'Can you feel it Komori? The darkness. Its attracted to you, pulling us closer.

So near, yet so far away.

It feeds off your sorrow, your pain, every emotion you emit.

Why do you push it away? Welcome the darkness in, and life will be a whole lot better.

Are you ready to join us?'

"Oi! Chichineshi!" The blonde blinked out of her daydream. Inviting her mind back into the limo, which she was seated beside Ayato and Subaru. The snow haired vampire seemed to be in a world of his own. Not even glancing at Yui. Staring at his lap. Whilst Ayato had both of his hands on Yui's shoulders. Shaking her.

"Ayato, calm down. You're going to make her delicate body fall apart." Laito chuckled. Tilting his hat up to let his mischievous and slightly perverted gaze land on the human girl.

The said boy grunted, turning back to the girl. "Whats up with you? I know staying at the Mukami's is a drag, but I wouldn't expect it to be enough for you to want to escape the world."

The pink eyed girl shrugged Ayato's hands off of her. "Its not them, I'm just a little out of it today." The girl admitted. Straightening the bottom of her skirt which was crumpled a little. "Sorry if I scared you."

"Who says I was scared? Just a little angry that you was ignoring me."

Everyone except Yui and Subaru rolled their eyes. Katato muttered small things to Teddy, about how strange the girl was and how normal Subaru is acting.

Subaru looked over to Reiji, who had his eyes closed calmly. "How long till we get to school? This ride is fucking my mind up."

Reiji slowly opened his eyes and adjusted his glasses. "We should be there in a few minutes at the most." Turning his gaze to Shu, who was beside him. The purple haired vampire scowled. "Straighten yourself up. Stop being so informal."

The blonde ignored his younger sibling, a shallow grunt echoing in his throat. "...Quiet... I need to... Listen..."

Kanato blinked his big violet eyes and turned to the girl. "Say, Yui-chan, when you came back from the Minami's. You were kind of... Out of it, is something wrong?"

"I-Its nothing." The girl replied softly, folding her arms and listening to the voices which whispered to her. Taking great notice in every word they said.

'Have you condemed to Karlheinz?'

'How much he had hurt us... How much pain he made us suffer...'

'The agony...'

The human girl finally answered them back in her mind. 'Whoever you are, no. I don't blame Karlheinz for anything, he has done nothing bad to me. In fact, if it wasn't for Karlheinz, I would be dead. It is very rude to intrude into someone's mind and manipulate them, thank you very much.'

Ayato turned to Yui with a raised eyebrow. "Why are you talking to your inner voice?"

Yui tensed, cold sweat forming on her forehead. "Eheheh, I'm bored..."

'But bad has he done to many other innocent vampires. Komori, stay aware. For eyes of wolves will be following your every move.

Stay aware... For the Sakamaki's and Mukami's can protect you no longer.

You will belong to us. You will follow our every command.

Chosen Eve.'

The voices stopped as the limo came to a halt. "Finally, now I can sit alone without having a bunch of retards talking around me." Subaru hissed, violently pushing his way to get out of the limo first. Though he never dared to touch Yui.

"Tch." Reiji tutted, turning to Yui. "Follow him, I've been asked by Yuma for Subaru to accompany you for the day."

'Why Subaru? Wait, why is Yuma asking something of the Sakamaki brothers?'

"Just be thankful it wasn't Ruki." Ayato grumbled to himself, nudging the girl out of the limo with him. "You need me to take you to the Library? Subaru usually sits there on Tuesdays."

Yui shook her head, a bright smile upon her lips. "No thanks, I know where to go."

"I'm taking you anyway. Be thankful that this Ore-sama is escorting you anywhere." He boasted, grasping onto the blonde's wrist and tugging her into the school.

Politely, Yui waved goodbye to the other four brothers before disappearing into the large doors of the school. A heavy breath passing her lips as she feebly tried her best not to fall over as Ayato tugged her along the corridor.

"It feels rather as if he's forcing me to the library than escorting me." Yui whispered, not noticing the emerald stare that Ayato held onto her expression until it had left her.

The reddish brown haired vampire let go of the girls wrist quickly as they neared the Library. "Come to class if you can't find him." He muttered quickly, before disappearing into thin air.

'So much for conversation...' She thought, walking towards the doors and looking around as she did. 'I wonder why the hallways are deserted.'

Lost in thought, the human bumped into something hard, a startled squeak passing her lips as she did.

"Heheh, you know. The longer you hang about there, the more tempting you become."

The blonde leapt backwards. "I-I'm so sorry!" Big, bright pink eyes gazed up at the being she had ran into. A tall teen stood there, messy trio colored blonde, brown and ginger hair covered part of his left eye. Thin, wolf like yellow eyes held a playful, yet dangerous stare. The schools uniform was crumpled and unattended to.

"Eh? Its nothing!" He laughed, ruffling his hair with his left hand. "Uh, could you help me? I'm kinda lost."

Uncertain of helping him, Yui then softly nodded. "Uhm, sure... Where are you hoping to go to?"

"I'm looking for a friend. 2nd year high school student Kou, do you know his class?" The teen asked, blinking down at the girl.

'He knows Kou? They're friends?' She thought. "Oh, yeah. We have homeroom at the same time. Come on, I'll show you."

Turning away from the Library, Yui led the tall, must I say handsome guy to her homeroom. Where Kou most likely was sitting and trying to annoy Yuma.