Chapter 1: Normal No More

Date: Unknown

Location: Unknown

Blue eyes fluttered open as pain laced through a young man's body as he slowly sat up. He'd landed on something hard that felt like it was made out of rock. His arm felt stiff and he was sure he had cracked a rib or two. Looking up his eyes widened as he took in his surroundings. He was in some sort of city. He'd never been to a city, only the small villages that surrounded his small one of Sandover, and he was now certain he and his friends had gone further North than Gol's citadel, how else could he explain this. He could vaguely hear Daxter, his best friend, shouting about something to do with their crashing, but as a zoomer, that was far better looking that Keira's A-Grav, flew by the duo, Jak could care less what he was saying.

"Jak!" the young man looked down at his best friend and upon seeing the ottsel's worried look he looked towards where he was staring.

It was then that Jak saw the strange armored men as they approached the duo and suddenly that good feeling that Jak had just started getting turned into dread. "You are under arrest!" one of the masked men stated with his weapon raised.

"AAAAHHHH!" Daxter yelled as he ran between the guards legs to get away.

Jak tried to stand only for a guard to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Forget the rat," the unmasked guard said, "The Baron wants him." His eyes seemed to gleam with an evil intent and suddenly that bad feeling he was getting doubled. "We've been waiting for you." The man sneered as he let Jak go and then hit him in the forehead with his weapon.

As Jak lost consciousness he heard Daxter's voice. "I'll find you Jak! I'll get you out!" and then the world became darkness.

Location: Unknown

Jak's eyes burst open as he began gagging and coughing as he felt water thrown into his face once again. Coughing again he began to make hacking noises and went to wipe his face only to find his hands tied. Turning his head one way and then the other he found them strapped to a metal table. Upon looking down he saw that his legs too were tied down. Panic began to rise as the bad feeling got even worse. And not for the first time in his life he wished he could yell or scream for help, but instead as always his voice never came out when he opened his mouth. Mute. That was the word Samos once described him as, but it wasn't a right description. If he was scarred he could whimper. If he got scared by Daxter or something really scary then he could yell. However, when it came down to talking; he couldn't even say the simplest of words.

It was then he realized that he wasn't alone and saw that unmasked guard once again, but this time he wasn't alone. A man in a white robe was leaning over devices and came up to him with a needles in his hand and began to pierce his skin with them. Each time one was embedded into his skin he gave a whimper of pain. He was scared. What were they planning on doing to me? he thought as his mind raced to figure that out he heard the man in the white robes begin talking.

"He's a channeler," he said. "I'm picking up several types of eco that have left some traces in his blood."

"A channeler?" the unmasked one asked. "Where'd he come from?"

"Channelers are rare in our species. The last one to be in this city was King Damas and that was about ten years ago," the man said. "Channelers are a mutation in our kind. They were considered the best fighters by the Precursors, who loved them and even went so far as to train some to become great warriors. Mar, being one of these special channelers."

The unmasked man smiled, but it wasn't a smile that Jak was familiar with. It creeped him out and made his skin crawl. "How long until we can begin with the dark eco treatments?" he asked the robed one.

Jak's eyes widened. What did he say! He practically screamed in his head. Dark eco? Nobody can channel that poison! As he thought this he began to struggle.

The one in the white robes walked back to him with a needle that had a plunger attached to it. "In a few moments." He said as Jak suddenly loss the use of his body and could no longer move. His eyes stayed wide as fear began to eat away at his insides. "Most don't survive past the first treatments." The man said to Jak as he brought out another needle and began to imprint the lettering DWP-XXX on his shoulder. Once done the man gave the unmasked man a nod and left the room.

Suddenly Jak heard a whirling noise above him and saw a device begin to swirl around rapidly picking up speed and then small pinprick needles lowered from the device and he watched in horror as the needles embedded themselves into his skin. Afterwards the real horror began as he watched the dark inky liquid known as dark eco begin to slide down the tubes that were attached to the dozen or so needles that were embedded into his body. Tears began to form and run down his cheeks as he felt the first of the eco begin to enter his body.

He'd been in pain many times before in his life; but nothing compared to this pain. It felt as if somebody was pouring acid into his body, lighting his body on fire, and then throwing him into a pit filled with lava all at once. He couldn't breathe. He wanted to scream so badly, but even as his mouth opened to form a scream no sound came out.

The dark eco crawled slowly through Jak's veins of his arms and legs, but as soon as it hit his beating heart it accelerated. From there it began to spread too quickly. Quicker than the scientists and doctors had thought and because of Jak's channeling abilities it was channeled through his body, causing a dark aura to surround the young man on the table and even as Jak screamed in pain silently his body began to crack under the dark eco's power. The scientist had been right, channeling was a mutation; but one that was created by the Precursors themselves because they themselves were natural channelers and eco; no matter the type, held their DNA in it. Unfortunately for Jak, because of the channeling powers a new mutation began that began to change the young man's body. This change was excruciating to the point that he actually could feel his mind snap. This snap would later save his life; but for now it allowed Jak's mind to shut down and pass out from pain.

Blue eyes fluttered open once again and Jak could feel his body once more; but he wished he couldn't as now his entire body felt like it'd been torn apart and then put back together and everything felt as if it had been put back together in the wrong way. Not wanting to sit up or anything he just pulled his body into a fetal position and soon fell asleep.

When Jak woke up his ears tickled and twitched as he heard a drip, drip, drip sound and very slowly his blue eyes once again opened and he found himself on the hard floor. Slowly, oh so slowly he began to sit up, only to feel like there was a light weight on his chest. Looking down at himself he saw something that brought a new sense of horror to his young mind. Scrambling to his shaky legs he looked into the mirror or slab of metal on the wall and stared at his refection and gasped.

Where a flat body that once showed a nice growing male teen body, now had female breasts, a lean feminine body and as he found out as he shoved his hand down into his pants included all female body parts downstairs too. He touched his lips and found supple female lips, nose, and his adams apple was gone. Real panic began to settle into his mind. No, no, how- he froze as the events of the day before replayed into his mind. The dark eco. He thought as he closed his eyes and felt a bubble of emotion begin to swell up and knew he could never look at his friends like this ever. This was just too humiliating. He'd been a guy and now because of the dark eco, he was a…girl. He felt himself begin to hyperventilate.This is bad. was all he could think as he heard the door open and saw the same unmasked man.

"See Baron." He said as he stepped aside and showed a second man what had happened to Jak.

"How'd this happen?" the Baron asked as he walked in and grabbed Jak's face and looked the once boy now girl's face and body which was covered by torn and tattered remains of Jak's clothing, which now hung loosely from his petite frame.

"The dark eco at eighty percent had a…unintended side effect." the man replied to the Baron.

"Reverse it." was the Baron's reply only to be met by silence. "Erol?"

"It can't." he said as he backed away from the Baron. "I've had a hundred scientists on this; including Vin, and all have said the same, its irreversible." this Erol man looked at Jak, whose was still be held by the Baron as he or rather she was being inspected.

"Continue with it at a sixty percentage." He let go of Jak's face. "Do it only twice a month at a high sixty percent." He tuned and left the room and the cell door slammed shut; however Jak could still hear them. "If he can survive being turned into a woman, he can survive this program and move forward with the other test subjects!"

Location: the Slums

Daxter's legs finally gave out from under him as he came to a stop and looked pitifully behind him and saw nobody following him and for the first time in his life, he was utterly alone. He didn't have Jak to protect him from the bad things in this world. He didn't have Keira's wonderful spirit to keep him uplifted when bad things did happen and he certainly didn't have Samos' wisdom to help him out. Even though he'd never admit it to anyone, not even Jak; he loved getting advice from the old mean Green Sage, because sometimes that wisdom was good to have, but now he didn't even have that.

Okay Daxter, he thought to himself. Yer in a strange place, with baddies everywhere and Jak's been a taken prisoner by said baddies and what ya do,? Yer a dumbass, ya no good. Ya leave yer best bud behind 'n run like the coward ev'ry person who a meets ya think yer are. he pauses as he looked around where he has run off to and decides this has gotta be the bad section of the city. The road has huge trenches in it, some being as beg as that lurker they fought when they were fighting to protect Rock Village. Building looked like they were falling apart, garbage was piling up in the side alleys and there were homeless sleeping on the ground near the sewers. This section of the city had to be the slums because there was no way in hell this was where the richies would live.

Turning down an alley he slipped behind a dumpster and after curling up he fell into a fitful sleep.

"Why does Pops gotta do that?" a young man with blonde hair and a red cap on his head walked down an alley in the slums as he spotted a dumpster at the end of the alley and whistled. "Dude," he said "that stinks." Walking up to the dumpster he groaned at spotting what looked like vomit on the side. "Why do I have ta do this?" he asked nobody in particular. Because yer a sucker Dude. He thought as he thought about how happy Taryn was when he'd brought her that last piece of treasure he'd done a found in a excursion of dumpster diving. He'd smelt like fish for a week, but her smile had been worth it.

Just as he was about to climb into the dumpster he spotted something tiny and orange and it looked like it was having a bad dream. "Yo, little Dude." He said as he shook the tiny creature.

"Ahhh!" the creature screamed at the sudden waking.

"Woe, Dude!" he said.

Bright blue eyes looked up at him. "Dude!" it said back. "Don't scare me like that."

"Duuude." The man said back as he starred in awe at the tiny creature speaking.

"Dude, I'm Daxter." the creature said as it held out it's paw.

"Ximon." He said, "Little Dude, your cool."

Daxter beamed at being called cool. "Well it takes one to know one." he said with a smile as Ximon shook his hand. "I'm a…new to this…err…city." He scratched his neck. "Where am I?"

Ximon looked at the little creature with a bewildered look. "New to the city?" he asked getting a nod as an answer. "Dude, yer in Haven City." he smiled as an idea popped into his mind. "Dude, do you like things that go fast?"

Daxters ears went from flat against his head to popping straight up in the air. "Dude, yer talkin' to the king of fastness." he said this as he thought of him and Jak riding Keira's A-Grav Zoomer through Boggy Swamp without her knowledge. Getting all the mud and grime off of it afterwards had been a hassle, but it was that or get his ass kicked by a girl.

He jumped onto Ximon's shoulder, which surprised the guy out. It took a moment or two to get his balance on Ximon's skinny shoulder, but when Ximon showed him his ride Daxter's grin could've reached his ears. The zoomer was huge and once they got it going it was fast! With is as his first step into this life Daxter began to make plans. First he had to find out where Jak had been taken and next he had to get Ximon on board to get Jak out of wherever he'd been taken to.

Location: Haven City Prison

Jak's eyes sluggishly opened as he was dragged by the collar of his clothes. He still hadn't gotten use to his feminine body even after four months of having it and going through more dark eco treatments. He found himself hating his captors who tortured him. Erol ignored the Baron's orders and ensured that Jak and the others had treatments three to four times a week. This would result in hunger strikes, which led to forced feedings. It was just that the body couldn't take being beatin' and then having to intake nourishment. This left Jak weak beyond imagination. He was to the point where he wanted death, but death wouldn't come.

As always he was thrown onto the table and strapped to it. He'd stopped struggling because that meant more torture by the hands of the sadistic commander. Closing his eyes Jak waited for the machine to begin, only to feel the cool tip of a syringe press against his throat. Eyes flashed open, as Jak went to turn his head he found a new strap pressed against his head, holding it down and stopping him from turning his head. Four needles on either side of his throat were embedded into his throat followed by dozens more being embedded throughout his entire body. He suddenly gasped as smaller needle embedded themselves into his forehead and around his skull. Once the needles were hooked up to his body the eco treatments began and the pain tripled from what it had been.

Quiet whimpers escaped Jak's lips as more and more dark eco was forced into his veins. The pain was unbelievable and as the minutes ticked by his body bowed against the pain and the shackles holding him down bit into his wrists and ankles to the point that they began to bleed freely. Upon seeing this he heard a shout and the pain stopped.

Jak coughed and felt a coppery liquid in his mouth and realized he'd bitten his tongue and it was bleeding. He felt the needles and cuff being taken off, but barely registered it until he heard a gasp from one of the scientists.

"She's healing!" said the scientist's voice.

Jak turned his head and saw that his wrist was covered in blood, but as the scientist gabbed his wrist sharply and lifted it and then wiped the blood away Jak saw a pink scar where there should've been a cut and in moments even that vanished.

"Her body is accepting the eco and it's healing her now." The scientist sounded like they were in awe of something wonderful, but Jak couldn't see what was wonderful about this.

Erol grabbed his arm and looked at the now healed wound. "Take her back to her cell." He ordered a guard. "Tomorrow we'll push twice as hard."

Jak wanted to groan, but found no strength to even make that sound as he was lifted up and thrown into the darkened cell and once again was placed in darkness. There was no light left in his world. Only darkness and pain. The only bit of light he did have left was a little sliver of hope. Hope that Daxter would come and save him very soon. He didn't even care about the damn jokes he'd get for being turned into a woman, as long as Daxter came for him. "D-Daxter." he gasped softly as he pulled himself into a ball on the floor as the pain from the injections began to make his body shake uncontrollable.

Date: October 1, 3657 – 2 years later

Location: Haven City Prison

Daxter looked over his shoulder as he snuck though the Haven City prison. Ducking behind some equipment and then diving through a ventilation shaft, he sighed as he wasn't spotted. Taking out his bug flamethrower, he turned it on. After beating Kaedon in an awesome and spectacular battle that left the overzealous bug of a man squished an spattered everywhere on the walls of the basement of this facility he'd called Ximon and told him what'd happened and that Kaedon had really been a body snatching metal head bug and that he'd been forced to fight the creature. Ximon had proceeded to tell him where cell level D was.

Now that he was on said level finding Jak wasn't going to be too hard. As he was about to come out of vents he heard a voice that made his skin wiggle in the wrong way. He missed Tik; the little flea had become his friend and could be really useful sometimes too. He'd have to tell Jak about Tik later and all of his adventures while planning this grand scaled escape.

"Count Vegar," said a voice that sounded a lot like that Erol guy. "what are you doing here?"

"I've come to see this Jak that you and Baron Praxis keep saying will save the city." sneered the count, causing Daxter to growl. These guys were really starting to annoy him.

"You're not allowed to." Erol replied as he turned. "Guard, escort the count out of here."

"Yes sir." The guard replied.

"Unhand me you-!" the counts voice drifted away and was soon followed by Erol's footsteps as they vanished around the corner.

Daxter counted until thirty just to be sure nobody was outside the vent. Popping it off its hinges he took off down the corridor towards the cells that were just beyond the door at the end of this corridor. Upon opening it all he found was a lift. Groaning he stepped onto the lift and pressed up.

Once the lift came to a stop he jumped off of it onto the single body laying on top of the metal bed. "Ding, Ding! Third floor: body chains, roach food, torture devices!" he joked as he looked down at the green and blonde hair person on the metal slab and it took him a moment to realize this person was a woman; not the guy he was looking for. "Hey toots! Seen any hero's around?"The woman opened her eyes for a moment only to suddenly groan and close them, her head falling back to the slab with a soft thud. "That's a fine hello." He grumbled. "Look toots, I've been riskin' my life for the last two years lookin' for my buddy Jak, I just wanna find him!" the woman's breath hitched before returning to a semi-normal rhythm. "Just say something!" he yelled. "Ya-"

Something snapped in the woman's mind. "I'M GONNA KILL PRAXIS!"

"Shh!" Daxter shushed the woman by putting his hand over her mouth. "Careful." He whispered as he looked around and saw her hands and feet were bound and got an idea. "Here's the deal. I'll get you lose and you show me where my bud is, 'kay?"

Suddenly with a roar the woman screamed as her body began to change. Her body turned ash grey, eyes black as night, nail lengthened to dangers, and two onyx black horns grew from her skull. Dark eco whipped around her body like a second skin. Dark eco lightning began shooting from across her body and began to turn the cuffs into slag. Her body curled into itself and soon sprung like a springs as she jumped off of the table and snarled as she took in her surroundings.

"Or you can do it toots." He said his falling back against his head and suddenly those dark soulless eyes turned towards him and suddenly he felt like he did a year ago when that alley cat had thought he was an easy meal and now he was prey once again. Uh-oh. He thought as those danger-like fingernails spread and she jumped at him. "Ahhh! JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!" he screamed as he took off running across the room that had a wall of cells everywhere. He was hoping his friend would hear him and begin banging on a cell door and show him where he was so that he could get away from this crazy chick.

That was when the female stopped chasing him and stumbled backwards before catching herself and changing back. "Dax-ter?" she asked questioning when was in front of her as she fell to her knees and grabbed the frightened ottsel into a hug. Her eyes began to brim with unshed tears as she held the ottsel close and buried her face against him soft fur.

"Uhh…" he began. "One: What the fuck was that! And two: Who the heck are you and how do you know my name?"

The woman looked sheepishly down at the ottsel. "Paxis didn't something to me." she whispered her voice hoarse from screaming for years on end. She then looked at Daxter right in his eyes. "I'm Jak." She smiled. "And I'm so glad you came."

M-Angel: Yes, Jak has been turned into a girl. You guys can thank lady-darkstreak once again for this inspiring story.

xoxoangii: ooh! this is going to be interesting :) mucho credits to lady-darkstreak for giving m-angel this great idea :D

M-Angel: hehehe...I'm evil. I know it, but I can't help it! Err...any ways, what do y'all think?

xoxoangii: can't wait to hear what you guys think!