Nine: Write a chapter in which drama ensues at a school event... such as a sporting match, a play, an election et cetera.

School Stinks
~Sports Day~

Toshiro woke up the next day to see Rangiku beaming at him. "I'm guessing you're looking forward to today?"

"To see my cute taicho during his sports day? Of course I'm excited. I missed out on a lot. In fact I forgot a lot, so..." Rangiku paused, her face suddenly darkening.


"Sorry. I just..." The woman looked at the wall.

"Don't. I guess this is something you and I will have to work out later."

"Oh!" Rangiku slammed her fist into the palm of her hand. "By the way... Kyoraku and Ukitake both called saying the only holding back you're allowed to do is to make sure you don't hurt people or damage the area. You're allowed to go all out."

"Reall?" Toshiro felt his voice crack. "Today's not going to be fun."

"Orihime's skipping class to come and watch you too. She prepared a bento as well and is going to find a spot with that man. "

"Stomach ache... she's means taicho... double stomach ache..." The boy stood up. "So... families eat lunch together?"

"Yes. They do."

"I'm not fond of Inoue's cooking. Eating together as a family though... that actually sounds nice."

"Don't worry. Yuzu's prepared an even bigger bento I heard. We can also try to get him to eat all her food. Sound good?" Toshiro felt a laugh suddenly come out, only for himself to tense up. "I heard your crush on Karin came out yesterday."

"Yeah... I wasn't able to look her in the face the rest of the day. Particularly after I needed her help defending me from the teacher. It would have been better to just get detention for those notes."

"Your ego is getting the better of you."

Toshiro arrived at the school and headed to the locker room to change. He flinched though upon seeing Isshin dancing around with a large sign and various instruments for making noise. The man waved him over. "Toshiro!"

"What do you want old man?"


"You've aged since I last saw you and are 'old enough' to have an adult child. Seriously... you're an old man."

"Fine. Good luck today!" Isshin held out his thumb.

"By the way. If you try to hug me, or do anything embarrassing to me I will let you have it? Got it?"

"Come on Toshiro-kun. Mr. Kurosaki wouldn't do that." Orihime piped up with a smile on her face.

"Yeah... right." Isshin gave him a thumbs up. Toshiro slipped in and changed in the locker room, glad nobody was there. He'd finished with the lower area and was changing the shirt when someone came in.

"Those are some pretty bad scars. I guess there is another reason you don't want to be on the team." Toshiro paled and pulled the shirt back down to see the Japanese Culture club president standing in front of him. "Don't worry. I come early to train so I can goof off in the club room. It's sports day... so, I'll keep an eye out for you."

Toshiro let out a sigh of relief as the older boy left. "No questions. No, he likely has questions but he's too polite to ask." He headed out and joined his class, his body tensing up. Someone asked if he really could participate in as many activities and Karin's friends piped up he could. The teacher walked up to him.

"Hitsugaya-kun. I let them sign you up for quite a few things, so I do apologize."

"Don't worry about it." Toshiro turned to look over at the place Isshin had gotten. Rangiku had joined them with Kyoraku and Ukitake. Ise Nanao had also joined them as had Rukia and Ichigo. He palled upon recognizing Ganju and Kukaku there along with Ikkaku and Yumichika. "How many people are going to be here?"

Karin leaned over. "Who are those other people. I recognize Rukia-nee and uncle."

"You could say that the guy with white hair is another uncle of yours as he grew up with your great-uncle and is like a brother to him. Not to mention he's just the kind of person to be kind to people as is the other person who planned on me coming to school. Ise Nanao is your cousin, the daughter of Kyoraku. I don't know if she's adopted or blood related. She's also Matsumoto's best friend. As for those two... they're your father's younger siblings."

"Really?" Yuzu suddenly turned her head. "What are their names?"

"Ganju and Kukaku..."

"Hi Aunti Ganju! Hello Uncle Kukaku!"

Toshiro felt his face suddenly pale. Ganju and Isshin both stood up. Kukaku looked like she would blow a gasket as well. Ganju waved his fist. "I'm a guy Yuzu-chan! Not a girl!"

"Yuzu-chan! You forgot to say hello to daddy?"

Yuzu blinked a couple of times. "Why would Uncle Kukaku say he's actually a guy? I got that."

Toshiro face palmed his forehead. "Your Aunt Ganju brought up the fact he was a guy because you refered to him as being a girl."


"Sorry! When Toshiro-kun told me your names he didn't tell me which one was which!" Toshiro watched as the two males from the Shiba clan's faces fell while Kukaku burst out laughing. Yuzu turned to Toshiro. "It's nice to finally meet all of daddy's siblings."

"All... wait." Toshiro's comment was interrupted by a whistle and he found himself busy with the activities. Karin wanted to ask who the other two were. Asking was out of the question as she happened to be competing when Toshiro wasn't most of the time and by the time she got a chance again a few others had showed up. Byakuya and Renji had showed up along with Ukitake's two third seats. Uryu Isshida had show up with his father as had Chad and Tatsuki.

Finally things were over and the three walked over to sit with the 'family'. Toshiro could see Urahara off in another area. This wasn't surprising though as they would be Jinta's family. Jinta stormed over. "No fair! You get to eat Princess Yuzu's food."

"Oi..." Toshiro turned to glare at the boy. "I'm not in the mood."

"You beat our class as well! That's so not fair having you on their team."


"I will..."

"What's this about Princess Yuzu and eating her food?" Ganju glared at him.

"He has a crush on her."

"Get lost punk. Leave my niece alone. Won't let you near her."

"Ganju..." Kyoraku stated.

"But you would be fine with him dating her?"

"Him? He's soul family. Got it."

"Actually... Toshiro-kun's not dating me. He's dating Karin."

"We're not dating!" Toshiro felt himself tugged down by the darker haired twin.

"People are staring." She watched as his cheeks flushed up. "So... who are the other people here?"

"That is Kuchiki's nii-sama. I don't know why those two are here other then to see me compete at something and tease me later. Abarai is Kuchiki's taicho. Actually... Ukitake is also Kuchiki's taicho."

"Oh! So Rukia's nii-chan is a taicho too! Cool!" Karin nodded her head.

Yuzu looked at Byakuya. "Since you're Rukia's nii-chan can we call you nii-chan as well?"

"I don't see why not." Ichigo and Renji splurted out their drinks, looking at the man in shock as he patted Yuzu on the head. "I remember when Rukia was this age."

Rukia sighed. "Nii-sama... I don't think I was ever that young in front of you."

Yuzu blinked a couple of times. "How is that possible?"

The younger Kuchiki blinked a couple of times. "Oh! I'm actually adopted into the Kuchiki clan. Nii-sama is also my brother-in-law as he married my older sister."

"How romantic! Daddy says that he owed mother for saving his life and that's how they ended up together. I love romantic stories." Yuzu turned to her aunt and uncle. "By the way! I'm also glad to finally meet all of daddy's siblings." A silence fell over the group. "Did I say something wrong?"

Toshiro let out a sigh as he reached to take some of the food from Yuzu's bento. "These aren't all of the Shiba-clan siblings. You're father's twin brother passed away, so you're not going to be able to meet him."

Toshiro blinked a couple of times as Yuzu suddenly went and hugged her father, paling at the antics of the two. "Daddy! I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

"That's all right Yuzu-chan!"

"Well... at least we know where she gets it from." Kukaku sighed.

Isshin pulled away and suddenly scooped Toshiro up. "By the way..."

Toshiro instinctively brought his knee up to the man's chest. "What did I tell you about doing things like that!"

The entire school was staring, it felt like. Isshin though held up his thumb. "Nice job!"
