Resonance (a Spirit: Stallion of The Cimarron fic)

Disc.: Dreamworks will always own this production of a very popular book series, and I will always own none of it…just fics like this one will always be mine, as well as any events hereinto the fic.

A/N: So, here's the end of this story…I know that no one wanted the fic to end here but it has to at some point, and I just wanna thank everyone again for staying so nice to the story and the characters written in the story and to all you naysayers out there shut the fuck up and go piss up a rope! Anyway, here we go, also the twist I promised you all will be in this chapter! Enjoy, everypony!

Ch.8- Reunion

The next few days were spent running through forests and over mountains, the two mates only stopping to rest at night until the dawn broke the darkness until it was time to recede. When the morning of the fourth day arrived, Spirit and Raineth were standing on a hilltop overlooking the small herd of roughly 20 or so horses.

The gold-bronze stallion threw his head back and let out a loud neigh of arrival, the other horses looking up to see their leader standing over them on a hill accompanied by another young stallion. They all began neighing happily as Spirit and the paint stallion began running in circles around them happily after coming down from the hill. The gold-bronze stallion looked over towards a lone mare and smiled at her lovingly, Raineth also looking over to see a beautiful Palamino mare walking towards them. He watched how the two of them interacted and wondered just who this mare was.

"Raineth, this is Esperanza…former leader of the Cimarron herd, and also my mother."

The paint stallion bowed to Esperanza respectfully, who told him to lift his head and smiled at him.

"You don't need to bow to me, young stallion…Spirit is the leader of the herd now, but you needn't be so subservient to him either. Spirit, who is this young stallion you've brought home to our herd?"

"Mother, this is Raineth…he's my mate, and will be keeping watch over the herd with me from this day forth."

Esperanza looked at them both and smiled at how happy they were as they shared a quick kiss, finally her son had found a mate to love him as they all ran off to find a grazing field, Spirit and his mate standing on a hill to watch the herd as the wind caressed their skin gently and the sky overhead was clear as water…nothing in their lives could be any more perfect.

(That night)

The herd was resting up from their running all over the massive open grasslands as Spirit watched them attentively when he heard the voice of his mate as he approached him.

"Spirit, can I talk to you?"

The gold-bronze stallion looked over at his mate, the moonlight making the patched of white on his body glow like dew on the grass after a rainstorm.

"Sure, what is it my love?"

"It's just…I want children, but we're both males so maybe we could find a surrogate for us?"

"If that's what you really want, then of course we'll find a (voice cracks and drops a few pitches) surrogate for us…Raineth, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Raineth looked at his male mate who was slowly transforming until he was now a mare, a dumbfounded expression on his face as he tried to find the best way to tell Spirit what'd just happened.

"Um, Spirit…have you always been so, uh, pretty?"

The stallion-turned-mare looked at the paint stallion like he was crazy and soon felt a slight tingling in his groin as it too was slowly changing to accommodate their hidden desires, the cock now a vagina and his walls now forming a uterus and womb to carry their child.

"What do you mean, Raineth?"

"Come with me and I'll show you."

The two horses walked to the nearby lake and Spirit looked at his reflection, which he could clearly see now that the moon was shining upon them…the stallion-turned-mare shrieking in surprise and nearly falling over onto 'her' ass as Raineth started laughing, Spirit shooting him a glare.

"This isn't funny, what's happened to me?!"

"Ok, ok, I think I have an idea of what could've happened but let me ask you a question…have you eaten anything strange recently?"

"No, not since this morning."

"Well, what about a few days ago?"

Spirit had to think back to a few days ago, but his mind came up blank…until he remembered the strangely colored fruit he'd eaten along with the apples that Little Creek had left for him, but that was roughly 4 days ago.

"Um, let me see…there was this strangely colored fruit I ate along some apples about 4 or 5 days ago, it was blue-green and looked like a small apple, but I didn't think anything of it."

"Wait, you said it was blue-green?"

"Yeah, why does the color matter?"

"Ah, I think I know what happened…Little Creek knew of my desire to have children but knew that my partner wouldn't be female, so he prayed to Uzazi Wa Kike*. She's the Lakota Fertility Goddess* and blesses same sex pairings with the ability to carry children, the apple you ate is what we call an Uzazi Matunda*, a Fertility Fruit*."

Spirit looked at his mate like he was joking, but from the seriousness in his eyes he knew right away that Raineth wasn't lying.

"You mean I'm gonna be stuck like this for the rest of my life?!"

"No, not your whole life…just long enough for you to carry a child to term and give birth, the fruit started altering your body on our journey home and completed the process tonight. After you have a baby, you'll turn back roughly a year after the child is born and able to eat solid food like grass and fruit."

"Just great, as if this couldn't get any weirder…hold on, if I'm the so-called female in the relationship, then that makes you the dominant?"

"Well yeah, after all you're the one who ate the fruit…but enough of this information, right now my love you're looking particularly beautiful, enough to make me wanna mate with you."

Ordinarily, Spirit would protest but when he caught the raw lust bubbling up in his mate's eyes he knew that Raineth wanted nothing more than to jump the stallion-turned mare and hump him into oblivion. Spirit smirked deviously at his mate and flicked his tail playfully at him before descending into the lake, the paint stallion following after him eagerly.

(Just so you guys know, this lemon scene is gonna be kinda awkward to write but I hope it satisfies you either way)

After sufficiently wettening themselves, Spirit and Rain emerged from the water to begin the mating process. Spirit showed off his waiting entrance that was ready to be filled, Raineth swallowing as he let instinct take over and mounted his mate, his long and hard cock penetrating the tight ring of muscle as Spirit let out a grunt of pain at being entered. He hadn't felt another male's cock inside him since the incident with Morgan years ago and that was painful in the worst way possible, but this felt good…he let out a small sound of pleasure as he felt his mate ram his hard cock deep into his body repeatedly until Raineth came hard inside of Spirit's body.

Spirit could feel their bond becoming stronger than ever before as he let his mate's seed slosh around inside his belly, the feeling of being full bringing a smile to his face as the two mates fell asleep after a few more rounds…Spirit was dreading how his mother would react to the whole situation, his heart praying that she would accept what Raineth had told him as the truth.

(363 days later)

After Raineth had told Esperanza what he'd told his mate, she admitted that it was definitely a lot to take in but she was happy regardless because the two males were gonna become parents and she'd be a grandmother. Raineth, however, was currently pacing around nervously for today was the day Spirit had gone into labor. A few months after they'd mated the two learned that the gold-bronze stallion-turned-mare was pregnant, elation immediately overcoming them as Raineth had nuzzled his mate's rounded and distend belly happily.

Right now though, Spirit was currently laying in the grass and letting out short breaths of pain through clenched teeth. He could feel the foals inside him moving towards the birth canal, his nostrils flaring out as he kept doing the breathing exercises that his mother and mate had helped him practice for when he'd go into labor.

It'd been 3 hours since he'd felt his water break and the babies trying to come out and see him, a whinny of pain escaping him as he finally managed to push one out, the foal landing in the grass softly as the afterbirth followed shortly. The next one came fairly quickly and landed next to the sibling but the third and final foal was by far the worst of all, the exertion tearing Spirit's insides every which way until with a final cry of pain and effort managed to get this foal out as well.

The three foals all turned to look at Spirit with blurred vision, the gold-bronze stallion-turned-mare smiling happily as he licked all three of them clean and got a good look at them. The first was a mare, she was a gold-white paint with black leggings and deep green eyes. The second was a stallion, pure black with chocolate brown eyes and a white mane and tail…the last was also a stallion but he was the runt of them. He looked a lot like Esperanza but had solid white leggings with a black mane and tail.

The foals finally felt their vision clear and they took in their mother, Spirit was happier than he could ever remember being in the longest time as he reached over and nuzzled his three children lovingly while giving them their names.

"My daughter, you shall be named Aila after your grandmother. My sons, your names will be Dash (nuzzles black foal) and Eclipse (nuzzles paint foal)…Raineth, come here and greet your children."

The paint stallion came over as soon as he was called and found himself falling even more in love with his mate now that they were a complete family, these foals were exactly what he'd wanted for so long…a loving mate, wonderful children, and a home to raise them in where they would all be safe to grow up happily.

(1 year later)

Spirit and Raineth were currently watching over the herd as their children played nearby, Dash was hiding from his brother and sister as they played hide and seek. Aila was looking for her hidden brother while Eclipse snuck up behind her, she didn't even know he was there until he nipped the end of her tail.

"Tag, I found you Aila!"

"No fair, Eclipse! You snuck up on me!"

"It is so fair, Aila…that's how the game is played!"

As the two foals started arguing, Raineth went down to mediate and the four of them including Dash, raced back up the hill to play. Spirit soon joined them and was frolicking through the field with them, his heart filling with joy as he knew that his life was definitely better now than it'd ever been before.

Guess it was good that he'd investigated that fire after all as he continued to play with his family, the sky above them as clear as the hope emanating from their hearts.


And that's the end, thank you all so much for reading and reviewing…a few things I wanna explain though before we say goodbye, it's about the whole fertility fruit/goddess concept. Both of those are 100% fictional, their names are actually Swahili and their translations were in the fic. I don't think the Lakota people have a fertility goddess, but I needed something to explain Spirit's pregnancy better and to help you wrap your heads around the idea. Anyway, thanks again for sticking around from start to finish…if you want a sequel, then ask and I may be able to cook one up to satisfy you, for now though this is the end- bye bye!