I'll be putting some of my Miyusawa Tumblr requests on here seeing as I don't use Ao3 much anymore. I'm currently not really writing for this fandom so these fics are a few weeks old. I'm sure for those of you who have Tumblr have probably come across one of these if you're constantly looking for content on this ship. I'll be updating whenever inspiration hits me and my addiction to Diamond no Ace comes back.

Kazuya frowned and pulled the blanket over his head. It was too early in the morning and he was too used to having a bed partner to be comfortable at the moment. He wished Eijun would have just came home already. The fight last night hadn't been that bad. They had much worse over more serious matters. It was possibly due to the fact that neither had ever stayed away from the apartment for a long period of time. Kazuya couldn't decide whether to be happy or upset that the blanket smelled like Eijun.

He sat up and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders as he got himself off the bed. He noticed it was snowing outside. Sudden worry came over him. Where had Eijun stayed?

Kazuya walked over to the kitchen to go make coffee seeing as his sleep was ruined by his troublesome thoughts. Hee sat at the table, waiting for his coffee to finish up when his phone rang. He didn't bother to look at the caller ID because he already had a good idea at who it was. He simply answered it.


"Hey, Kazuya? Could you unlock the front door?" Eijun sounded sick. He was probably shaking a bit too.

"Eijun? Where are you?"

"In the car." Eijun sounded like he was actually shivering this time.

"Why? Where were you last night?"

"I've been in the car all night. I rushed out of the apartment so quickly that I forgot my keys. I-I…d-didn't think you'd let me back in…"

Kazuya felt his heart drop. "You're an idiot…, get up here already…"

The line ended and a minute or two later, Eijun knocked on the door. Kazuya immediately answered it and threw himself on the other.

"Uhh K-Kazuya..?" Eijun was a bit surprised. It wasn't the reaction he expected to receive.

"You're freezing…," Kazuya said as he embraced Eijun a bit tighter.

He pulled the other inside and kicked the door shut. Kazuya pushed his lover onto the couch. Eijun was laid out and slowly faced away from the other. Kazuya gently pushed Eijun to make room, so he could lie next to him. He covered themselves with the blanket he had been carrying around.

"I would have let you back in by the way," He spoke the words right into Eijun's bare skin. Kazuya then kissed the nape of his neck. He could feel the coldness coming from his lover's skin against his lips.

Eijun jumped a bit at feeling the warm breath and lips against his back. "Y-you looked so mad at me. I didn't want to push you any more than usual," He turned his body to face Kazuya and wrapped his arms around him as he tried to warm up after a night with nothing but his jacket. "Hey Kazuya?"

"What is it?"

"Think you could make something warm to drink?"

Kazuya cuddled up a little closer to him and pulled the blanket a bit tighter. "How about hot chocolate?"

Eijun hummed contently at his lover's response and Kazuya lightly chuckled.

"Just give me like five more minutes…" He couldn't help but like the position they were in. He always felt right at home when it was just the two of them. The fight was nothing but a silly memory. They both instantly fell asleep as they shared each other's body heat.