The Golden of Hair and the Spirit of Snow.

Elsa's POV

A year, a full year after the horrible event at her coronation ceremony… A whole year filled to the brim with Assuaging and Peace Contracts, plus she had to find a way to win back her people's trust.

So It was one morning in June when things were finally starting to look bright that Anna suddenly blurted out. "Why can't we make a Winter Festival?" The little red haired princess was smiling from ear to ear as she said that "You can make snow, and we can set all sort of stalls and lots of games and music, everyone in Arendelle will be invited and no one will have reason to fear you anymore!" That idea had merit, Elsa thought, since half of her people still feared she would crack and doom them to eternal winter.

"I… think that is a good idea Anna" Elsa told her little sister with a grateful smile on her face.

The princess grinned unrepentantly. "Good, because I've already alerted the servants and we have started preparations, everyone is excited about July's First Winter Festival ever!" She paused in her gushing to look mischievous. "We are going to be the first kingdom to ever have snow during summer, others will be jealous of our magnificent Queen for sure, you may even find marriage propositions!" Elsa blushed, her love life was never something on the forefront of her thoughts, but a few years ago when she wasn't as burdened by her duties, she dreamed of a significant other that would hold no fear or contempt against her power.

"Anna!" The Snow queen chose to berate her sister, who laughed and laughed at her expense. The sound making Elsa's heart go lighter and a large smile bloom on her face. "I trust then that you will take care of this First July Winter Festival then? And if this is the First, there will be a Second and Third and so on, so we better set a committee" Anna nodded happily.

"Yes Elsa, Kai is aiding Kristoff with it, he volunteered to be part of the committee since he wants to help you" The Queen smiled. That oafish man might be a brute and a little uncouth to be part of court life, but he loved Anna with all his heart and that was more than enough Elsa could have wanted for someone to take her cherished sister as wife.

It had the benefit that with Kristoff in the castle, the people didn't feel as excluded from the royal line after the Gates have been opened after twelve years of exclusion – the Ice Harvester was a commoner, raised by Orcs too! If he could rise and ingrate himself with the current Queen and princess that there was hope more of them could too. Anna did her best to visit the town everyday to play with the children or talk with the people, helping spread the word that Elsa was as human as they were, only with a chilling extra gift.

"Kristoff is a good man, Anna, I am glad you chose him to be your consort" And glad she was. Anna blushed, nodding happily. "Now I believe we have duties to attend to" With that, the Queen dissolved their conversation and turned back to the pile of scrolls on her desk, waiting to be perused and if the case asks, signed. Anna giggled one more time but left her sister be in her office, leaving it, she made sure to stuck the door wide open, least Elsa gained some unsavory idea such as locking herself – again.


Time flew by and soon June became July and the summer heat had everyone in high spirits. Summer in their land was never severe due to the mountains and the water around them – such was their nice weather that it wasn't uncommon to notice a height in foreigner ships docking this time of the year looking for their blocks of Ice and other goods. Merchants tended to prefer Arendelle these couple of months as well, such was the merriment of having more than three dozens stalls of different foods and trinkets from all over the coast.

The people of Arendelle were happy and looking forward to the unexpected Winter Festival being held under the glaring sun of July under Anna's enthusiastic propaganda of the event. She had everyone who could helping in the preparations, spreading colors around the main square light poles, polishing glasses, repainting wood and doing reconstruction works – Arendelle's capitol was being burnished to look its best to the Queen, and that spirit elevated the mood of even the grouchiest.

Soon it was the selected day, and the bridge was full of smiling and cheering people waiting for their Queen to walk off the Castle and come greet them. Elsa left the gates and smiled as brightly as the sun, waving a magic hand and making a flurry of sparkling ice crystals form and reflect the sunlight, the rainbows formed had children and adult alike wide eyed in marvel, and thus began snowing – lightly and delicately.

Olaf cheered when his own flurry cloud contributed to the snow piling on the already chilled floor, it didn't take an hour for a thing sheet of snow to have formed. The crowd followed their Queen to the square and the stalls were opened – all expenses paid by the castle, the merchants happily gave candy to the little ones, while the parents relaxed with foods and drinks. Elsa said to Anna that since Arendelle was so wealthy, they should do something for their subjects – and Anna's Winter Festival was as good a chance as any.

Hundreds of their people were cheering, dancing and having a good time. The bards started playing and the bonfire lighted, Elsa willed her snow to fall in thicker waves and began to mingle, looking majestic and peaceful to the eyes of the beholders. Children started to approach her in small numbers, but when she didn't turn them away, they became braver and she was surrounded by eager little faces.

Flashes of Anna's frozen form curled in her mind for a moment, but then she remembered that there was a sure way of thawing something frozen and smiled sunnily to the children's happy sounds. She would never lose control again, for now her own heart wasn't frozen anymore.

"Lady Elsa, Lady Elsa!" they all called, and Elsa's resolve broke and she allowed herself to indulge in their requests. Something in the back of her mind rang though. A half connected instinct that she paid no mind to, but after a while the feelings of being observed made the Queen weary, and she expanded on her powers – there was something, something invisible to the naked eye lurking just beyond her perception.

Disbanding the children with their icy animal toys, Elsa searched through the throng of people, locating Anna dancing crazily to Kristoff's embarrassed, but fond smile. The presence was far from Anna, so she relaxed somewhat.

There… close… a shiver went down her spine when tendrils of a foreign power dared to lace around her searchingly. The snow around her rebelled against the warmth flooding with this presence but not because it felt unpleasant, but because there is something out there capable of touching her like this.

"I do not know who, or what are you. But I feel no ill intentions so allow me to caution you that should that change, you will feel my wrath" She told the open air feeling only slightly silly, for she knew there was something there and that something understood her if the swirling vortex of amusement that hit was any indication. Angered at such blatant disrespect, the temperature dropped drastically to the point where people huddled closer to the fire. Catching her blunder, Elsa calmed, but only when the presence disappeared altogether.

Steps approached, "Elsa, what was that?" Anna's concerned voice asked in a whisper.

"I don't know… there was something here, something I could not see but feel, like a void in the field of my magic – it's gone now" Worried, the princess looked pointedly around them.

"We can look for it later Elsa, you better calm them down" And indeed, more than one person looked weary. So the Ice and Snow Queen forced a grin on her face and raised her hands high in the sky. A giant, glowing snow flake flared to existence, dwarfing everything she did so far. There was an explosion of magic and the snow flake divided into dozens more that spread around glowing with inner magic, miniature icy stars dancing to the bards' tune and mingling within the people. They would last for days, Elsa made sure of it, she's already caught sight of more than one person capturing the glittering ice shards in glass containers to examine in eager curiosity.

Shaking her head, Elsa smothered a smile at Anna's stunned face. "Will that work as a distraction?"

Anna's answer was a tackle hug.


The Ice Queen knew that she would meet that mysterious presence again, only she didn't count on it being able to enter her dreams. She was atop one of the hills overlooking Arendelle, under the comfortable shade of a tree, and down she looked, toward the plaza where she and Anna were playing chase. It was one of her fondest memories. She didn't care much for the guards around them, or her parents' servants tending to them – to her, there was only Anna and their game.

Enjoying this dream as she was, it took a while to notice that something was different. A thick blanket of power befalling her psyche. Her own power revolted for a moment, before she recognized just what was invading her dream. "You again" Her voice called forth a glowing ball of light, similar to a small sun hovering right in front of her. It spilled along shafts of light the feelings of joy and tranquility "Now you enter my dreams…" and wasn't that strange? The ball of light shifted and grew limbs, and a blink of an eye later it wasn't a mere ball anymore, but held the faint shape of a man.

Startled, Elsa got to her guard. The man – ghost raised a placating had. "I am not here to hurt you or yours my Lady, I am simply a curious being enchanted by your beauty and light, attracted to you as I passed through your realm. Please allow us to indulge in conversation while in your dreams, for it is the only way we can do so" His voice was musical and beautiful and calming, Elsa let it wash over her chiming over her own aura.

His light drifted forward and touched hers in greeting. Something within Elsa gave and she knew instantly that she could trust that being – nothing holding that much light within them could be malicious, and he transmitted so much peace and joy in his very presence. And she also felt flattered all of sudden. That this being of so much power was enchanted by her was hard to believe.

Breathing out, Elsa resolved to find more about this shade of warm golden light. "What are you?" She asked, leaning down on the tree. The man' shade approached and sat down at her side uninvited, but the Queen found she didn't quite mind his closeness, even if she could not hold him in her gaze for long for his brightness hurt her eyes after a while.

"I am Glorfindel of Gondolin, an Eldar and First Born created by the Valar to share in the Song of Creation, I come from Arda, Middle Earth, a world far away from this one. In my first life, I was chief of the House of the Golden Flower and King Turgon's captain" His voice's cadence was almost hypnotic. Elsa couldn't move away and indeed, found herself leaning into his heat, mildly embarrassed at her own forwardness, Elsa diverged her conflicting feelings into the raw curiosity she felt about Glorfindel.

She had the faint impression that he was smiling. "Eldar?" And the longer she spent is his glowing presence, the more she trusted him. His warmth was spreading around her mental manifestation inside her dream and he radiated all his feelings – no trace of malice in him.

"Elves in the common tongue, my dear Queen – We are immortals in the way time does not affect us, though we can be killed by grief or a mortal wound - The First Born because when the Valar brought life to Arda, the Eldar came first, then came the Edain, the Second Born, the race of Men who were born with the curse of mortality in which they'd never be able to reach the Undying Lands" He revealed freely and gently. Elsa tried to picture a face to go with all his glory and try as she might, she couldn't grasp a face to go with his overwhelming presence.

"But how come you found your way here in my dreams?" Elsa squashed the girly side of her in favor of more curiosity. "Were you killed?" Worry filled her for a few moments before she heard the twinkling sound of laugher. The sound was beautiful and enchanting, mesmerizing Elsa – a blush bloomed on her cheek as the fantasy she entertained about a face to go with this man gained another layer. Then it dawned that he was laughing at her, and the heat on her cheeks grew warmer as her eyes slanted into a glare.

"I do not laugh out of scorn, my dear Queen, but out of the sheer happiness I am feeling that you worry yourself over me, I see I am growing in your esteem and that makes me very content" His golden light shape bubbled, transmitting his feelings of giddy joy. Elsa blinked, overwhelmed for a moment by his sheer presence "To answer your questions, yes, I did die and was brought to the Halls of Mandos, where the soul of the departed Eldar goes after their health fails – In the presence of the Vallar, it was decided I'd be given a second chance for my fate on Arda had yet to be concluded, thus I am to spend a thousand years healing before being allowed to return to Arda. During this time, my spirit can soar through the vast cosmos and that is how I found you"

Her magic swirled around her in answer to his fiery one, Ice and Fire in a maelstrom of Silver and Gold, like the sun and the moon meeting in a twilight everlasting. Elsa had no idea her magic could reach such proportions in response to another and left the joy of an union she had no idea about grip her heart and make it lighter. She could have melted any ice right at that moment.

"I am sorry to hear of your death, Lord Glorfindel of Gondolin, yet it is not every day I get to meet a visiting, disembodied Eldar" A grin blossomed on her face, unmindful of the heat still permeating her cheeks "And if it is only in dreams we can talk, then you are welcome to mine if you wish to part with tales from your land, or about yourself" There was no way she could let this being go without learning more about him. He fascinated her, she felt drawn and bound by his power.

His willing presence pulsed with gratefulness, leaving her breathless and euphoric "I would like that, my dear Queen, and I would like even more if you part with tales of your own"

It was the start of a very strange friendship.


Waking up was hard, though she felt very well rested and practically glowed with joy, she didn't want to leave her dreams and Glorfindel behind. The wee hours of the morn were spent talking and sharing themselves, it didn't take long for Elsa to realize he was way older than she first perceived. He could fit several of her lifetimes inside his own and that had her even more infatuated with this being.

To her amusement, she found Anna eagerly waiting in front of her door holding the breakfast tray the servant should have been carrying. "I sent Hilda away, I have so much to talk to you about!" the red haired princess prowled into the room and settled the tray on Elsa's desk, pulling her barely dressed sister to sit on the large bed. "Tell me all about yesterday"

And so Elsa did. She talked about her time with the people graciously, smiling in remembrance and sharing in her happiness that her subjects were finally completely comfortable around her, and she around them. Then came the part she was half dreading and half anticipating. "Do you remember that presence I felt?" Anna's soft gaze sharpened.

"Yeah, I saw you talking to air and thought you finally lost it" It was said in a teasing tone. The Queen poked her sister on the arm making the other giggle. "But you said you felt something there and I believe you, Elsa, you wouldn't lie about it" The Ice Queen nodded, a lovely smile on her face as she remembered Glorfindel.

"In the end, the presence I felt was that of Glorfindel, he cannot be seen nor heard by normal means, and I was only able to because of my magic" Elsa explained. "When I laid to sleep, he entered my dreams, explaining his situation and I believed in him, Anna, he is the most incredible creature I've ever met" She was sure her voice turned breathy and that her cheeks were warm again.

Anna grinned impishly. "You like him! You're blushing, there is no denying it, Elsa, you fell in love with him!" The princess accused with delight.

"No! It's not like that Anna!" Elsa futile denial did nothing to assuage Anna's knowing look. The Queen sighed sadly. "And even if I did, indeed love him, there is no way we can be together for he is nothing more than a spirit" Anna deflated, reaching out and taking one of her sister's hands.

"True love will always find a way" The princess said with stony conviction, Elsa hoped she was right. "Is he gone for good?"

"No, I think he will keep to my dreams… Oh Anna… I want him gone yet I long to have him near, if only he was made of flesh and bones but he is naught but a shade only I can see and feel" She felt in her heart that while Glorfindel lingered, there was no way she'd be interested in another man, none could compare to the brilliance that was that Eldar spirit, his warmth kept her warmed even now and the ghostly impression of fingers lingered in a distant memory involving them both spending a single night talking their hearts out.

Anna's face was drawn and sad for her sister. "Will you tell me about him? This Glorfindel?"

Elsa nodded, drawing her sister near and holding her comfortably in slackened arms. "He said he was Glorfindel of Gondolin, head of his house and captain of a king…"


"I, Queen Elsa, announce that from this day forward Prince Hmir, son of my heart and eldest child of my sister, princess Anna of Arendelle is now my heir and heir to the crown of Arendelle" Her words were followed by applauds. Elsa looked at her befuddled nephew and godson with love shining in her eyes. He was a robust young man, strong, smart and just. He would make a good King one day, that she was sure.

For she never married nor procured a lover, not when her mind was filled with Glorfindel's light. She loved him, adored him with all her heart and soul, and couldn't see herself in another man's arm. Anna's family was her own, and she loved all her nephews and nieces like they came from her own flesh, they never wanted for nothing and Anna was more than happy to allow Elsa respite in her children's love.

A few years later, and Hmir was crowned King. Elsa was ill with age, time taking its toll on her mercilessly despite the spark of her power. Anna and Kristoff were long since gone, and the former Queem longed to join them if not for one thread holding her in life. She knew Glorfindel mourned her passing, and she would miss him dearly in whatever afterlife was reversed to those of the mortal race.

In the silence of her chambers after the physician left, Elsa closed her eyes, lids heavy, and waited for Glorfindel to appear… he never failed to show once they entered the realm of dreams and for once she was dreading this meeting, for she'd have to say goodbye.

But this time, he hadn't come. In his stead, there was a presence she could recognize faintly, it felt familiar like an old friend. "Hello, my child… never fear your dreams Elsa, as you should never fear me" A voice echoed, accompanied by the shade of a man that wasn't her Eldar Lord.

She knew then, who this was. "You are the Lord of Dreams, Irmo…"

"Correct, my child… I have come with but one question… should the chance come to be with your Lord for eternity, or join your sister and family, what would you chose?" This was a tricky question… Elsa loved Anna like nothing else in the world, but she also loved Glorfindel like nothing else in the world… two different kinds of love that pulled on her heart insistently. Then, she thought about what would Anna chose? She'd dash head first into the chance to be with her one true love, and would never forgive Elsa should she chose something else…

"Had I the chance to choose, I would never leave Glorfindel' side" Was her answer to Irmo's question. The god himself smiled warmly down at her, and offered a hand.

"Then come, my child, for the hour grows ever late and the path to my Garden narrows with the coming morn – the moment you depart with me, your fea will leave your mortal flesh and form in the Halls of Mandos, where a new vassal shall be formed – you are special, my child, for your fea holds a power none other could hold – that gives you this choice between mortality and immortality" Which meant she would be able to stand in front of Glorfindel and hold him in her arms at last.

She didn't waste a second to hold onto his hand.


"Elsa's fea is made from the same song that brought the Maiar to us. Should she chose so, she can live an immortal life – however as she is, she is likely to follow her mortal sister's fate." Elsa heard Irmo talk, she knew to whom he was talking and longed for nothing more than to rush forward and sate the thirst of her heart.

After returning to Valinor with the Lord of Dreams, she received the blessing of the Valar and was made a Maiar, body and all, immortal for all sake and purpose. Like Glorfindel once told her, she could be killed, but her soul would simply return to Valinor and should she wish and the Valar allowed, be reborn again though she knew her Lord would find her wherever she went.

Oh, there was no doubt in her heart that Glorfindel was hers and much as she was his "I know of the Ice Queen's fate, my Lord, for she has grown old and weak even if her light still burns strong" His melodious voice attacked her ears, different now, stronger and clearer for they were spoken from a mouth and not from a thought.

"Hope is not lost, son of Gondolin, for the lady's fea has grown attached to your own as you have grown to hers, you love her and she loves you and she will come to you should you call" The Lord of Dreams revealed. The instant he said those words, Elsa felt the pull. Desperate and needy, a pull so strong she almost stumbled in a gasped breath. Glorfindel was calling desperately for her soul to join his, his call brimming in love and anguish that she would not answer.

"Would Lord Namo allow Elsa entrance in the Halls? She is not from Arda" He sounded resigned, more so because Elsa cruelly denied him answer as she looked forward to the joy on his face when he noticed she was already there.

Seeing their pain, Irmo simply pointed to Elsa, her cue, and she approached calmly and purposedly. Young in face and shinning in spirit. "Oh Glorfindel, you silly Eldar" She called, resisting no longer to his call. Her Elf almost tackled her as he finally, after fifty years, had the chance to gather her in his physical arms – the touch was painful and so filled with love that tears escaped from her eyes.

Of course her Lord had as much control as she did, and she didn't know whom started, but they soon were locked by their lips in a much passionate embrace to be held in public face. Glorfindel dried her tears with his kisses, and only then she noticed how her tears mingled with his own. "Marry me" He growled against her neck, finally having a nose with witch to take her scent in.

"I think a fifty years long engagement was enough" Elsa breathily laughed, and for once, she was truly happy with her Happy Ever After.



Part 2! :D Elsa's POV during the first installment… what happens next I dunno.. but I don't think I will continue with Elsa in Rivendell, I think this wraps things up anyways- however if someone wants to, they are welcomed to continue, haha!