Kiiroi Senkou

Chapter 1 - The Adventurer

by D.G.S. - DeathGodSlayer

"For prisoners, locked away in the darkest depths, we are in surprisingly good company." A colossus of a person spoke through the darkness, tied down by Kairoseki chains, accursed seastone bindings robbing them of their strengths. The man was actually a large blue whale shark fishman with yellow eyebrows and sideburns are distinctly shaped, in addition to a bulb-like nose and an angular lower lip pointing upwards. He has a lightning-shaped scar can be seen from his left side burn and reaching over his left eye. He also possesses two tusk-like conical lower, the rest of his teeth from the upper and lower rows are pretty much the same, albeit much smaller. He also has a severe under bite, which makes room for his huge fangs. He has long, two-toned black hair, with two long stripes, coloured golden, coming from the roots over his forehead and trailing down the back, a topknot, and tuft of hair on his chin with a slight green hue. His hands and feet are also webbed, and his limbs are somewhat thin in comparison with his enormous girth. His gills are in between his shoulders and neck. Under his pale red coat, he appears to be wearing a Coral coloured traditional Japanese clothing called a jinbei covered all over with black and white square-shaped patterns with the black and white layers alternating each other beginning with the black outline from the edge and ending with a dark square at the middle of each and every one of them. He also ties this attire up with a purple scarf like a ribbon around his waist.

"I agree, to think that I would be spending my last moments with Jinbei, one of the Shichibukai, as well as a former Shichibukai. My luck knows no bounds…" A more cheerful, playful voice spoke. It can from a smaller man, still chained up like the first, with his back pressed against the wall. The man's black hair fell in front of his face, which despite his tone of voice still maintained a playful, yet serious look about it, even with the childish freckles placed on his cheeks. He wore nothing over his upper body, however he wore black boots, black knee-length shorts with an eyelet-studded orange belt, and a blue pouch belted around his left leg. He also wore a short second belt with a large red "A" on the silver buckle over his right hip, but left it unfastened and threaded the free end along the back of his shorts. A dagger in a green sheath hung at his left hip. On his left arm, he wore a Log Pose and a red and white striped bracelet around his wrist, an orange elbow guard, and his "ASCE" tattoo, the S having being crossed out with an X-mark., he also wore a beaded red necklace around his neck, which hung loosely from his neck trying to drop to the floor.

"But it appears that is not everyone here accounted for, Ace-san…" The larger fishman, Jinbei spoke in return to the smaller person. His eyes quickly shifted to the farthest part of their cell, in the corner of the room, where it became the darkest, only the faint shadow of a foot was basking in what little light was given to the area. "And who are you?"

Their third cellmate seemed content to remain silent, to stay hidden within the darkness. Jinbei and Ace both looked to him, waiting for their answer to be given. As both began to accept that their third cellmate would not speak, lowering their heads back down to wait in silent for their fate, a voice suddenly spoke out, remarkably cheerfully for someone in their predicament.

"My name is Naruto Namikaze…" The person responded with his name, ocean deep blue eyes pierced through the darkness, the light suddenly engulfed the room, revealing his features. Spiky yellow hair with two long bangs framing his face, with longer bangs at the front, almost covering his eyes with six spikes. The rest of his hair was kept short, just touching his shoulders. Three whisker marks on each cheek framed his beaming grin. He was dressed in a predominately black jacket, with a green shirt underneath. Two long black tassels hung from the black and orange stripes surrounded the zip on the front and covered his shoulders with orange pads. His pants, however, were for the majority orange with black stripes along the sides and just below the knees. They led towards black boots, his toes exposed at the end of them.

"I should've guessed. The youngest person in history to ever be imprisoned on Level Six of Impel Down at aged sixteen. 'The Yellow Flash' Naruto Namikaze, wielder of one of the few invincible Devil Fruits, with a bounty of over 400'000'000 Beli." Jinbei spoke with slight surprise to the deep tone of his voice, he bowed his head respectfully to the boy, who smiled back in return.

"If you're so invincible, what are you doing here?" Ace coughed loudly, yet his question could be heard easily enough.

The boy, Naruto laughed loudly at the statement. "I never said I was invincible, quite frankly, I don't know how and when everyone started to say that. As for why I'm here, it's to help a friend out."

"And what friend is this?" Ace did not like the cold chill run down his spine, this boy, Naruto, even after having just met him, he reminded him so much of him it was scary. 'Please don't be planning anything, Luffy…'

Naruto's large grin narrowed to a smirk. "You'll know when it happens…" He spoke mysteriously, yet a trace of the tone of a prankster still slipped through. Naruto quickly looked around, everything was still exactly the same, nothing had happened yet. "I guess we might be here for a while, if you don't mind, I'd like to tell you how I got here…" Naruto asked, before sighing deeply.

"But before that, I have to start from the beginning. From when I first became a pirate…"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto laughed loudly as he finished his latest prank, not as ingenious and well planned as some of his others, but effective nonetheless. He had simply got buckets of paint in many different colours and proceeded to throw them over every house in the village, brightening up this dull little village in the corner of South Blue. The village was the size of the entire island, which was only a good 1km in length at the most, with extra space for a woodland and a beach.

Naruto laughed hard as he finished his last masterpiece, throwing the last bucket on a convenience store for the entire village island. As he turned laughed he felt the presence of many eyes upon him. Angry villagers had crowded around him, glaring with hate at the blond. Many of them wielding weapons or cracking their knuckles with anticipation.

And Naruto only flashed a mocking grin in return, before looking upwards giving one last mocking laugh he disappeared into a flash of yellow.

"Hey idiots!" The villagers turned at the familiar voice, Naruto stood on top of a house staring back down at them. "Don't think you can stop me, don't think you can hurt me. And especially, don't think you can catch me!" He laughed out in a mocking tone again before disappearing in a yellow flash once again. Leaving the villagers with pent up rage and nothing to dish it out on.

Naruto arrived at his secret hideout; it was a tree house in the woodlands, a bed for the occasions when he wished to stay here as well as few food supplies. However the majority of the tree house was filled with plans of pranks, hundreds of plans covered the walls, it was Naruto's only notable feature about him. These were the only things that were proof that he was here.

Naruto suddenly laughed out in a mocking tone once again, despite no one being here. "To think those idiots thought they could catch the Yellow Flash. Stupid idiots!" He laughed out loud.

"Ahem." An angry cough was heard behind him, and Naruto's face fell with fear. Slowly he turned to meet the eyes of the person who coughed. A man, older than Naruto stared down with a scolding look at the blond with dark eyes. His brow hair was tied back into a ponytail. He wore a simple long sleeved blue shirt and blue three quarter length pants as well as a different shade of blue sandals.

"I-Iruka! How did you know I was gonna come back here!?" Naruto asked with fear towards the older man, who continued to stare down at Naruto.

"Because you always return here after your pranks, Naruto! Haven't you outgrown these childish pranks yet, you're sixteen now, not twelve!" Iruka reprimanded the blond immediately, shouting at Naruto as an older brother would scold his younger sibling.

"It's the only entertainment in the village, Iruka! There's nothing else to do!" Naruto shouted back at the brown haired man, justifying his actions in the same way he had always done.

The brown haired man' anger seemed to cool at this, yet he still held a scolding look on his face. "Come with me, Naruto. We need to talk." He spoke with a more indoor face, head for the door of the hideout, knowing that Naruto would follow.

Naruto and Iruka sat on the sandy beach on the east side of their small island, their small village just behind them. They both watched as the sun began to set over the horizon, the waves gently stroking their toes as they rolled up the beach before returning back to the sea.

"Why do you do it, Naruto?" Iruka suddenly asked, the younger blond looked over to the brown haired man with confusion. "Why do you pull all these pranks on the village?"

Naruto seemed to ponder the question for a moment, before he shrugged his shoulders, looking back out at the horizon. "This place is just so boring, I guess, it just makes things a bit livelier."

"That's not a good thing, Naruto, you-"

"I could ask you the same question, Iruka." Naruto suddenly cut the brown haired man off, his blue eyes moving back to meet black ones. "Why do you do it?"

"Do what?" Iruka responded with confusion.

"Love this village. Why do you love it so much?"

Iruka's eyebrows rose at the question, before he smiled, sighing in content. "Look at how we stare at the horizon, Naruto. How do you feel when you watch the sun set over it?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed, before he turned to the setting sun, watching it slowly creep over the horizon. "It makes me feel at peace, tranquil, serene. Like all my problems are creeping away with the sun."

"Well that's how I feel about this village, that's what it brings to me. Peace, Tranquillity, Serenity. This village has given me everything I could want; a home, a job, a girlfriend, and many good friends. You can't help but love a place when it affords you all these privileges." Iruka responded with a peaceful smile on his face, every word he spoke was true to his heart.

It seemed to get through to Naruto, who offered a small smile in return for the man's explanation. "This village…. It offers me none of that…" The smile quickly faded from Naruto's face. "This island is just too small." Naruto suddenly chuckled softly. "Hell, this world just might even be too small for me, I need adventure." The craving for it could be seen as clear as crystal in Naruto's eyes.

Iruka stared at the younger blond in silence, who was also sat in silence. Neither of them continuing the conversation. Naruto only seemed interested in watching the horizon as Iruka stared at him.

"I've decided, Iruka. I've been thinking about it for some time, and I'm gonna do it… I'm leaving…"

Iruka's eyes widened in a stunned shock at the blonde's words. "What!?"

"I'm gonna leave this island, I'm gonna set sail, and head for the Grand Line." Naruto replied with an eager smile on his face, yet it was a content smile. Like a man who knew exactly what and where he wanted to go.

Iruka laughed softly, almost scoffing softly at the idea. "You're no pirate, Naruto. What are you going to do? Go and find One Piece?"

"No. I'm looking for something even more precious than that. But if I do find One Piece I'll make sure to give you a small share." Naruto beamed his childish grin at Iruka, who couldn't help but beam a wild grin in return.

Iruka continued grinning, before a thought occurred in his mind that removed his smile. "You know, Hiruzen won't like it that you're leaving."

That sentence made Naruto lose his smile as well, his face falling to one of deep contemplation. "I've caused the old man too many problems already. I know I've become even more of a nuisance ever since I ate the Senkou Senkou no Mi. And although he probably won't like it, I'm sure he'll understand. This is something I have to do." Naruto responded after a few seconds. "Plus, I'm gonna come back for the old man as soon as he is no longer tied down by the title of Village Leader. I'm gonna need an Advisor on my ship, y'know?"

Naruto stood up, just as the last few inches of the sun from their perspective was about to fade away. He began walking away with a large smile on his face. Before he stopped abruptly, surprising Iruka, who had remained sitting down. "Iruka… thank you for everything… For being my only friend when no one else would…"

And on that very same night Naruto returned to the beach, staring out at the moon, a small dinghy pulled up to the shore, the waves touching the bottom of the boat. 'It's time…' He thought as he looked at to the ocean.

"Planning to leave without goodbyes? Konohamaru will be disappointed…" A wise, elderly voice spoke behind him as his hand went to touch the boat. Naruto turned his head to look over his shoulder. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the village's leader stood behind him further up the beach. The man's face appeared serious, yet time had clearly taken a shot at it, aside from three lines running vertically under each eye, he also had several wrinkles and few liver-spots. His hair had also become grey and receded slightly, his small goatee had also greyed, and he stood with a pipe in his hand. The old man was dressed in very formal robes, being red in colour and held together by a white sash, a long white coat went over them, hanging loosely from his person, the sleeves so long and baggy they hid his hands from view, save for the one being held up to grasp his pipe. "Iruka has told me everything."

"Don't try and stop me, Jiji. This village is suffocating me, and I will not die here, especially without knowing what it is I'm searching for. I have to do this." Naruto responded quickly, turning to meet the aged man.

"And what is it you're looking for, Naruto-kun. Fame? Fortune? Infamy?" The old man, Hiruzen replied quizzically.

"Friendship." Naruto responded bluntly. "True friendship. It was something my mother had asked me to find before she died."

A small smile of pride grew on the old man's face. "But in honour of Kushina, I can't let you leave…" He spoke quietly. Naruto's eyes widened at the man's words, before his eyebrows lowered to an angry glare. "Not on that little boat anyway."

The words quickly removed Naruto's glare, he stared at the old man with surprise and confusion. The old man smiled wider, pointing to the left.

Naruto followed the man's hand, from around the corner of the island came a larger boat. Its mahogany framed paint a faint shadowy black. Its sails made from grey cloth, it was at least six times the size of the little dinghy he planned to ride out on. "Jiji!" Naruto exclaimed in happiness as the boat neared them, Naruto could now see who was controlling the boat. Iruka. He stood at the helm, redirecting it to the shore near them before dropping its anchor and stepping out of the boat, landing comfortably on the sand.

"It is called Kage Bunshin, a boat I used many years ago, I kept it as a reminder to the past. However I have long since been absent of a need for it. Put it to good use Naruto, and treat it well, after all every boat is special." Hiruzen explained, smiling proudly still at the young blond before him.

He was surprised that Naruto suddenly appeared in front of him in a flash of yellow, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Jiji…" He heard the boy whisper onto his shoulder, before Naruto backed away, moving towards Iruka and hugging him quickly. After that he ran towards the boat, climbing into it. He hoisted up the anchor and turned it to head away from the island.

"Don't worry, Jiji!" Naruto called out from the ship as it drifted away on the water, his face holding the largest beaming smile ever. "I'll come back for you one day! I'll need an Advisor after all on my ship!"

Naruto stood at the helm of the Kage Bunshin, directing it across the open water. The only sounds he could her were the water crashing against the wood and the wind hitting the sail. He watched as the sun began to rise over the horizon. 'Where should I go though? Should I just follow the horizon?' He pondered as he steered the boat.

Suddenly a rope loosened, Naruto quickly leapt towards the rope, catching it and retying it to the mast. Before running back to the helm, grasping it before his course altered. 'This boat is too big for me to operate alone. I think what I should do first is find some ship mates.' He thought conclusively.

'There's a larger island west of my own, perhaps I should head there and find a shipmate.' He grinned at the idea, turning the boat quickly to head towards the island, with a new adventure awaiting him.

A/N: Hey There! D.G.S. here! My second story from my old account, I'll be continuing the story from this account, for the reason why please visit my profile.

I know I named it as a reboot inf the summary, but its more of a revised version, because honestly I liked this story how it was and there wasn't as many things I wanted to changed in it as there was in Demon Lacrima. In fact, there's nothing really to change in it.

I'll be posting the next chapter soon, stay tuned.
