The following days passed without much fan fare. Their schedules had been busier than ever. The Road to Wrestlemania was a demanding mistress. Lexi was grateful that the fast paced schedule was keeping her out of the reach of a certain blue eyed devil.

She finished unpacking the last of her supplies and sighed. Today's agenda was going to keep her on her feet for the majority of the day. The photography crew was setting up for a full day of shooting the official Wrestlemania photos. The final edits would be published and plastered across every media outlet in the world. So, it was up to her to make the superstars look their very best.

Checking the time on her phone, she sighed. She was a bit early but that was fine. She was more than ready.. She stood a few feet away from her station and watched the photographers put the final touches on the set. A wry smile touched her lips. It took a veritable army to make the magic that the WWE Universe devoured on a daily basis. She was blessed to be one of the cogs in the incredible machine.

She startled slightly as a shadow fell over her. She glanced up to see Sheamus standing beside her.

"So you're my first victim?" She asked with a smile.

His soft laugh made Lexi smile. "That I am."

Sheamus was adorably shy. While their encounters had been brief, she had taken an instant liking. He'd always been polite and courteous. It was hard not to like the guy.

They made idle small talk as she worked. Not that she had that much to do. Sheamus was handsome and needed very little enhancement. He slipped from her chair with a wink then crossed the room to wait his turn in front of the camera.

Lexi tucked her hands into her pockets. She looked around the room without really paying attention to anything. She was in the zone, waiting for her next arrival. She didn't hear the soft fall of footsteps approaching.

"What's so interesting?" Seth Rollins asked as he leaned back on his heels.

Lexi startled and looked back over her shoulder. "Damn, Rollins, make a little noise next time."

Seth shot her a grin. "That's not much fun. Gotta keep ya on your toes."

Lexi rolled her eyes as she turned to face him. "So, what do you want?"

Seth flopped down to sit in the chair, his long legs sprawled out in front. "Well, a trip to a deserted island would be a great place to start."

Lexi's brow shot up. "Oh, really? Is that all?"

Seth nodded as he stretched his hands over his head. His hands dropped into his lap. His trade-mark cocky grin appeared.

"Trust me, you don't want to hear the rest of it."

Lexi made a soft sound in the back of her throat. "You're a pervert, Rollins."

He nodded in agreement. "You know me so well."

"I blame that on Thea." Lexi muttered as she grabbed a spray bottle of water.

She gave Seth's hair a quick spritz before pulling a comb through the multi-colored locks. She pushed her fingers through the thick mass and gave a light shake. The layers fell perfectly into place.

"Don't blame my wife." Seth instantly responded.

Lexi blew a raspberry at Seth as she dropped the comb onto her work station. She held up the hand mirror for Seth to admire himself. He nodded once before handing the mirror back.

"Gorgeous as always."

Lexi set her tools down and placed her hands on her hips. "You're full of it, Rollins."

He gave her a saucy grin as he stood up. "You know you love me."

Lexi shook her head at her friend. "You're a pain in the ass."

Seth pulled Lexi against his side and lightly ruffled her hair. "That's how you know I care."

"By annoying the crap outta me?"

"Would you rather I invite you to join us on the honeymoon?" Seth's dark eyes went wide.

Lexi shuddered at the thought of having to be within a hundred miles of those two while they were on their honeymoon. That was too much for her brain to process.

"No, thanks. I've never been into porn."

Seth doubled over in laughter. He loved this sassy side of Lexi. She had a dirty imagination sometimes.

"How can you blame me? I'm about to marry the hottest babe on this planet." Seth asked as he tried to control his laughter.

Before Lexi could respond, Roman Reigns joined them. His dark brow rose in silent question as he looked between the friends.

"I'm not even gonna ask what's so funny." Roman crossed his thick arms over his chest.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know." Lexi muttered.

She gave Seth a wink as she leaned against her work station.

"Try living with this dude. He's worse than a chick." Roman bit back a smile as he looked at Seth.

Seth stood up straight and gave Roman a haughty look. "I am not."

Roman shook his head slowly, "Yeah, man."

"So what if I enjoy bubble baths and a nice mud masque? That does not make me less of man." Seth put his hands on his hips.

His gaze swiveled between Roman and Lexi. His purposeful attempt at being outrageous was not lost on them. The barely contained laughter was evident in their expressions. He loved being the center of attention. And making his friends laugh was just the icing on the cake.

They stood there, watching the photographers snap pictures like mad. It wasn't long before they were next. Seth's dark gaze swept around the room as he searched for Dean. He saw him standing against the exit door. Dressed in black cargo pants and black muscle shirt, he blended with the shadows.

The fact that Dean stood separate from his brothers was not unusual. When the pressure was on, Dean often found a quiet place. He needed time to focus, to bring some sort of calm to his chaotic thoughts. But as Seth motioned for Dean to join them, he realized something was different.

Seth watched Dean's slow progress across the room. He moved gingerly. Through narrowed eyes, Seth studied his friend's stride. A low curse left him as he realized Dean was limping. Shit. The biggest night of the year was quickly approaching. They couldn't afford an injury. But, as Dean moved toward him, the truth was obvious.

Dean winced as he lifted his heavy vest. He bit back a groan as he lifted the black material. As he slid his arms into the vest, a particularly violent spasm gripped him. His back felt as if a sharp, hot poker was sliding along his spine. His left leg was half numb. He tried to push past he pain as he pulled the zipper up. He snapped the buckles closed and groaned. The tight garment put just enough pressure on his back to be miserable. Putting his weight on his right leg, he tried to pretend nothing was wrong.

He should have known he couldn't put anything past his brothers. Seth's narrowed eyes didn't waiver as he studied him. The shrewd gaze burning into him made him feel like a bug under a microscope.

Just as Seth opened his mouth, Dean gave him a hard look, "All good, my brother."

Seth's mouth closed with an audible click of teeth. He nodded once. The message was loud and clear. Now was not the time to have this conversation. There were too many prying ears that would love nothing more than to run to Hunter and blab like an idiot.

Dean's blue eyes swept around the room in an attempt to avoid his brother's knowing gaze. He spotted Lexi standing her work station. Her back was to him, giving him a perfect view of her heart shaped ass. The dark colored denim hugged her curves. Dean's brow rose slightly as she bent over to take something out of her bag. A low growl left him as she slowly straightened.

Roman's tapping on his shoulder snapped his attention away for a second. He was about to tell him to fuck off but Roman merely cocked his head toward the set. As tempting as it was to stare at Lexi, he had work to do. He sighed deeply then slowly made his way to join his brothers.

He stood in the middle and ignored the constant clicking of the camera shutter. He kept his thoughts neutral, ignoring both the burning pain in his spine and the sight of Lexi. He crossed his arms over his chest, taking direction from the lead photographer, Evan.

After taking a few more shots, Evan moved in for close ups. He frowned slightly as he realized that the shadow on Dean's sharp jaw was not actually a shadow. He motioned Lexi closer. Dean's gaze narrowed as Lexi joined the slender man. The spoke quietly for a moment and Lexi nodded.

Dean watched as Lexi approached. She held a small compact in her hand. She opened it without a word and stopped in front of him. She refused to meet his gaze as she looked at the dark bruise on his jaw.

Lexi cursed her luck as she stood within arm's reach of Dean. She had hoped to get through the day without having to interact with him. As usual, her luck was nothing but bad. She watched him warily. She wouldn't put it past him to make a grab; especially after their previous encounters. Dean Ambrose was capable of anything.

Lexi's movements were quick and efficient as she covered the dark purple mark on Dean's face. He refused to even look at her. That suited her just fine. His only reaction was a sharp breath as she pressed the sponge against his supple skin. Reaching up, she smoothed her fingertips over his jaw.

It was then that his bright eyes flicked to her. He simply stared down at her. For a moment, Lexi had the feeling she was in free fall. He stared into her eyes without speaking. The spark of electricity that skittered through her was undeniable.

Lexi sucked in a deep breath as she forced her hand away from him. Her hand dropped to her side. Even though she no longer touched him, her fingers tingled with the feel of his skin. Mentally shaking herself, Lexi turned away. She went to her station and slowly sank down into the empty chair. She allowed herself another look at Dean.

Yeah, the fire in his eyes still burned with the heat of a thousand suns. A shiver ran through her as she realized it was already too late.