Disclaimer: Don't own the characters. Only the plot is mine!

Title: Eyes in the Darkness

Summary: Human had triumphed against all the supernatural beings, or so they thought.


This story is set hundred years ago, at time of peace after human triumphed against supernatural creatures; a time where creatures lurking in the dark and coming out under the moonlight became a mere tale, the time when a child's nightmare was shoved under the bed or in the closet. But one little misfortune of a young lady at dawn, in the thick forest, will change the faith of humanity.

"Don't run, young lady" shouted the robber. Sakura was chased by robbers when she was searching herbs for her grandmother. "Hahh… Hahh…" Sakura was panting, tired from running. And to her dismay, her knees were brought down to earth as she stumbled on a tree root. Sakura fell to the ground. Her basket full of herbs and mushrooms was toss to the forest earth too, scattering the content around.

"You got nowhere to run, lady" said one of the robbers, as they surrounded Sakura. "Come with us" said the robber as he pulled at Sakura's arm. "No!" shouted Sakura and her voice echoed in the forest. Right at that moment, a shadow flashed pass the robbers and Sakura was released from the grasped, she fell to the ground again.

All she could saw was the shadow before all the robbers grunted in pain and dropped dead. Sakura's breath hitched in her chest as she could not believe what she just saw, she fainted.


Sakura woke up again from being unconscious that felt like hours. She was startled somehow as she was no longer in the forest but she was at the edge of her town. She got up woozily and made her way to the town. It was already dark. "What just happened?" she muttered to herself as she gave a quick glimpse into the darkness of the forest behind her.

The next day, Sakura went to the forest again, collecting herbs and mushrooms. She went to the place where she fainted and to her surprise, the robbers' bodies were nowhere to be seen, except for some dried blood on the ground. This time, she left something on the forest floor, some freshly baked bread. "Thank you, for saving me yesterday" she said. Her eyes wandered around the trees and bushes. She waited for some moment and then left with slight disappointment.

Another day Sakura went into the forest again, with some pie. She realized that her 'savior' had finished the bread, if it was not the forest animal. So, she left the pie inside a basket and left it there. "I really hope I can see you, at least once…" she said, looking around again, and then left.

She came again in the next few days. But this time, she was very disappointed. Deep inside, she felt that she will never meet the 'savior'. "I… I don't bring anything this time. I just wanted to see you" she said. Sakura waited for minutes in silent, looking around her, in hope that someone would appear.

Sakura felt disappointed, her lips curved in sadness. "Just once… please…" she muttered. Then she turned to walk away. And that was went she heard a rustle behind her. "Why are you so persistent?" said a voice. Sakura gasped and turned quickly at the voice.

A figure of a man was seen in the dark, behind the tree, among the bushes. Sakura's emerald eyes widened in awe as the most visible things that she saw was the eyes. The pair of eyes was glowing in the dark, red, blood red. "I… umm…" she gulped instinctively in sudden flushed of fear ran down her whole body. "I just wanna say… thank you" she said, unconsciously stepped a few steps forward.

The man nodded while stayed silent, responding negatively, stepping backward. "Please… I wanna see you..." pleaded Sakura, outstretching her arm, gesturing to the figure to not leave. She had this urge to see the man, mostly incited by his glowing red eyes. "Why are they red?" was all she could think of.

"Seeing me will do no good" said the man. Sakura pouted a little in disappointment. "You're… you're a vampire?" she muttered, glancing at the man. The man stayed still and silent. "Just once…" pleaded Sakura. Alas, the man stepped out in the open, showing his pale skin, that glistening under the sunlight. His eyes were narrowed from the sunray, and his hair was shining black reflecting the daylight.

Sakura gaped at the man. He is a very pretty creature indeed. And the fact that he was no ordinary man, made Sakura shuddered. She felt unreal as if her feet were not touching the ground. Her mind kept on telling her to run away. "You're... the prince? So, it's true…" muttered Sakura. The man's muscle twitched as he clenched his teeth as if her words did hurt him somewhere.

"And… you're not as bad as they say" said Sakura, sighing a little. The man's eyes narrowed more. "Now, go" he said, turning his back on Sakura. "W-wait! I just want to—" said Sakura and the man turned slightly towards her, "I want to know why'd you save me that day?" she asked.

"Your cape… it's red. So obvious…" he muttered and as he stepped away, a twig snapped from afar. The man wildly looked around and in a flash; he flickered in front of Sakura. "Urgh…" Sakura gasped in slight pain as the man held her arm strongly, while his other hand was pressing against her neck. Sakura's green eyes were glimmering in lone tears that started to puddle in fear.

"Who comes with you?" asked the man in a voice so firm yet so intimidating. Sakura believe that she could die only by listening to his voice, telling her to drop dead. And his eyes, pierced intensely into Sakura's, seeming that it could see all the way through to her soul. "I… I don't know…" she said in fear.

And yes, he was right. Tens of men, apparently the villagers were now surrounding them, with weapons. Sakura was wide eyes, looking at each one of them. "Sakura-chan, thanks to you… we could draw this bastard creature out!" said one of the men, seems to be the leader, as he ended in a cracked laugh. "We've been tailing you each time you're coming here… you're so suspicious, leaving food on the forest floor, young lady" he said.

Sakura was breathing hard, thinking of her own careless mistakes. The hold on her neck was tightened. "It has been years since we started to hunt you down… vampire prince" said one of the villagers. Sakura eyed the vampire. "Please… run…" she said in between her hard breathing.

The vampire looked at her and at the moment, the villagers yelled and charged at them. Only then, Sakura's knees suddenly gave up on her, she fell to the ground. She coughed a little as air rushed into her lungs. For some moment she was still on her knees, with her hand touching her neck. And when she tilted her head up, no one was in sight.

Sakura looked around her and the men at the back was all gaping widely before a shadow moved in front of them, making them dropped to the ground unconscious. Then the vampire stopped, looking at Sakura. "Now, just go…" said the vampire, "…before I change my mind".

Sakura forced herself to leave the ground; she stood with her legs still shaking, from immense fear. "Go…" he said, firmly.

A/N: Revised chapter! The vampire is Sasuke, to make it clear. So, I've completed the cycle, as in the previous chapter, Naruto is a werewolf king and in this chapter, Sasuke is the vampire prince. Yeah, so that's it!