A/N 1 - HELLO EVERYONE! *Waits for muffled responses in the back.* Alright, now that we are all here, I would like to thank you all for joining me today in this awesome place that we all like to come and worship the people we worship... now that I think of it, Fanfiction is a place of worship. WE are all part of a cult.

Anyways. Quite a few things have change since the last time I posted anything.

1) I am now 17. (That's a legal drinking age somewhere right?)

2)I have made a best friend on this site. Her name is Belle.0416. She is an incredible writer and you all should check it out.

3) I changed up my profile a bit, listing works I am in the middle of writing via prompts I have gotten from SO many people. If you have a prompt, don't be afraid to ask me to write it. I will write mostly anything, and I enjoy doing so.

4) I NOW HAVE A BETA! (*Squeels in excitement*) If you don't know who Journalism13 is, you're wrong. Seriously, she is amazing and has been incredibly helpful, but it does not mean that she automatically at fault for any typos that should not be in this particular piece of writing. If you do have a complaint, lemme hear it, because it's always good to know.

Now how about the premiere?! I am so excited for this season, and if you want to know why, let me know and I will PM you my reasonings, and you can PM me a prompt? Yea? Cool.

Anyways, time for me to get back to work, so here's to all my lovely readers, and shall this multi chaptered piece of fictionb e a fun one!

DISCLAIMER/WARNING - I am not a doctor, so anything that sounds medically inaccurate probably is, so just take it lightly. If you knwo how to fix a specific problem, let me know, and I will see what we can do. And I still don't own the show. It sucks, I know.



The knife grazed Halsteads left shoulder.

He cried out in anger more than pain as he continued to try and avoid all the thrusts the knife wielding, maniacal drug dealer was throwing at him. He swerved right once again as the man came at him missing his body entirely this time. Halstead had no way of fighting back because Halsteads gun had been thrown in the beginning of the fight and had disappeared into some dark and decrepit corner in the dark and dingy room.

The same room that was part of an even darker and more decrepit apartment building.

It had been a quiet week at the office.

The team hadn't received any cases to keep themselves busy, so when the department needed a few extra warm bodies to help with a simple drug bust, Jay and Erin had jumped at the chance, leaving the rest of the team to twiddle their thumbs and such.

The plan had been to send in Jay and Erin undercover as a couple of junkies looking for a hook up, and when the duo decided that this may or may not have been the real deal, they would send a secret code word through the nearly invisible microphones attached to their waistbands. But the moment the 'bad men' had caught a peek at the bullet proof vest under Erin's shirt, the plan had been blown to shit, and Jay rushed the guy about to kill Erin, sending both of them crashing into the house.

Now here Jay was, fighting some drug lord hyped up on whatever he was selling, and Erin was in another room of the house, probably dealing with the same problems. The rest of the department was most likely still trying to get to the top floor of the apartment building.

Halstead though, was too busy to worry about anyone else as the man continued to try and impale him. He thought of what little protection he had. He had his vest, and that was it, but the serrated hunting knife with the eight inch blade left his vest pretty much useless.

But it wasn't like a knife, it was more like machete.

Halstead wasn't able to quite comprehend what had happened next. One moment he was avoiding most of the strikes thrown at him, the next, he was grabbed from behind by strong and beefy arms. The arms grabbed Jay's neck with their elbow and the other hand rested on his head, effectively cutting off the air to his body. The arms squeezed tighter, and no matter how hard he fought against it, Halstead couldn't get out of the grip.

As the seconds ticked by, Halstead's oxygen deprived brain slowly made him grow weaker. He was unsure why, but suddenly his body felt lighter and he heard something hit the floor. Black spots started to fill his unfocused vision and he had stopped fighting altogether when the arms stopped squeezing and Jay could finally pull air into his body. He gasped heavily as the man behind him grabbed his arms and held him upright. Jay was left to stare at the man across from him as he held the knife up and twiddled it in his fingers.

"Officer, you have made a big mistake. One you won't be making any time soon."

It took Halstead a moment to place meaning to the words, but at that point, it was too late. With one last thrust, the man shoved the knife deep into Jay's body, sending jets of pain throughout his entire being. The gasping grew to new heights as the man twisted the knife with a grin attached to his face.

Jay looked away from the man and instead looked to the door where his partner was being dragged in, newly formed bruises ringed around her right eye and around the hinge of her jaw. She continued to struggle with her captors until she herself caught sight of her partner. Her breath caught and she went still as she looked down at the knife protruding from Jay's body.

Jay then allowed himself to look down at the knife. The first thing he saw was his vest lying haphazardly on the floor a few feet from him. The only form of protection he had, and it was ripped from him. He continued to look farther down until his eyes caught sight of the blades handle.

The knife rested in his abdomen but the blood that he expected was minimal as the knife itself staunched the flow. The hand of the man left the knife handle and Jay allowed himself to look up again at his partners still shocked face.

The man looked at Erin and nodded to his men to let her go. Erin stumbled a bit but straightened up and looked to the man with a glare in her eyes. "What the hell do you want?" Erin asked.

"Radio your back up. Tell them this word for word and you can attempt to save the man you arrived with. Do you understand?" The man asked. To make a point, the man holding Jay up nudged his back, jostling the knife and making Jay cry out weakly.

Erin bit her lip, and then nodded begrudgingly. "Fine."

"Tell them this is a hostage situation. Tell them that one officer is already in the land of the dying, and will soon be dead. If they don't give me what I want, then they will not just loose one officer today, they will lose two." The man smiled proudly at his words then waved his hand, signaling the man behind Erin to push her forward, and nudging Erin on. Erin repeated what he had said into her microphone apparently, but as soon as she said it, the man behind Halstead allowed Halstead to drop.
Halstead landed flat on his front, and Erin could see the very tip of the blade sticking through his back as he cried out in agony. Erin rushed forward and flipped him over quickly as the four drug dealers met on the other side of the room.

Jays eyes were closed tightly and his lips were taught in pain. He cracked them open as he felt soft, cool hands on his face. "Missing the boring yet?" He gasped out.

"Shut up." Erin muttered as she got to work.

123123123123123123123123123123123123 CHICAGO PD 123123123123123123123123

Antonio threw another wad of paper work that he was supposed to be working into the trash, and sighed as he once again missed. He hadn't seen much movement at all in Voight's office and only assumed that he was sleeping along with Olinksy. Dawson shrugged Adam on as he threw a wad of paper towards the trash from his own desk. With a slight ping, it sailed in.

"124 for Adam, 83 for Antonio. Ok, so, this is no fun, remind me again why we couldn't serve as back up for Erin and Jay?" Adam commented as he sighed and slammed his head onto his desk.

"Because of the amount of back up they already have, two more would be over kill." Antonio grumbled as he too got out his phone and looked for something to do. He heard the phone in Voight's office ring as he looked through his email once again.

Almost moments later, Voight was rushing out of his office and running down the stairs, only leaving a voice in the wind to direct the officers watching him rush away.

"Hurry up and vest up. We got a problem."


A/N 2 - AND CUT! Chapter one is done and chapter two is next! I hope you enjoy, and I can't wait to hear what you feel about it in the form of a review! Thanks, love you all!

Quick self promotion - in a few hours, I will be posting a one shot based on the 8th episode of season 1. Let me just warn you all that Jay Halstead could have gotten himself shot, and I have two separate one shot's to prove it.