Spring was a time of love for Ouran Academy. Well, every season was a time of love for the Host Club, but spring was a time the group truly cherished. The blooming flora filled their young bodies with an invigoration only young men in their prime can feel. That was why today's theme was flowers, as suggested by Tamaki in a dramatic fit of romance. Vases of flowers were placed on shelves and tables and hung from the ceiling. The once empty music room was filled with a glorious mix of scents and lovely sights.

"Oh Tamaki, these flowers are beautiful!" Fawned a pretty young first year.

"And yet, they pale in comparison to your beauty, my dearest." The host king cooed in her ear, catching her as she swooned.

And so the day went on much like that. Too soon for both the girls and Tamaki however, it was nearly time to close. Almost all the guests had left, giggling in delight and relating their experiences to one another. On the far side of the room, Kyouya sat calculating the expenses of today's session, when a slight movement in the open doorway closest to him caught his eye.

Turning his glare hidden eyes back to his computer screen, he saw fit to speak up; "It seems one of our guests is feeling shy."

At the mention of a possible shrinking violet, Tamaki twirled towards the general direction Kyouya gestured to. With a smile full of charm, he pulled a rose out of nowhere and held it towards the doorway.

"Don't be shy, my dear. Why not come inside and join us?" the blond man purred, indigo eyes shining with delight as another movement could be seen.

A whimper, then a set of harsh female whispers sounded from the doorway. They slowly grew louder, catching the attention of the other hosts, prompting them all to come closer.

"Just tell him already!" One of the female voices screeched, before a figure was pushed into the room, -right into an unsuspecting Haruhi. The two bodies went down hard on top of each other with the figure's face pushed into Haruhi's chest.

The room fell deathly silent as the twins and Tamaki gaped in horror.

"O-oh! Please, I'm so sorry," The stranger exclaimed, pushing up to lie above Haruhi. "I didn't mean to!"

The stranger was a male, with tousled auburn hair and dark green eyes, which shined with confusion when they saw that the body below did not look how it'd felt.

"It's fine, I'm-" but Haruhi didn't get to finish her reassurances, as she was roughly pulled away from the boy by Tamaki, the twins each taking one of the boy's arm in a vice grip.

"How much did you see?" they hissed into his ears in unison, tone full of venom and the promise of possible death if he answered incorrectly.

"Uh, I…uh…!" the boy stuttered as the scowling twins closed in on him.

"Hey, wait, what are you doing!?" Haruhi called, yanking herself out Tamaki's grip, "I'm fine, leave him alone!"

Still scowling, the twins acquiesced, dropping the boy's arms, allowing him to scramble away. Dusting himself, he refused to meet the eyes of anyone else in the room.

Safely moving Haruhi out of the way, Tamaki loomed over the young man, eyes shining with malice. "You won't tell a soul right?"

Body tensing up tightly, the boy shook his head and hands wildly. "N-no sir, I won't tell a soul!"

"Come to think of it," Hikaru began.

"Why's a guy visiting the host club anyway?" Kaoru finished for the dominant twin.

Haruhi thought to mention that fact that guys visit all the time: Nekozawa, Kasanoda, etc… But decided against it, as she knew they probably wouldn't listen anyway.

"Well," The boy's face flushed a pretty pink. "Y-you see…" He opened his mouth to try to continue explaining himself, but the sound of a motor running interrupted him.

Haughty laughter filled the air as Renge rose from her pedestal triumphantly, chest pushed out in pride.

"You're even more blind than I thought! Can you not see this poor boy's dilemma?!"

Taking a deep breathe, Haruhi looked at Renge apprehensively, not sure if she should even ask. She allowed herself a quick apologetic glance at the boy.

The French girl sniffed and thrust her chest out even more. For more dramatic effect, she raised a finger in her hair. "The reason is…" With the aura of a seasoned detective, she pointed an accusing finger at the boy. "TRUE LOVE!"

As every eye in the room turned to look at the boy in shock, the poor boy sputtered as his face grew steadily redder with every passing second.

"Oh!" Tamaki cried, grasping the boy's hands and holding them up to his face. "Why didn't you say so? There is nothing wrong with acting on love!"

The host king let go of one of the boy's hands to hold up a rose and then wound the other arm around his waist. "Even if you're feelings for me are taboo, I understand. How you must have agonized over your feelings, working up to strength to finally-"

"Um, I'm not in love with you, Suoh-Senpai…"

The comment was a knife threw Tamaki's pride. The blond stumbled back, clutching his chest in agony before falling to the ground, twitching. Speaking up for the first time, Honey frowned, clutching Usa-chan to his chest tightly.

"But if he's not on love with Tama-chan, who is he in love with?"

The boy took a deep steadying breath. "My name is Norio Morishita, a first year. I've come to join the host club… If that's ok…"

Kyouya quickly intervened. "Impossible. You'd need a personality type, not to mention the extra costs." He typed up a few quick figures on his computer, working out the extra calculations.

"Wait a minute!" Renge screeched, jumping from the pedestal to land in front of Norio. She placed a scrutinizing eye on him, even as his face flushed more and more. "I've got it!" she proclaimed, turning back to the hosts.

"Got what?" Haruhi asked attentively, afraid of the answer she would get.

"There's no doubt about it! He's the Wallflower type!"

Tamaki perked up from his place on the floor and appeared next to Renge. Flailing his arms about, he asked, "Wallflower!? What's that supposed to mean?"

She held up a finger in reply before clearing her throat. "Now, while many girls are interested in being swept away by a prince or being loved by twins, there are many girls with motherly tendencies. These girls require a more submissive type of boy.

Boys that are quiet and withdrawn are known as Wallflowers! Wallflowers often need protection and strong but loving touch in order to feel safe, and there are tons of girls who would love to satisfy that need."

The entire club listened to with rapt attention.

"Norio-kun fits that definition to a 'T'!" She concluded, pointing another accusing finger at Norio.

"M-me? A Wallflower?" Norio raised a hand to point to himself in confusion.

"It's perfect!" Tamaki fist pumped the air, pride coming back full force. "So we'll let Norio-kun join to find his true love!"

The twins joined their boss in fist pumping as Honey cheered along. Once again, Haruhi sent an apologetic look to the young man standing dumbfounded next to her.

"There still rests the matter of his costumes." Kyouya stated, raining all over the other's parades.

"But Mommy!" wailed Tamaki, throwing his arms around his counterpart's waist. "This is a matter of love! We have to help him!"

"Actually Ootori-Senpai, I can pay." Norio interrupted the quarreling couple.

Kyouya raised an inquisitive eyebrow. He extracted Tamaki from his person, before walking to stand in front of the younger man. "Did you say your name was Morishita?"

The younger boy nodded. Kyouya stood silently for a few seconds before turning to his notepad. "We haven't prepared any costumes for Norio-kun, so we'll have to postpone our lord and ladies theme tomorrow for another day. Be here tomorrow afternoon to start your first day."

Another set of cheers erupted from the other hosts at their "Mommy's" acceptance.