Working at the gardens with Newt, I felt a sense of relief whenever I looked over at him and caught him staring at me. Of course, he was worried, he knew what running meant to me, but still, having everyone worry over me wasn't something I needed right now, or at all. Though seeing my friends care so much about me did make me feel better about staying in the glade.

"Hey," He whispered as he made his way closer to me. I looked up from tending to the ground and noticed his little awkward shuffle. I hadn't really seen him nervous before. That's cute.

"Hey," I replied, as I turned my body to face him. I didn't exactly know what he wanted, but if he had walked over to me, I knew it would be for a reason. After all, Newt never did anything without a reason. With a sigh, he sat down beside me and instantly I knew that there was going to be some words exchanged between us.

"Look, I know that you love being a Runner, but being a trackhoe isn't so bad! I mean, you get to plant the vegetables and tend to them, make them grow up all nice and fat! Besides, who wants to be a Runner? Exercise is stupid," he winked, a small smile on his face. I couldn't help but let a smile wash over my features at his efforts to try and cheer me up and I placed a hand on the crook of his elbow.

He gave me a quizzical look, before I leant over and placed a light, chaste kiss on his lips. "Newt," I began, my eyes boring into his. "Thank you," I finished and the smile that I was met with made my insides melt. He opened his mouth as if to say something else, but he didn't even get the chance, because right then, our perfect moment was interrupted.

"Hey guys," Alby greeted as he walked over towards us. Newt pushed himself off the ground and offered me a hand to get up off the dirty ground. I took it gratefully, a smile on my face as he pulled me to my feet.

I looked away from Newt to find Alby standing with the new Greenie a few feet away. I smiled as I looked down at the new kid, Chuck. "Hey, green bean, Alby."

Alby smiled kindly at me, and I had absolutely no doubt that he was doing it to make up for the previous evening. "Can you two show the new guy here the gardens? We didn't have time to yesterday after," he paused for a moment as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. "After what happened," he finished and I hung my head low. This was never going to go away, no matter what Newt said. I'll always be the girl who quit being a runner. With that, he clapped Chuck on the shoulder and walked away, effectively leaving Chuck in our care.

Not that I minded — Chuck was a good kid.

"So, I know it might not look like much, but the gardens is really the place to be Chuck," I voiced, as I semi-quoted Newt from his efforts to cheer me up only a few minutes before. I threw a look in his direction and he smiled at me, as he knew that I had taken something away from our conversation after all.

"I'm really horrible at gardening. At least, I think I am," Chuck replied with a sceptical look on his face and I instantly felt bad for the kid. He was the youngest out of all of us, no family, no one to teach him right from wrong. It was a tragedy really, one that I was going to rectify.

"Listen, Chuck," I began as I knelt beside him. I rested a hand on his shoulder for good measure and reassurance. "You're not the only one that doesn't remember their family, or what happened before the maze. I know it's scary. I've been here over a long time, and I'm still scared. But you're not alone here. None of us are truly alone, because you, you have me," I voiced, a small smile on my lips. I hated it when people didn't feel as if they belonged, which is why I had now made it my personal goal, to keep everyone safe and happy. A family.

"You have me as well," I heard Newt's voice and I looked up to see him down on the ground in front of Chuck and myself. I smiled thoughtfully at him and he sent a smile back in my direction. It had been a long time, but I was actually starting to feel like being cooped up in this maze wasn't so bad after all.

Newt and I had spent roughly a half hour with Chuck, explaining the ropes of the gardens and how the Glade functioned around the vegetables that were prepared here. However, our time shortly came to an end when Alby walked back up to us, to whisk Chuck away to yet another job. I watched after him and smiled sadly. He was so young and now he was forced to participate in something that was bigger than any of us. I felt for him, I really did.

As lunch rolled in, I found myself staring at the walls as I chewed on some fruit while Newt and I sat on the grass by the gardens. Newt must've noticed where I was staring, because he cleared his throat before he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"You know, when you first came up in that box, all I could think about was getting to know you. You're the only girl that's come up from that damned thing, and I don't think any of us knew exactly what to think. Alby pulled me aside and said he didn't want any of the guys to get too close to you, because you're the only girl and he didn't want anyone to get distracted. He tasked me with keeping an eye on the others to make sure they weren't hitting on you or getting up to no good." He smiled slightly as he brushed some hair from my face.

"But it happens to turn out that I ended up falling for you. I don't think Alby was very surprised, he wasn't entirely thrilled when I told him we were together, because he doesn't want our conflicts to impact everyone else, but I think he was also happy. Happy that something good came from this damn place..." he trailed off, glancing down at his shucked leg. I knew it still bugged him everyday, not only the pain, but also the memory behind it. "I know you're not happy about the decision we all made. I just wanted you to know that none of us wanted to come to that conclusion, but it was the only way to ensure your safety, and love, that's all that matters to me."

I looked over at newt for a moment, pondering his words. "When I went back into the maze," I sighed, a thoughtful, but sad expression on my face. "I felt fine, like finally after so long of being afraid I was facing my fears. Minho and I got pretty far into the maze before I started to feel off. It wasn't the same as before... hell we were on our way back by the time I started seeing- whatever that was. Seeing those, those things made me realize that just because being a runner made me feel free, doesn't mean it'll stay that way. Maybe working in the glade will be fine for me... I mean, Jeff and Clint have already made sure that they can have my help whenever they need it, and I get to work with you everyday, so I can't complain about that..." I trailed off, the small smile on my face fading as I looked at the ground, grabbing at the grass with my fingers. "Maybe one day things will be different, but for now, working in the glade is my job. Helping you in the gardens is my job. It's out of my control now. Yes, I'm not happy with the decision you guys made, but I understand why. I'm not angry, Newt, or upset, especially not with you. I love you."


The bonfire had been postponed until this evening since the whole incident in the maze — my incident in the maze. I appreciated that Alby didn't want me to miss out, Hell, he probably wanted to wait so I could have some sort of fun.

Alby was always like the older brother I never had — at least think I didn't have, who knows for sure.

As much as I tried to be around the Greenie — who had finally remembered his name : Chuck — I mainly ended up on my own by the fire. Minho was with the other runners, and as much as I missed him, I couldn't muster up enough courage to go over to him, and Newt was talking with Frypan. Gally was fighting with the other boys in the ring — beating everyone as always. Show off.

Which then left me alone.

I didn't mind being alone for the most part — but every time my mind wondered to the maze, my eyes did too. Staring at the gigantic walls, trying my best not to pity myself. There was nothing I could do to change the outcome.

I don't know what's worse, knowing the guys think I'm weak, or knowing that I am weak.

I hummed softly as I gazed over at the circle of boys fighting across from the fire pit.

"C'mon, shebean!" Gally yelled at me enthusiastically, "This Shank is gonna be weeping all the way back to the homestead."

My walk was fast, and calculated as I walked up to Gally until I was a foot away. I look at Chuck who looked terrified.

"Hey, go stand with Newt, Chuck." I ruffled his curly hair as he walked away, giving him a smile before whipping back to Gally, glaring at the boy who was laughing.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, Gally?" I growled, anger fueling me, although I couldn't help but feel a little giddy, I knew in the end these were all jokes but that didn't change the fact that Gally was acting like an ass.

"Show me who then, little Shebean."

I rolled my eyes, taking a step back, lifting my fists up. I could hear the boys laugh around me, Gally raising his eyebrows.

Gally let out a loud laugh, taking a step towards me. "Who, you?"

"What, afraid you'll lose to a girl, Gally?" I smirked.

Gally and I got a few punches in on each other, and we both shoved each other a few times. I managed to nearly shove him out of the circle, but Gally flipped me over, making me tumble.

I groaned as I fell to the ground, scurrying to get back on my feet. I pushed Gally hard, though I only made him stagger a little bit. He laughed, "Sorry Tash, you don't stand a chanc-"

While he was boasting, my brain was working fast trying to find a way to make him lose. I was at the edge of the circle now, Gally on the other side slowly walking towards me. I ran to him, letting myself skid along the ground, efficiently knocking Gally's legs onto the ground. In a swift motion I was on him, pushing his face into the ground as I held one of his arm back.

After a while, Gally let out a groan.

"What was that, Gally?" I smirked.

"FINE, OKAY!" He tapped the ground three times, signalling he was out. "YOU WIN!"

I let out a laugh as I got off of him, the boys around us roaring with laughter and applaud. I curtsied, looking back at Gally who had a slightly smile on his face as he rubbed his chin. "Not bad, Shebean."

I smiled smugly at him, walking through the crowd of boys to Newt, who was sitting against the tree. My eyes scanned for Chuck, but I didn't see him. "Darling, Where's Chuck?"

Newt smiled as I sat beside him, wrapping an arm around my waist. "He went to the homestead with Alby. Congrats, by the way."

I grinned at him, kissing his cheek before resting my head against his shoulder. "It felt so good to kick his ass. I've been wanting to do that for — well, ever since I came up in the shucking box."

"I think all of us have been wanting to kick his arse since he got here." Newt admitted with a smirk.

I chuckled, "You're probably right. How was Chuck, though?"

Newt hummed, "Well, he was certainly happy when you beat Gally."

My smile slowly faded as my eyes scanned the glade, eventually falling onto the walls. Newt clearly followed my glance because he gripped onto my waist tightly, pulling me as close as was humanly possible. "I love you."

I looked away from the walls, smiling up at him. "I love you too, Newt."

Newt leaned down, pressing his lips softly against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging on his hair slightly. Newt grinned against my lips, pulling away to gaze into my eyes.

"What?" I asked him quietly as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"You're beautiful. You know that, Tash?"

I rolled my eyes for a moment before leaning up and giving Newt a small peck on the lips. "Thank you, darling. C'mon, we better get to bed before Alby finds us." I smirked knowingly as we trailed off into the forest, ignoring the entire world and focussing only on us.


Weeks had passed since my last incident in the maze. Most days I spent with Newt in the gardens planting more fruits and vegetables so everyone could enjoy. On the days where people got injured, Jeff and Clint would call me over if they needed an extra set of hands. Neither jobs were my favorite, both I was fine at, but both I found little joy in. Spending time with Newt made everything worth it, but there was a part of me that couldn't help but glance over at the maze everyday Minho ran into it with Ben and when they came back.

Luckily, Chuck also helped ease my nerves. He would always sit with Newt and I during lunch and dinner. He really was a sweet kid, very young but also smart. Whoever sent a kid like that into a hellhole like this sure needed their ass kicked.

I was happily surprised when at dinner Minho sat across from me.

"Hey Shebean! How're the gardens treating you?"

I grinned at Minho as I took a bite of broccoli, "Oh, you mean besides spending all my time with this Shank?" I giggled as I patted Newt on the shoulder. "It's good! I finally figured out the proper way to tie a knot that won't budge! So that was pretty cool."

"Sounds boring," Minho faked a yawn, a smirk on his face. "How often do you two sneak off?"

Newt choked on his drink trying to suppress his smirk and laughter, while I rolled my eyes. "We, like, never do that!"

"YES YOU DO!" Zart yelled from the other end of the kitchens.

"Shut up, Zart!" I yelled back as the rest of the boys roared with laughter.

"Aaaaaaanyways," Minho drawled out, smirking once more as he began to gossip.


Minho and I ended up being the last to head to bed, having long conversations about nothing and everything.

As we walked towards the homestead Minho grabbed my arm, causing me to turn towards him, raising my eyebrows at him.

"I miss you, y'know... not that I like admitting it, but I do. You're my best friend, Shebean." Minho let go of my arm and ruffled my hair, a small smile on his face.

"Awe, Min, I didn't know you cared so much," I giggled softly, "You're my best friend, Min Min," Minho cringed at my childish nickname for him, "and for the record miss you too." I said with complete honesty, looking towards the maze. "I miss spending so much time with you... I love spending time with Newt, don't get me wrong, but you're like my brother and I was so used to —" I cut myself off, shaking my head. "It doesn't matter. Thank you for this evening, it was nice to forget for a while and enjoy myself completely."

Minho smiled, giving me a small hug. "I'll see you tomorrow, Tash."