I apologize to all readers of any and all of my stories for the extremely long hiatuses! I am so so so so so so so sorry! And I'm even more sorry to tell you all my current stories written are not going to be continued by me. My computer had a virus so when it was rebooted, all stories on it were deleted. And I've just haven't had the inspiration lately to attempt to rewrite those. I'm not sure if new fanfics are going to be coming out but that's a possibility. The crossover between TMNT and MLP can probably be continued once I get in contact with Blue Seidr again.

But, if anyone out there wants to either continue where I left off or rewrite any of the fics I have written curently are free to do so as long as you ask me first. I'd be glad to give someone the rights to my stories and even be interested in reading them. So again, I am so super duper uber sorry for the long wait to tell everyone this. Hopefully, this won't be the last you all hear/see from me. I got a laptop for Christmas so I have more time to write if I want to. So... See you later, I guess.
