A/N: I have returned! I apologize sincerely to my readers for the ridiculous amount of time it took to post this new chapter. My bumbling younger brother spilled soda all over my laptop, causing me to temporarily lose all of my files and work! I not only had to buy a new laptop, but salvage my files from my old hard drive (which was thankfully unharmed). This was a one-time worst-case scenario situation, and I will not make you wait so long again for future chapters.

That being said, to those of you that still have interest in this story and to those that have just now come across it: please enjoy!

"I hate parties," Haruhi grumbled with her arms crossed, begrudgingly sitting on a plush navy velvet bench against the wall of Kyoya's enormous closet.

The man picked a heavily starched dress shirt off of a long rack of clothes and examined it closely. "I can't necessarily say that I enjoy large gatherings either, but as it is crucial to stay acquainted with important business partners and family members, one might as well get used to it." Kyoya put the shirt he was holding back on the rack and selected another one. "What are your thoughts on this color, Haruhi?"

"I don't have to dance, do I? I only know the boy's part."

"We shall see. But it's best if you do learn formal dance, if not for tonight, then for future occasions."

Haruhi didn't like the sound of that. So she'd have to learn the female part as well? She was practically tone deaf and stepped on others' feet whenever she so as much as swayed to music.

"There's no use pouting, Haruhi. You're not going to get out of this," Kyoya draped the shirt he dubbed worthy of the night's event over a chair and made his way towards the girl. "It's simply another part of your job as my wife and you'd better be on your best behavior."

Haruhi groaned. "Why do you even need a date for a party, anyway? Can't you just go by yourself?"

"It's really for the sake of appearances," Kyoya walked back over to his clothing to look for a kerchief that would match his tie. "It says a lot when a man has a lovely lady attached to his arm at a gathering. He appears approachable and more of a gentleman.

"So I'm an accessory, then?" Haruhi scowled. "Have you brought dates to parties before?"

"On occasion, yes."

Haruhi's scowl grew deeper. "Take one of them, then."

Kyoya sighed. "You're getting paid for this. Honestly, your attitude is ridiculous."

"This closet is ridiculous."

"And now you're just being difficult."

Haruhi sat in silence, her eyes averting his onyx gaze.

He adjusted his glasses. "Shall I remind you of the many tables of food that will be present?"

Large brown eyes that had been previously filled with defiance suddenly sparkled. "…Fancy tuna?"

"I can arrange that."

"…I'll need a dress."

"That's much better," Kyoya smirked and pulled out his phone to check the time. "As for your attire and dance lessons, I have already arranged for someone to prepare you. She should be here shortly."


There were two loud taps on the closet door before it swung open. A tall, slender woman with long, curly black hair and familiar onyx eyes entered the room. "I'm home, Kyoya! I haven't seen you in so long," she beamed.

"Fuyumi, how many times have I asked you to not just come into my room like that?"

"I knocked."

"There's no point in knocking if you just barge in before I can say 'come in'-!"

"-So you're Miss Fujioka?" asked the woman, smiling kindly down at the girl. She had a soft and kind face, relaxing Haruhi after her sudden intrusion.

"Yes, I am," Haruhi stood and bowed. "My name is Haruhi Fujioka. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, how cute! She's so petite and dainty, isn't she, Kyoya?" The woman turned back to Haruhi. "My name is Fuyumi Ootori-Shido. I am Kyoya's older sister."

Haruhi tilted her head. "Sister? I don't think Kyoya's mentioned anything about a sister before."

"Yes, he hadn't mentioned you before either. He's so cruel, keeping things to himself, isn't he? I was so surprised when he told me that he needed me to get a girl ready for the ball. He's never asked for such a thing before. You must be pretty special to him!" Fuyumi clapped her hands together merrily.

"I don't think-"

"Unlike the others, she's a commoner, so I assumed that she would require assistance in getting ready for an elegant event. Naturally, you were the most convenient person to call."

"Don't be so cold, Kyoya. She's your girlfriend, isn't she?"

Haruhi flushed. "I'm no-!"

"Yes. Now please get her ready. Females take a long time to prepare and we don't have long before the party begins."

Fuyumi giggled. "Alright, let's get going, Haruhi. I'll take you to my old room to do your hair and makeup. Your dress is already there waiting for you. I picked it out myself; I hope you like it!"

"Ah-!" Haruhi was dragged out of the room to be pampered and primped, leaving the male to his fancy clothing and less than fancy thoughts.

* * * (Evening, Ootori Ballroom) * * *

Kyoya took a sip from his flute of sparkling water and glanced around the ballroom. Everything seemed to be in place. The guests were chatting amongst themselves giddily, partially thanks to the evening's champagne, the butlers were gracefully making their way around the room, offering hors d'oeuvres on glistening silver platters, and the hired chamber orchestra was playing at the appropriate volume without missing a single note. Kyoya had greeted some of the more important guests as they had entered with his most pleasant of smiles and most charming of "good evenings", and had since began growing tired of the formalities. Backing against a black-clothed table dressed with food, he stealthily pulled his phone out to check the time.

She should be here by now… I figured that preparing a commoner would take some time, but honestly, this is just…

"Kyoya~" a merry voice rang out. Kyoya turned to see his elder sister in a flowing red ball gown, with a matching red grin of accomplishment spread across her face. "She's ready. You're just dying to see her, aren't you?"

Kyoya impatiently moved slightly to glance behind Fuyumi's back, catching a small glimpse of bashful skin.

"Come on, Haruhi! Let Kyoya see you! Don't be shy dear, you look adorable," Fuyumi gently grabbed Haruhi's arm and placed her in full view, giving Kyoya the chance to give her a once-over. He gladly took the opportunity.

She had her large eyes cast down at her heels which were struggling to support her quivering baby-deer legs. Her thin-strapped lavender dress fell to just above her knees and was cinched on the side of her waist with a medium purple bow.

"So? What do you think? Oh say something, please! I spent some good time picking a color that I thought you might like," Fuyumi said without her grin falling in the slightest.

Kyoya fidgeted a bit, adjusting his tie to accommodate the sudden spike in room temperature. Damn, it was hot. He'd have to speak with the person in charge of lighting and air conditioners about that later… He cleared his throat to speak. "Excellent job, Fuyumi," he turned to approach his date. "Miss Fujioka, you look-" He paused when he noticed that Haruhi's eyes had lifted and had started to gleam, focusing intently towards his direction. Hmm? What is with the impressed look? Do I look that put-together? She's seen me in a suit before, on countless occasions, so what-?

Haruhi began to walk closer and with meaning, the excited look on her face growing ever brighter.


"Fancy tuna!" she exclaimed, walking right past her date to beam adoringly at her true love on the food table.

Kyoya flashed a dirty look at his sister who was now chuckling at the situation. He gave a small sigh, adjusting his glasses. "Reunited again, I see…"

The woman stifled her chuckling. "Well, now that you two, or rather, three, are taken care of, I'm going to head off to find my husband. I've kept him waiting long enough. Oh! And don't forget to talk with Yuuichi and Akito, alright? They came to this party even after they have been so busy with their medical work. It's been a while since they've come home."

"Yeah. Thank you again," Kyoya nodded as she turned to leave. He made a mental note to properly converse with his oldest brother, Yuuichi, and another to avoid the second older brother, Akito, if all possible. Akito took pleasure in stirring up problems and questioning all of Kyoya's moves and decisions, even when in a public setting. He was not in the mood for scrutiny, and especially not when he had someone else to keep an eye on. He turned to that someone, who was gratefully filling her plate as well as her mouth with fishy goodness.

"Iss sho delicioush, Koya-senpai! I juss…" she breathed around the food.

He raised an eyebrow and put a hand in his pocket. "I would normally remind you that it's not very polite to talk with food in your mouth, but… you're just incredibly happy right now, aren't you?"

She looked up at him and gave a strange whine of bliss, nodding frantically.

He scoffed. "You're really something else…" From the corner of his eye, Kyoya noticed an important business partner of his father's company come into the room. "Fujioka, whenever you've gotten your fill of sushi, accompany me in greeting people, alright?"

"Whateveh you shay, capp'n," she gave a small salute, now ready for battle.

It had only been a few hours since she had come downstairs for the party and Haruhi was already spent. In between bowing nicely to rich people she honestly could care less about, she would sneak glances at the tantalizing sushi table, in hopes of stealing away when Kyoya wasn't looking. Unfortunately, no doubt suspecting that his date would try something of the sort, he kept his arm tightly locked in hers and whisked her along from person to person. The spectacled man now looked down at his drained partner.

"How are you holding up?"

"Awful. I wanna go home. My feet hurt."

"Splendid. About four more hours to go."

Haruhi let out a long groan. "Don't be so at ease, Kyoya-senpai. It's irritating. Have you ever had to wear heels?"

"All the time."

"At least I didn't have to wear a wig this time. The makeup's a bit much, though…"

"You wear a wig often? And why might that be?" inquired a familiar voice behind them. Kyoya turned in spite of himself.

"Ah. Akito."

The second brother stood in front of the two with one hand on a flute of the evening's champagne, the other hand in his pocket, brimming to the peak with a cocky yet dignified aura. "Kyoya. I see you've got a new bracelet. How much did you pay for that one?" he gestured to Haruhi, still linked to Kyoya's arm.

Kyoya deliberately ignored his brother's taunts. "How has medical school been treating you? Are you on break? You don't usually stay this long at business parties."

"Oh, I don't take breaks. Even if they're offered, I take my work very seriously. I wish the same applied to you. Speaking of which, how's that ridiculous lady-lovers club of yours?"

"We are doing very well, thank you-"

"How long are you going to keep eating out of the palm of that Suoh kid, anyway? I'm sure by now he's gotten attached to you; there's no need for you to stay in such a frivolous club if it's just to humor him."

Haruhi could feel the muscles in Kyoya's forearm flex as he clinched his hands into tight fists, and yet his pleasant smile remained firmly fixed on his face.

"Akito, I appreciate your concern but there is no need for you to judge my motives or decisions. You know that I am still at the top of my class-"

"Clubs just get in the way of the real education Ouran High has to offer. What are you trying to prove by staying? That you can stay at the top of your class and have the extra time to fool around, but your older brother couldn't? Well, I get the idea. Or, don't tell me you actually enjoy spending time in such a club?" Akito gave an incredulous laugh. "I thought better of you! I really can't believe that father lets you go along with such- Hey!"

Haruhi, not being able to stand any more of the man's baseless trash talk, suddenly grabbed the bespectacled boy's hand and swiftly tugged him away from the party, her brows deeply furrowed and lips tightly shut as if to seal them from saying anything "inappropriate". Her high heels now lead both herself and her partner down hallways with such steadfast resolve, one would never have guessed that she had been shaking so awkwardly just a few hours prior.

"And just where are you taking me, miss?"

"Shut up!" was all she managed to answer, before she drug him into what looked like a study and slammed the door behind them.

Kyoya uncharacteristically stumbled back from the force and shock before adjusting his glasses and tie. "What was the purpose of-?"

"WHAT WAS HIS PROBLEM?!" Haruhi finally let out in bellowing fury. Kyoya removed his glasses and slumped down, exhausted, on the nearby sofa, tilting his head back and draping his hand over closed eyes.

"Ah, that's right. I never got the chance to introduce you to my brothers, have I?"


"Well, that was Akito. He's the middle brother, in medical school and a very studious man."

"That tyrant was your brother?!"

"Yes. Be sure to say hello to him when you see him next. Even to just be polite."

Haruhi threw her fist down on a table. "I wanted to tell him off so badly! I wanted to yell that he had no right-! He doesn't get to decide what your motives are for joining the Host Club, nor can he take you from it!"

"Akito went through his high school career avoiding everything that didn't have to do with his studies. He ended up very successful and no doubt he just wants the same for me. He knows what I'm capable of, and thinks I'm wasting my time."

"'Turned out successful' my ass! Did they not teach him manners or tact when he was in school, so busy studying?! He clearly has an inferiority complex! Just angry cause you have time to have fun while being top student and he didn't-"

"You're doing it again."


Kyoya grunted. "You're getting agitated about what others say about me." He opened an eye to glance at the girl.

"I…" she swallowed roughly. "Whatever!"

"…Thank you."

"What?! …What?"

Kyoya put his hand back over his eyes and turned slightly to the side. "I said thank you. For not blowing up at my brother in the middle of the party. You kept your mouth shut until you were behind closed doors. You kept up a good social appearance for my sake, unlike that other time in the clubroom."

"Yeah, and it was pretty hard cause that guy was just really-!"

"-But more importantly… thanks for getting agitated, I suppose. I always just take criticism from people because it is deemed unseemly for someone of my position to lash back. But you, who is free from having to "look good" in the eyes of others and keep up a façade… I guess you do the lashing out for me. Must feel nice to be able to express feelings like that, without the worry of disturbing any important business matters…"

Haruhi stood, a bit stunned, not for the first time, by Kyoya's words and actions.

"But still, why does it feel like you're the one that keeps protecting me? It's pretty frustrating," he muttered more to himself. Haruhi could feel heat rising to her cheeks.

"It doesn't matter! Say what you want! I just hope that jerk has something nicer to say next time I see him!" She plopped down on a sofa to the right of Kyoya's. "Urgh, I'm so mad, I'm just gonna-" she stuffed something in her mouth, silencing herself. Kyoya lifted his head at the sounds of angry chewing.

"What is…?" He looked at what she was holding in her lap. "Did you seriously-? You took the fancy tuna with you? When?"

"Earlier. I nabbed a zipper bag from your kitchen after you promised me fancy tuna."

Kyoya continued looking at her with disbelief.

"What? Spoils of war. I'm not about to leave without my reward, Kyoya-senpai," she explained, popping another tuna into her mouth.

Kyoya threw his head back and began to laugh loudly. "Ahaha! What are you, some kind of raccoon? Hahaha!"

Tuna paused on the way to her mouth. "Woah, senpai. Your laugh- you sound like a madman."

Kyoya's laugh began to die down as he stood up, put his glasses back on, and crossed the room to turn on a stereo.

"Hmm? Wadda jyou doin'?" she sputtered, her mouth full yet again.

He turned back to face her after finding a waltz he decided sounded best. "We never got the chance to dance. With you yanking me away from the party and all." He took the bag of tuna out of her lap, much to her dismay, and took her hands to raise her off the sofa. "You practiced waltzing, did you not? Fuyumi worked hard on you. And I do not particularly care for the idea of efforts going to waste."

Haruhi raised an eyebrow and swallowed. "Have you lost your mind?"

He smirked and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "I very well might have."

Their waltz began and he spun her like a fallen leaf in an unforeseen rainstorm, not unlike the restless one that was beginning to take form within his heart.

A/N: The Ootori siblings are quite the characters, yes? And precious Haruhi is lured yet again by fancy tuna! Thank you very much for your patience and dedication to this story, to those who have read this far. Onward, march!