Elsa opened her eyes and looks around the grove curiously, feeling Mikael breathing under her and making her study him.

It was early morning and he had changed back after last night's blood bath, but he had fresh, but relatively light scars and patches of black fur decorating his at the moment nude body, but other than that, he looked like he'd be okay.

She gently strokes his chest, feeling his heartbeat thump through her fingers until she noticed a hooded, feminine figure lightly stroking his hair.

"Um..." She calls out, making the hooded woman look towards her with a smile. "It's nice to finally meet you, your majesty." She said calmly, making Elsa raise her eyebrow.

"Have we...?" She starts before the young woman nods lightly. "Sort of...I kind of helped Mikael vent when ya went to see the trolls." She answered calmly, making a surprised look cross her face.

"You're...?" She started as the young woman kind of half ass nods. "Well, what's left of her..." She said with a light chuckle before Elsa frowns a little.

"Oh, come on now,don't do that...ain't nothing anybody could have done to keep it from happening...besides, I'm just glad the two of ya found somebody that makes ya happy." She says with a smirk, making Elsa study her curiously.

"Wait, you knew...?" She asks quickly before the young woman chuckles lightly. "Well, it's a little more complicated than that..." She answers, which makes Elsa's curiosity grow.

"How...?" She asked. "A few nights before I died, I had this dream about a wolf that was blacker than the midnight sky. An angry, reclusive creature with a bloodied, lonely past. The wolf wandered through a snowy forest until he came across a young woman, beautiful, pure of heart, but she was just as lonely as the wolf." She starts calmly as Elsa listened intently.

"Anyway, the wolf learned that the woman...had triggered the sudden winter that engulf the forest and believed she was a threat, so he started snarling circling her like she was prey until she looked into his eyes and smiled at him, even putting her hand out like she was greeting an old friend." She continued as tears started forming in her eyes and a gentle smile crosses her lips.

"What did he do?" She asks in a quiet tone, making the young woman smile. "Well, he started hesitating for a minute and started backing away from her. Then she started walking towards him, keeping her hand out and telling him she wouldn't hurt him...Eventually, he stopped and approached her before nudging her hand which made her start petting him. Then they hugged each other and I woke up..." She finished in a calm tone as Elsa wipes tears from her eyes.

"Ironic how one little exaggeration leads to so much trouble only for things to work themselves out in the end, ain't it?" The young woman said with a light laugh.

"Robert was never looking for me that night, was he?" Elsa asked calmly before the young woman shook her head. "Not yet...one of the clan's scouts tracked your family down after your accident with Anna and told him about it. I just so happened to be arguing with him because he was planning on extorting protection from Arendelle and it pissed me off. When the scout told him about a little girl with ice powers, I remembered the dream and it gave me an idea." She explains calmly.

"Anyway, I told Mikael he was looking for you so for one thing we could leave the clan for good, but hopefully give two lonely little kids with unique talents somebody to talk to." She finished with a smile.

"Well...despite everything that happened...thank you for...introducing us." Elsa said with a gentle smile before lightly kissing Mikael on the cheek. "Of course..." She said simply before bowing her head.

"But...I think I've kept ya long enough, Anna's throwing a fit." She said calmly, making a very confused look cross Elsa's face. "Wait, this..." She started as she looks around curiously.

"This was the only way I could actually talk to ya in person and I wanted to thank ya for being there for him, even when all Hell broke loose last night...his heart's in the right place, but he's too hard headed for his own good, I'm glad you're just hard headed enough to put up with him." She said wittily, making Elsa laugh lightly.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you...even if it was under strange circumstances and...thank you again for..." She said calmly as the young woman nods. "Pleasure's all mine, Queen Elsa...and don't mention it, both of ya needed the company, I just hate it took so long." She said before standing up and bowing.

"Take care of yourselves, ya make an adorable pair." She says with a smile before she heard Anna's voice faintly calling out to her through the "dream."

"Elsa! Elsa! Wake up! Please wake up!" She cried as her vision starts blurring and the grove disappears around her...

Elsa wakes up to Anna frantically shaking her with tears streaming from her eyes. "Elsa! Elsa!" She calls out, Elsa not really able to answer her due to her sister's hysteric shaking.

"AAnna, II'm ffine." She stuttered through her at the moment jarred state before Anna finally stopped, a big smile crossing her face before she hugged her sister tightly, making her grunt lightly considering she was still sore from last night.

"You're alive! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?! What happened?!" She asked in a shaky, emotional tone which made Elsa laugh a little as she hugs her sister close. "I'm fine, Anna, just a little sore...I'll tell you about it later, it's a long story." She said calmly before noticing Kai, Talia, Cedric and Kristoff at the edge of her bed.

"Is Mikael...?" She asks in a worried tone. "He took a hell of a beating, ya both did. He'll live, though." Talia answered in a reassuring tone, making her sigh in relief. "Where is he?" She asked as she turned her attention to Talia.

"He said he had a few things to take care of, didn't say when he'd be back, though." She answered, which made Elsa frown lightly. "He'll come back..." Anna says quietly, giving her a soft smile when she did.

"Robert...?" She asks before noticing Talia shake her head. "I don't see anything coming back from that..." She said calmly, making her nod contently. "Then it's finally over..." She says quietly.

"The nobles?" She asks. "Gone except for your uncle and cousins." Kai answers before she starts stirring a little, making Anna get off of her when she did. "Well, let's go tell them I'm okay." She says softly as she got up out of bed, yelping lightly when she felt her stomach pinch.

"Yeah, you took some nasty blows...I think it was more impact damage than anything, though..." Cedric said simply, pointing to the light claw marks that lined her skin. "Given the position I was in at the time, I think it could have been a lot worse." She says with a slight chuckle.

"From what we saw of the place, it looked like the three of ya tore it up pretty good...we would say the others probably had a lot to do with it, but I think Mikael, Robert or both of them together butchered the entire lot during their little fiasco." Talia said simply, making Elsa think back to when she had reached the clearing again and saw the mangled bodies surrounding them.

"That explains a lot...I was thinking it was just the moonlight messing with me." She said calmly as she stands. "How did you find us, anyway?" She asks curiously as she looked between them.

"Me, Anna, Talia and Cedric went back to the clearing Robert and his lackeys were hiding in and found it covered in ice, snow and blood, body parts strewn all over the place...and a giant white werewolf that had almost been torn to pieces from the start, but other than that had a hole in the left side of his chest and the top part of his head had been ripped off..." Kristoff started before Talia smirks.

"Then we just followed the blood trail leading away from the scene to a grove where we found you and Mikael, who was buck ass nude by the way...snuggled up to each other asleep by a creek." She finished in a teasing voice and making her blush madly.

"Funny, that's exactly what you were doing when we found ya." Talia laughs, making her blush more before hiding her face in her hands. Everyone else started laughing when she does that and Anna her a hug.

"Was he really...?" Elsa asked in a shy tone before she noticed Anna nodding her head. She blushed more and took a deep breath when she remembers her conversation with Selena, which made her start thinking.

"What...what time is it?" She asks in a kind of shaky tone while she tries to keep from sounding too nervous. "A little after one, I think." Anna answers, making her eyes widen.

"I've been...?" She starts quickly before looking out her window, confirming that it was indeed early in the afternoon. "Hey, you needed the rest. And look on the bright side, at least you fell asleep somewhere and with someone you were comfortable with." Anna said in a kind of playful tone.

Elsa didn't really know how to respond to that, she was right,at least she was in a peaceful place with somebody she was comfortable with and still alive to boot. "Yeah, true..." She giggled lightly before she starts blushing again.

"Well, I think...we've wasted enough time up here, let's go downstairs." She says in a quick tone, making Anna, Kristoff and Talia raise their eyebrows a bit before they each made their way out of the room.

They walk through the corridors as Elsa reached up to her neck only to learn that the pendant Mikael gave her last night was missing, which made a frantic look cross her face.

"Oh no, please tell me I didn't lose it..." She said quickly, making Anna turn around. "Lose what?" She asked. "Mikael gave me a pendant last night and it's gone." She answers in a saddened tone before Anna lightly pats her on the shoulder.

"We'll look for it later. Okay?" She said in a reassuring tone,making her nod reluctantly. "Okay..." She says softly before they catch up to Kristoff, Talia and Cedric. Her head drops a little and her eyes widen a bit when she noticed the blood on her dress.

"Who's...?" She squeaks lightly. "Mostly Mikael's and Robert's...you got scratched a few times, but you weren't bleeding too bad." Talia answers in a kind of quick tone when she heard the surprise in her voice.

"I tell ya what, ya picked a hell of a guy to fall for...especially after taking a beating like that and not only living through it, but still being in one piece...werewolf or not, you've found a hell of a guy..." She remarks wittily, making Elsa smile lightly.

"I just hate he had to go through so much, though..." She said softly, making Talia smirk. "People do some crazy shit when they care about somebody..." She responds, making her smile grow when she thinks about the lengths she went to when she was trying to get him to open up a little then remembers what Anna put herself through for her.

"Love's a crazy thing, I guess..." She says to herself as they entered the throne room, Harknir, Rapunzel and Flynn turning their attention to the group when they heard the doors open.

"Elsa!" Rapunzel shouts before running towards her and giving her a tight hug, making her yelp a bit. "Ow, still sore..." She said in a kind of quick tone, making her let go. "Sorry..." She says calmly.

"It's okay." Elsa smiles lightly as Rapunzel led them over to her father and husband. "What happened? Are the others...?" She started asking in a hasty tone. "I think Mikael and Robert took them out before I made it back to them, but..." She stops when she remembered the condition Mikael was in when she reached him.

"Yeah, I remember Talia saying he was hurt real bad...what hadn't healed back overnight, anyway." Rapunzel said calmly, making her nod lightly. "I thought I lost him a few times last night..." She said with a soft frown.

"Well, luckily you both made it back alive..." Harknir said with a light smile, making her smile a little bit. "And you won't be hearing anymore of the council saying he wouldn't protect you or Arendelle anymore." He smirks a little bit.

"True...I'm just glad he's okay, everyone's still in one piece and that monster's finally gone..." She said in a simple tone, making her uncle raise her eyebrow a bit. "Robert lived up to his title, huh?" He asked calmly before he noticed her shutter.

"He was...as human as he could get when we found the clearing, but...when I looked into his eyes I saw empty, hollow pits of evil, corruption and..." She kind of hesitates as she tries to accurately explain what kind of unholy abomination was plaguing her kingdom until last night.

"Forget I asked..." Harknir said calmly, making her nod in agreement. "Yeah, what's important is that we don't have to worry about him anymore..." She says calmly before reluctantly looking to the door.

"Did he even say where he was going?" She asks in a quick tone before she noticed Kai shake his head. "He just said he'd try and be back as soon as he could..." He answers, making her sigh lightly.

"Probably going to burn those bodies...ya know, just in case." Talia says simply, making her nod a little. "Yeah, maybe..." She says softly, her eyes locked on the door. Anna shakes her head lightly before nudging her.

"Elsa...I promise you, he's coming back...why wouldn't he?" She says in a kind of quiet tone, making Elsa look down a little. "The same reason he was trying to leave in the first place..." She kind of mutters to herself.

"You're both past that...he doesn't have any reason to leave..." Anna suggests with a light smile. "He was here to kill Robert in the first place...what if he presumes that my getting hurt is...?" Elsa started before Anna covered her mouth.

"All I know is that he doesn't have another reason to leave, not for good anyway...but, he does have a reason to stay..." She said simply, making her smile a little again.

Elsa and Anna accompanied their uncle and cousins to the docks after they finished packing to say their goodbyes while Kristoff goes to check on things in the ice fields and Talia decided she was going to the tavern.

"Are you sure you can't stay a little longer? I think Mikael's the only werewolf left and we know he won't hurt us..." Elsa asked in a kind of disappointed tone before Harknir nods lightly.

"I wish we could, but I need to check on things in Corona. The attacks here...it makes one wonder..." He said calmly, making her nod a little. "Well, you know you're more than welcome to come back anytime." She smiles lightly.

"And we'll try our best to come back quicker this time...and hopefully under better circumstances." He says with a smile. "Yeah, maybe it would have been a better idea to wait until the werewolves were gone before..." She says before her uncle chuckles.

"Don't look at it like that...at least it all worked out in the end..." He said calmly. She nods lightly then blushes when she starts thinking about Mikael, which makes Harknir laugh lightly.

"I rest my case." He said simply before hugging his nieces to him. "You take care of yourselves...and each other." He says calmly as they hugged back. "Be careful." Elsa said lightly before they released each other then turn to Rapunzel and Flynn.

They exchanged hugs between each other then bowed lightly after they let go. "Well...other than being kidnapped by werewolves...it's been fun." Flynn said calmly, making Anna giggle lightly.

"Yeah, I think we could have done without that..." She said, making him chuckle a bit. "Do you think we should wait on Elsa's boyfriend? I'm sure he'd want to say goodbye." He asked in a kind of sarcastic tone,making Elsa blush.

"It maybe dark when he gets back...we'll tell him you said bye, though." Anna said with a light smile, making him nod contently. "Okay." He said before looking towards Elsa, laughing a bit when he saw her blushing.

"I'll be honest, I couldn't really see them working out like they have, especially wondering when he was gonna pull a knife across my throat, but...I'm glad she found somebody she could connect with..." He said in a kind of quiet tone, making Anna and Rapunzel smile a bit.

"Yeah, I think they both needed this...even if it took the werewolves showing up here to bring them together." Rapunzel said lightly as Anna nods in agreement. "And I'm glad he's not like the other..."suitors" the council tried to set her up with." She says simply, making her cousins nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I think I'd rather see her with a cutthroat werewolf with a chip on his shoulder than the pigs they picked out for her..." Flynn stated before he and Rapunzel start heading to the ramp leading to the deck of Harknir's ship.

"Well, till next time." He said as they board the ship before Elsa and Anna curtsy lightly. "Until then." Elsa said calmly before the ships' crew pulls the ramp up. "Alright, lads! Full sails! Hard to port!" The captain shouts before the crew scurried to let the sails down then turn the ship hard to the left.

Elsa and Anna waved as the ship glides through the fjord before turning back and heading back to the castle, Elsa's eyes moving to the forest as they step off the dock. "You're going to worry yourself sick, you know?" Anna said in a kind of sarcastic tone.

"I just don't want him hurting himself any worse than he already is...or at least leaving without saying goodbye." Elsa responds softly before her head drops a little. Anna was about to say something until somebody bumps into them before catching himself and looking at them, making both of them raise their eyebrows when they realize who it was.

"Mercer?" Anna asked in a kind of quick tone before he starts looking around then looks back at them. "If either of ya see a big, burly fella with a pissed off look on his face, ya ain't seen me before in your life." He said quickly before the sisters looked between each other curiously.

"Is...something wrong?" Elsa asked calmly, making Mercer feign an offended look. "No, no, of course not. Just a little...misunderstanding." He said in a simple tone before...

"GET BACK HERE, YOU SORRY, THIEVING, DRUNKEN BASTARD!" A voice shouts through the crowd, making the marauder's eyes widen before he looks back at the crowd.

"Sorry, gotta run." He said quickly before he starts turning to run off then stopping like he just remembered something, turning his attention back to Elsa when he did. "Oh yeah, Mikael told me to tell ya something." He said quickly, making her raise her eyebrow a bit.

"Really?" She asked in an interested, happy tone. "Yeah. It was something to do with uh...dammit." He starts kind of babbling. "THAT KEG'S GONNA COST YOU YOUR HIDE, YOU BLOODY CROOK!" The voice bellows again, making him look up then start stuttering and babbling worse.

"Uh, uh, I think it was something to do with...son of a bitch,what was it?" He babbled as he looks between them and the crowd before snapping his fingers when it finally hits him.

"Ha! He told me to tell you...that he wants ya to meet him by the fjord." He said before rushing off, making Elsa kind of rush after him. "Wait,when?!" She calls out quickly.

"After dark!" Mercer shouts without looking back or slowing down when they noticed a furious man that matched the description Mercer gave them, who they recognized as owning the tavern rush through the crowd with a club in his hand.

"WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU,YOU'LL BE SORRY!" He bellows as he runs after Mercer, who was easily able to outrun him considering he was a werewolf himself. "YA SHOULDN'T BUY CHEAP ASS KEGS!" He shouts back to the bartender before jumping down to the docks in an attempt to lose him. All Elsa and Anna could really do is watch the scene with a curious look on their faces.

"Should we...?" Anna asks calmly, making her sister shrug lightly. "If Mercer's anything like Mikael said he is...I don't think he's going to catch him..." She answers simply before Anna nods lightly.

Elsa walks out to the edge of the fjord when she finally managed to get done with whatever duties she had for the day and looking over documents that the dignitaries had given to Kai before they left, which conveniently took until after dark.

She studies the shore curiously, not noticing anything at first until she saw a burgundy blanket spread out two feet from the edge of the water which had white flower petals lightly decorating it.

A light smile crossed her face as she studies the set up and she slowly walks over to it, looking out at the moonlit water while she waits for Mikael to arrive. Little did she know, he was strolling up the shoreline and had just now finished what he was doing when he noticed her standing by the blanket he laid out earlier and starts creeping around behind her.

After a moment, Elsa feels a pair of arms lacing around her and jumps lightly until they gently pull her into a comfortable embrace that makes her body relax against the familiar figure behind her and a light blush creep across her cheeks.

"Ya sleep good?" He asks lightly before softly kissing her cheek, making a cute smile cross her lips. "Yeah...I think it's the best sleep I've had all week." She says in a gentle tone.

"I'm glad...I would have told ya where I was going and where to meet me, but ya looked like you were sleeping pretty soundly and I kind of wanted to get my little errands done before ya got here so..." He kind of rambled before she giggles and lightly puts her finger to his lips, wiggling around in his arms enough to where she could hug him.

"It's okay...I'm just glad you're still here..." She says sweetly before kissing his lips, moaning softly when he starts kissing her back. "I ain't gonna do that to ya, especially after all the hell I've put ya through." He said simply as their lips part before she lightly kissed his again.

"It wasn't your fault...none of it was." She said softly, giving him a comforting smile while her hand tenderly strokes his chest before she noticed his eyes look down to her neck, making her frown lightly.

"I'm sorry...I lost..." She starts before his finger gently touches her lips while he shakes his head lightly. "You didn't lose it..." He says softly, making her raise her eyebrow lightly as he reaches into one of the pockets decorating his armor then pulling the pendant out, which now had a werewolf claw and fang on either side of it that were both decorated with carvings of snowflakes and what she took to be the wind.

"I...wanted to add a couple of things to it...if that's okay." He said calmly, making her smile again. "You..." She starts quietly as he carefully replaces the necklace around her neck with a light smile on his face.

"You should have stayed with Mercer when he slipped ya out of the clearing...that was a bone head move...but, I'm glad ya came back." He said gently, making her shake her head lightly.

"I wasn't about to leave you there to die...not after everything you've put yourself through just to protect me when you didn't have to..." She says sweetly before they carefully sit down on the blanket and snuggle up to each other.

Elsa lightly rests her head on his shoulder as they pulled each other close before looking into his shimmering silver eyes. "So..." She starts softly, making him cut his eyes to her curiously.

"So..." He says softly before she laces her fingers with his. "Have you made up your mind?" She asks gently, making him raise his eyebrow for a moment before he realized what she was talking about.

"Do ya still want me to stay...?" He asks calmly before she starts stroking his cheek then pulls him to her lips and kissing him as passionately as he kissed her the night of the festival.

He blushed as he strokes her cheek and starts kissing her back, both of them letting out a light moan when their lips lock before they embrace each other tightly like this was going to be the last time they'd see each other.

"I'll take that as a yes..." Mikael said softly when their lips briefly part before locking again. After a few moments, they reluctantly stopped and locked eyes while Elsa blushes and smiles cutely.

"In that case, I think I'm gonna stay in Arendelle...if ya don't mind." He said with a playful smile. "I wouldn't want it any other way..." She says sweetly as they lay back on the blanket, making her snuggle close to him and rest her head on his chest while he wraps his arms around her.

"We need to try and do this every week..." She says softly as they looked out across the fjord, enjoying each other's comfort the whole time. "I think we can do that..." He smiles lightly before he starts gently stroking her hair, finally finding the peace and comfort he didn't believe was possible until he first saw her with his own eyes...

Well, that's all she wrote...

I can't believe I managed to drag it out as long as I did, but here it is...in all it's cheesy glory.

Thanks again for taking the time to read it and all that, hope ya enjoy this corny ass ending and...

Well, hell I don't know where to go from here...awkward.

I guess I'll end it with a much obliged, hope it was at least an interesting read and

possibly see y'all the next time I think up some more cheesy shit...

Take care now, bye bye then...