/L's P.O.V/

I take my usual seat in the back, kick off my shoes and bring my knees up to my chest.

Ah, this feels better. I'm in my comfortable position, away from the others who would stare and laugh at me as if I didn't notice.
I had always been the odd one out. Of course, I didn't really blame anyone. My rats nest of hair, my baggy white sweater and oversized blue jeans that I wore everyday usually deterred people from talking to me and befriending me. This made me more comfortable though.

Friendships were too much of a hassle to maintain. I preferred being on my own. Intelligent conversation with others my age is just too hard to find, anyway.

I look around the classroom and watch all the other students pile in, most taking seats next to their friends. Some point me out and snicker amongst each other. Probably just making fun of my appearance once again. I don't care too much. At least I try not to.

I turn my head away from everyone, keeping up my blank face as usual. I look to the front of the room, and watch as my teacher prepares to start his lecture. The room settles to a hush after he clears his throat numerous times.

I zone out as soon as he explains what we'll be doing today. I've already learned this. I have a tendency to read way ahead in textbooks and teach myself online.

I look around the class again, observing everyone. I see a group of 'jocks' unfolding paperclips and poking them at each other whilst snickering. Idiots. I'm surprised that the professor isn't saying anything to them. Then again, he is a laid back one. Mr. Ryuk was always like that. As long as we did our work and kept our grades up, he would let idiots get away with messing around. I didn't get it. But oh well, isn't my class.

My stomach suddenly growls. I had forgotten to eat this morning. I start to fantasize about all the sweets back in my dorm. Chocolate, lollipops, cupcakes…

There's a sudden knock on the classroom door. Everyone, including the professor turn to see a handsome, brown-haired young man standing in the doorway.

"Hello. May I help you?" asks Mr. Ryuk, advancing towards the door.

"I'm a new student in this school. I transferred from a school in Japan. My name is Light Yagami." says the young man as Mr. Ryuk motions for him to come into the classroom.

His English is fluent, I must say I am impressed. His eyes shine as he smiles at everyone in the class. I hear a few girls near the front gasp and start whispering to each other.

"He's so cute!" I hear one girl whisper not-so-quietly to her friends beside her.

I notice Light blush, and I assume he also heard her.

"Welcome to England, Light. Please, sit wherever you please." Mr Ryuk motions to all the seats available.

I clench my toes onto the edge of my chair and bring my thumb up to my lip and bite at it.

He starts looking around the room, and his eyes lock with mine. He stares for a minute, then proceeds towards an empty chair next to me. My breath hitches as I watch him advance towards me in his ever so graceful stride. As he sets his books on the desk next to me, he gives me a warm smile.
"Hey, you looked a little lonely by yourself over here. Do you mind if I sit next to you?" His voice is as smooth as honey. His eyes are a light brown. His skin is smooth and blemish-free.

Every one of his hairs are in place, perfectly sculpted.
I then realize that he is still waiting for a reply.

I nod my head.