I do not own Hetalia but I do own . . . a cat. Yep. Oh and Yuki. Her too. XD

"No you're cuter."

"No you are."

"No dude, you are seriously so fucking cute."

"Alfie! You're embarrassing me!"

"Sorry Yu. I can't help that you're so cute!"

"No but you can stop being one of those annoying couples you used to make fun of." Arthur grumbled for the millionth time. Honestly two days together and they were already so sweet it could give a person cavities. As a matter of fact he should schedule them an appointment. With all this 'cute' talk, he was sure both of them would need fillings.

Arthur was less than enthused with Alfred's new relationship, to say the least. In all the time he'd known Alfred, the taller blonde had never acted this way.

"Ohmygosh! Al there's someone else in the room!"

"Aaarrrrrtiiieee!" Alfred whined at the other who didn't even spare a glance up from one of Alfred's various manga.

He wasn't actually reading though. How could he with the obnoxious sounds of puppy love in the background. Yes he would admit to reading more romance novels than was normal for a boy his age, but it never made him feel sick. This, made him feel sick. Arthur felt guilty that he couldn't even be happy for his friend.

"You scared her away!"

"Oh for heavens sake Alfred. What is she a baby deer?" Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Why do you hate Yuki?" Alfred asked, staring accusingly.

"I don't even know the lass! How could I possibly hate her?" Arthur questioned. He gave Alfred a look before turning away again.

"Dude! She's really nice okay. Maybe you guys should meet?"

Arthur responded with a click of his tongue as he turned the page. No he wasn't reading, but he was trying to make it seem like he was.

"No seriously. I know the problem now! We can eat lunch together or something! I know you'll definitely like her, Mattie totally does." Alfred formulated a plan, excitement showing in his baby-blues.

"I guess we can." Arthur sighed lightly. Suppose she turned out to be nice; he'd feel extremely guilty for hating her at the moment. A talk could help them work through their problems.

"Coolios! I'm gonna' call her back up." Alfred called scrambling over the bed to get to the phone. "Hey Yu, it's me. Haha yeah sorry it was just Artie. Awe that's cute. . ."

With that Arthur rolled his eyes again, and set the book down on the bed. He slipped off of the soft surface and onto the carpet. He shuffled lethargically towards the door, slipping on his converse. He knew they were his and not Alfred's because he happened to wear size 8.5, while the other's was a larger size 11.

"I'm going out." He called, looking up at Alfred who was laughing and completely ignoring the shorter teen.

He stepped outside, raising an arm and squinting at the sudden bright light. Turning to the right he walked two doors down, room number 8. There was a giant smiley face painted on the door with spray paint, made to look like the same symbol used by the band Blink-182. The arrows pointed to a sign that said Beilschmidt/Fernandez-Carriedo.

He'd been meaning to ask if the picture had been put there by some vandalizing teen they didn't know, or if Gilbert had been the vandalizing teen and done it himself. Arthur wouldn't put it behind the albino to do such a thing. He raised his hand to knock, but ended up falling through the air in front of a surprised Spaniard.

"Ah, hola amigo. Que tal? You know you don't have to knock right? We're friends!" The other smiled happily after the initial surprise. "Just come right in whenever you want!"

"Er, right." Arthur fumbled, clearing his throat politely. "I'm fine. I just. . ."

"No need to explain. Come in!" Antonio rushed out, moving out of the way to usher the other into the room.

The room was a similar set up to the one Arthur stayed in but it was slightly bigger, the walls were switched, and there were two beds compared to the one. The color scheme was blue, unlike the dark red in the other room. It was fairly clean besides the pile of clothes as tall as Arthur himself right against the wall.

"Haha! We've been meaning to do the laundry soon." Antonio laughed as they walked into the kitchen area.

"Oh hello." Arthur said pausing before the people there. At the table a strange girl sat with Gilbert and Matthew.

She had a pretty face, and long caramel colored hair, with side bangs that were held out of her face with a flower hair clip. She wore a flowing white sun dress and a pair of pink sandals that matched her hair clip. Her green eyes did a once over on Arthur as her smile died.

"Get the chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk! Stat!" She said seriously to Gilbert who, surprisingly, listened without argument. The girl had a strong European accent. She jumped up and pulled a stunned Arthur into a comforting embrace.

She led him to one of the beds and sat them down just as Gilbert brought in the cookies. Matthew followed quickly behind with the milk. They were suddenly shoved at the confused Brit. The other occupants of the room crowded around him on the bed and some foldout chairs, watching expectantly.

"What-" Arthur began, but was interrupted.

"Don't talk. You're not ready yet!" The girl said dramatically. "Eat a cookie Arthur."

"How do yo-"

"Just eat a damn cookie before she shoves it down your throat!" Gilbert interjected impatiently.

Arthur, with much confusion and trepidation, picked up one of the homemade treats and brought it to his mouth. He took a small trial bite. After deciding it wasn't bad, he finished it up and took the milk from Matthew with a small thank you.

"Ok. Now tell us everything." The girl gave approval for conversation.

"Who are you?" Arthur asked raising a brow at the girl in question.

"Oh right! Elizaveta, but you can call me Eliza, or Liz. . . or Eli."

"Or Cow!" Gilbert added as he swiped a cookie from the tray. He received a swift smack to the head.

"Don't worry. I've heard all about you trust me." Elizaveta continued.

"I'm not quite sure what exactly you want me to say. Also, I'm confused as to the need to force these onto me." Arthur replied, gesturing half-heartedly to the plate.

"You're heart broken!" She exclaimed. The girl gave him a look as if to say 'isn't it obvious?'.

"What?" Arthur questioned looking around at everyone else.

"It's Al." Matthew clarified when no one else responded.

"Alfred?" Arthur asked again. He was starting to regret visiting. A headache was beginning to form from the confusion.

"Come on kid. Quit playing." Gilbert rolled his eyes as he balanced on the back legs of the chair, kicking his sockless feet up on the bed.

"It is kind of obvious." Antonio added with a nod.

"What's obvious? I must be missing something." Arthur put a hand to his head feeling the pounding in his temples intensify. They were nuts. The whole lot of them.

"It's okay you don't have to pretend." Matthew said as he put a hand on the Brit's shoulder.

"You're totally in love with him!" Elizaveta clapped her hands once.

"What! I'm NOT in love with Alfred! We're friends. Best friends. That's all."

"Then how would you explain your raging jealousy fo-"

"I'm not jealous!" Arthur interrupted the girl's sentence. "I'm not, honestly. Yeah, maybe I'm a little upset, but I'm not jealous."

"De Nile's not just a river in Canada!"

"Gil. . . The Nile's in Egypt. . ." Matthew facepalmed next to the albino.

"We'll drop it for now but don't think I'm going to forget this!" Elizaveta said pointing a finger at Arthur.

She was strange. Elizaveta just inserted herself into Arthur's business like she'd been his friend for years. Yet, she was comforting, and mildly annoying like an older sister might be.

"But, if you're not jealous, then why did you look so down when you came here?" Antonio asked with a tiny frown on his face.

"I wasn't." Arthur denied crossing his arms defensively.

"De Nile!" Gilbert stage whispered into Matthew's ear, purposefully letting everyone hear what he'd said.

"No I swear it. How many times must I repeat myself before you get it through your thick neanderthal skulls."

"Okay one, that is really hurtful and I resent you for grouping me with these idiots," Elizaveta pouted, gesturing to Gilbert and Antonio to indicate who the idiots were. "and two, I watched you ok. I saw your facial expression when you walked into the kitchen. Even if you aren't jealous, you're upset. . . and you miss your best friend. I know the perfect solution!"

"What?" Arthur asked, as he furrowed his brows in sort of half scowl, half questioning manner.

"We're going to help you win Alfred back!" Antonio cheered as he smiled widely at Arthur.

"You're going to help me. . . get my best friend back?" Arthur questioned. He was grateful to hear that they cared so much about his happiness.

"You obviously care for Al a lot." Matthew smiled at Arthur gently.

"Und the kid doesn't realize how awesome of a friend you are. Which is really unawesome of him." Gilbert added matter-of-factly.

"Alright what are you guys scheming?" Arthur crossed his arms leaning back against the headboard. Gilbert swiped another cookie and chugged the glass of milk contently.

"So you'll let us help you?!" Elizaveta gasped happily. She pulled Arthur's arms from their crossed position and held his hands in hers. Arthur was forced to lean forward towards the excited brunette.

"Well. I mean, I suppose it couldn't hurt." Arthur mumbled with a shrug of his shoulders. His face started to flush as he pulled his hands away gently and sat back again. He angled his head downward letting his hair fall into his face and helping to hide his reddened cheeks. He glanced up through his fringe at the group almost shyly.

"We need an expert!" Antonio cried, a very mischievous grin plastered across his friendly face.

Someone who would help no matter what!" Elizaveta chimed in, her features matching that of the tanned Spaniard's.

"Oh. . . do you mean-" Matthew made a startled noise as Gilberts pale hand clamped over his mouth, effectively cutting off the quiet blonde's revelation.

"A love expert!" Gilbert confirmed nodding his head in a knowing way.

Arthur, dumbfounded and slightly terrified could only sit as the others started planning. For what exactly? He couldn't say, but he was scared to figure it out.

Ding. Dong.

Everyone in the room turned towards the door expectantly. The day had flown by quickly and it was now a little past midnight.

Arthur had chosen to stay with the others in hopes of finding an answer to his confusion. So far it's only managed to make the problem more so.

"I bet it's Kiku! There's no was hecould get here this fast!" Elizaveta said happily, jumping up from their little circle and bounding towards the door. She opened it only the tiniest crack and stuck her head out to talk.

Arthur craned his neck to try and see who it was, but Elizaveta blocked his view. The person, though not close enough for them to make out the words, was obviously frantic and upset.

After a wave goodbye, Eliza closed the door and puffed out her cheeks. She carefully walked towards the group in a forced slump, as if she was trying to seem nonchalant.

"Who was it?" Gilbert sighed as he swung himself over the side of one of the beds to hang upside down.

"Oh. . . you know." She drawled noncommittally. "Just Frnfr." Her voice was muffled as she shoved her face into a pillow.

"Who was it?" Matthew asked, flicking a balled up gum wrapper at Gilbert, who stuck his tongue out as a response.

"You know. Blonde. Blue eyes. Afrd." She shrugged not looking anyone in the eye and shoving a handful of microwavable popcorn in her mouth.

"Alfred." Arthur whispered his eye widened. "He's probably worried sick. I've been gone all day!" Arthur shot up from his seat next to Antonio on one of the beds.

"Wait! Arthur you can't leave!" Antonio called pulling the smaller teen onto the bed again.

"Bloody hell. Why not?" Arthur argued standing up again.

"You have to at least wait fo-" Eliza started but was cut off by the voice by the door.

"Bonjour! The love expert has arrived!" Arthur, startled, looked up into the doorway of the room where his nightmares became a reality. Francis Bonnefoy, stood there confidently, hand on his hip and head cocked in an easy-going manner. His shoulder length blonde locks were pulled back into a short ponytail and held by a silky ribbon that matched his outfit perfectly.

"F-Francis?" Arthur asked in complete bewilderment.

"Duh, who else could look as fabulous as moi after a flight from France to America?" Francis laughed easily flipping his hair. He pulled two velvet purple suitcases with a matching carry-on bag, closing the door behind him.

As the occupants in the room finally realized the situation, both Gilbert and Antonio dropped what they were doing and ran towards the Frenchman enthusiastically. Calls of "Franny!" were heard from the two who tackled their laughing friend in a giant group hug. Honestly it reminded Arthur of a toddler whose mother had just returned from work.

"Francis I've missed you!" Elizaveta cried affectionately. She wiggled her way into the group hug earning a round of rowdy cheers from the three boys.

"Um. . . so that's Francis?" The quiet whisper of Matthew's voice sounded to Arthur's right.

Arthur's response was a brisk nod and a side glance to let the other know he'd been listening.

"He's very. . ." Matthew stopped, scrunching up his nose in thought. "French." He breathed out, causing Arthur to chuckle as he joined in with his own quiet giggles.

"Oui, and everyone loves it, non?" Francis responded as he made his way toward the pair still by the beds.

"Frog." Arthur regarded the other, arms crossed and a brow raised in a sort of arrogant and condescending pose. His words, though insulting, were spoken with a familiar sort of joking tone.

"Eyebrows." Francis smirked, walking closer, his arms open invitingly. "And Mathieu! It's nice to meet you."

"Hello Francis." Matthew smiled, holding his hand out for the other to shake. Francis, much to Matthew's surprise, declined the handshake and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm more of the hugging type." Francis explained as he pulled away from Matthew.

"I'd watch it if I were you. He has a habit of grabbing people's arses." Arthur commented, to which Francis just laughed it off.

"So. . . love expert," Eliza winked mischievously and walked towards the three blondes. "What exactly do you have in mind?"

"Al what's wrong?"

"Arthur's missing!"

The distraught blonde had searched all of the usual places for his cranky British friend to no avail. He couldn't be seen at the market or the library, he wasn't at his favorite cafe or the park. He wasn't even hanging out with their neighbors and mutual friends.

So after all of the places he could possibly be had been searched, Alfred panicked and called the first person he could think of, Yuki.

After a jumbled and confusing 5 minute phone call, they had agreed to meet at the restaurant.

Alfred watched all of the faces that passed him, searching for the familiar features of his roommate. This guy had blonde hair. That girl's eyes were similar to the shade of green the Brit had. That baby had particularly thick eyebrows. Alfred realized how ridiculous his mind sounded, after thinking he'd find Arthur riding in a stroller pushed by some random woman he'd never met.

"Alf!" A high pitched voice called from somewhere to his right. The American spun around, searching for the voices owner.

"Hi Yuki!" He greeted loudly though, noticeably less cheerfully as usual.

"What's the problem I didn't understand a thing you said!" The girl shook her head. "Is everything ok? Are you hurt?"

"No no. I'm not hurt but I think Artie is!" Alfred wailed miserably. He wasn't crying but by the looks of it he was pretty close. His cheeks were red and his eyes wide, as a slight wetness gathered in the corners of his eyes.

"What makes you think that?" Yuki questioned the distressed boy with her own worried look.

"He disappeared! Like one minute he's sitting on our bed reading, then I look back and he's gone! It's been all day since he left. He didn't even call to ask if I'd had lunch. Yuki, he always makes sure I eat. Always!" Alfred explained as he paced the sidewalk and pulled at his hair in frustration.

"Wait. . . you guys share a bed?" She asked giving Alfred a confused look.

"Well. . . yeah. But that's not the point here! He's probably in a lot of trouble or something!" Alfred stumbled over his words trying to get his point across to her.

"That's a little weird. Don't you think?" She asked tipping her head to the side and giggling.

"Yeah because he didn't leave a note or anything!"

"Not that silly." Yuki said sticking her tongue out playfully. "I meant the fact that you guys. . . two straight teenage boys. . . are sharing a bed. Plus why do you even live with your friend? Doesn't he have parents too. I'm sure it must be inconvenient for your mom and dad." Yuki nodded thoughtfully as she spoke.

Alfred quickly remembered that he hadn't yet told her about their. . . situation.

"I-I, I guess." Alfred shrugged it off and furrowed his brows. "But I really called you so you could help me look for him!" Alfred pleaded giving Yuki his best 'puppy-eyed' pout.

"Can't you just leave that up to your parents?" She frowned.

"They, uh. . . they're on a business trip?" He tried not looking the girl in the eye.

"Oh. Well he's seventeen right?" She asked, receiving a nod of confirmation. "Then he can take care of himself."

"That's the thing though. He doesn't. Arthur would take care of a random stranger before he took care of himself! He always says he does things for his own benefit but he's like a little mother hen. He doesn't even know how to care for himself, no matter how much he says he does. Sure he can handle money well, but other than that he wouldn't make it on his own.

He'll make lists of things to do and buy but then misplace them. He forgets he's making food and burns everything which is like a serious health hazard as well as potentially dangerous because it could start a fire! He's tough in a sense, but he couldn't protect himself if it really mattered." Alfred rambled, getting more emotional as he went on.

What if Arthur was kidnapped? Or worse, abducted by aliens! Would they probe him? Alfred could see it now; poor helpless arthur strapped to a table being cut open and dissected by a bunch of slimy space freaks with three eyes and four arms!

"You must really care for him a lot." Yuki commented smiling warmly.

"Well yeah. He's my best friend." Alfred retorted. Practically like my brother. But. . . that was too weird. Alfred didn't say it.

"But do you think as a best friend he would appreciate your demeanor?" Yuki questioned a serious tone entering her voice. Her sweet smile turned wry. "Would he like you to call him weak? To say he was useless? That he can't take care of himself? Do you think Arthur would want to be treated like a child?"

"What?" Alfred asked bewildered by the turn the conversation took.

"I think you need to stop worrying so much. You need to trust your friend. He's not a child Alfred, and neither are you. Respect his freedom. You don't need to know everything."

"I guess that sorta' makes sense." Alfred frowned biting the inside of his cheek.

"You're not a hero Alf, you're a teenager. Leave it at that." The words hit home harder than she might have expected. Alfred wanted nothing more than to be a hero, and for her to tell him these things so blatantly, well it hurt him a lot.

"Ok." He agreed. He sighed sadly trying to make the ache in his chest leave but even that couldn't clear it.

"Hey cheer up my little Alfie!" She said taking one of his arms and pulling him along. "Let's get an ice cream!" Her entire being switched from its serious look and back to the cheerful sweet character Alfred had first met.

"Sure Yu." He sighed, trudging beside her slowly. He really wasn't in the mood for ice cream. He just wanted to go home and curl up with Arthur. Arthur, who would run his nimble fingers through Alfred's hair. Who would mumble about fairytales or hum old sailor songs. Arthur who made his chest ache go away with one little lopsided smile.

Yuki beamed up at Alfred and he returned it with his own tired smile. It was forced, and that was evident. Though Yuki noticed, she didn't push it. She was just happy that she'd managed to get through to Alfred, and finally get him to shut up about that stupid Arthur. Alfred was dating her; which meant she was the only one he needed to worry about.

OOOHHHHH! So Yeah . . . look who's actually alive. I've just given up regular updates to be honest. :( I really don't even know why I put my stories up because really I'm a terrible schedule keeper. Look out for an update soon on my other story if you read that one as well!

Really I'd planned on having Japan enter the scene but it got really long and I liked the way that last part ended. Before when I had the Italy brother's was really just a small part. They don't play an extremely big role. Elizaveta and Kiku are important to the plot line though!

Anyways, sorry I can't say when the next update is but I hope you guys understand. I don't abandon my stories. Until next time kittens