Welcome readers to my second english fanfiction on this side. I've written a lot of stories so far, but they were mostly in german. If you see any grammar and/or spelling mistakes, please tell me!

Now some informations for you about the story:
Chapters: Not sure yet, for now I think there'll be 15 - 20. Usually I write 2000 words per chapter, but because of my inexperiece in writing english fanfictions, there'll be less words.
Uploads: I plan on updating at least once a week, but it depends on the comments you guys send me. If there are none, then there will be no chapters. Sadly I had too many bad experiences in the past, regarding comments. If you want new chapters, then please leave me a few words. It only takes a few seconds for you, but for me a reaction to what I write is really important.
Pairings: None yet, probably Skyenja later.
POV: Team Crafted; changing
When?: The story sets now/ fall of 2014. The Minecraft - Microsoft incident is the main topic.
Music tips: For each chapter I've chosen a specific song, please listen to it while you read the chapter. It'll help you to be in the 'right' mood. You'll find the link to the song below the name. Just look it up, listen and enjoy the chapter. =)
Rating: PG-13 Some romance, some swearing, but nothing too serious.
Disclaimer: Nope, no member of Team Crafted belongs to me. Otherwise I wouldn't write fanfictions. ;P

That's all from my side, if there are further questions please feel free to ask them. =)
Also check out my twitter - that way you'll know when I'm about to upload a new chapter!

Music tip:
Muse –

Lovers of Freedom


The worst was the silence.
Suddenly the beautiful house he owned seemed way too big and intimidating. Before there had been Alesa and her laughter had often filled the house, while Adam had woken up with a smile on his face. When he would sneak down the stairs to the kitchen, Milton and Bailey would happily join him prior to a soft kiss on his lips by his wonderful girlfriend.

Ex girlfriend.
God, the very thought of it was crushing him.

The shades kept the bright sun outside and gave Adam the imagination of his own little world, while he stayed in his bedroom filled with darkness. Curled up beneath the sheets he tried to hide from everything and everyone, already knowing that countless tweets were waiting for him. Tweets, comments, haters… Same stuff. But this time it would be worse. A lot of people loved Alesa and he knew that the fans behaved different this time. Not all would respect their decision, not all would see it as a decision on both sides.
After the first horrible comments he went to bed yesterday evening.

But he had to get out of the bed eventually.
It took him ten minutes of just standing in front of the closed door, before he took a deep breath and finally exited the large room. As soon as he walked down the corridor to the bathroom, the silence and the reality overwhelmed him. Alesa left. She took their two dogs. It wasn't the first time for her to go, they had many nearly break-ups before, but this time…

They both knew that there was no going back.
Not this time.

His hands began to shake again, but it was worse than the day before. He could barely contain himself – not that it was necessary with nobody else in the house – and when he reached the bathroom, he grabbed the first object he could get and threw it across the room. The glass in his hand shattered on the wall and his own loud, angry scream could be heard.

The next minutes went by in a blur. He panted heavily, as he splashed cold water on his face. It was pale, dark circles were under his eyes and the common brightness was gone. The shaking didn't stop and tears welled up in his eyes again. Before he could watch himself cry in the mirror, he left the room and fled downstairs to the kitchen.

The sun threw soft patterns onto the floor and all in all it would've been a nice morning, if stuff just… just wouldn't suck at the moment. Adam always tried to tell himself that one day everything would be all right, but as time went on he gave up his precious hope more and more and more…

Because someone up there had to be messing with him, right?
His past.
Team Crafted.
Just to name a few things.

The ringing of his phone disturbed his pessimistic thoughts and slowly he went to the living room. His hand was already reaching out to grab the phone, but he stopped shortly before answering the call. There could be no good news, right? It was probably his family or the guys, who wanted to check on him. He wrote every one of them a short message on Skype at the same time as the fateful tweet was published.
They knew he wasn't in the mood for an encouraging speech so he turned around and picked up his mobile phone. Time to face reality. He had to be there for the fans, they needed the videos and even though the thought stressed him out, he felt slightly comforted by it as well.

The answering machine picked up the call.
"Hello Mr. Dahlberg, this is Tom Murphy."

Murphy? While he checked his various messages, Adam strained his ears. He didn't know why, but the name sounded familiar. He was distracted by a confusing message of Ty and a link. What could be so important? Ty knew that Adam needed a few-
Holy shit!

"I am Microsoft's director of corporate communications, corporate citizenship & community affairs. You probably know already the reason for my call."
Adam held his breath and widened his eyes. No-fucking-way. The possibility had been there, yes, but that they would actually sell it- "We are so screwed," Adam whispered and lowered his mouth covering hand. Then he remembered the call and his head snapped back to the answering machine.
"This is about your future, Mr. Dahlberg. I recommend you to pick up the phone."

Please tell me any mistake you find, I'm still learning English and really wanna improve. =)
Please leave a review and check out my twitter. That way you'll know when I'm about to upload a new chapter!

And remeber: The more comments, the sooner I'll update. ;)