First of all thank you and shoutout for Kelley Armstrong and her novel, Haunted for the inspiration of this story! Secondly hello Stallison shippers, I hope you enjoy the journey we're about to embark on! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the feels of Allison Argent and Stiles Stilinski as they traverse the afterlife together as friends and more, because things are going to get interesting.

Also I want to say a huge THANK YOU to my Tumblr friends and especially Sam whose a fellow Stallison shipper, I hope you enjoy this fic darling.
Small note, usually I write fics with smut but this one is going to stay in the T range if I can help it, there might be a few naughty moments but I'll try not to go too far and detailed because this story is more important than that and I want everyone to enjoy it.

With that in mind lets get this party started!

She had thought he was kind of goofy in that weird way, you know. And no matter how often she tried to understand Stiles Stilinski it always fell short- she felt bad about that. He was Scott's best friend after all and they were brothers! Had been besties since the sand pit, and never went anywhere without the other. You know you have to put up with this person for the sake of another no matter how weird you think they are, so Allison persevered with the Argent spirit and never said a word. Then it all changed, everything changed around her, werewolves and Kanima and everything that went bump in the night suddenly was real and everywhere. That's when she saw people as they really were, they say you can't know a person's true heart until it's laid bare in between war, and fighting for your life.

Stiles no longer was goofy and weird, he was… scary. Smart, capable, cunning and able to make decisions that sometimes left her cold inside. How had she missed that? Her father went from being her biggest enemy to her strongest ally, family fell like flies and she felt lost, Allison broke up with Scott in a bid to figure her life out and that's really when she found herself. She stopped relying on him to save her and she stopped hanging out with his best friend, didn't really think much of it all.

Of course she missed Scott, but after a while that empty place in her heart turned into a deeper friendship and respect she had never expected. He became an Alpha- Scott McCall an Alpha of werewolves, who would have ever thought it! She also saw people around her changing in varying ways, Lydia stopped pretending to be stupid and vapid, although… it didn't really stop Stiles from obsessing, and another trait she worried for. Allison also grew into someone she didn't recognize, a woman with steel in her heart- no, not steel. Silver. Hard and molded by battle and choices, loss was a great factor in her new spirit- her mother and aunt Kate, the betrayal from Gerard. Next thing she knew she was looking in the mirror and seeing a new person, agreeing with the cold calculating words from Stiles' assessments.

Not to forget the ritual they had all taken part in previously- she was sure that was another thing to bind them all together. Darkness wrapping itself around their hearts, how did that even work? She had looked into his eyes as though she was staring back at another part of herself and it was terrifying. Scott, bless him, still was as much himself- he changed but he was the hero, still as optimistic, still able to fight off his darker nature with a tenacity and strength that she admired. His warmth wrapped her up in a sense of safety and familiarity and she would never forget him.

Oh how it all fell apart so quickly after that; the Nogitsune possession of Scott's best friend was nothing short of horrific and traumatic for everyone involved. And not just because she had to watch them all fall apart or see that creature turn Stiles' face and body into a vessel of evil… it was because it's events led to something else. Her death. Every moment, every decision and step had been building to her ultimate sacrifice. Once the shock and denial passed her Allison turned her eyes to the life she had left behind and the people who mourned her passing. A broken family trying to pick up the shattered pieces, clinging to whatever sanity they could.

The only thing she could say is that these events brought her clarity and knowledge. About herself, about her friends, about the people who entered and left their lives, and those who sought to end every piece of happiness they clung on to. For a very long time she watched it all from the other side as they continued down the rocky road of life and Allison felt pride for all her friends. Oh how it shocked her once more when things shifted again, some other big bad that they fought to thwart, that Scott vowed to stop in order to save every single person. Which caused him to lose the most important one of them all.

Stiles died in Scott's arms just as Allison had done; and she wept for them both.

She felt as he shifted to her side of the veil and watched him appear waiting to make herself known to him-

Stiles materialized clutching his chest with one hand and grasping for the last breath he had been unable to catch while dying. His eyes unfocused as he dragged in one ragged breath after the next before he realized that he was no longer in pain or dying; in fact he was most definitely dead. He stopped short and heard nothing around him, somehow his hand was now pressed against a wall, and he pushed off of it. The wall itself was nothing special only that it seemed translucent without being so, which seemed to be odd only he had no desire to question it.

He turned at the sound of footsteps and caught sight of someone he hadn't seen in nearly 3 years. Wide brown eyes and brunette curls, she looked just like she had the day she died and it was like going back in time for the briefest of moments. Her attire though was different; she wore a loose off the shoulder long sleeve cream chiffon blouse and skinny dark jeans, her famous boots strapped to her feet. "Allison?" His voice was choked and gruff, and she smiled sadly walking towards him quickly before she was flinging her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder, holding him tightly with her body pressed against his leaner but still skinny frame. Stiles slowly wrapped his arms around her form; unable to believe his eyes, and then hugged her with all the strength he had and squeezing his eyes shut.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered her heart breaking for him. "I'm so sorry, Stiles."

"Hey it's fine. I'll be fine." He didn't know what else to say only that her anguish created the need to comfort her! And he was the one who had just died.

She pulled back from him and gave Stiles her brightest smile; it truly was good to see a friendly face. "You don't look so bad for a guy who just got his chest ripped open." She said conversationally, now that the emotional charge of their reunion was gone.

"Yeah? Thanks. You don't look too bad either, for a girl who got stabbed in the gut." He grinned and checked her over; she really did seem to be okay. "I wish Scott could be here to see it."

"Scott won't be coming this side." Allison said eyes sad but also content with the knowledge.

"What do you mean?" He asked completely lost.

"There are two tiers of afterlife and a bunch of hell dimensions. Put it this way, we're here because we're human and Scott is a Supernatural. He won't be joining us."

Well that was a giant punch in the gut; Stiles had never been blown so totally and efficiently over words. He had pretty much counted on seeing his oldest friend once more with all of them being reunited with one another on the other side and now he learned that he wouldn't ever see him; or any of them- again. "Oh."

The look on his face reflected her own heart upon finding this out and it killed her to have to break the news, but he would have figured it all out soon enough.

"Hang on you were here waiting for me, how did you know?" He looked around as if to try and find some kind of answer to his own questioning and saw that they were neither here nor there, in a kind of static mist filled limbo that went on for probably ever, although he remembered the wall he had pressed against, only… that was gone. Strange.

"You can see over to the physical realm if you want or visit but- actually they don't like it if you spend too long over there." Allison looked to the side as she recalled a memory. "There are rules here."

"They? Who're they?" He said in alarm, obviously 'they' were also not 'here' right then.

"That is a long story." She smiled and lifted her eyebrows, as if in conspiracy of her next words. "Do you want to see?"

"See Scott? As in, see him right now?" He didn't look all that convinced but Stiles knew she wouldn't lie to him- there was a knot in his stomach too from the knowledge of what he was going to witness. He had just died, but he also wanted to see Scott one last time.

Allison closed her eyes with concentration and there was a brief shimmer in the atmosphere until a kind of window formed. Stiles walked slowly forwards to get a better look and Allison held herself back for a moment. Scott was there still on the wet ground clutching the body of his best and longest friend, his brother in all things but blood, and his face buried against his blood soaked chest hacking out sobs that would break even the coldest of hearts.

"Scott…" He couldn't stand what he was seeing and his fingers twitched with desire to reach out and comfort him. Just when he thought he couldn't stand it a second longer his friend lifted his head and howled out his grief with every fiber of his being, probably the loudest he had ever heard him howl and Stiles ducked his head down, eyes stinging with unshed tears.

He felt a warm pressure on his right hand and looked down to find Allison had grabbed it, she looked genuinely sorry. "We should go."

"Go? How can I go knowing that Scott is over there- he needs me!" Stiles didn't think he could do this anymore; he had to go back.

"Stiles. You can't go back there anymore than I can and you know it, he will be okay. He has to be, and so will you." She rubbed a soothing hand up his arm and their brown eyes locked for what felt like a lifetime, all of their feelings for the situation passing between them; understanding, sadness, grief, love, compassion and friendship. They only had each other now and Scott would have to rely on Derek and Kira to get him through the next part of his life.

"I know, you're right, god I hate this so much. How'd you do it, Allison?" He couldn't even imagine how she had done this alone.

Allison ducked her head and glanced her their shoes for a fraction of a second before she gathered her wits and looked back up at him. "I haven't been doing a good job, I've kept my eye on all of you this whole time. That's why I knew you would come, and that I wanted to be here to help."

"I see." He took in a deep breath and held it then let it out with a big whoosh. "Okay so how do we do this?"

She smiled up at him and closed her eyes like before- "You kind of need to feel out with your mind where you need to go, I'll explain more later. In the meantime." She whispered a few unintelligible sounds and then her eyes opened; glancing to the right and Stiles turned to find there was now a very prominent doorway leading out somewhere else.

"Huh, well that's interesting." He turned to look through the opening and she clutched his hand again tugging him with her gently. Stiles' heart clenched painfully as he knew he was leaving his friends behind him, but maybe he could visit as Allison had done, and it helped him move forwards a little easier than he would have done.

They came out into a forest that sang out loudly with insects, a small pathway leading up to an old wooden two story cabin that seemed a lot more real than Stiles would have imagined a ghost cabin to look. "What are we doing here?"

"This is where I live." Allison let go of his hand and walked up towards the home without asking him to follow; he had nowhere else to go so Stiles ran behind her trying to keep up.

"You mean we get homes?" He asked excitedly.

"Well, kind of, I'll explain everything inside. C'mon." She smiled and opened the door for him.

Inside the smell of burning wood made its way to his nose and the sound of flickering embers, but other than that it was quiet and lonesome. There were some pictures on the walls but the emptiness was more over that lived in feeling, and family welcoming you home after a long day. He poked his head around the corner and found there to be a dark hallway but nothing else was jumping out so he turned back towards the entry room which was a simple living area complete with sofa and rug. Stiles followed Allison over to the seating and plonked his bottom on the soft cushion as she joined him on the other end.

"Okay so why don't you ask me whatever questions you want to know and I'll try and answer them."

"Alright I'm going with the less obvious question. How do you have a house?" He looked up at the ceiling and back down mouth quirking into an inquisitive expression.

"Haha right. Well you kind of pick somewhere and bring up a memory of a place or idea and … it's all about focus. This Other Side is a bit like a playground, you can change your clothes if you want as well." She laughed at the look on his face, it was a mixture of disbelief and a child at Christmas.

"Anything?" He said, voice coming out in a hushed breathy whisper.

"Far as I know. You can wear anything."

Stiles took a deep breath and stood up, imaging the types of clothes he wanted to be wearing right then and when he looked down at his body he had on a very familiar outfit that had Allison rolling her eyes. "Oh my god. It worked."

"You look ridiculous." She deadpanned and leant forwards.

"I look amazing!" Stiles turned around as if to twirl for her approval, he was now sporting the very familiar black gear of Batman and it looked as real as Allison or this cabin in a forest he had never been to.

"Alright Stiles, I can't take you seriously in that suit!" She was giggling despite herself, and the sound of it released a pressure in his chest he hadn't realized was there.

Stiles relaxed and changed his clothes back to how they had been before sitting next to her again with a lopsided grin on his face and a pleased flush to his cheeks. He slung an arm up against cushions and reclined, "It's good to see you, Ally. It really is."

"You are such a dork." She smiled so hard her dimples were painfully obvious and her eyes bright with the pleasure of laughter. Allison rested her head against the palm of her hand as she tucked her legs under her, getting comfortable.

"Admit it you have had a significant lack of dork in your afterlife." He chuckled and she nodded her head.

"Alright- but it's not as though I haven't been keeping watch over all of you. I saw a lot over the last three years." Allison looked downward as if caught up in memories, "even if I wasn't there I felt all of your pain."

"I guess you know more than anyone." He whispered tapping his fingers on his knee and then scrunching them into a fist, studying her expression and soft brown eyes. "We were lost when you died."

She let a soft smile escape and nodded; hair bouncing with the movement as she pulled herself to sit up straight. "When I died I couldn't come back for a while, everything was kind of confusing and I ended up lost for a bit. Transitioning from alive to dead is rough its not like you arrive at pearly white gates, like you saw."

"I had you to greet me though." Stiles said frowning.

"Yes I wanted to ease your transition." She looked away and her body was tense. "Getting around isn't easy."

"From what I've seen there isn't much life here, no pun intended." He held his hands up, "but I haven't seen anyone else so far."

Allison pressed her lips and then chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully before replying to him, head tilted to the side. "Well there are places other Ghosts meet up or do activities. For example we're only in one part and there are other areas, you can wander for days before coming across another place if you don't know how to use a shortcut." She rubbed the back of her neck before continuing with her explanation, "people are still people even when they're dead so they created a way of coping, the afterlife can get really boring if you don't keep yourself entertained. For example you can get a job but there's no real need of money its just something to do, I suppose. There's even parts of the afterlife that have themes and you can go to bars."

"Afterlife bars? Really!? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people still want to get wasted even when they're dead." He rubbed his mouth thinking about what she'd said. "So I guess I'm not going to get too lazy after all." He smirked.

"As if I'd let you get lazy-" She rolled her eyes at him, "besides there is no reason to, we don't tire or feel pain anymore." She winked at him and he flushed as if there was some kind of private joke going on that he hadn't expected.

"Well that's good to know. I have to say my head is pretty full and I don't think I even know everything yet."

"You just got here and recently died so it's probably best you do actually get some rest and tomorrow I'll show you around properly. You can take one of the guest rooms." Allison stood up and tugged Stiles to his feet, they still had a lot to talk about but that would all come in time and she knew he would need to recuperate for his new life as a dead person.

Walking up the stairs she led him down the hall and into a room on the left at the end of the hallway, standing to watch him take it all in. The room itself was a deep maroon and cream theme, with plush carpets and mahogany wooden set furniture. The walls were a mix of the maroon and cream with strips of brown as a border around the walls, the curtains were deep red and let in minimal lighting of which tinged the room into a beautiful warm glow. Last but not least a four-poster bed sat in the center and a thin cream fabric curtain draped over the sides with beautifully designed red sheets to top off the theme of it. "Woah." Stiles had no other words for it than that and he walked in slowly taking in every detail.

"Everything in this place is a mesh of homes I've lived in over the years when my family used to move about a lot before settling in Beacon Hills. Actually my room is pretty much the same as the one from our apartment, with a few minor changes." She laughed as Stiles continued to gape around at everything. "Are you okay there, Stiles? You're catching flies."

He snapped his mouth shut and cleared his throat, "Where did you have a room like this one?"

"France. Some of the best years before I met you guys and then…" She stopped, "If you want to stay here you can until you get your own place." She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the doorframe a playful smile on her lips. "Or you could just stay here."

He was still taking in everything like he'd never seen anything like it and her jab barely registered, Stiles had never in his life been abroad let alone to France of all places, and the beauty of the room itself just stunned him. "Thanks Allison, I appreciate you letting me crash here and helping me."

"No problem." She leaned forwards to grab the door and pulled it slowly, stopping just before she shut the door. "See you in a few hours, I'll be here until you wake up." Ghosts certainly didn't need sleep but they usually did anyway, and especially new ones who had suffered a traumatic death, so as Stiles climbed into bed Allison shut the door and smiled to herself, resting her forehead on the wooden door.

She wasn't alone anymore. "Goodnight."

Don't forget to send feedback and let me know how much you're enjoying, darlings! R&R and much love will befall you.
