A/N: So here's the final chapter! I'm always sad when a fic comes to an end and this one is no exception.

Thank you to every reviewer, reader, follower and favouriter. You guys are amazing and awesome and I love you and I love this fandom.

I do not own Pitch Perfect or any of its characters

Two Years Later

"Can you say Moma?" Beca asked the two-year-old boy sitting on the floor across from her.

"No," he said, rolling a ball across to her.

"Can you say Mommy?" She asked, rolling it back.

"No," he said before giggling and rolling it back.

"Can you say... Charlie?"

"Uhhhh... No," he said, giggling even harder.

"Yes you can!" Beca said, laughing.

"No," he said. He was laughing so hard he could barely get the word out.

"What's so funny?" Chloe said walking into the room.

"Charlie learned a new word, didn't you Charlie?" Beca said, grinning.

"No!" He replied before rolling on his back, giggling like he'd just told the funniest joke in the world. Chloe laughed and sat on the sofa behind Beca, kissing her on the head and wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Charlie eventually stopped giggling and crawled over so he could sit in Beca's lap. She ruffled the dark ginger hair on his head.

"Dinner's ready," Chloe said before kissing Beca on the head again.

"Come on, buddy," Beca said lifting him up in the air as he screeched and giggled. She sat him down in his high-chair and every so often helped him with his fork. He liked feeding himself but struggled to get the food to stay on the fork.

"You gonna eat up all the vegetables that Mommy made you?" Beca asked him as he stabbed his green-beans eagerly.

"No," he said before shoving them in his mouth. "Moma help."

"You can do it," Beca said guiding his hands so he could scoop up his peas. "See? Good job." Chloe watched them with the biggest grin on her face.

After Chloe had given birth, Beca had made the decision to take a break from doing her music therapy class so she could look after Charlie and help Chloe recover from the accident. She liked being home with them so much that she changed her schedule so she did one music therapy class a week on a Wednesday afternoon, which was the day Chloe had off. Chloe had been secretly worried that because they weren't biologically related, Charlie and Beca would struggle to bond, but now she saw her fears had been ridiculous. They quite simply adored each other and they adored her and she them.

"Mommy's got that silly look on her face again," Beca said, finally finishing her own dinner now Charlie had finished his. Charlie giggled.

"You want some ice cream?" Chloe said, smiling as she broke out of her thoughts. He nodded enthusiastically.

"Chocolate," he said.

"Chocolate what?" Beca asked.

"Chocolate peas?" He asked, tilting his head. Beca and Chloe couldn't help but laugh.

"It's 'please' but that's close enough, buddy," Beca said ruffling his hair.

Beca was woken up that night by the sound of Charlie talking softly from his room. It was mostly just gibberish. Charlie had spoken in his sleep a couple of times so Beca settled back into Chloe's arms and was almost asleep when she heard him speak again. This time he said a name before giggling to himself.


Beca was out of bed and into his room faster than she'd moved in years. Charlie was sitting up in his crib and laughing at something Beca couldn't see. She swallowed her fear and crouched by him. She felt Chloe stand behind her.

"Hey buddy, who are you talking to?" Beca said, trying to sound calm.

"Jesse," he said again. She heard Chloe gasp behind her.

"Who's Jesse?" Beca asked, tears stinging her eyes.

"Your friend," he said. He pointed through the gaps in his crib to a space directly in front of him.

"And he's here right now?" Chloe asked, sensing Beca couldn't talk. Charlie nodded and then giggled again.

"He's silly," he said.

"Is he always here?" Chloe asked. He shook his head.

"No," he said.

"And do you see anyone else?" Chloe asked, her grip on Beca's shoulder tightening.

"Grandma," he said, pointing to the corner of the room. Beca choked out a small sob. He furrowed his brow. "Moma," he said, reaching out for Beca. Chloe picked him up from the crib and crouched down with him so she was sitting by Beca. He climbed onto Beca's lap and kissed her cheeks. "Moma sad?"

"No buddy," Beca said, hugging him. "I'm not sad." Chloe put her arm around Beca and held her family close to her.

"S'okay Moma," Charlie said. "Gone now."

"Do they say what they want Charlie?" Chloe asked. She knew most kids had imaginary friends, but the fact that Charlie's seemed to be dead people linked with Beca was freaking her out. There was no way he could have known about Jesse or Beca's mom.

"Look out for us," he said, still confused at why his mom was upset. "Mommy I'm sleepy."

"Okay, sweetie," Chloe said. She took him from Beca's arms who seemed to have shut down. "You go to sleep now, we'll see you in the morning. Love you."

"Love you," he said, yawning as Chloe put him back in his crib.

"Beca," Chloe said softly, pulling her to her feet. "Come on, baby." She led the tiny brunette back to their bed and wrapped her up in her arms, waiting for her to be ready to talk.

"I saw them," she said, eventually. "On the day of the accident, when I woke up in the car. I saw my mom and Jesse. I thought it was just the concussion, but maybe... Maybe they're here... Keeping an I on us."

A few months later, Beca was playing with Charlie in his room.

"Have you seen Jesse or Grandma lately, buddy?" She asked, helping him build his Lego's into a tower. He shook his head.

"Gone now," he said.

"Gone?" Beca asked.

"Said we don't need them. Gone now," he said, sticking his tongue out as he pushed the bricks together.

"Where did they go?" Beca asked. He pointed to the sky. Beca looked up and wondered if they were still watching her. Or even if they had ever been watching her. She didn't know what to believe, but the idea that they had been watching over them was comforting to her. The idea that maybe since she lost her at fourteen, her mother had been there, just keeping watch, though all the stuff that had happened to her. Flunking out of med-school. Becoming a paramedic. The car accident that killed Maisy and caused her months of panic attacks. The building collapse that nearly killed her and Chloe. The loss of Jesse. Marrying Chloe. The accident and then the birth of their son. The idea that she was there for all of that, sometimes with Jesse, was amazing to her.

"Moma, your turn," Charlie said.

"Sorry," she said, smiling at him, before adding her own block to his tower.

She took the fact that they had moved on as a good sign. As sign that she would be okay. That Chloe and Charlie would be okay. That there was nothing left to be afraid of.