Yukio reverted to a five year old for a brief second as he stomped his foot. He was becoming really tired of this village's bullshit. He scans the area hoping to find a way into the next house. When he found it, Yukio frantically made his way inside and to the bridge. His anger rose when he could not open the door to the other house. Pulling a Rin, Yukio destructively shot many bullets at the door. However none of them made a dent. Yukio jumped when a whistle broke his concentration. Tsuzuki had snuck past the exorcist and stared intensely at the unmarked door.

"You won't get in that way."

"Then how should I get in?"

"A key."

"I am not searching the village for a key," Yukio sternly informed.

"No other choice." Tsuzuki grinned up at his protector. Yukio tensed when he felt the presence of a ghost. Looking over the railing to the bridge he saw a little boy. Yuki held his breath; Kaito was staring up at him. "You could ask him," Tsuzuki said peeking through Yukio's legs.

"That is a bad idea."

"Why?... You afraid?"

"Would you like me to leave you?" asked the younger Okumura. Tsuzuki gulped and violently shook his head. They watch as Kaito scurries away.

"Where's he going?"

"If he hides then they can't do the ritual."

"Oooh like hide and seek!.. Exorcist you are falling into that boy's mind," Tsuzuki said tugging on Yukio's coat.

"Do you have any idea where that key would be?"

"Not a clue."

"The door was locked from the other side meaning there is a way to enter the house from some other door," Yukio said aloud.

"This place has too many doors," Tsuzuki sighed. Ignoring his companion, Yukio makes his way to a small fork in the road where a lantern glowed brightly; the place he made a deal with Tsuzuki. Yukio took a few moments to gather his thoughts. He would lose time searching for a key. He was worried about Rin. His thoughts were interrupted when Tsuzuki forced his way under Yukio's coat and clung to his leg. A gun was shoved into a sickly woman's face as Yukio went on the defense.

"Mother," Yukio whispered as his mind synchronized with Kaito's. He shook his head trying to regain himself.

"You two need to run from here," she pleaded forcing something into Yukio's hands, "I don't care if Sorta wants to become one. You two must survive."

"He was taken," Yukio went along hoping if he listened to this woman he would find Rin. She pointed to her left showing Yukio the house; for a second he had no idea what she meant but then he realized that was the house connected by the bridge.

"He's in the cell. You must hurry my son," her last words before vanishing. Yukio glanced down to the key resting in his palm. Yukio gulped. He knew Kaito had ignored his mother and hid so he wouldn't be persuaded by Sorta to perform the ritual. Yukio hurried over to the door and tried pulling the door open; yet again locked. He groaned and readied his trigger finger when Tsuzuki yelped. To Yukio's dismay a horde of villagers had surrounded them. He was beginning to wonder if his so called mother lied to him.

"Open the door!" Tsuzuki yelled.

"It's locked."

"Then shoot it!" Tsuzuki was pulled backward as those orders fell from his mouth. Yukio had stepped between the troll and the ghosts. "What are you doing?"

"Saving your life," Yukio answered before pulling the trigger.

Rin lay on his back staring up at the ceiling; he was tired and was willing to let sleep take over his body. However gunshots disturbed his slumber as they echoed through the air. For a few moments Rin was confused as to why he could even hear a gun being fired or why anyone would be using a gun. His eyes snap open when he remembered his brother. Rin's voice was muffled so he could only mouth the word Yukio. He rolled on his stomach and saw a small room full with books. It was a decent room and made him feel comfortable but the room had bars for a window making the good atmosphere disappear. Rin could not get to his feet so he began crawling towards the door but was stopped by feet stepping in front of him. Sorta. Rin glanced up at the boy who was grinning down at him. Sorta's neck began glowing red showing the design of a butterfly. Rin could feel his neck heat up a bit and he instantly knew he had the same butterfly clinging to him. Sorta jumped when more gunshots reached their room, terror crept to his face. Rin grabbed Sorta's leg causing the boy to place his attention on the demon. Rin could only mouth words now but Sorta knew exactly what Rin wanted to say; we will leave this village.