Sup guys! My name is Drummy Stick! This will by my first fanfiction published, after reading some fanfics. There may be grammar mistakes, if anyone is sensitive to that, you may leave. I do not own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. However if I do, I would make NaruSasu happen and SakuInoHina happen too, just kidding! Anyway, enjoy

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki!" - Human talks

'Time for ramen!" - Human thoughts

"I'm going to kill you!" - Bijuu/Demon/Beast talks

"Do they know that I have a name?" - Bijuu/Demon/Beast talks

*Bathroom* - Locations


Naruto was neglected by his parents, but they only care for her sister, Naruko. But a mysteriously masked man appeared. What will Naruto do in this situation?


"Why..." Naruto, 10 years old by the way, said in sorrow, "Why did they abandon me? Not choose me? I am their son after all..."

A orange spiralled masked man in a black robe with red cloud decorated appeared behind him by using Kamui, "Because they hate you."

Naruto looked behind, "W-what" he said in a curious tone.

"Hatred... They're so painful but once you feel it, pleasure and anger flows you, you can join with me and take revenge."

The masked man requested him, but Naruto doesn't know what to say.

"Whats your answer? To live at this flithy village where the villager glares and hit you, and a family that abandons you for the likes of your sister, or take revenge." The man tried to convince him into the dark side.

'My family... they hate me... The village I belonged to... they even hated me.' Naruto thought. Then a smirk shows on his face, "I accepted..." Quickly, the man grab him and use Kamui to the Akatsuki base.

*Somewhere else, Akatsuki lair*

"A boy? You got to be kidding me." A lady with a blue hair said in annoyed.

"He has potential, his chakra reserves and also a Kyuubi sealed in him." A masked man replied.

"Very well, I trust you in finding new members for that traitor." A male with a orange spiky hair and a doujutsu, Rinnegan said, just before that masked man nodded and use Kamui.

Then a man with black hair and a doujutsu, Sharingan appeared along with a person that looks like a humanoid shark.

"Heh, I heard a new member is recruited!" Kisame said just before he dropped his jaw as the 'new member' is a kid. "Wait, what the? Our kid is a brat?" Kisame pointed out.

Naruto looks like he wants to attack him for saying him brat, but the man with orange hair cut him off, "He is a kid, however he has potential, in fact he has a Kyuubi sealed inside his body."

Naruto got curious, he didn't know that a beast was living inside him, he knew what Kyuubi means, but after he thought, it might be possible after all the suffering he gains from directly his family or indirectly.

"I know that your curious about the Kyuubi living inside you, but that will be explained later. For now, you have accepted to join the Akatsuki. Time to introduce ourselves. My name is Pein, but you will call me Leader-sama when theres a meeting in case theres a anyone spying us." Pein introduced his name.

"My name is Konan" Konan introduced.

"My name is Kisame Hoshigaki! Former swordsman of the Seven Swordsmen from Kirigakure!" Kisame proudly said.

"And my name is Itachi Uchiha." He said in emotionless, yet scary.

"Now, there may be some members you haven't met, but you will still meet them in either at missions or when they came, Itachi will train you in chakra controls, ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu, while Kisame will train you kenjutsu. Your not ready to do missions, but soon after you turned 12, you will do it." Pein ordered.

Naruto nodded, 'Oh sweet revenge, time to know Konohagakure what their mistake is.' Naruto smirked before getting to training ground.

*Hokage Tower*

Minato, the current hokage starts to do his paperwork, he sighed as he starts the tortune. Just before he was in the middle of paperworks, a shinobi with brown hair and black eyes of about 28 years old entered.

"Sir, your son, Naruto Namikaze escaped from Konohagakure." He reported.

Minato got shocked quickly, 'What? How is that possible? Thats not true! It can't be!' Before he do anything, he try to make sure that it was false so he told the middle aged shinobi.

"Sir, its true, we haven't sense any chakra persence. It seems someone with a high level ninjutsus must've taken him." The shinobi stated.

Sweats beaded through Minato, as he dismissed the shinobi, he look outside the window. 'Kushina will kill me... We lost our son.' Minato's face turned worried.

*Akatsuki Lair, Training Ground*

The lair was a cave, quite dark, but it has torches emitting light. Once Naruto entered the ground, it has training dummy, target practice for shuriken and kunai throwing. Its like a basic training ground. Naruto was surprised, just before Itachi start his training, he gave tutoring to him about chakras.

"I presume you know about chakra?" Itachi questioned, "Catra? Nope! Never heard of it!" Naruto answered.

Itachi sighed, 'This is going to bring him to at least a higher chuuin level at this rate, two years..'

"Chakra is a form of energy, that flows through our body. Your chakra can be used to perform jutsu. By the way, its not pronounced, 'catra', its Cha-kra." Itachi said.

"Chakra... Ok, Itachi-sensei!" Naruto happily said.

'Still, a student thats energetic.' Itachi thought.

That's it, folks! Next chapter may be up for a week.