YES! AGE OF ULTRON! This personally is my favorite Avengers movie, mostly because of an cocky blue eyed speedster. As soon as I saw it in theaters, I was like "THIS IS THE GUY FOR MADISON!" And now here we are.

The title of the next book will be "One Second and a Million Miles". "One Second" because obviously Pietro is the love interest and he has super speed. As for the "Million Miles" part, you're just going to have to read it to find out. It's one of my favorite songs from the Broadway musical "Bridges of Madison County" and it beautifully sums up Madison and Pietro's relationship.

Summary: Steve and Madison are officially broken up, but that doesn't mean they'll let it get in the way of them doing their jobs. This time however, instead of a crazy God trying to end the world, it's a rogue AI that Stark creates. What happens when Madison meets and falls in love with a certain silver haired Sokovian? Will they be allowed to be together? Or will their love end like Romeo and Juliet's? "This will never work". "Then we'll run away together. All it'll take is one second and I can have us a million miles away from here".

First chapter should be up tomorrow and the fic shouldn't take long to finish (considering it's been practically written for nearly two years now). I'm working on a playlist for it right now, but that might be posted much later into the fic. I hope to see you along for this wide ride!