Seiko~ "Go get some!" I yell, pushing Naomi into Mochida, giggling as she collided with him, sending them both crashing to the ground. "Ah! I'm s-sorry Satoshi!" Naomi said, trying to get herself off Mochida's chest.
"It's fine," he replied, sitting up so Naomi was sitting on his lap.
Both of them were red in the face, I noted while trying my best not to laugh. Naomi stood up hastily before glaring at me.
I end up laughing hard as Mochida turns so he is looking right up Naomi's skirt. "Mochida~ you perv!" I tease the red faced brunette as he quickly stands, while Naomi stares at him in shock.
"D-did you..." She stammers. "Naomi-San, Mochida-kun, can't you two flirt someplace else?" I giggle.
Naomi sighs and starts to walk away to class, Mochida doing the same. Their bright pink faces are the funniest thing I've seen all day.

"Mochida-kun!" I whisper loudly to the brunette sitting in front of me.
The teacher has not yet noticed.
"What?" He asks, turning around to face me, seeming rather distracted.
"When are you going to ask Naomi-San out?" I smirk.
"I'm.. Uh... That's not...-"
"Whatever. Why won't you?" I cut him off.
He sighs, runs a hand through his hair and looks nervously in Naomi's direction, who is staring out of the window instead of focusing on the teacher.
"She'll reject me." He says flatly.
How can someone be so oblivious? "That's not-" I am cut off by the frustrated yell of our tutor.
"Mochida! Shinohara! Stop talking and get on with what I set you, or it'll be a detention."
Mochida shakes his head at me and turns around while I try and make sense of the instructions on the board we are supposed to follow.
"Naomi-San! Mochida-kun... I will set you two up!" I say determinedly to myself.

Naomi~ As soon as the bell rings, dismissing us, I slowly pack my things while everyone else rushes out the class. Strangely, Seiko is one of the first to leave; usually, she'll wait for me.
I think about the earlier events and blush a dark shade of pink. Seiko can be so annoying~ I look around, expecting to be alone but I see Satoshi still packing his things. We are the only two here.
I am about to leave, when- "Naomi?"
It's Satoshi.
Oh God, what could he want? I still haven't gotten over earlier on!
"Naomi, don't ignore me..." He says, sounding slightly put out.
I turn to him, realising he was right behind me.
"Sorry, I was thinking. What's up?" I ask.
His hazel eyes are shining, he keeps twisting his fingers together as though wanting to say something and he's biting his lip in an incredibly hot way-
Wait, I didn't just think that...
Did I?
"Can I accompany you home?" He asks.
Shyly I look up at him and nod.
I love the feeling I get when I'm around him, how he always makes me feel so special.
He smiles and we exit school together.

Satoshi~ We arrive at Naomi's house.
"Thank for walking with me, Satoshi," Naomi says, "are you sure you don't wanna come in?"
I do. Badly.
Oh, Naomi, if only you knew what I wanted to do right now~ I shouldn't be having these thoughts. I'm no perv.
But I imagine anyway.
"Satoshi?" She asks uncertainly.
"Oh! Uh, sorry Naomi, but I got to see Yuka... Another time?"
She smiles. "Sure, see you!"
Then she steps inside and closes the door.
I sigh and lean back against the wall. How will I ever ask Naomi out? Maybe... I should listen to what Shinohara has to say.
I don't want to but I'll do anything for Naomi.
I start to walk to my house, pulling out my phone as I go. I text Shinohara.
{Okay. Will you help me ask out Naomi?- Satoshi}
I keep it brief. There's no telling what Shinohara will do.
The response comes mere seconds later.
{Of course~ meet me outside my house in five- Seiko}
"Sorry Yuka..." I sigh and turn in the opposite direction. This better be worth it...

Seiko~ I grin at Mochida as he approaches my house. "What took ya so long?" I ask, pretending to be annoyed.
"It only took six minutes!" He protests.
"I told you FIVE!" He sighs.
"This is going to be a lot of fun," I think, smirking.

Looking rather uncomfortable, Mochida sits on the edge of my bed while I stand over him. "Cheer up, Mochida," I say.
"B-but isn't this awkward, having me in your room?" He asks.
"Don't be such a baby!" I tease.
"Get on with it."
"Patience... This could take a while."
He stares at me.
"A while!? I thought I'd be done by tonight. All I want is some advice..."
"Oh Mochida~ there's a lot you need to know before you can make a move on Naomi-San!" I shake my head at him.
"Now, would you say you two are good friends?" I ask, sitting next to him.
"Uh... I guess we are.." "No- you gotta be certain!" I tut.
"Okay. We're good friends."
I smile- Mochida, you're so obedient! But of course, you'll do anything for your Naomi!
"Good! But when you talk, is it awkward? Or..."
He thinks for a bit.
"A little awkward."
I put my hands together excitedly. "You have to talk to her! Get to know her a little more!" He looks rather put out. "I DO know her! I've known her for ages..."
"Yes. But DKK you know what movies she likes? Books? Even where she likes to go when she's upset?"
He pauses then, my words making him think.
"I... Guess not."
"Good! We're getting somewhere." I say.
"We are?"
I nod, standing up again.
"You've got to learn more about her out of school, not what you see of her in school."
A flicker of a smile plays on his lips. "Okay... I'll do that."
"Good~ now get the hell away from me!" I say, smiling.
He sighs and is about to leave the room, when-
"Oh and Mochida? You better come back tomorrow! We're not done yet!"

Satoshi~ Nervously, I head into school, trying my best to remember what Shinohara said yesterday.
Of course I want to know more about Naomi, have her confide in me, trust me. But I suppose I've been to shy to try.
I see her now, standing outside the gates with Shinohara, smiling at something she'd just been told.
God, she's cute when she's smiling...
Seiko sees me and I hear her say, "oh, I'll, uh, be right back Naomi-San!"
She winks at me as she turns the corner.
"Hey, Naomi." I say, walking to her.
"Hi, Satoshi," she says, her eyes shining.
We start walking into school together, chatting about nothing in particular. "How was your evening?" I ask.
"Kinda crappy..." She sighs.
My chance.
"What happened?"
She looks at the ground. "I had an argument with my mother... She hates the idea of me training to get into medical school. She thinks I should do something that takes up less time."
"You're training for medical school?" I ask, surprised.
She nods.
"That's a great idea... You'd be great!" I say truthfully.
"You think so?" She asks, stopping so she can look up at me.
I smile encouragingly. "Yeah... Also, you'd look great in the uniform." She blushes and I realise what I just said.
"Ah... I mean..."
"It's okay," she stops me, smiling slightly, "thanks for you support." I feel my face grow hot. "It's fine."

We enter class and sit in our different places.
Thinking about it, Naomi WOULD look good in a nurse uniform...
"I overheard you two talking," says a mocking voice behind me.
I jump and turn around to find Shinohara smirking down at me.
"And my God, can you flirt!"

Naomi~ Satoshi's words have made me feel a lot happier. Did he really think of me that way...?
I cannot concentrate today. Every one of my thoughts are directed at... Him.
And not all of them are very innocent.
Towards the end of the lesson, I haven't taken in a single thing.
But that's okay, I guess. I don't really need to know this stuff anyway.
As I'm making my way out of class, Satoshi catches up with me.
"That was boring, eh?" He says, pretending to yawn and stretch, showing off his muscles.
"Heh, yeah," I agree, trying my best to direct my attention anywhere but his abs.
Usually, we'd go over to where the rest of our friends are but instead, we sit outside by ourselves. We slump against the wall, hidden from view by the vegetation growing out here.
Satoshi starts playing with my hair, using his fingers to brush it back. I smile, remembering when we used to do this when we were younger. He sits behind me, absent mindedly stroking my hair while we talk. Friends from childhood.

Seiko~ My plan is working!
I think back to earlier on, Mochida and Naomi sitting together, talking, being oblivious to the others feelings!
It's so annoying!
But soon they can finally be together...
A knock on my bedroom door tells me Mochida is here. I let him in.
"You did great~!" I say I immediately as he sits on the bed, relief visible in his expression.
"You think?"
"Of course!"
He smiles, a glint in his eyes.
"In fact... You could ask her out tomorrow."
"T-tomorrow!? You said it'll take a while!"
"Yes, but you're already good friends so~"
He looks surprised, nervous.
"It's the weekend. Take her out. Ask her then."
"What? But what do I say? How do I ask her? Do I need to bring anything- stop laughing at me..."
I giggle at his stress, how much he really cares for Naomi. He should manage just fine by himself.
"That's all! Now go prepare yourself, Mochi!" I shoo him out the room.

Satoshi~ Tomorrow?
Guess I gotta get ready...?
First of all, I text Naomi.
{Hey Naomi, do you wanna come to the movies with me tomorrow? -Satoshi}
{I'd love to -Naomi}
{Meet me at my place at five -Satoshi}

I close my phone. Now that's sorted. No backing out.
What movie should it be?
I check the website and pick one I know she'll enjoy. Then I get into bed, full of thoughts of tomorrow- it would either go well.
Or fail miserably.
Destroying our friendship altogether. Suddenly, I start to regret making this choice.

Naomi~ I knock on Satoshi's door shyly. We've never been out together.
The door opens to reveal Satoshi looking amazing in a simple black top and jeans. His chocolate hair, his perfect cheek bones, the intent way he is gazing down at me...
"You look great," he says.
I smile at him, "thanks, you too.."
"You ready?" He asks.
I nod and we both start walking, as it is not too far away. When we arrive at the cinema, hand in our tickets and are guided to the screen. I am amazed when Satoshi tells me he's picked the one film I've been wanting to see for ages.
"How did you know...?"
He smiles secretively. We sit together in the top corner, away from everyone else. It feels special that way.
As the ads finish and the movie finally begins, the room darkens considerably so I cannot even see Satoshi next to me.
I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his on my head.

Sometime later, I feel steady breaths on my cheek and turn to see Satoshi with his eyes closed. I giggle, realising he's asleep.
How cute he is when he's sleeping~!
Without thinking, I gently kiss his lips and pull away, smiling shyly.

Satoshi~ We are walking out of the movies.
"How was it?" I ask her.
She smiles at me. "It was great~! Only you wouldn't know because you were sleeping!"
I grin at her, "I remember one thing though."
She stops and looks at me. By now, we are outside, and no one is about.
"What do you remember?" She asks uncertainly.
I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her then, her soft lips pressed against my own. Her expression changes from startled to shy as she kisses back, her arms wrapping around my neck.
After a while, she pulls away, her cheeks tinted pink. I smile at her and mentally thank Shinohara. "So wanna come to my house?" I ask, winking.
She giggles and playfully punches my arm.
"I'll think about it," she teases, pretending to think.
Then she grabs my hand and together we walk to my house.

Seiko~ I watch the two as they walk off together. They're so cute together, it's amazing they didn't date sooner.
"You owe me, Mochida." I think, smirking.
Then I turn around and start walking the other way. I too have got things to do.
I head to Kishinuma's house, smiling.

A/N- I'm too lazy to check this over. I gave up yesterday and rewatched tortured souls instead.

And where teh fak did the bold writing go?
Oh well.
Hope you liked And my endings are brief But I just wanna post so~~ Lav xx