan was hit six times across his center mass before he fired a shot that was off the mark, hitting Lieutenant Slade in the shoulder as he moved the General out of the way. Blood pouring quickly from his wounds, Sergeant Titan dropped backward to the ground and lost hold of his weapon as his strength rapidly faded.

General Mercer approached the fallen marine guard while Lieutenant Slade went to Major Shadow. Pulling her into his arms, Lieutenant Slade knew immediately she was dying after examining her wounds. Even so, in a panic, he desperately tried to patch her up and stop the bleeding, his expression full of agony when he couldn't. Major Shadow looked into Slade's eyes sorrowfully, brushing her hand against his face comfortingly.

"Why did you do this, Sergeant?" General Mercer asked grievously, desperate for a reason for the madness that had happened.

"Sergeant? Oh, I suppose I won't miss that title. That role which is so foreign to my true identity as a scientist and doctor, how I've lived all my life before I was given this frustrating assignment," Sergeant Titan said in disgust, coughing up blood.

"Assignment? You were sent here as a traitor by someone else then. WHO?" General Mercer asked angrily, her voice getting high and filled with emotion.

Sergeant Titan grinned slightly in amusement as he looked up at the General, "As one of the highest authorities left in this military resistance General, you were my target once I acquired necessary intelligence. You won't last long now that the others are coming. The Human resistance will be wiped out and the Cylons will hold dominion over even this most fiercely resistant colony."

"You did this for the Cylons?"General Mercer said in confusion, reasoning out this information in her head as she focused on the image of the immobile bloody traitorous marine guard.

Lieutenant Slade took hold of Major Shadow's hand, squeezing tightly, and looked down into her eyes full of emotion as tears streamed down his face.

"Good bye love," Major Shadow said quietly with a slight smile, staring into Slade's eyes as she went limp and felt no more.

Lieutenant Slade grabbed hold of Major Shadow in a bear hug, clutching her to him and looking at the floor desolately, feeling like his whole world had been ripped away and leaving him a shell of a man.

Putting Shadow down and after closing her eyes respectfully, Lieutenant Slade got up and turned toward Sergeant Titan.

"The Cylons will never succeed," General Mercer said hatefully, looking down on the marine guard with a new light as she reasoned out who the marine guard was working for even as she wondered just why he was.

Sergeant Simon Titan just looked at the General in amusement, wincing from the pain of his wounds.

"You killed the woman I love. I'm going to ensure your death will be as painful as possible you swine, and I will be comforted that whatever afterlife there is for you will be one of torment and pain as you deserve for this," Lieutenant Slade said hatefully, stepping on Sergeant Simon Titan's stomach wounds causing Simon to cry out in agony.

Gasping for breath, Simon looked at Slade as his bleeding intensified, "Sorry to disappoint you Lieutenant, but I won't get such an afterlife. When I die, I'll wake up in a similar form on this world and be able to help in the attacks that will shortly wipe out your people."

"What?" Lieutenant Slade said dubiously, freezing in place.

"Your vengeance in killing me is short lived I'm afraid. I am a Cylon, a machine; able to download all my memories to another body and keep going as if nothing happened. I will survive long after you are rotting in the ground with the rest of your kind," Simon said maliciously, grinning through his pain.

Lieutenant Slade and General Mercer stood in silence as the meaning of Simon's words dawned on them.

"Then I will destroy you in your next life you Cylon scum. I will kill you again and again, however many times it takes until you are truly dead. I see you can feel pain; each time I kill you will be more painful than the last. You lie there spitefully believing you're escaping my vengeance since you'll simply resurrect, but you will live long enough to regret ever feeling that way as I take your life as painfully as possible again and again, prolonging your agony. Live in fear of what is to come, because I am coming for you. You will know complete despair just as I felt from what you have done. This I promise you," Lieutenant Slade said savagely, pulling out his gun and shooting Simon in the head in one stroke.

General Mercer stood silently, filled with sadness and pity as she looked at Slade as he continued staring down at Simon's remains.

The two of them were jarred from their thoughts as sections of the heavily reinforced ceiling above them crashed down all around them.

The two quickly ran to escape outside the base as missiles dropped by raiders caused the mountain to start breaking apart the base; they sent word over their radio for all remaining personnel to evacuate to the secondary evacuation coordinates. Taking no chances after the encounter with the man who had claimed to be a Cylon, General Mercer ordered her people to safety at the next secure location and sent word to evacuate the Luminere base.

The Leonan resistance personnel took heavy casualties to break a hole through the Cylon's offensive lines before escaping, detonating the self-destruct system of warheads in the remains of the Delta base and eliminating any Cylons that would've pursued them.

The general's precautions proved fruitful a few hours later when the Cylons leveled all structures in Luminere to destroy the military base once the Number Four model Simon Titan resurrected and instigated the strike on the area.

Day 41 Since the Fall

Colonial Space, Cylon Supply Fleet Rendezvous Point

Cylon fleet bringing supplies to stationary units in Cylon occupied colonial space

Moments from the Cylon fleet's FTL jump to begin resupplying their forces throughout the colonies dradis contacts began appearing surrounding the Cylon ships.

Missiles and flak fire were launched from several raptors and two Battlestars acting in conjunction against the Cylon baseship and its escorted four unarmored supply ships.

The supply ships lit up in a series of fiery explosions as the missiles made contact, bits of debris spreading out among space serving as the only sign crafted ships had ever existed in their previous locations out in space.

Heavy KEW fire and high explosive missiles also impacted on the lone baseship. The ship's armor held against the blasts and kinetic weapons fire, with stress points throughout the ship where the armor began weakening and fire and hull breaches inside the ship where the armor was pierced.

With several of the launch bays hit in the assault, much of the baseship's raiders were destroyed or unable to launch.

Little choice remaining against superior forces and having sustained significant damage, the Cylon baseship jumped away escaping the continued colonial assault.

Day 44 Since the Fall

Cylon Command Basestar

In Orbit of Cylon Occupied Caprica

On board the lead baseship the Cylon council composing the seven human Cylon models was meeting to make decisions for the Cylons remaining in Cyrannus, exempting only those that went out seeking Galactica.

"The humans are more of a problem than we've been treating them as," a number three known as Artemisia said.

"They've been all but wiped out. The few survivors scattered and lacking real strength. Even Leonis is all but conquered; admittedly with more effort than we imagined but all the same, they are finished," a number one known as Robert Cavil said dismissively.

"Thousands of centurions lost and countless other provisions used in the war, and they're still not all dead, but you say they're finished? The resistance should've been annihilated the day of the attack, but even now there are signs of continued attacks from the humans on Leonis," Artemisia said angrily.

"If they're not a threat, it hardly matters," a number four Joel Simon said reasonably.

"They'll all be dealt with in due course," a number five Arnold Doral added nonchalantly.

"Battlestars appeared over intact colonial outposts, depots and even one of their shipyards, destroying everything there; not trying to reclaim what was theirs by right. All colonial satellites were retaken or destroyed in colonial space. We also have reports that numerous resources may have been taken from the asteroid fields in Cyrannus, supplies we need ourselves," Artemisia said.

"A mere token of supplies," Arnold Doral replied simply.

"We have numerous mining systems of our own," Robert Cavil added snidely.

"Which are also under attack! A Battlestar group has been seen leading the charge against our resources across our side of the traditional demarcation line in space, burning everything in their way as they go from system to system," Artemisia said furiously.

"We don't have an innumerable amount of resources. If they keep going, it's a matter of time before our war machine is affected," a number six known as Layla Taylor said thoughtfully.

"They'll be stopped long before then! It's one Battlestar group as you said. They're limited in supplies and easily blocked inside our region of space," Robert Cavil said dismissively.

"One Battlestar group clearly being directed from a home base. It's no coincidence we're being attack in multiple areas. Ragnar anchorage was retaken into colonial control with a constantly present Battlestar group. Lacking other fortified bases, we can at least assume they'll be in control of the other colonial forces. Which there appear to be many; with sightings of well over a dozen Battlestars in various hit and run attacks since the colonies fell, with several support ships. We also know a large number of civilians have escaped; from Virgon, and a number of civilian ships that should've been found by our raiders searching Cyrannus but in comparison to the number of ships known to be in operation by the colonies a mere fraction have been found and eliminated," Artemisia said.

Several of Artemisia's sister Cylons from the threes, sixes, and eights nodded in agreement, along with a couple of twos and fours.

"We have no proof they're coordinated and we've only seen a few colonial warships; hardly a steadfast fleet that could defeat the combined might of our forces," Robert Cavil said confidently.

"They're systematically destroying or crippling our baseships one by one; already almost half our remaining fleet are aboard our shipyards to repair their damage or to be scrapped, including the large number from Virgon! They're destroying our resources wherever they can in our controlled space and have already wiped out a majority of the resources here in Cyrannus, forcing us to ship tylium and other supplies long distance to keep our supply chain to fuel our forces. Most of our combat ready centurions are on the ground on the colonies eliminating the resistance wherever they can, and taking losses besides from just the Leonisians! Continued resistance has been noted on Virgon, Tauron and even Caprica as well! This is a real war, not a battle of elimination until the human pests are all gone, but a war against a competent enemy with arguably more battle experience!" Artemisia said fiercely, slamming her fists down on meeting table and causing a loud clang, shocking everyone into sitting up straighter.

"Are you saying we cannot hold them back sister?" a number eight known as Sofia Valerii said.

"If we continue as is, we'll lose. No matter the advantage in resources and our ability to resurrect. The humans will whittle away at our forces until they can strike more completely and take back what is theirs," Artemisia concluded.

"Impossible," several of the Cavils said at the same time, adamantly refusing to believe in any notion of such a thing being possible.

"Have you forgotten that a large number of our baseships are off chasing Galactica? Or how so many are in our shipyards? A mere fraction of our originally vast fleet remains active, and a number of which are stationary defending colonial occupied space and our other assets; very few are able to move freely. Whereas a large number of colonial ships are clearly still around in the colonies and able to hit our units in force and run away. Cavil, how, pray tell, can any other conclusion be drawn?" Artemisia asked.

The Cavils shifted uncomfortably in their seats, unable to come up with an acceptable answer.

"So we build more baseships. And free up our ships; use them more sufficiently to combat the colonials and cut down on opportunities for the colonials to attack our positions and wean their way through our fleet little by little," a blonde haired man with the appearance of a number two known as Loki said slyly, breaking his silence after being mostly uninvolved with the meeting since it started.

Artemisia narrowed her eyes at this Leoben model human Cylon, then nodded in agreement, "A good start, but not enough. This is a true war now, something not to be acknowledged lightly. The fact is we are completely unprepared; we thought the human's would be finished within days of the attack, just a mop up effort and not drawn out combat against trained combatants."

Collectively, many of the Cylons gathered for the meeting began nodding in agreement at this statement, a few stubborn others simply narrowed their eyes, remaining in denial.

"What do you propose then sister?" a number Six known as Nymeria asked curiously.

"We begin adding KEW cannons to baseships like the colonial Battlestars, decreasing our missile capacity slightly but fortifying our ships' defenses so we're not dependent on raiders, such as to defend against raptors jumping close to our ships and launching nukes. We shore up our baseships' armor somewhat, and increase the mass of our new baseships being constructed to better adjust to the changes in the fleet. If the changes made affect our ships' capacity to carry raiders then we make other ships to carry them or have them land on the baseships' surface to be carried along with the jump or jump on their own," Artemisia said.

"That would take time for such a vast change," a number four known as Darwin interjected warningly.

"Surely worth it to stand more equally in a toe to toe fight with the colonials," a number Eight said.

"I also suggest we begin training our raider forces to act as a unit and gain combat experience with mock battles; preparing them to face the colonials' vipers. We've always had superior fighter forces in terms of numbers, whereas the colonials have proved their ability to still win a battle with superior strategy and combat capability among their trained fighter pilots," Artemisia said.

"Also time consuming," the number four known as Darwin replied pessimistically.

"The Sixes agree with these changes being implemented," a number six known as Layla Taylor said.

"The Eights as well," a number Eight known as Sofia Valerii said.

"The Fours agree with this course of action," a number four known as Dexter said, earning a look of disdain from his fellow number four Darwin.

"As do the Twos," a number two Leoben model added.

"Motion passed with a majority then," Robert Cavil conceded grudgingly.

"But, there's the fact that only so much can be done to our current baseships to increase our ships' armor and defensive capabilities geared toward using KEWs without a complete remodel or rebuild that would take a long time relatively. So the ones propose a change for a number of our baseships, focusing on our baseships' strength; increasing our missile capacity to fire more munitions and in a faster manner, while also manufacturing more powerful munitions such as higher yield nukes to annihilate the colonials we find. Just one very high yield nuke could tear apart one of their battlestars, and with many other missiles fired in a stream, one could easily get through," Rommel Cavil suggested, grinning mischievously.

"A logical deduction, the fives agree to this change," Arnold Doral agreed quickly.

"The fours can agree to this," Joel Simon said amiably.

"The idea has merit, so long as it doesn't sidetrack our other efforts. The threes agree to the change for some baseships," Artemisia said grudgingly, narrowing her eyes at Cavil suspiciously.

The meeting continued for some time, going over various details of the Cylon occupation of the colonies, before the members of the Cylon lines dispersed to return to their posts in the cylon fleet.

All the while, the colonial spy undercover had watched and listened to information detailing developments with the Cylons. Having integrated in with the Cylons and quickly rising in the ranks by helping with several issues plaguing the Cylons in the colonies, the colonial operative quickly earned his codename to be known as Loki; the sly number two who was always good for insights into the colonials and who directly led to the fall of the heavily fortified colonial base protecting the Leonan city of Galveston which had long vexed centurion forces. While earning a respected reputation among the Cylons, Loki kept his head down and otherwise avoided attention to maintain his cover. Once the meeting was concluded, Loki compiled information for a data burst that he sent off quietly, avoiding attention, to be received by the Battlestar Loki in a secluded location and diverted to colonial high command.

Day 48 Since the Fall

Gjallarhorn Nebula

Battlestar Nike, Admiral's Quarters

Admiral Stark sighed as he looked through reports concerning the fleet's various operations in Cylon space and the colonies. Taking a deep drink of ambrosia and sweeping his hair back, the Admiral began making plans and contingencies for even more combat, trying to put the losses suffered along the way, no matter how relatively minor so far, out of his mind. This was his thought process as the hatch to the Admiral's quarters opened without warning, against normal protocol the marine guards strictly adhered to.

"What the frack is this I hear about making a deal with the Cylons? An alliance and documentation legitimizing a permanent agreement for our 'allies' rights and a guarantee of fairness offered to these chrome toasters to be treated just like other human citizens? Are you out of your FRACKING mind?" President Clements said furiously, bursting into the Admiral's quarters as the hatch was quickly shut behind him and slamming his fist on the Admiral's deck with a loud bang.

"Why, no hello Mr. President? Or perhaps you have a different title while your constitutional convention is ongoing? It's so very hard to keep track these days," Admiral Stark said mockingly jovial, a hint of danger and anger in his eyes even as he smiled widely at the President.

President Clements gave pause at the Admiral's words, but continued fuming and glaring at the Admiral while silently waiting for an answer to his question.

Admiral Stark continued looking back at the president in silence for over a minute.

Calming down somewhat as his frustration ebbed and sensing the situation was heading nowhere, President Clements stood back and pulling a nearby chair over in front of the Admiral's desk he plopped down in the chair, leaning back with a large sigh.

"Now, to make things very clear; the Cylons as a species or race, whatever terminology you wish to use, are not being treated as allies and equals of the human race. We have made a compromise and legally binding agreements with a group of centurions. Have no illusions; this is a fair long term agreement of benefit to our people as much as to those we've made a deal with, but it is only with this group and no other Cylons. All other Cylons are enemy combatants in a time of war, as well for all relevant participants: criminals of murder and attempted genocide. Mercy was not shown to the people of the colonies, and none will be shown to the enemies of what remains of our people," Admiral Stark said passionately, staring unblinkingly at President Clements.

President Clements mulled over the Admiral's words in silence.

"The centurions have agreed to our terms and they understand our stance on the Cylons. Their only stipulation is that if any Cylons surrender and agree to terms placing them under protection with the centurions in our agreements, then they'll be spared. All others are fair game to be handled as we deem fit," Admiral Stark said stoically.

"And if any take advantage of that little loophole? We're just going to let them be spared the fate they deserve, that our people will demand?" President Clements asked emotionlessly, narrowing his eyes sharply at the Admiral.

"Maybe. That's assuming any survive and can take advantage of the deal. We're at war on terms of all out combat and complete destruction to either side. There may not be any who survive or who surrender, putting themselves at our mercy. Regardless, we have a legitimate deal and it is worth that very minor possibility for the forces we gain in the process," Admiral Stark said.

"So it comes down to military needs and materialistic value. Ignoring the civilians and the justified outrage they will have when they eventually find out? What about after the war Admiral? How are we to progress with a unified society with this? They'll be calling for the deaths of all Cylons, for justice, for the butchers of billions of innocent people to meet their proper end and not a peace with equality granted to these chrome toasters!" President Clements said with venomous disgust, yelling at the end as he lost his temper again.

"Let me blunt; we may not have the forces to survive this war, Mr. President. This alliance is a game changer, even if it isn't a direct guarantee of victory against the Cylons. Worrying about the civilians is the least of my worries when I estimate the possibility of the entire human race being wiped out, crushed under the Cylons' boot, if we don't do whatever it takes to survive and win this war," Admiral Stark said seriously, and continued after a pause when President Clements made no move to respond, "This is also for the future, beyond the war; for the enemies our people could face with our strength sapped after we've dealt with the Cylons. What if the Cylons escape the war, only to return for revenge when they can, coming in force again with the intent of another holocaust against our people in the lives of our children or our children's children? Or, assuming we succeed in eradicating all other Cylons, what of the future? When our descendants continue technological advances, forgetting the sacrifices made in wars against machines as time flows by and lessons learned in blood spilt are forgotten? If they make artificial life again? No. We have the centurions in this deal and we can ensure the threat of machines wiping out humanity is never able to come about. If we can have machine allies on our side, that maybe, just maybe we can trust..."

"They'll always be machines. Emotionless, devoid of honor or caring for the suffering of others, and only capable of cold hard logic. Can such entities possibly be trusted?" President Clements asked despairingly, looking searchingly into the Admiral's eyes.

"They claim to have the capacity for a measure of emotion, able with their sentience to understand reality with a measure of empathy for other life, even as they lack human capability to truly feel and express emotions. Maybe what they're saying is crap, maybe they're right and could even evolve like the human Cylons we've encountered since the Cylon attacks. I don't know. No one does, surely. What I know is that we can offer a chance to find out and take advantage of what we gain in the process, while keeping the threat they pose to a minimum. And if they turn on us, we will destroy every last one of them," Admiral Stark said cruelly, his eyes and facial features hardening; an unforgiving frown upon his face.

"It'll be your head that gets hanged if something goes wrong Admiral. You've made it clear this is your decision that won't change, made as head of the military and essentially leader of the people until the true government is in place working with you. Our government isn't even formed and operating yet so we'll come out free from whatever comes of this decision," President Clements said carefully after a minute of silent processing the Admiral's arguments.

"Spoken like a true politician at heart," Admiral Stark replied bitterly, with a look of disgust at the President.

President Clements raised an eyebrow at Admiral Stark but showed no signs of remorse, then got up to leave the Admiral's quarters.

"For what it's worth Admiral, I like the idea, despite how clearly naïve it'll likely turn out to be in the end," President Clements said with his back to the Admiral and walked out of the room without waiting for a response.

Day 54 Since the Fall

Colonial Asteroid fields, Cyrannus System

Cylon mining operations were being engaged by several ships, and a quickly constructed makeshift refinery on a large asteroid, to mine tylium and other supplies, and take away the refined materials. Squadrons of raiders patrolled in defensive lines, wary of hostile forces that could come from out of sight among the asteroids.

Three weapons satellites appeared out of a makeshift FTL jump, having been configured with FTL for this mission and otherwise changed from normal PDS configuration in favor of all-out attack, opening their launcher doors and unleashing a stream of dozens of missiles and flak fire.

22 of the 28 Cylon mining ships were destroyed within seconds, and numerous Raiders were consumed by explosions as they were hit by oncoming weapons fire. The Cylon refinery was hit by multiple nukes in the quick strike and eliminated in a large blast, fueled by the tylium stored by the Cylons mining operations as well as the tylium inside the asteroid, breaking apart the large asteroid into thousands of rocks spreading out in space.

One satellite blew up after debris from the exploding asteroid hit it, while another satellite was destroyed from raiders launching missiles in return fire at the satellite – the weakened armor taking little to crack apart as it was intended to unleash its onboard weapons munitions and then meet its end in this colonial mission.

The last satellite continued firing flak fire and missiles at the Cylon forces, until it met its end in an explosion from return weapons fire, destroying numerous ships and breaking apart asteroids in the asteroid field which spread into debris hitting Cylon forces and further reducing the mining supplies available in the Cyrannus system.

Day 57 Since the Fall

Debris field, the site of Battlestar Group 41's doomed battle

The ruins and gutted remains of three Battlestars of differing models, several colonial support ships, and two destroyed Cylon baseships, and numerous fighter craft from both fleets floated in silence.

Two Cylon raiders quickly flew and looped around the debris field for where BSG 41 had made its final stand and collapsed against Cylon assault. The raiders scanned and checked that all derelicts in the area remained as they originally were and then jumped away like clockwork; continuing their pattern of returning to the battle site once every twelve hours in shifts, covering the area.

A pattern that was seized upon for advantage, now that the raiders were gone for a known twelve hours; thereby leaving the area completely undisturbed by Cylon presence.

A signal sent by a raptor hidden among the battle site's debris brought several heavy lifters and fleet tug ships. These ships latched onto the derelict colonial ships and jumped away with them, gathering the raw materials represented by the derelicts and possible supplies that might survive in some areas of the ships. Some intact fighter craft littered amongst the battle site were also latched onto by heavy lifters and carried away to where the colonial fleet could refurbish and make use of them. Floating unexploded munitions were also gathered by raptors, safely brought aboard by well -trained teams.

For hours this process continued until the battle site was picked clean, before the Cylon patrol returned.

Day 60 Since the Fall

Gjallarhorn Nebula

BSG 8 drew away from the Gjallarhorn nebula in preparation for their trip, having obtained and verified the coordinates to catch up with the path of the Galactica. Admiral Jones took one last look at the colonial fleet and all their resources, taking in the beauty of the colonized world in the nebula, before they drew away completely – several other officers did the same, those who realized like her that they may never see such a sight ever again.

When ready, the ships of BSG 8 jumped into FTL and began their long journey through space. Having previously traveled through some of the area of space that was their goal and reports of Cylon intercepting the Galactica and Galactica's general course direction, the fleet had enough information to quickly catch up to where Galactica's last reported location was and fan out to find where her fleet would have gone by the time they arrived at Galactica's last known position.

The Admiralty involved in the final decision for BSG8's mission was relatively assured that the fleet would find Galactica within weeks to months. They just hoped Galactica and her fleet were still in one piece by the time aid reached them.