I step onto the train, Takano not far behind me.

Some days, I honestly wonder why he feels the need to constantly follow me anywhere I go: be it my home (okay, I get the fact we live next to each other — but at the exact time?) or the restroom at work (it can't be hardly coincidence!). He's acting like a stalker!

There are no words exchanged between us. The only sounds I hear are those of the engines and some chatter from the other passengers.

"...those creatures are at it again, aren't they?"

I freeze, feeling the urge to listen in on their conversation. Which isn't something I would usually do, but the word 'creatures' piqued my interest.

"I know, hon. 15 more people went missing yesterday, so I heard."

"I heard those things smell weird — like iron, they said."

"Eh? I thought they smelled like honey?"

My eyes widened. I know what she was talking about. The general idea, anyway.

There's a knot in my stomach. So they're here? I let out a bitter laugh. So those dreams were probably some sort of warning. Better keep on guard.

"What's so funny?"


I'm suddenly reminded of Takano's presence.

Laughing nervously, I slowly turn to him and reassure him that it's nothing.

Please tell me he fell for that.


...obviously not.

I sigh. "Can't I laugh for no reason?"

Takano raises an eyebrow at this, but doesn't say anything else.

More silence. Wonderful.

My minds wanders off to what those women said just there, memories from my teenage years appearing in flashes.

For a moment, I swore I felt those cold, white hands touch me; those nails scratching so hard it hurts; that sickly sweet voice trying to coax me; that horrifying sensation of—

"So how's Mutou doing with her chapter?" Takano asks.

I nearly jump out my skin at his voice. Jesus, can he not do that?

Though...I'm kind of grateful. I really don't want to be thinking about stuff like that right before work.

"Well?" Takano asks with impatience.

"Sh-she's supposed to be inking her first page today."

"She better be."

Sharp as always. As expected from Takano.

Suddenly, I feel his hot breath near my ear.

"Ritsu," he asks, his tone laced with concern, "are you sure you're alright?"

Shit, I think I'm blushing. No Ritsu: get it together. Get. It. Together.

"I...I'm fine, honestly," I manage to say.

Takano sighed, making me shiver just the tiniest bit.

"You really need to work on that lying."

And now I want to kill him.

"But then again," he continues, "I like that honestly about you too. It's cute."

Please tell me the train is near our stop!

"I think page 14 onwards needs a lot of work," Mino says, smiling as always. "I get the gist of what Fujita was thinking, but, ah, she hasn't quite executed the idea right."

Another day at work and Takano decided to do one of those group checks with the manuscript of one of our lesser known mangas, Love = Death by Miki Fujita.

"I agree!" Kisa pipes up. "The protagonist seems out of character with the decisions she's making. Not to mention the wacky proportions this chapter."

Listening eagerly to the conversation, I take a good look at the manuscript that was just handed to me.

"What about you, Onodera?" Takano booms.

"Uh, I agree with both Kisa and Mino," I say, not sure of what to add to the conversation.


It sounds like he's expecting me to say something extra. Sorry, but I really can't think of anything other than what the others mentioned.

Wait. I got it.

"I think the last page needs more emotion," I say at last. "Not that there isn't any: it's just that I don't really feel the heartbreak too strongly. The character just lost the only person who treated her like a human, so shouldn't she a bit more devastated?"

Everyone is staring at me, making me feel uneasy. Was that a bit too much...?


Takano's looking at me with a look of— I'm actually not sure what, but it's definitely not his normal work face.

I don't have much time to ponder on it, as his face quickly switches to his usual demeanor and we quickly resume our normal tasks.

How do I always get dragged into these things?

It's only Monday and I've already been forced to have a meal with Takano.


It wasn't that special; just grabbing a coffee from the vending machine but...

...can he not leave me alone for even a moment?

"You made a pretty interesting observation back there," Takano states bluntly.

I feel my face heat up. "Uh, thanks..."

"Did you get that from that novel I told you about back in high school?"

For Pete's sake, how red can my face go?!

Red enough to shut me up, apparently.

"So you did," Takano concludes. Of course he jumps to his own conclusions without confirmation from me!

"I did not!"
"But really," he continues, "I liked your suggestion. I'll make sure to tell the newbie to mention it to her."

I give him a confused look. "Newbie?"

"Yep," he says in a bored tone. "He should be here by now but he said his train was late. Like you when you began, he has no experience in manga."

"Oh really?"

Does that mean I'd get to be a senpai of sorts? It would be nice to not be at the bottom of the food chain...

Those thoughts are shoved out the window when I notice a strong scent.

And not that of the coffee.

No, it's scent of honey and iron.

Is someone calling me? I'm not sure. I'm too preoccupied with my thoughts.

And of course it was the one thing I didn't want to see that broke my train of thought.

"Excuse me!"

I look up to find the source of the scent; looking all innocent with neat black hair, a red-and-purple hoodie and a fake, cheap, disgusting smile.

It's him.

"Oh. Speak of the devil," Takano — I think? — mutters.

Wait, does that mean—?

"Do you know where the Emerald Department is?" he asks, his voice thick with fake innocence, and my fear is confirmed.

He bows.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Tomoya Tatsu; the new editor."

Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating last week. I barely had any ideas. Hope you liked this longer chapter. I actually managed to write over 1,000 words! :D Though some of it could be crap. :( Thanks for the lovely reviews, guys. I end up smiling like an idiot when I read them and I'm glad you like this story. Same goes for the followers and favouriters. See you later! ^.^v