I would first of all like to make it clear that I do not suggest pursuing a teacher/student relationship. It's bad.. but for the purposes of fanfiction… it's good. There will be smut in this story so if you don't like it, don't read it.. you have been warned. Thank you.

Ally had been working at Marino High for around three months now. Music had always been her passion in life, and by teaching it she felt she could influence and inspire young people. It really was a very pleasing job. At least for the most part it was. Being young herself, 22 turning 23 to be exact, she did encounter some lustful stares in class. She knew what she was signing up for, but having the senior class wasn't exactly her most favorite thing in the world. A lot of the kids really loved music, but there were those few who really got on her nerves.

"Alright guys, we'll call that time." She said, signalling for her students to pack up. It was a Friday afternoon and Ally liked to think she was a nice enough teacher to let them go a little earlier. Everyone went about their usual pack up routine. Except one. Austin Moon. He was asleep. Again. Austin Moon was one of Ally's least favorite students. She didn't dislike him as a person, in fact she thought he was rather very talented. However, he always gave her this look. He always stared where he shouldn't be staring. She had caught him doing it one too many times. Ally knew he was a good looking boy and he certainly got on with all the girls in the school, but Ally was a professional. She knew she should probably confront him sooner than later.

As everyone left Ally approached him. "Austin." There was no response. "Austin, wake up." She slammed a book down on his table and he jumped up. "Good morning." Ally said sarcastically. "Austin, I would like to talk to you now that I have you alone."

"Miss Dawson, please don't lecture me on my grades, I know I'll pass this class without even trying." He said standing up and grabbing his bag.

"It's not about that Austin. Sit down."

"But everyone else is gone." He complained.

"Sit down." She said sternly. He sighed and complied with what she had asked. "Thank you." She said. "Listen Austin, I'm not sure how to go around saying this but you having to stop staring at me during class." Ally was embarrassed to even mention it.

"What?" He laughed.

"Do you think I don't see you looking at me in that way. I am your teacher Austin, and I'm asking you nicely to not stare. Thank you."

"Well I can't help that you're hot." He shrugged.

"Excuse me? Austin. You cannot say things like that."

"Why not? It's the truth, I'm not the only one in this school who thinks it. And I like to look at hot things." He smiled.

Ally could feel herself turning red. "You can't objectify a teacher like that Austin."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it is wrong, would you like it if I stared at you all the time?"

"Probably." He smirked and Ally scoffed. "Anyway, you wear pretty revealing clothes Miss. You can't expect me not to stare."

"Alright enough. Just stop staring please. I'll see you on Monday."

"Sure sure. How old are you?" He asked standing up.

"That is none of your business." She said sitting down at her desk.

"Whatever." He smirked and walked towards the door. "See you Monday."

Ally slouched back in her chair. She sighed. Teenage boys were a total nightmare. There was a knock on the door. "Hey Ally." Dez smiled. "Some of the teachers are going on a little night out dinner thingy. You in?"

"Oh I don't know Dez. I have so much marking to do." She pointed at the pile of papers sitting on her desk. "Live a little! It's the weekend after all." He tried to convince her.

"Fine fine. Let's go."

Dez was the drama teacher. He was pretty damn good at it. Ally admired the way he could always keep a class entertained for hours but also made them learn things. "Dez can I ask you something?" She asked when they got into his car.


"Have you ever had a student.. look at you?"

"Um.. well they look at me all the time because I'm their teacher?" He joked.

"I mean, a female student look at you in that way."

"That way?" Dez raised an eyebrow. "Well I guess students get crushes on their teachers all the time right? It's just a phase for them I guess. Why?"

"Just a student in my class keeps staring at me. It's very off putting." She replied.

"It'll pass, teenage boys tend to forget about their teachers when hot girls their age come into the mix." Dez laughed.

Dez was right. Ally was a new teacher, his attraction to her would pass soon enough.

That Monday parents night was happening. This would be Ally's first time meeting the people behind her students. She was nervous to start with but as the night progressed she became more and more fluent and was able to tell it straight. Last on her list was the Moons. They looked a normal enough couple. "Hello there, you must be Austin's parents." She said extending her hand for a handshake. "I am Miss Dawson."

"Oh we know who you are." Austin's mother smiled. "You're Austin's favorite teacher."

Ally wasn't sure exactly why she was his favorite, maybe he really like the way she taught, or perhaps it was for other reasons. Should she mention it? No.. surely not. She would only cause unwanted drama. "I am glad he thinks that." She smiled. "Austin is a very determined young man. I can tell he has a real passion for music."

"It's his dream." His mother said gaining a nod from Ally.

"So, what are your complaints. Come on. There's got to be something." Austin's father asked.

"I have no complaints about Austin." Ally replied.

"Interesting. Well if that's all thank you for your time."

Was Austin a bad student? It seemed his father was expecting Ally to say something bad about him. Say he was horrible, and that she hated him. His father looked the grumpy type who would want to shout at his son for not doing well in school. That day in class there had been some awkward looks, but it seemed he had taken Ally's advice and backed off.

Tuesday arrived and Ally had the seniors first thing in the morning. The class ran smoothly and everything went to plan. "Remember I want the homework in tomorrow! If you need help come see me." Ally shouted as the class ran out pushing past each other to reach the door. When she turned around she saw Austin standing with his book in his hand. "Can I help?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you could help me with the homework." He shrugged.

"It's break, wouldn't you rather be out there?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'd actually rather get this done." He smiled.

"Hm, okay. What don't you understand?"

"Everything." He responded.

"It's not all difficult Austin. You just have to write a thirty second piece of music and use a cadence." She took his book and put it on her desk. "Let's see what you have so far." She leaned over her desk reading over what he had written. "This looks fine. What's the problem?" He leaned over the table with her looking at his book. His face was inches away from her. "I don't know how to end it." He pointed at the end of the music.

"What kind of cadence do you want?"

"Perfect." He responded. His voice sounded different. Low and husky almost.

"Okay, so that's chord one to five. You're in the key of C, you can simply end it on a C." She explained. He looked into her eyes. Ally should have felt awkward, but she didn't. She had never really seen his eye's up this close. They were amazing. "I'll do that." He half smiled and turned back down to face his book. Ally stood up and backed away from the desk. "Is that all you needed?" She asked as he drew the note in.

"Uh." He looked up. "I wanted to say sorry for what happened on Friday and stuff."

"It's alright Austin."

"Right.. cool. So you don't mind that I find you hot?"

"Austin. Please don't."

"Why not? I'm curious as to why you didn't tell my parents." He smirked.

"It was drama that was unneeded. Do you think I can't deal with you Austin? Your little stares will pass and you'll get over it." Ally explained.

"So you don't mind if I think about fucking you on this desk." He began tapping the desk.

"AUSTIN!" Ally shouted. "Do not swear in this classroom!"

"Or what, are you going to send me to the principle?" He asked.

"Just do as your told for once."

"You know what I think. I think you wanna fuck me too."

"That is it. Get out right now Austin." Ally demanded. Austin smirked.

"I thought you could deal with me." He winked.

Was he trying to make her mad? Ally must have been losing her mind, because what she done next was unforgivable.

"Sit." She pointed at a chair and he complied. Ally took a deep breath before locking the classroom door. It was at that point Austin got a little scared. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh, am I making you feel awkward?" She asked sarcastically. Ally was terrified. She had no idea what she was doing. "Take your clothes off."

Austin burst out laughing. "What?" He asked.

"You heard me."

"You are crazy Miss."

"Are you?" She asked.

Ally was surprised by Austin's response. He actually started taking his clothes off. First his jacket and then his shirt. Ally was in a state of shock. He was a little above average. Not too buff but not too scrawny looking. She was in awe until the truth of the matter came bursting into her mind. She could get fired for this.. it was wrong. "What.. what not?" Austin asked. Ally stood there speechless. She wasn't sure what to say. Austin stood up and walked over to her. "This is what you wanted right?" He asked grabbing her hand.

"This is wrong." She said.

"You started it."

Ally really must have been losing her mind. She kissed him. She just leaned in and kissed him. WAS SHE CRAZY? She was going to get fired and everyone would hate her, she was going to ruin her life by doing this, but she didn't stop. The kiss started innocent enough but soon enough Austin slipped his tongue into her mouth and soon their tongues were battling for dominance. If anyone caught them just now Ally would literally break down and cry. Austin ran his hands down Ally's back until they reach their destination. He lifted her up onto her desk and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They made out for a few more seconds before there was a knock at the door. "Ally?" Dez called.

"Shit." Ally pulled away and whispered. "Just a second!" She replied. Austin rushed over and threw his top back on. "Get under the desk." Ally whispered and Austin slid under the table. She composed herself and opened the door.

"You okay?" Dez asked.

"I'm fine." She put on a smile.

"I was just wondering why you weren't in the staff room.. and why the door was locked?"

"Yeah I'm sorry, I have tests to mark, just wanted to actually power through them undisturbed. I'll catch up with you when I'm done." She said quickly closing the door and locking it again.

"Oookay.." Dez said before walking away.

Austin jumped back up laughing. "That was close."

"That was a mistake." Ally said. "What on earth was I thinking!?" She tried to keep her voice hushed. "You have to leave now." Austin looked almost hurt. "Just forget this ever happened." She pleaded.

"You think I can forget that?"

"Just leave.." Ally sighed.

Austin picked up his bag and unlocked the door, before leaving he looked back at Ally and smirked. Ally Dawson, what on earth have you done?