When dreams come true...

Chapter 1 : Which dream ?

Ichigo is about to start a new day, like Nero and Cynthia. Takes his breakfast and shower and then

go to school. At school , Ichigo sees Cynthia, sitting on her chair and looks like she's desperate and not so well. Ichigo looks around and he notices that Nero ins't here, Ichigo thinks it's for that Cynthia looks like so desperate. He doesn't want to make Cynthia more desperate with his words, Ichigo ever think that he's not good to boost morale to poeple but anyway He goes talk to her.

Hey Cynthia, What's up ? Ask Ichigo

Oh hey Ichigo, how are you ? Answer Cynthia not in a good mood

I'm fine thanks what about you ? Ichigo is scared to Cynthia's answer

I knew better... I didn't sleep so well this week-end but I'm fine thanks for asking

Ichigo still worried and takes the risk

Because of what ? You're sick ? Ask Ichigo

No I'm not, I just did a strange dream...

And Cynthia starts to blush

Ichigo doesn't believe her and asks some questions

I think that was a bad dream to make you so desperate...

Why you say that ? I look like so desperate ?

Yes you do !

Ichigo just noticed that his answer wasn't so correct

-Oh I'm so sorry I don't wanted to confused you ! Apologizes Ichigo

You don't have to be sorry I'm not confused ! Answer Cynthia and winks at him

Okay... What was your dream ? Ask Ichigo

End of the chapter 1

I know this chapter was too short but the next chapter will be better like the others chapters:))